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I suppose Micheal Mariama was a Muslim, he fought for Somaliland not out of a relgious creed but out of national love for his country , and i don't think you and 200 Muslims the likes of you can do for Somaliland what a Christian like Micheal Marima had done for his country...so shut up silly girl, you niether know about Somaliland more then i do nor know about Islam as much as i do nor you care about both of relgion and national interest then i do...so go bake Laxoox silly girl and help mom in the Kitchen. P.s you and Ameenaha are so confused and unedcucated so much that your avatr explaines you mental capacities, why do you have the picture of RamsisII , have you ever read history or ever gone to school?? :confused:
What god have to do with Mohamed??? God is god and god have so many version, the god of Christians , the God of the Jews and the god of Hindus and the God of Budist. So many gods out there , what makes Mohamed's god more speacial or absolute then the rest??? non sense, as far as those Sura's you have quoted for me then i will quote what an Arab poet and philosopher once said, Abu Al Calaa La Macari was among the best Islamic scholars in Seriya during the Abasiya era , he was well leanred scholar in Islam after he was done proving Islam is not an absolute religion and its merely a version by Mohamed , they challneged him to produce the Quraan and he took the Challenge and he produced the Quraan line by line even better then the Quraan , later Abu Dayib Al Mutanabi took it even further and imitated the Quraan in much better poetic manner and elquencay so much that it survives up to date. Abu Al Calaa Al Macari use to say " Sajcan , Sajacaa, when he ever heared the Quran" meaning "Allietration and alliteration , nothing more then a poem by Mohamed". You people need 10 years of Islamic history and literature to catch up with me...just pray and leave people with their own faith, but however if you continue to claim the absolut and keep chopping peopl's hands , foots , necks and foam from the corner of your mouths waving swords and reciting this Mohamadan poems, i will continue to tell you the truth till you keep your faith to youself and cease from forcing all humanity on your creed.
"May Allah guide him or break his back." Waalaahi Dameer Carbi wadato ayaa ifka ugu daran, hadii la dhirbaaxana oo runtu loo sheego , Gaal iyo niic maac ayey la soo boodayaan, hadii fahara laga qaadana waxay doonayaan inay umada ilaahay gacmaha korta iyo dhagax ku dilan. Waaba sidii odeygii yidhi "Hadaanu hadalno waa af salax ku dhag, hadaanu aamusnana Ilaahay sidaa adhiga ka deyn maayo" If you fanatic don't stop shoving your relgion and faith on the throat of other humans and claim you have the right religion and make it an absolute thing so much that it becomaes a dogma beyond the scale of rational then count on one thing , that i will continue to slapp facts and rational and reality on your lot till you learn to behave and leave others to their faith. Islam is a religion and its between god and his creature if the Islamist wants to chope hands and flogge people around and then cry why we are hated and backward , you can't have it your way, why is it only Islam seem to want to enforce their greasy Arab creed on every humanbeing on the face of the earth?????? i have never seen a christain that would call me "filthy" or "Gaal" by refusing to adopt his Jews veriosn of God , why iam being called "flithy" and "may god break his back" because i refused to tak as an absolute the Arab version....... Jaahiliin fooqal al Jaahiliin, Look at India 100's of faith, each worshiping his own without one super-imposing his creed on the other, look at the USA and Europe where even they have allowed Muslims into their country and left them to freely worship and spread their faith. Only among Muslim nation does misshonary actvity are banned as though they are unsure of their faith, one time they say its 100% perfecy and yet they are willing to excute 19 year old white women for spreading Christainty, what a sub-human ignorant peiece of mucus these islamist are.... No wonder the entire race of humanity is disguseted by Muslims, they are the most backward religous faith on earth
The problem with the Somalis is that they confuse Islam with Arabs. Any one who can read the various pre-Islamic Arab literature can notice how so much of Arab culture was adopted subsequently by the Muslim Arabs. Now, some of my naive people argue here that the "Xijaab" was ordered by god for all Muslim women, but the so called Xijaab in Arabic and the meaning of it by Somalis are 2 different things. The real Xijaab which was adopted by the Arabs is that of their culture before Islam , and there is no different between "Jilbaab" or "Burqa" and Islamic Xijaab. The Arabs had the habit of covering their women long before there was Islam, the Bedouin Arabs were fanatical when it comes to the dealing with their women, the concept of "honor" or as it called by Arabs " Caar" is among their most cherished rituals so much that when an Arab begot a female child his face darkened in embarrassment and he secretly took her to the desert and buried her life. Cumar Ibnu Khadaab stated that there is 2 things I use to do before Islam that makes me cry once and the other makes me laugh. The one that makes me cry is that I have taken my young 1 day old daughter and buried her life while she was flicking my long beard brushing the dust out of it, while I was digging her own grave. The other that makes me laugh today is that I use to have an idol that I made out of dates and once iam done praying to it I use to eat a junks of it. The pre-Islamic Arabs were the worst misogynist that humanity ever produced , no race of humanity pre-occupied themselves with guarding the private parts of women and limiting their sexuality to the exterem then the Arabs given their sociological attitude that was popular before Islam. 33:59 O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful Now this Sura spoke to the prophets and his 9 wives, and god have never cared to explained to Mohmaed what covering was , as it was obviously known even before Islam. For Mohamed and the Arabs covering women was not an alien habit, had it been god's order and a new thing god would have explained to the Arabs what he meant by covering up. Mohamed ordered his wives to cover up, not with the Somali style Xijaab where the hair is only covered but a Burqa or Jilbaab where only their eyes can be seen , just like modern days Saudi women or modern days Taliban version. Its naive from these illiterate Somalis to assume their version of Xijaab is what the Arabs practiced , what is in the Quran is a Burqa not a fancy hair cover, the Islamic Xijaab isn't the somali version , Islamix Xijaab is the Burqa the pre-Islamic Arab customs. So when ever iam talking about Xijaab I don't mean the useless Somali version where lazy Somali girls instead of combing their hairs they cover it up , its rather a fashion excuse for lazy Somali women who are to sloppy to maintain and comb. their hair. Furthermore, the Sura above was directed to Mohamad's wives, and it was never adopted by the rest of Muslims form various cultures including some liberated Arabs till after the death of Mohamed during the period of Cumar Ibnu Khadaab the second khalifa , he brought variouse reformes including ordering all Muslim women to adopt "Burqa" and odering another 20 flogges to be added to the prescribed 60 for drinking alcohol total equaling 80. It was various reforms that Cumar brought. Now one should ask what was so special about the 9 wives of the prophet in exclusion to 99.999% of Muslim women, was their sin greater then others or why would god cater or care about Mohamad's house, isn't the Quran for all and not Mohamed alone, the answer was simple given the numbers of Mohamad's various wives , it takes a hell of time guarding 9 wives, and it was nothing other then Mohamed's wish that "god" catered for in Surat Al-Nuur. Mohamed as any other male was prone to jealousy given the huge numbers of his wives, and that isn't a secret at all. So much that when a cousin of one of the wives of Mohamed came to visit his cousin and came to Mohammad's's house and asked for Mohamed refused to let him see his cousin, and the man was made so much that he told Mohamed , you are an old man and you will die soon and I will see my cousin sooner or later and even marry her if I wish. Mohamed was so infuriated in a fit of jealousy so much that of course a Sura came down conveying his wishes stating that " the wives of prophet are not allowed to remarry again after the prophet death" of course it doesn't take much guessing who the Quraan was catering for. Why are they not allwoed to re-marry??? of course the fanatics would argue they are the wives of "Holliest Man" so what , does that mean these women didn't have the natural feelings of other women for a male mate. "Gaal" is a word these days is abused and misused, Islam is nothing but a religion and to say its an absolute truth is ridicules, every nation has its own religious faith and non of them claim any sort of absolutism, its only the arrogant Islamist that claim their religion is out of the lips of God. It's the absolutism that really needs to be fought, Islam must be question, its rationality should be scaled and weighted , the image of hell and heaven is to much of sacred tactics that was used during early times of Islam. For instance when Mohamed was in Mecca subtle compromising Sura's were brought down , most Maccan Sura's are compromising and conciliatory, let see this one " "there is no compulsion if religion" is a line in a Maccan Sura, but then when Mohamed left to Medina and was more powerful Medina suras that are harsh and uncompromising came down to him, when Muslims were lead to wars in Medina, the fire and hell of god got hotter and hotter and the rewards of heaven got more tempting, it was pure scare tactics, Mohamed the meek in Mecca whom Abujahal stepped in his neck with his own shoes was now uncompromising so much that he ordered the execution of 300 Jews in Medina and confiscated their property and sold their women and children as slaves. Its all in his biography. I hope as Somalis get more educated they will catch up to the rest of Muslims and combat this Arab cultural imperialism, yes Arab have used Islam to subjugate various races of Muslims to the point where are today my naive Somalis would rather name their sons and daughters Khaalid and Amina as though these names are Islamic. Consider this Amina was the mother of Mohamed and she died when he was a child, and she worshiped idols till her death , so is her name Islamic or Arab, since she died long before there was thing called Islam. Consider Khaalid , the commander of Quarayshiyaat that defeated Mohamed's force during the battle of Uxud, why his name is considered Islamic, given when he was named there was nothing called Islam, have you ever heared of an Arab that have changed his Name after he was converted by Mohamed... never...there names were only standarized for us , Abu Sufyaan, Cumar, Abubakr, even the much praised Abdu"Allh was the name of Moahamed's father who died as "Gaal" don't assume "Allah" meant the same Allaha that is refereed to today , Allah to most Arabs before in Islam was the Moon God, the Moon God of pre-Islamic Arabs was given a new face lift in the Quraan a well designed cultural imperialism, the only needed conditions are: 1- Never allow people to question Islam. 2- When they doubt, make heaven more rewarding and attractive and make hell hotter and meaner, to quell their rational. It's the absolutism that I will continue to fight, no Arabs or Jews will enslave us because we are too intoxicated by their faith. Long before there was Islam we were somalis, and long after Islam is gone we will still be somalis, and the world sees us as Somalis first then Muslims second or third..period. Our own interest as people and survival is at stake all for the benefit of an alien Arabic creed and we are heading to death and extinction like a blind goat that is led to here slaughter chewing her cud.
Jawahir said:okay listen judiasim is a religion all jews are arabs by ethinicty but jews by religion there are arab jews, arab christians, arab muslims. Its an ethinicity and not a religion to be arab. " so cute but so confused, butterfly let me deal with the real pros, iam waiting for Xaaji Taqwa, I and him know where the ball at, the rest of you just keep parying to..Mohamed..
Somaliwalan, Am I Muslim, sxb what matters are my balls, do you have any?? and if you have some why hide behind Anon??? About the picture, heheheeheh , oo boy and you think you have and know somali history , tell you what aske your Mad Mulla who Xaaji Muuse Faarax is or better yet aske the sword of Muuse Faarax how many time it sunke in the Mulla's jelly bubbly behind..look above and talk to the sword.
Listen to me little Wadaad, and listen to me very carefully, my mother and my sister and my daughter would rather practice there somali cultural custome. Now if the likes of you with a long beard dressed in an Arab Khamiis dared to force them to change their culture then i will garuntee you one think and that is a bullet, be it you go to hevean or hell. You said and i quote: "The hijab was the invention of the Arabs, and it was a great contribution. If some of you Somali's don't like wearing it, then invent your own clothing line, but make sure its sealed from male strangers." So what , the somalis contributed "laba g'o, and bilaawe" so what makes the Arab dresse more legtimate then the Somali one. Let me correct you further only Mohamed was an Arab the rest of the prophet were Jews and i dare you or any clammy behind Wadaad to prove otherwise. About Somaliland , kid , if somali women chose Xijaab then its ok with me , if they chose "Shalmad or Garbo Saar" the question is , is it ok with the likes of you?? if not then an AK-47 will feast on your soft belly. remember somalia was never liberated with a "tusbax" carring Wadaad or plumb "U Ducee" type like you , its all about somali culture and thats it, what Arab wear or don't wear isn't our concern after all god have created us with our on culture and custome just like the Arabs, no one should be above the other...little Wadaad.
why not enlighten us about the reason behind Xijaab Taqwa. The last thing a just god needs is the defence of a mere mortal. So hold your horses.You are not closer to god then any human. The reason i don't agree with Xijaab is because of its Arab origin, god belongs to no culture and condones no cultur so to say god perfered the Arab culture over all is a non sense. I can contribute so many aspects in Islam to Arab culture and i don't think you would dare me sxb. I will aske you a question: What ever the prophet use to practice is concidered Suna, so as any Arab the prophet ate locust and lizards the so called "Dab" , so my question is would you recomende eating locust "Ayax" for somalis and if they refuse would god punishe them???? get real ...sxb...you living in an Arab orbit.
very interesting..at least one somali woman appreciating her brothers..the best news on this net i have seen so far..
May God help my people...the entire world is getting smaller day by day . Europe and their richs . Arabs and their Wadaad are looting us left and right and my somali people are talking about the affair of 1 inside 0...god have mercy on the walking dead.I only hop you have your 1's and 0's inside on another and get over with it quickly the world is not waiting for you...its only a hope..for those who see, hear , imgaine and invent..
Sophist, I have majored in Economics and yet its a pretty dry academic debate the way you posed the question. If you make it a bit relevant to Africa or Somalia then i can contributed my bit of experince based on a 3rd year econmoic development drop out...
What is the big deal anyway?? somali women never covered their hair not befor the Fanatic "Waxda" decended upon us in early 1980's. The somalis culturly never adopted this Arabic Xijaab, i was saddened to see a a film recently recorded in Somaliland where 90% of the women were wearing the ugly "Jilbaab" Taliban style. Lets not just take things and value them ritually, what is the benefits of Xijaab or Jilbaab i don't recall my mother and grandmother wearing that backward dress, why all of a sudeen somalis seem to be getting "Arabinzed" our ancestors lived 900 years of Islam without Xijaab and any "Burqa" and it never affected our social fabrics. And for god sake what differnce does it make if a somali women covers her hair?? Do get sexually aroused by hair??? where on this earth do men get this urge due to hair exposuer. Isn't it better for men to control their sexual urges rather then try to limit and contorol womens sexuality, we have cut their clits, we have limited their movments, we have even decided whom should they marry and whom they shouldn't marry, and now we need to put a socke over their head ???? give me a break... there is a better way to be moral and ethical, god knows i have seen Burqa women perform better then a porno Star. just non sense custome devoid of any meanings morally or ethically or religously, now even these days somali Wadaad's are recomending Saudi Arabian dress and pormoting it as Islamic, they reason the prophet wore them so its Islamic. I reckon the prophet enjoyed the Arabic delicacy of eating Locust and a type of lizard called in Arabic "Dab" so i assume soon somali will serve that in their dinner table to be Arabic and Islamic... god have mecry on my people.
What a non sense topic, Lulla i don't know in what fox hole you live .Not a day passe that i don't see a somali women holding hands with, Asians, 90% slaves, Europeans, Arabs and you name it. So i think as far as your sex is concerned you are well integrated into the rest of humanity, from UK to Canada somali women have gotten childern even with the rarly seen elusive Eskimos from the northern pole. So what else you need???????? apes, gogs and cats as mate??
Athena you are very naive you can't reform Muslims for most Wadaad's abide by Islam when it comes to hand choping, stonning and flogging, unless you disregard these premitive Semetic laws a spade would be a spade. Arabs are the scum of erath and the Quraan attest to that " Ina Acraabi Ashad Kufran Wa Jahlan" meaning the " Arabs have the worst of infidelity and ignorance traits". Most of relgion around the world are peacfull, only Islam tend to wage war from centeral Asia to Nigeria and the Phlipines. Go to the local mosque and you will se an Arab Wadaad wearing "diric" frothing and foaming form the corner of his mouth like a raging camel cursing every humabeing on earth under the term of "gaalo" and requst the "Mumuniin" to say "Aamiin" , it never occured to this foaming donkey that if he had any mercy for his fellow muslims and humanity at large maybe he wouldn't have an enemy after all. What i don't understand about these premitive Arabs , with all their education and wealth how come it never occured to them to change their system of governing within , intstead of crying "Alaahu Akbar" and blowing poor Africans in some poor country like Kenya. God may curse the effeminate Arabs , they have shamed Islam and Muslims so much that today just because Somalis share the same faith with them we are hunted and every where, even the USA soon will place somalia under nations sponsoring terrorism. They have kicked and humilated every Muslim in this world and when we have escaped their god for saken desert , they still follow us with their "terrorism" and use of Islam for their own agenda. Till the Majority of Muslims take over Islam from the Arabs the image of Islam will be depicted and seen as an Arab wearing Diric with 4 women and a camel,. One can't even imagine how these Arabs brainwashed the naive among us so much that only the Wadaad in Mecca from certain house of Qurayshia such as the late "Binbaaz" can give the ultimate "Fatwa" what an arrogance.
easy butterfly, its a debate, have your point without been fanatical or you would prove my afore mentioned problems about Islam . Take this as an example, in the old testment the Jews laws exactly match what is today Islamic Shari'a, from stonning fornicators, cutting hands of theifs and beheadings , but yet the Jews and Christians have evolved into modern socity and learn to deal with these social problems with todays morlas and ethics with better results, why are the Musilms stuck up in pre-Islamic Arabia and Casr Al Jaahili Imriu Alqeys style i have no idea...and we should debate that, its all about image consider the Sufi mysticm compared to Wahaabi and Xanbali harsh dry Islam....thats if you are educated enough about Islam.