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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. I wonder if the friend who posed the question considers men to be from a race alien to that of Human and as a result are incapable of feeling emotions. A worthier topic will be to examine why women are more attuned with their emotions then men.
  2. Walaloyal, deenta sikalay aad u fahantan. Marka lagahadlo dumarka ayad hos baad uu dhigtan. Maarka lagahadlo dumarka intellectualkoda xaadiska umajedo aqonta dumarka iney gabantahay. Marka madax xanuunka, walida iyo niyaadjabka umadyahay aan dinta sifixan uu agoyn. Niyadina ushayga inay gabadh nogondonta Madaxwayney.
  3. Castro, are you finally hinting something concrete here. Ok here is the maths, you were able to love when you were 30 years of age. Lets see, it probably took you, say another 3 years to hook that perfect and like-minded HalimaCastra. You probably honeymooned for another year before the little NiñosCastros were let loose to cause havocs in Middle earth. Now you are in your confort zone and at ease with yourself pushing you to the 45 years treshold.
  4. Sxb, you are the one visiting their country so why get offended if they do wish not to converse in English. Honestly, you are the one in the wrong, next time invest in a mini dictionary. You'll be surprised on how friendlier people are towards where one try to speak their language not matter of poor their command of the language is.
  5. Multiple partners can have indirect effects on us ie rise in cases of sexual transmitted diseases.
  6. The forefathers of the current Somaliland made a treaty with the English during the occupation. The objective was to safeguard the nation from becoming part of the Common wealth. The treaty was writing on the skin of an animal and agreed by the English. I have listed below few of the articles, although the exact wordings are not used. From what I have been told the current Somaliland was the only nation in Somalia, which had a treaty drawn before gaining independence No marriage involving the invaders will be held within Somali soil (North Somalia) No pregnant woman will be permitted to give birth on Somali territory No invader who died during the occupation will have his burial in Somali
  7. Absolutely NOT!!! To gain independence Palestinians have to strive against anarchism by rogue governments. The Palestinian have a right to an abode, the state of Palestin. If black people did not fight for equal rigths and abolition to oppression than you and I would still be classed as slaves in the west.
  8. LOL. Foxy, which flow will that be? Flow to hell or godka murugo? I think, I prefer to be the shepherd rather than the sheep. But then I prefer the advice of our prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in the hope that I will be rewarded with Jannah.
  9. What an imbecile remark about London girls. Could your bitterness toward us be associated to the mere fact that you were unsuccessful with the ladies been a simpleton daanyeer! I am surprised at some of the racist remarks towards ethnic group, ie Asians, do we not count ourselves as an ethnic group in the West? My least enjoyable destination sadly was Burco, Somalia, perhaps my expectations were too high.
  10. Nur, your research is unfounded and extremely anti-female. Women do not dress with the sole purpose of enticing men and leading them to the depths of hell! We do not control the wonderings eyes of men or their overactive libido. If a man acts like a dog, start salivating after women then he only have himself to blame. Next you will be claiming that a raped woman tempted her rapist. I suggest that you redirect your research such as why ONLY men seem to suffer from these symptoms.
  11. And the moral of this topic is? Care to elaborate.
  12. Ahura, you are wise if a little bit paranoid . Classing someone as potential creep depends on the time approached, location, whether you are alone and the appearance of the person in question. There are times when you are in rush and leave behind your mobile phone or simply do not own one. Not everyone has in it for you. Perhaps next time your are approached stay as cautious but less judgemental
  13. LOL... I think CanoG, American football is famous for its cheerleaders. They are always attired in miniskirts and performing high kicks. Surely that's what's selling the tickets.
  14. Therefore there is no law prohibiting a woman from been a president. If my career objective was to be future president, I am not committing any sin? By the way people can juggle few tasks ie motherhood, jobs and demanding husbands.
  15. Walaal, I have just been speaking to a friend and I am told that girls are still been raped in particular light skin tribes in South Somalia. Is that so? If so what is the government doing about it. Is there a government in place at all.
  16. People this topic is now pointless and exhaustive. We have debated and reached no agreement on a definite list on what "Somali women find romantic". First and foremost, Somali women are not universal in their preferences in fact no two women have similar notion of romance. We each have different paradigms of romance. In addition, what one finds attractive today may not be as attractive tomorrow.
  17. Life is like a book and 2005 is just another page turned over. I can only hope that my book gets more interesting and prolongs.
  18. For those who firmly believe that a woman simply can not govern a country, are you justifying your opinions by Islamic laws. If so which verse(s) in the Quran exactly states that a woman is less competent than her male counterpart, or she lacks in leadership and intelligence to be a president. We, women are not simply created to conceive children and obey thy wishes of our husbands, there is more to us!
  19. The poem although sweet in its intention was highly comical. I have never came across a docile or sweet caring Somali women or girl. Somali women can be modest but shy? I think not, in my experience of mingling with them. Hence, your chances of finding that elusive shy and modest lady brother Thinker is highly questionable. Perhaps if she is kind she will oblige you on her wedding day while surrounded by relatives and perhaps prospective future husbands. However to the topic, I say we all like to be praised so stop deluding yourselves. For instance I wonder if any of you would not appreciate been praised by your parents. I for one love each time my mother and father praise me for been a great daughter and wish likewise for me.
  20. LOL. I am not certain about the statistics but every findings listed is highly plausible. I suppose the numbers would augment or decend depending on the location and your personnage. For instance, you are more likely to be in 'indirect' contact with the male genital if you were in an institution compared to if location was badiye, Somalia. In addition, if you are more of a hugging person or not physical-touching orientated then you can be more at ease with the knowledge of minimising your intake of unwanted specimen.
  21. I do not think most people main objective for going to Hajj is to DIE! Logically one should go there to pray and to celebrate their religion. Although that I pray for all those who died to be blessed with heaven, we must bear in mind that dying during the pilgrimage does not imply an entry to heaven. Only Allah knows best. I believe that the Saudi government should be brought to justice for allowing each year civilians to die or be severely injured. Lets face it the government is cashing in so much each year and can easily afford to improve the conditions for the pilgrims. Personally, the families of those who perished should sue the Saudi gvt. That would definitely be a wake-up call to take responsibility.
  22. Wow, you don't have to be Jack the Ripper to figure this one out. All we want is a hunk that cooks and cleans in his thongs while we relax and enjoy the show.
  23. Marrying a dolphin is more rationale than marrying a dog or donkey which was the case in America. Therefore the Americans definitely beat the British in the fetish department.
  24. Wow, who would have expected that SOL was teeming with health advisors? So to have more nookiis I should take black seed with honey and garlic. To avoid been diabetic I should hit the gym and to increase my longtivity I should smoke ganga. Impressive!
  25. Walaahi, the world is turning into a greedy get rich quick place! After suing the tobacco companies, NHS now it is the time of the cyber world. Well, I guess that was only to be expected hence do you reckon it is worth suing SOL nomad, I mean few are quite vicious and liberal in their opinions. Why did the silly man join the Chat line if he had no sense of humor and expect a bit of thrashing!