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Posts posted by Nazra

  1. Do i know you brown? have i done something to u? lolz


    Verbally abuses me, means she constantly usese the "f" word for no reason. I hate ppl who do that. Especially guyz.

    No one can swear around my enviroment. Or else :mad:


    warrior of light, wow.

    There are some habits you try to change but u lucky.


    I forgot to mention my fifteen year old brotha who plays enimen/tupac/all men music that abuse women, and uses offensive language. I try to teach him that is not good, and that he should be a gentlemen.


    Lexus, abaayo what happen? i think you forget to change your nickname or something.

    Did you not decide to leave this place? :confused:

    Talk about attention!


    I wonder if ppl who claim to leave this place publicy, actually leave? or forget to How sad! :(

  2. My family did not like this guy, and they conditioned me to finish my degree or else they will curse me if i decide to get married to this guy. That's besides the point, the reason they said that is cos they don't want me with this guy i love, they want me with this dude who is the same qabil as my mother who is nice,educated,religious which i cannot say the same for, the guy i am with.


    Bit confusing, and i am not going into it.


    However, me and this guy i have grown up with and known for a while likes me but i think he's just kool as a guy, he knows about my relationships and all. He always tells me to be with him and that i don't need to be in a fuss. So we made a formal agreement that: We would get married to each other if i was not married by the time i am 25. We swore on it. Freaky :eek: I don't know what i have got myself into. I trust him, and i know he would make a good hubby but their is no spark from my side.


    A friend of mine did that too, funny thing is she got married and he was out the picture. Which is okay.


    I call it, security smile.gif

  3. My older sista: Talks about qabil 24/7, she discriminates all tribes. She is racist. I couldn't imagine her being white. Also she verbally abuses us, for no reason (that could be, her trying to call your cell phone and there is no answer, she starts saying crazy stuff, it's scary walahi). Her language can be soooo offensive :mad: .


    My Younger Sista: She wears tight A$$ clothing. How does she do it???

    I love her style but her size of the clothing is just a big no no no. But now she is improving, she's gonna yell at me when she see's this.


    Other Sista: She is so brainy. I mean she is always reading books, from Jane Austen to whatever at age 14. Jeez, she always tells me these stories of books she reads i find it hard to listen. It's boring. She is a bookworm. When i try to listen to her stories, i start daydreaming and she questions me and i get it wrong and she says "u never listen". Then i feel bad :(

    But the trend continues. And she tries to have political/history conversations with me, and i always get it wrong. She's always right :mad: . But i love having her smart and young, she makes me proud. It would be nice if we could of had the same interest in most stuff.

    Ps to her: study hard gurl, love ya


    Half brotha's/Sista: all are overseas, so communication is little. I hate that. Good excuse for me to go to Europe though



    Thinking about it My brotha's are betta then my sista's for sure. i wonder why!


    Care to share, your siblings bad habits??? :D

  4. Sis, try , also include ur picture.


    This is not a dating website where u write poems and describe urslef.


    Having said that, maybe someone might be interested.


    I couldn't read after line 4.

  5. ^^^No nothing wrong with that.


    Most of you guyz made me feel unwanted. The fact that my BF cheated on me.


    I mean yeah i was in denail that time and still am, and when you are in denial it's so easy to blame things that are unworthy ie: ur best friend. (she's not even a human being).

    I blamed her cause i still wanted him.


    Today the tables are turned around... the Basta!d still calls me and talks about marriage.

    It is so annyoing. When u are with someone that long, marriage is the only thing you can discuss even if u broken up and still try to get back together.(i'm talking about him now and what he is trying to do)


    And she still expects me to be her best friend. Running after me, like a dog.


    Things do come back to haunt you. When his calls become non stop that i was getting persuaded i remembered what he did to me. And it hepled to reflect it in here smile.gif . Thanks guyz for making things easier ;) . I know He's sooooo not worth me. :D


    I wish i could block them from my life. Forever. They both want me.

    And they don't mean anything to me.


    Walahi, life is good. When you are the honest one.

  6. looooool, this is so funny.


    Sorry lazygurl... i don't want to make you jealous. But walahi i love mujahid too. :D

    We had this silent crush. The funny thing is he broke it and private message me FIRST smile.gif .

    We would of made such a great couple :( .

    My mum would have soooo approved of him smile.gif . I am mad at him for leaving this place.

    Message to mujahid: hi, and sorry for saying that. I KNOW U ARE MARRIED BY NOW :mad: .

    No guys, i never had a r/ship with him, hell i've never had a cyber r/ship.


    Lazygurl, about topics. For once in my life i was watching the news while making breakfast in the morning and i heard this somali girl going to jail. When i posted it, some admin deletes it. (I'm not talking to him redface.gif ).

    I tried so hard t be politcally invovled yet this happens.


    Lazygurl, i have plans to come to ur city ;) , maybe me and you can hook up, and you can hook me with shaqsi.

    We might have the same taste in guys, not clothes (i dress too classy).



    Zeyphrine, lolz. Yes you might see the one and only hodanneey. But my bigger sista uses the same nick as me (when it comes to somalinet chatrooms) :mad: i loathe her for that, but she's into qabil bashing. (i am so embarrased, it's her not me).

    I bet u, some chick might use this nick. My nicknames are so original.


    Y'all i know you might be shy to confess. But trust me, walahi you feel good afterwards.


    Zeph, and 7 of nine, liking the same guy? yaa lolz. Now your best friend relationship is being tested. keep it strong.

    hehehe i wonder who will win him... Drama right here i say.

  7. Confession time. Share anything that you would like to. It must be associated with nomads who we love, like and loathe.


    Maybe ur old nick, or somethin'.


    I have a lot of confessions to make. :D


    1) When I first registered here I thought the guy by the name 'somaliaonline president' was actually the owner of this site. It was a while until I came across him on Somalinet chat rooms, what a funny dude. When I told him that, he went along with it. :mad:


    2) I had a huge crush on this guy by the name of shaqsi and he had this kool aviator (black cat). He was just impeccable. I know he's hot. He would be someone I like to get married to.

    But he left :( . I was shy to reply to his posting or even mention his name. Isn’t that weird??? He is so intelligent :( , exactly what I am looking for :D . But I don't think I could engage in a conversation with him no matter what.


    3) My first nickname here was hodanneey :cool: , and I think I’m the reason why wild cat left.


    4)Mr Darman. Popular man. He annoyed me. I loved all his postings. But his attitude was so arrogant. I disliked him, I don't why. But I had something against him. Weird thing is, when he left... i missed him so much even though i disliked him i send him a goodbye pm (more like explaining why he left).

    :rolleyes: I bet ya, every gurl here liked him. Sorry gurls, but i think he digged me. :D

    It was funny when he did this topic based on his hotmail account and what messages that SOL nomads is likely to send him.(if someone knows what I am talking about then, plz post it) in here.

    Anywayz, I did not have the chance to reply until a friend told me about weeks after he did it. Was I mad or what? I mean not having the chance to reply. But it was funny.


    5) There is this nomad guy here now, he is so freaky, moody and weird. I can't stand his mood. He has been here from day one. He freaks me out. I think maybe it's his age or something'. He never jokes; he has his serious face on all the time.

    Lighten up dude.


    6) I hate ppl who take everything here personally, I guarantee you they will suffer from heart attack if they continue doing that. Take a chill pill.

    They seem to be demanding, dateless and desperate. How scary!


    Aaaaaah, i feel good now.

  8. ^^^ that's your definition


    calling someone ur wifey (who u are not legally married to) and not engaging in sexual activity. :confused: that's Crazy!



  9. "Not necessarily,let'sjust say there is customer who is not satisfied with the quality of service he was promised or he thought he was entilted to"


    lol@the pictures (they make sense)


    I am so offended. Lets make it clear, in my case my best friend was the one who started to flirt with him. And i guess he was open to opportunities. :(


    By the way, Good to see ya Taqwa smile.gif . Long time No see.

  10. "How sad doesn't she know what she has got herself into? How old is she?"

    Lolz, the woman is a man hunter. My sister always says: "that girl goes for anything with a D!ck". Walahi she does. Abaayo she’s 19 but has dated almost every guy (internationally and nationally) and her family is well aware of her problems (she can’t stand being single, she has even dated the ugliest guy so she can be with someone, and other cultures too).

    She’s bit insecure and has generalised anxiety disorder (serious panic attacks she always on about). She feels like a failure if she doesn’t get hitched. She was not arranged. Funny thing was on The week of her wedding she had to ask my other friend that she was worried about yasmin, who she thinks is after her man. Let’s not forget she is already engaged and all.

    To me she is the biggest puzzle :confused: .


    Lazygurl, forgiven? She showed me her true colours. She’ll do it again. I later realised how envious she was.

    It was hard, first I had to change my number and when she called the home number I begged my family to say that I am away, so I can avoid her. The only time I talked to her was my mum answers the phone. She sensed something and asked me what’s up with me. I had to stay calm, cool and collective and say: "life… so much to do". Til this day, nothing has changed... I ignore her, she just runs to me like a dog.

    I had a plan to get back at her, but given every opportunity it wasn’t worth it.


    "If you can't keep your man,then its reasonable for your friend to keep him for you until you learn afew things about the game. Lolz, :mad: what am i supppose to cheat, lie, manipulate, I don’t how much of this I can do or take.


    "Never let your girlfriends meet your man. That is until your wedding day. (Insha'allah, if you can hold off until you're pregnant, kudos to you.)" lolz, play it safe, that’s the only thing you can do.


    Having said that wordette you wonder, who you can you really trust to have conversation about your BF??? We are humans, and personally I can’t keep it to myself. I can’t tell it to mum or sisters, it’s bit weird.


    Now I share my r/ship stories with ayeeyo :cool: . Someone I can now TRUST 110%. She’s is soooooooo funny. I love her. She is willing to listen to you, unlike ur GF who starts abusing him and already trying to get you out of the relationship. My grandmother advise is top after all she been married with no hassles. I go to her house every weekend and make notes how her and grandpa relationship lasted so long :cool: .


    I’m done with Girlfriends. If any gurl asks me who I am dating…. I’ll put the red lights on cause i know where the situation is heading for.

  11. "Watch out for your best friends my aunt says, they always try to seduce your man"

    I rolled my eyes :rolleyes: , and told her... This information could have been useful when I first started to date.


    We know that friendship between females is the most passionate of love affairs. We share our most intimate secrets and find a common bond in our loathing of our thighs. Our phone will always be available to take the other’s crisis and celebration. Women love each other madly and deeply. But one think is for sure competition between women is swept under the carpet. We compete with each other and die for each other’s beauty/style/money/car/education.


    But what happens when your best friend crosses the line. When she flirts with your boyfriend and starts calling him for no apparent reason.


    Let me outline two cases out five that I once was the victim, and the rest the poor plaintiff trying to defend herself and save her friendship.



    My first experience was with the bytch ex-best friend. I loved her so much that I wanted her to meet my man the man I talked of 24/7. I knew she also wanted to meet him and told me that he’s good looking and all.

    When introduced, she was talking about him 24/7 and insisted that she knew every lil detail about our relationship.


    What has not occurred to me is that she was experiencing light symptoms of crush towards him. First signs: she wanted 24/7 info about our relationship, when introduced she made a call to him (he told me), she always insisted that she will call him and sort our troubles out, when we got into an argument (of course I’ll that’s not necessary).

    Never in my mind, would it occur to me that she wanted him. The trust, and love I had for her would never made me question her motivates. No matter how much she called him.


    Anyways as the relationship progressed she continued to call him. He didn’t tell me that much.

    Worst came to worse: they decided to meet each other. Someone kissed someone. How do I know?

    A year later he tells me "nazra, I want to be honest with you before I ask you this, and before we start to discuss our future". As you figure he starts to tell me about the affair. He explains why he chose to tell me this now by saying you see: "nazra, ppl want to break others happiness when they try to tie the knot… all sorts of things come out. And I wanted you to hear this from me, and not her" I remember hanging up the phone and being in tears. But later on I was able to put…two to two together. I did remember her trying to break us up, I remember him calling her a "whor*, sl*t" and that she’s never invited to our house blah blah and I do remember her saying that I should leave him. It seems something went wrong between them.


    I was experiencing trust issues, that time... and I blamed her :mad: and not him. She was no longer a best friend. But never confronted her. I really don’t recall what he said: other than her calling him, her asking him to come over, and her kissing him. A lot of her’s of course :rolleyes: . I guess he missed the fact that he used his two legs, and arms to go and see her. When I pointed that out, of course he blamed it on the: shaytaan. And made a sincere apology. What a Bast*rd. It really hurts til this day so excuse my French.


    As time went by, the blame has shifted from her to him. But really it was both, mainly her. Sometimes I wonder why I got back with him. Well I loved him too much and we did have a period of separation (i missed him) and 24/7 calls of apology and promises did the trick too. They say pay back is a bytch. What do u know, his half brotha starts to hit on me. At first I told him, how he’s brotha is nice and all. But i thought that he’s brotha was just being a typical guy. Anywayz at two occasions I went out with his brotha accidentally. What do I do: I save his voice mail messages, text messages and told him how he’s brotha is hitting on me :cool: . and I added a lil white lie and told him how he’s brotha came over to my house when I refused to go on a date :D . The next minute he hangs up on me...

    That felt good it did aid my grieving process.

    Of course none of it was my fault... and i remember saying "sista’s like the same guys, so do brothas."

    That was the lifeline of that relationship.



    My best friend told me who she was dating. When she told me, I almost died of jealousy. I had to clarify exactly whom she meant. It turned out to be my future hubby. Damn i was waiting for him!

    I loved her to death and I had to know everything.(I developed two huge big green eyes).


    One day I was surprised to receive a call from him. For no apparent reason.

    The thing is that me and him know each others family but we never had the opportunity to talk other than hi and bye. I was so shocked/happy and I felt uncomfortable talking to him cause I liked him. As the days went on, my jealousy was no longer present as I had his interest.

    Things were kool, until he started to flirt with me. I said to myself this is not an ethical issue, clearly this is wrong and I would never do that to my baby gurl. I love her, I will always no matter what, and I couldn’t imagine being married to that guy and dizzying her(if things worked out :cool: ). She’s like my sista.

    The flirting got to the point that I had to change my number. Clearly this was not my fault and I could have easily gone the other way. But that’s not my type personality and also she was precious best friend for life. Of course I can’t tell her that her man is flirting with me, end of the day I would be the fool who is making stuff up and lose her.

    The other cases are worse... to the point your best friends see you as the enemy whose desperate and jealous, of course thats when they find out.


    But seriously? am the one who has bytch best friends or stup!d best friends boyfriends hitting on me???. What are your secrets to dealing with these or similar situations? Have you ever confronted ur best friend when you knew something was up?


    You have two best friends, the one that clearly wants your man... And the one that doesn’t.


    Ladies; don’t introduce your best friend to your man. And gentlemen’s lay off ur girl’s best friend.


    What made me highlight this topic was the fact that I was a bridesmaid not long ago. Let’s just say she’s a close friend of mine. She has been planning her wedding and all and we haven’t had a lot of time together, so she asked me who I been saying, I told about the this new dude. Anywayz our conversation was cut short and we had no chance talking about him. What scared the hell out of me was on her wedding day, she asked me... "tell me about him, I wanna meet him"

    "wow" :eek: on her wedding day, she’s already a married woman and I thought guys discussion stop there let alone want to met him. I did not know how to respond. Is this a cycle or what???

  12. I remember being in the same situation as you last year. No wonder why I'm still here? It’s amazing how things can turn out to be, and the way you expect them to turn out. Usually they do not match.

    Well in my case.

    My relationship was a quite lengthy and it was filled with love, passion, hope and bit of heat ;) . Which led to a big 24/7 discussion of marriage. It was a tough year, when I started my first year in uni. Ages ago I do remember making a promise to him, but I also do remember being under the age limit to date.

    I was half way through my first year in uni and doing well. I was with someone who did not value uni-educated-woman and did not support my goal. I was prepared to continue with my studies and settle down, or drop out.

    I really did not care about my studies, and the only reason I went to uni was because of my family. Without their pressure, I would certainly have gone the other way.

    When family was approached, the whole thing turned out to be a world war three. Everyone suddenly had their say. Who asked for their opinion? But my mother was against the whole idea. And felt that I should wait till I finish second year.

    I felt that my family was selfish and stood in the way of my happiness. Well now I’m in my second year, what do they say?; “wait for next year, you only have one year until you graduate, you already finished 2nd year this yearâ€. I did not expect them to break the non-verbal deal. Families, as soon as you finish high school they expect to control your education and your plans to get hitched. Which is always after you finish high school.(for the average xalimo).


    I guess you wondering is he still around? Has he left you? Well the answer is no. He’s already making plans for end of this year. I feel bad already :( he doesn’t know yet that it’s after I graduate. Do I fear losing him? Nope, he’ll stick around. Now I seem quite selfish I’m happy the fact that I did continue with my studies, cause I know for fact that I would have drop as soon as I got married. The married life seems quite of a pleasure… with no stress. smile.gif


    To me, it seems you are asking us to validate your decision. I mean obviously you value your education by telling us that it’s something you wish to continue with. First of all, I say ignore those who tell you, you can’t have it both. They are negative and selfish :mad: , even if they are your family. It's all to do with your mental will.

    It seems the brotha has already graduated with a degree, so why not settle down? And try continuing with your education, if worse comes to worse you drop out but look at the positive side: babies! :D


    I say, have the best of two worlds. I might seem a hypocrite here, given the decision I made. But I guess you fear losing him, where that did not come across my mind. smile.gif

  13. Must watch movie: Monster-in law. :D After I watched that movie I realised how some mothers can be control freaks who interfere with relationships. I think Jennifer Lopez did a good job handling the mother in law. But I wouldn’t recommend her techniques (they wouldn’t work in real life).


    That was only the freakiest scariest horrible mother in law character I watched, let alone met one.


    I pray for a maskiin future mother-in-law,…they can be witches who put a spell on your husband to leave you. (How scary)!

  14. f

    What are you doing there at the first place?

    :confused: Holidaying??? or starting a life???


    By urself... i hope not.