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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. Women can and have governed states. Gender should not be used as a tool in determining the ability to run any state whether it be an Islamic state or otherwise nor is it mutually exclusive to be a women and a leader of a state. Women have always been underestimated and endured countless oppositions by the opposite sex. To assume that a spouse is likely to be unfaithful, incapable of rearing the children or render his husbandry duties where the wife is on long term work engagement is in the least preposterous! Depending on knowledge, expertise, choice and tenacity any women can juggle effortlessly motherhood with full time employment. As a woman my sole duty in life is not too bear children nor do we deserve as women to be measured by wifely skills. Surely where the wife is on a higher income threshold than the husband it is rational that he should stay at home and look after the children. If men were brought up to value family life, to be responsible fathers and husbands they would not be so quick to shed all home duties to the wife. We are women not imbeciles!
  2. LOL. Totally mind boggling but nevertheless an excellent savings scheme! I suppose when you die onboard it’s only customary that your carcass is thrown overboard. What a feast for the sharks and a cost effective funeral option!
  3. 1.When do you feel your best? a. in the morning 2.You usually walk c. less fast head up, looking the world in the face 3.When talking to people you d. touch or push the person to whom you are talking 4.When relaxing, you sit with b.your legs crossed 5.When something really amuses you, you react with a. a big, appreciative laugh 6.When you go to a party or social gathering b. make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know 7.You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted; do you ... c. vary between these two extremes 8.Which of the following colors do you like most? d. green 9.When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you lie a. stretched out on your back 10.You often dream that you are c. searching for something or somebody Score= 52 Adventurous, spontaneous does fit the bill but not volatile.
  4. Ibt Maybe I am a pru but I'll advise you to take travel insurance, First aid kit and all the right jabs. This is a great opp to cherish and definitely not be cancelled. So go for it! Espero que tenga gran tiempo!
  5. Since MC W is not so forthcoming with his question, here is one. Name three of the girls that were killed in the 1963 Birmingham Baptist church bombing.
  6. Tu parles de quoi Khalaf? Il y a beaucoup de Somaliens qui savent parler le Francais, peut-être tu as oublié que la deuxieme langue qu’on parle á Djibouti est le Francais aussi beaucoup de Somaliens habitent en France et Canada. Beau, enchantez de vous connaitre!
  7. Arawella

    Summer Time

    Hey Ibtisam Have you considered hostel as an alternative accommodation. On my last travel to Spain, Madrid, with a bunch of friends with stayed at a hostel which was pretty decent and cheap. Not certain about summer but I’m heading to Orlando, USA for Easter.
  8. It is absolute gibberish to assume that a platonic relationship cannot materialise between the genders irrespective of their origins. In addition this topic has been previously discussed and exhausted!
  9. I too dislike cooking and cleaning for I truly believe that they are both a waste of time. Luckily I have two lovely cousins who absolutely adore undertaking both of the said tasks hence leaving me to pursuit my preferences as I have for them. I do not think that lacking the above skills would reduce one chances of acquiring a marriage contract nor does it imply a lazy character. I do not feel any remorse for not knowing or wishing to learn something, which I find not pleasurable. We are individuals with differing goals and surely the foundation of a marriage should be mutual respect and friendship rather than ensuring that the husband/wife/child is fed home made meals.
  10. Welcome to SOL walaal Steps to improve your command of Somali 1.Buy yourself Somali/English dictionary 2.Participate in SOL Dodwadaq section, can’t understand why your topic was not posted in that section.
  11. Bravo to any woman who speaks out of her abuser whether s/he is family or stranger. It is no news that women, in particular Somalis, were and are demeanded by their counterparts hence do not be surprised if the tables are turned. I still think the statistics of reported domestic violence within our culture is minimal due to the majority of women keeping their ordeals buttoned up. It is perfectly normal that a wife should alert the police if assaulted by her spouse after all this is not Somalia where many of the culprits are never brought to justice.
  12. You don’t say… It juts proves how insensitive and full of xaasidnimo men are! Do not fret Amelia, as long as more baby girls are born and we continue to outlive these buggers in time we are bound to be the supreme gender in every way.
  13. Here we go… Daft arrogant and domineering Faraxs who refuse to accept that ‘nay’ means ‘NAY' and will simply remain 'nay'.
  14. I have not read the book and like Nur will view it in time but I am sceptic in acquiescing to any interpretation of a dream. Surely explaining the dream and relating it to an episode of the dreamer’s life is not so dissimilar to believing in the aphorism of horoscopes.
  15. He is plain loco. People, crazy as it may sound some women are all for FGM and I am not just referring to the older generation. Gosh, I am dreading this book! It was bad enough when the ‘Desert Flower’ by Waris Dirie was published and now another with awkward graphic! Somali writers are quite impossible people and lack creativity! Just leave Somali female genital whether altered or intact ALONE!!
  16. Gender equality etc; vast equal opportunities in comparison to Muslim countries.
  17. I do not think wearing a Hijab will necessarily prevent one from becoming a rape victim. In addition, rape include where a wife is forced by the partner to participate in sexual intercourse. The gruesome reality is that Muslim men are not exempt from committing such deeds. The difference is Western women are more likely to speak out of their ordeal while Muslim ladies remain silent. Why? Simply because it is a taboo to admit of been raped nor is it plausible that a husband or wife can actually rape their spouse. Exhibiting your body is in no way liberating. However freedom to choose, speak, better equality, education, which are mostly likely to be obtained in the West, makes the West that much more appealing than Muslim countries.
  18. The future looks prosperous for Somaliland with such promising investments in terms of skills and capital from returnees. I can only hope that South Somali follows in Somaliland footsteps and denounce the warmongers.
  19. Khayr, I think the selection criteria will be determined by the advertised post. Have you considered sending your CV directly to your preferred oversea firm? Dubai offers great opportunities to graduates in particular in the field of engineering and financier. Many western organization currently have sister organisation or branches in UAE. The last time I have enquired quite few firms (depending on the position) offered great incentives to foreign employees, including visa and free accommodation.
  20. I totally agree. Clothes, which do not reveal much of the contour of the body yet elegant are alluring and absolutely a turn on. I find the white robes and turbans worn normally by Arabs extremely hot on black men.
  21. Arawella

    Spring Break

    How about London or Paris. Both very beautiful cities, full of attractions, the old and the new, lots of boutiques and cafeterias, Diverse communities, friendly people and the list goes on...
  22. You have to admit some of the comments ring true. Racism is found in every race; what’s more astonishing is when black people place high value on skin complexion and features. In addition, white people are generally friendly and not as prejudiced as the minority on the said forum.
  23. Answer to Q: NO Allah created men and women for a purpose, for instance, in the family women should be the nurturers and the men the providers however this is not feasible in the present society. Allah wants what’s best for human and the purpose of the Qu’ran is to guide us to follow the right path. Our gender will be of no value in determining whether we are to enter paradise or hell. Society and culture are liable for the gender inequality.
  24. Makalajabti, your ignorance has no boundaries. My objection with the Dutch lays with the way they bestow civil liberties to one group while rejecting others basic rights. Any consent or act between homosexuals should remain private and others should not be compelled to witness nor should it be used as a tool to assess a person’s level of prejudice. Since the Dutch consider themselves beacon of liberalism then they should adhere to the human rights protocols. I am baffled as to why you tend to absorb one side of the facts. Circumcision is a tradition embedded in many people way of living and should not be lightly dismissed nor subject to controversies. Female circumcision might be viewed as an abhorrent act but male circumcision is collectively recognised as fundamental. One does not need to be shown derelict sites nor two men kissing to be considered competent and valuable to a nation. Immigrants have contributed tremendously to the growth of the West and do not deserve to be labelled terrorist nor be made to endure degradation. They are human and the Dutch have moral obligations to respect their beliefs. As an immigrant, Makalajabti tolerance towards your fellows would be expected.
  25. The purpose of the Immigration test should, in the long term, effectively contribute to the country’s economy. To force an individual to watch or act on something, which is not in harmony with their belief or principles is in breach of their human rights. If the Dutch consider themselves liberals then why be duplicitous whereby one group (homosexual) is allowed to practice their rights and another is denied that same freedom (circumcision) and often subjected to offensive treatments. Liberal, I think not, more of authoritarian tactics! An individual should not be refused entry to a country due to their culture or religion, should not be debased nor made to feel abashed. I find some of the SOL members’ comments aggravating, uncalled for and totally anti-Muslim. One member mentions an officer murdered by an immigrant, perhaps one should observe the circumstances of the murder. In addition, a murder committed by one immigrant in a thousand is not substantial statistics to form such prejudiced conclusions. How insulting that certain members remain deluded. They sing of the goodness and freedom offered in the West while oblivion to or in denial of the abundant injustice and morally unethical behaviour towards the Muslims. I am talking about invasions based on false and manipulated data, Guantanamo bay prisoners and much more. I strongly suggest SOL members to refrain from painting Muslims as culprits and forming biased perception of us!