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Everything posted by Saalax

  1. JB, war monkeyskii buraha saxiil maxa keenay burco talow.
  2. Originally posted by AYOUB: Tallow ma JNM baa? lloooooool you made my day sxb.
  3. Garoodi, you can still be a good muslim and still be supportive of your country somaliland! ogow taas but good decision by the way, i hope it means no more aggressiveness, and a new calm tune.
  4. ^^^^Mujahiid is somebody who stands up for their rights, stands up against injustices and tyranny somebody who defends his peoples dignity, rightful land and resources, there is two types of mujahiid, 1 is one that fights for the case of allah, and 1 is the who fights against injustice & tyranny.
  5. Xudeedi, my SNM warriors have been mayors of erigavo since the liberation of erigavo,starting from beyond Mujahiid Qaasiim Miire to the current governor of erigavo Mujahiid ismail Nuur we are 90% of the city including the district aswell we have it on lock and nothing will change the reality on the ground! you have been defeated numerous times and will continue to be defeated back to badhan, damalxaggare, yube, what did the Sayyid abdalla hassan said about the current kings of erigavo composing of a great poem following the defeat of a makhiiri/bari alliance calling them the holy saints? you figure that out.
  6. Thankful, instead of worrying yourself with riyaale why don't you research the background of farooles piracy links - a current criminal.
  7. Thankful, i have already stated that his small role in the past has been forgiven by the people of somaliland.(his people)
  8. Thankful, where is your proof that he murdered 1 single person? besides he is from somaliland and his forgiven for his small role and his not a big sinner compared to the likes of siad bare, morgan etc.
  9. General Duke, atleast my president is not a ex melbourne cab driver who claims he was a Phd candidate.
  10. Puntland is puntland stop trying to copy the somaliland swagger.
  11. Xudeedi,the SNM's aim was to defend it's people dignity and reclaim it's rightful lands, restore justice which they all succede in making those goals , that is why today many farming reservers , water reserves, natural reserves that siad bare built for your people but in another peoples land( for example the Masagan valley which originally belongs to the SNM) were completely taken over by siad bare since his goal was to expand in to other peoples luxurious lands and resourceful lands today you have none of that privallage you are pushed back to your original borders of badhaan, yube & las anod.
  12. Che - Guevara, Musa Sudi aka Waraabe will win you will see but hey look at the positive side his less clanist then the other two.
  13. The motivation was to kill high level officer Yusuf cismaan nuur AUN, as for those involved in the state military in sool they wanted to incite clan violence but i am glad the courts bought back the calm we don't want to be in a cycle of clan revenge crisis like pubtland.
  14. well properly those sentenced men allahu aclam, they must have taken part in the bombings to be found guilty.
  15. I don't understand about the mentality of oromos surely if they are over 30 million they can form a big rebel group well equipped and armed and tople the tigre regime or better yet the thousands of oromo soldiers in the ethiopian army could desert the army taking their weapons with them but financially the oromo are weak.
  16. A&t, actually the somali national army at that time were very equiped and 1 of the strongest armies in africa second to egypt.
  17. Garoodi, do you know it's alleged that Siilaanyo is behind the assisination of Muj.A.Koosar AUN the third chairman of the SNM? i was reading it somewhere and the real reason was because siilaanyo was power hungary to be the SNM chairman.
  18. ^^^^ Maybe he has a stake in the pirateship don of Eyl and the piracy money that comes out of it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
  19. In Saado's ali eyes the only qaran she sees is being controlled from xamar or garoowe.
  20. A&T, SNM were really determined and focused group of young men can we say that about ONLF?
  21. Aalia , somalia is actually better now then 1991! tell that to saado ali.
  22. loool why is cowke acting innocent doesn't he know puntlanders also worked with the italian colonials in the past?
  23. AfricaOwn, ignore people like Thankful they are simply here to waste your time!
  24. Thankful, that person hails from somaliland and he did a little crime nothing compared to the likes of Siad bare, General Morgan , Ali Samatar who played big roles in the carpet bombings of hargeysa, i don't see the problem if the people of somaliland forgave Riyaale for the small role he had in the past gov, i think that hurts you right? that he was forgiven but your uncles General Morgan, Ali Samatar, Siad bare will never be forgiven as they did big crimes against the people of somaliland?