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Everything posted by Arawella

  1. I can not understand the point of celebrating Christmas. For one the actual birth of Christ was not on 25 Dec. This festival was originally celebrated by the pagans. In fact in certain boroughs in London, it is termly incorrect to use Christmas light since it may offend other religions. I also beg to differ on your tolerance rule, we as muslims are not given any Eid holidays while in certain Muslim countries christmas holidays exist.
  2. What happenned to the L-word. Since when do you base your marriage solely on the colour skin of the person. Personally as long as the spouse is Muslim, hygienic, ambitions and few other essential attributes then the marriage is on. ------------------------- A man who dictates separates himself from others
  3. Hi Uma It is ok to admire and be proud of someone but why go that deep and idoliase her? I mean does she even know you exist? Does she care about you? Does she represent your values? Do you know her true behaviour? By the way while we are on the subject of bysexuals, is it haram to befriend a gay person?
  4. I am not sure which weddings you go to but from my experiences showing any public romance towards the opposite sex is not yet the norm for Somalis. We are still old fashioned and having a boyfriend/girldfriend has to be undertaken without the knowledge of the family.
  5. I am also new at this site and completely awed by the discussions. I believe that partly is your view of the world and partly knowledge gained. Hence readying intellectual books and the newspaper on the odd days might help.