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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. Cheers walaalo for the clarificatio, much appreciated.
  2. I have a Shia muslim friend who moderately beats himself on the holy days. I volunteered to do the task for him but to my downturn was nicely rebuked. Anyway while we are on this subject, is it HARAM to be friend with a Gay person? Will I receive similar punishments? Subanallah, I hope not.
  3. I have a Shia muslim friend who moderately beats himself on the holy days. I volunteered to do the task for him but to my downturn was nicely rebuked. Anyway while we are on this subject, is it HARAM to be friend with a Gay person? Will I receive similar punishments? Subanallah, I)
  4. That was a crude remark Flipmode. I do not consider myself more learned or well versed on the teaching of Islam for that matter. I am only stating the facts, commercially manufactured Ginger beer are no more alcoholic than the ordinary grape juice found on the supermarkets shelves. Please refrain from been biased on your advice. It is one thing to promote Islam and another to provide falsehood information. I am a Muslim and I hope a devout follower of the teaching of our Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). I am no more sponsored by a secret Christian society than you are. Perhaps you should make more use of the Internet to become aufeu with the actual ingredients of commercial Ginger Beer. -------------------- For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root- Thoreau
  5. I believe that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and each to their own preferences. I believe in equal opportunity and freedom of speech. On the contrary, I do have a high regard for Somali men been fathered by one and growing up with many. I respect that we have exceptional men amongst ourselves who stand for the above. My objections lye with the ways Somali women are viewed and treated by their own kind. You think that American women suffer abuse, have you travelled recently to Somalia? Well, I have and the things I have observed were not attractive. I am talking about Somali women classed as second citizens, beaten and used as slaves by their husbands, brothers and sons. These women are mostly the breadwinners, the wives & sisters & mothers, the housekeepers, the nannies and teachers of the household. Even the young male in the family is deemed worthier. There are no rights or statutory laws, except those in the Qu’ran which are hardly adhered to, to protect these vulnerable members of our society. The valuable lesson here is for Somali men in the West not to take Somali women for granted. We are no different in terms of preferences than Asian, White and other female. We have choices on whom we decide to date, marry or cohabit. We expect to be valued, appreciated, respected and seen as your equal. Remember each race has it’s pros and cons. -------------------- For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root- Thoreau
  6. ThePoint, you do not fully comprehend my argument. Completing an aspect of his education deserves a proportion of our appreciation. However the fact he is developing and challenging himself through higher education deserves our recognition. Perhaps this young man will be a contributor to rebuilding our beloved Somalia.
  7. Ok so I would not be enticed to sample Bacon crisps just been aware of the words Bacon inscribed on the packaging is a turn off. However ginger beer is different, it tastes fine and is completely alcohol-Free. So what if many caribbeans took a liking to it what does your point prove? If a white collar co-asian advertised Ginger beer will you change your tune? What not try it you might actually enjoy it.
  8. Wow jellison01, is Minnoseta more so Feminist than say Somalia. Perhaps you should prove the hypothesis that Somali Feminist are 90% less likely to win the tag of war than their American Feminist. Qu'est-ce que tu penses?
  9. Chill Flipmode. Which part of VEGETARIAN don't you understand. It is a crime to provide misleading information on food packages. Vegetarian are considered not to eat meat including bacon. Hence the taste is derived from artificial flavourings. In case you didn't know there are food tasters employed to acquire the Bacon test. I am not misleading my muslims brothers and sisters and if I am it is completely unintentional.
  10. I agree that one should always have exceptionally high standards but a dose of positive encouragement doesn't harm. We should recognise and appreciate each others efforts and accomplishments. In this case the young man completed his course and is up on the next level hence congratulation is in order. You have to understand that each of us have different learning pace and we may not achieve our potential from outset. I hope that you are not such a hard task master that you would expect everyone to achieve your set criteria on the run. We are humans and each has their imperfections which I suppose is partly beautiful and detrimental. Again I say well done to the young brother and to use criticism positively.
  11. I am not too convinced to buy this product. Like Ms O'Grady pointed this area is still in its infancy and requires more research. I rather face my monthly demon and stock on the pads. I believe that there is a reason decreed from Allah why we have our menstruals hence I am gonna leave mine run its course until it decides to dry.
  12. It is suitable for the vegetarian and hence for the muslims. Is just for those people who prohibited themselves for some strange reason from eating animals but still hunger for the delicious taste of having meat & chicken. Hence the bacon or chicken are just artificial flavourings. The beauty of the 21st century, you can taste bacon or least a near-like taste and yet still be a muslim.
  13. Well done on completing successfully your high school, for having positive objectives and thank you for valuing our opinions in making such a vital decision. I can only advise that you chose a subject, which you enjoy for that can affect your motivation throughout the course and the final grades.
  14. Well done on completing successfully your high school, for having positive objectives and thank you for valuing our opinions in making such a vital decision. I can only advise that you chose a subject, which you enjoy for that can affect your motivation throughout the course and the final grades.
  15. Perhaps the lads need a lesson in etiquette and courtship. So here it is lads. A man is expected to hold the doors for the lady and let her pass first. He should pay for lunch & dinner and ask her first what she would like to order. He should collect and drop her at the requested location before & after their outings. He should be on good behaviour and not expect anything in return. He should be polite, well dressed with a good sense of humour through out the day. He should not lead the conversation instead he should ask for the lady’s opinion. A lady does not wish to hear how good or bad your life is, she wants to know how great and wonderful she is. By the way, ladies can always tell if you are genuine. If you fail at the above there is no hope for you. Xalimaas are very smart, independent and expect to be pampered otherwise the Faaraxs can *&! off.
  16. Guys, as usual you are been the typical Faraaxs with Mr Dhuusaye winning the top spot. Bottom line there is more for us out there and we are happy to sample the goods. Talk about been full of yourselves. I’ll have you known that white guys can offer a lot to us, they are willing to spend and appreciate us as well as respect our opinions. Yes they are genuine and do not have a second agenda in mind. As for my legs Mr Dhuusaye, I’ll have you known that they are bonny perhaps I should give you a free demonstration or maybe not since you only are a FAARAX. Your comments are merely to be expected been a Somali man. In addition, I rather fantasise about the likes of Colin Farrell then a skinny, penniless, narrow-minded Faraax.
  17. Here Here Rowda. Perhaps the topic should look more closely at why Faraxhs are always penniless. I suppose it is not in their nature to be gentlemen otherwise you are labeled a gold digger.
  18. Lets see… My mother was involved in a car accident but Alhamudulilah she is alright. My niece was borne and my cousin has met her shining knight in armour so there will be a grand family wedding soon. Spent my first Ramadan since 1993 in a holy land (Dubai). Had my first proper date which sadly didn’t work as hoped. Overall I would say 2005 get the thumps up.
  19. Mr Yoonis_Cadue If you had your way, then you would only be having this debate with the male counter parts. Since the woman you describe will deem above her role to voice an opinion, I say that you would fit in well with the Saudi royals. Where do you get this theory of limiting our education to home economics, what is the point surely there is the housekeeper, nanny and plentiful of restaurants to cater for those duties. I have news for you mister, women can achieve much more than the opposite sex, tyrants like you are insecure and arrogant. Have you ever contemplated what the world would be like with only female presidents and leaders, a totally more peaceful and exciting place. I wonder what your reaction will be when the future president of Somali is none other than a highly educated female with a mind of her own. -------------------------------------------------- A man who dictates separates himself from others.
  20. What hope are there for Somali brothers when there are the likes Brat Pitt, Collin Farrell and more and more to compete against. I mean honestly, why are the few famous (or not so famous) Somali singers/actors we have all are depressing to look at as well as unfit. So what do you expect if girls start looking at others groups for more satisfaction, why limit themselves as the saying goes 'there are plenty fish in the sea'. So girls aim for the best!
  21. Why limit gold diggers to just female. There are plenty of male gold diggers.
  22. Oops. I meant Jan 06, which I suppose is both a new beginning for Muslims and Christians.
  23. Castro Why wish us an early new year. If I am correct the Hijrah New Year is 10 February 2005.
  24. Have to agree on this with Legend of Zu. Not many us of when asked to define Somali culture are able to give a direct explanation. Is Somali culture limited to our music, language and attire? What about our heritage, our lineage that should not be forgotten as suggested by Ducaqabe. Exactly who are our ancestors? Do Somalis have any history to be proud of? ------------------------------------ A low-class man will just talk; deeds are the hallmark of a gentleman (Knappert)
  25. If marriage is such bliss then why do we have so many family breakdowns, single mothers and men with more than 1 wife? Marriage is all about hard work; the romance is high while you are still on your honeymoon. However that is not to say there are the exceptions and I hope in this case your marriage Fartum is one of those.