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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. Who said anything about gold-digging, I am merely inspecting. Emperor Castro, you have enough money to be content for life.
  2. Waayahay walalo. Mardanbay kuma hadlidono Ingariis. Imakana waxaan xoog saridona inan barto afkayna. Opinion kaygu for Somali Female President is Ha. Ralinogda dhamantiin for trespassing.
  3. Wow, maybe he robbed a bank, perhaps he striked a deal with the devil. Gosh, I love solving mysteries and this one surely looks like a winner. I tell you what, email me his details and you will get the exclusive before the story is released to all Faraxs and Xalimos.
  4. Ok, I can take a hint. I am not welcome here till I am fluent in Somali hence I shall keep my comments to myself. On a serious note, I blame my childhood education for not placing Somali as a valuable language. Therefore shame those teachers rather than the helpless student. In addition, couldn’t you at least reply back in English since I have enunciated that my command of reading Somali is extremely poor? What’s with the punishment? I have spent precious minutes trying to read and more trying to understand your vocabulary. Adios for now, I am off to have my lessons.
  5. Perhaps this is a wake-up call to meet your future hubby through the tradional methods ie family, weddings, work (I wouldn't advise that to anyone in their right mind) and not through the Internet.
  6. I am still searching for that door that meant to lead to riches. Can anyone provide me with clues? On a more serious note, I’ve yet to come across a Somali millionaire (Sterling and not Shilling).
  7. LOL............ Castro, I'll vote for your 2nd assumption.
  8. C&H it is very pleasing to hear of your success with Barbara. Masha Allah, I hope that she becomes a Muslim. I can only say to you well done and keep your effort in promoting and sharing our religion with everyone.
  9. Honestly you are becoming loco by the minute Flipmode. Somali leading the pack? Do you count yourself as one of the infected? Why are you so harsh on Somali. In fact I have only heard and seen one infected Somali person (only on national TV) and he was a man not much of a surprise there. Perhaps if Somali men stopped sleeping with prostitutes/ having multi partners we wouldn't be leading the pack as you nicely put it.
  10. Well, Castro you are voted as the King of Somalionline, so when and where is the coronation ceremony?
  11. It’s frightening how we are manipulated into questioning our faith and beliefs. The other day, I had an interesting debate with a friend who is an atheist and even when I have used verses from the Qu’ran verifying recent findings by scientist such as mountains having roots, formation stage of a foetus to the birth of a child, different sea water not mixing, I was unable to convince him of the simple existence of Allah. I do not doubt my religion and I strongly believe in the Qu’ran yet I felt powerless and weak in my argument. How do you make someone belief, for I really would like him to be a Muslim.
  12. Yeb, you'll need quite few shots and tablets. It is quite daunting you know, I mean UAE is only couple of hours away from Djibouti. Take malaria tablets before your trip. Since you are taking a longhaul flight take an aspirin at least 3 hrs before your flight (check with your doctor/chemist first) and buy flight sock just to avoid blood cloth. UAE is a really beautiful country and people are quite friendly, try visiting the Sukh Daab, there so many Somali people from all over the world. If you have time go and see the Burj Arab, Jumeirah beach and even go for a desert trip where you'll spend the night in a bedouin tent. Whatever you decide, I hope you a great time.
  13. I went to UAE few times and it wasn't necessary to be vaccinated. The UAE is a very well developed country; hence you do not need to worry about diseases found in third world countries. Still I would advise to drink bottle water as to tap water.
  14. They are skinny probably of too much KAAT. An effortless and great way to stay slim if you don't give a d**m about your health and its consenquences to the family.
  15. :eek: Are you certained that its wasn’t qiidab she was wearing.
  16. Few speculations of the results........... Could it be that taking to court a Negro for calling you a nigger& qaldan& adon is pointless been one themselves. Or perhaps Co-Asians are more hypocrites than black people, like smile at you and at the same time despise you. Or maybe black people know that they are better of winning and gaining wealth from suing a Co-Asian racist.
  17. Hey people, do you reckon you could converse in English so that those of us less fortunate could voice an opinion? Or perhaps you could direct me to a site that could translate a whole text within seconds.
  18. Abortion denies a human the chance to live. I believe that once the egg is fertilised a life is formed. A child should be seen as a gift and blessing from Allah and should not be simply aborted due to financial circumstances. Personally, I can only excuse abortion if the health of the mother is threatened. If a woman is given the rights to abort the life she carries, should the rights of that existence not also be valued? Who are we to deny the chance for a person to exist?
  19. Hey I think it is not easy to stay slim for women in the West with all those delicious food advertised everywhere not to mention the thousands of restaurants with free deliveries. For those of us in Somalia, women are reared to cook, so with all that tasting one is bound to put few pounds. By the way, been fat can also be genetic so it doesn't necessarily mean the lady is greedy. By the way, beauty is more than just the face. Therefore as long as it is not harming anyone else a person has the choice to be obese. Fat women should expect the same treatment to slim/anorexic women. Cheers to all you fat and beautiful women out there
  20. The director of my local Community is taking his mother to Hajj. Masha Allah. May Allah accept the duhas of all people performing Hajj. Also I hope for the rest of us to be fortunate to do the same one day, Insha Allah.
  21. I see, you have nothing better to amuse yourself but to debase the intellectuality of Non-Sujiu Somali. Whatever made you reach such a preposterous remark? In this case, I say no more but to leave you ponder the words of Ali Sugule. “Af qalaad aqoontu miyaa? Maya, Maya! Maahee af qalaad, aqoontu miyaa? Maya, Maya! Mahee, waa intuu qofba Eeebbe gashaa Ayey nala tahay anagee, ma ogtahay Dib looma abuura dadkee… PS: Maroodigu takarta saran ma arkee, tan kaluu arkaa.
  22. Hey Flipmode, stop addressing us in Swahili. Just in case you are wondering I am not to partial to crisp so let your mind be at ease.
  23. I agree with Modesty but the point is: Are Bacon crisp for vegetarian contain bacon? The answer is No. Hence is it Haram for me to have Beef crisp again with vegetarian mark? The answer is Yes.
  24. LOL... If I was a fella I would take them both home. Barbie will be my breakfast and lunch while Fulla would be dinner and suxuur.
  25. I would eat laxooh everyday and night if I could find someone to make it for me. Yummy! Cambaabur are tradionally dish usually eating during the Eid morning. Another yammy must have dish. Have any of you lot tried eating kurus of the camel, camel milk, goat head, feet and eyes?