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Everything posted by Saalax

  1. Ferguson,anigu maan ka hadlayniin cidaanka ilaalada madaxweynaha, waxan ka hadlayey in general, female guardska aad sheegaysiid wa maxay ma faroole baad uu mooday madaxweynaha cusub?
  2. Abtigiis & Tusbax, Clan X vs Clan Y is so 90's waxas wa la so dhaafay, that is why you have cidaan qaran consisting of all the people of somaliland, you even have non somaliland natives in the police force, such as some from southern somalia.
  3. The Zack, gormaad noqotay afhayeenka SSC?
  4. SSC Deserves to be ruled with an iron fist like ina abdille hassan.
  5. lol all i see is no more then 15 people and some xilaal doons.
  6. JAKARTA(OODWEYNENEWS)- Muslimiinta Reer Indonisia ayaa ogaaday maalintii jimcihii inay salaada u tukadaan jiho khalad ah oo aanay u tukan jihadii loogu talo galay ee Qiblada MAKKA, iyadoo hayada diinta ee dalkaasi sheegtay inay u tukadaan dhinaca Africa, Hay,ada guud ee diinta islaamka ee dalka indonisia ayaa soo saarta bishii MARS markii ugu horeysay inay u tukadaan jiho khalad ah.Sholiil Ridwan oo kamida culimada dalkaa indoniia ayaa u sheegay wakaalada wararka Reuters in qibladu tahay galbeed laakiin masaajidada dalkaas ay u jeedaan jihada Somaliya ama Kenya, Ridwan ayaa sheegay inay dadka kula taliyeen inay u jeestaan in yar waqooyi galbeed. isagoo intaa ku daray inaan loo baahnayn in masaajidada la dumiyo laakiin la doonayo inay wajiyadooda yara leexiyaan, Sheekh Ridwan ayaa sheegay in aanay muslimiintu ka baqin in salaadoodu ay Baadil tahay sababtoo ah waxay u tukanayeen jiho khalad ah isagoo inta ku daray in ilaahay aqbali doono, Caqiil Siraaj oo gudoomiye ka ah hay,ada culimada diinta ee dalka Indonisia ayaa u sheegay saxaafada in khaladkaasi markii la arkay ay culimada diintu soo saareen amaro iyo fatwooyin dadka loogu sheegayo inay u tukadaan dhinaca jihada Qiblada ee aanay u tukan dhinaca Somaliya iyo Kenya, Barkhad cabdillaahi Maxamed Oodweynenews
  7. Che -Guevara , Meeshu wa Nairobi.
  8. No to Occupation it will ruin somalia further, let the bird fly to it's destiny without interference.
  9. Abtigiis & Tusbax, Saado ali is an individual and she can be criticised but Ina Xoosh insulted a whole group.
  10. Duufaan , Telsom and Hormuud are two partnering companies but they are not the same, originally when Al - Barakat collapsed, half of the former shares were sold to some businessmens from hargeysa, while the other half remained with some mogadishu businessmens which became to be known as Hormuud. Bar ama Baro.
  11. Duufaan , Telsom and Hormuud are two partnering companies but they are not the same, originally when Al - Barakat collapsed, half of the former shares were sold to some businessmens from hargeysa, while the other half remained with some mogadishu businessmens which became to be known as Hormuud. Bar ama Baro.
  12. Cowke, just ask this yourself, who are the biggest businessmens in somaliland? Dahabshiil Inadheero Omar Ina-Afdiinle Ina Baruud Al-Carbi etc all natives,the southern's have some shares in qaran express, but they don't own any important companies exclusively as far as i know, but they have some shares in some companies like that factory in yiroowe outside burco.
  13. Cowke, just ask this yourself, who are the biggest businessmens in somaliland? Dahabshiil Inadheero Omar Ina-Afdiinle Ina Baruud Al-Carbi etc all natives,the southern's have some shares in qaran express, but they don't own any important companies exclusively as far as i know, but they have some shares in some companies like that factory in yiroowe outside burco.
  14. Cowke, to be honest there is nothing to list since most of the businesses, hotels, etc in hargeysa is owned by the natives, as for ONLF civilians owning anything in hargeysa you could contact Abtigis&Tusbax on that matter.
  15. Cowke, to be honest there is nothing to list since most of the businesses, hotels, etc in hargeysa is owned by the natives, as for ONLF civilians owning anything in hargeysa you could contact Abtigis&Tusbax on that matter.
  16. lol so you can brag about puntland controls the economy of hargeysa?
  17. lol so you can brag about puntland controls the economy of hargeysa?
  18. Cowke, Tawakal is owned by goldogob businessmens and it's headquarters is Abu dhabai.
  19. Cowke, Tawakal is owned by goldogob businessmens and it's headquarters is Abu dhabai.
  20. My My what has the world came to Cowkey calling Haji Xandjuf nin walan?
  21. lol JB , Haji Xandjuf ba lagu diiray, honestly Haji Xandjuf is a well known somalilander from across alot of forums, youtube etc i don't think his Cowke.
  22. General Duke, you are wrong on this 1 sheikh shariif was never part of al shabab nor was he their leader, take off your clan lenses.