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Everything posted by Saalax

  1. Stuff&Nonsense. As usual the most clannish nomads are screaming fake crocodile tears.
  2. Somalina i must say i am surprised you actually know about the different parties in Somaliland. Although at the end of the day we both know UCID, Kulmiye, UDUB all know TFG are fake & tuugo. UniversalTV was biased so good riddance they got banned.
  3. Sill TFG represents itself sadly. They will be jailed in the areas they try to present that is the reality.
  4. Well reality hit home for TFG. They only represent the south and at maximum Puntland.
  5. Som@li. SSC = Sool Sanaag Cayn those regions are shared between different groups some who are Pro Somaliland therefore Somaliland will not leave SSC any soon. If we are talking about the lands of a spefic clan then maybe.
  6. Good move from the elder. I respect Axmed Diiriye he is a man that has no ill feelings towards Jamhuuriyada Somaliland.
  7. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland Oo Sheegay In Dhawaan La Keeni Idaacad Cusub Oo Laga Dhageysan Doona Gobollada Wadanka Oo Dhan. Hargeysa(Ramaas) Mar.08, 2011 - Wasiirka wasaarada warfaafinta iyo wacgalinta Somaliland Md Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade, ayaa maanta sheegay in dhawaan la keeni doono dalka idaacada wada gaadha gobolada oo dhan, taas oo lagaga hortagi doono dacaayadaha uu cadawgu faafinayo. Wasiirku waxa uu hadalkani ka sheegay mar uu maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay wafti ka socda dalka Ingiriiska oo booqasho ku yimid Somaliland, isaga oo sheegay in idaacadaasi hawsheedu hadda bilaabantay, isla markaana uu rajaynayo in la keeno bilaha fooda innagu soo haya oo ay ka go’antay keenideedu. Waxa uu intaas ku daray in tababar loo furay hawlwadeenada ka shaqayn doona idaacada cusub, kuwaas oo la siin doono casharo la xidhiidho daryeelka iyo dayactirka idaacadaha, maadaama loo baahan yahay in dadka ku nool Somaliland ay tahay in ay si isku mid ah ula socdaan dhacdoonka wadanka ka dhaca.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;700393 wrote: Somalina awoow the topic is not about Al shabaab it's about Xassan daahir aweys and how consistent he is in his beliefs. He declared war on the Ethiopian troops and Warlord Cabdilahi yusuf because they made a pact with the enemý's of allah the Ethiopian Christian invaders and he also declared a war on the current foreign mercenaries in the country Amisom. He is just doing the same eventhough his clan cousin is leading the TFG at the moment. Most people have respect for that. Well said. Unlike Sheikh Dalxis who was screaming for jihaad on Ethiopians yesterday and today AMISOM & The same Ethiopia is helping him. Sheikh Dalxis = The definition of unprincipled flip flopper.
  9. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys seems more principled than Sheikh Dalxis.
  10. Why look for fast foods when you are backhome. It should be about fresh food. Baasto, Bariis, Beer, Kaluun, hilib geel, Suqaar iyo Roodhi etc.
  11. Somali region is part of Ethiopia.
  12. *Ibtisam;699486 wrote: who ever wanted wax *ibtisam la ceytama :P lol good one.
  13. I think Lebanese & Morrocan women are more appealing.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;699414 wrote: saaxib all food and fuel supllies for Buhoodle comes from berbera you forget buhoodle is located in togdheer heck we even provide electricity to buhoodle and widhwidh district you remember what happened to the electricity in widhwidh when the Somaliland armed forces were Fighting the insurgents. There is one road that comes from Laascanoood to the west it's the one that is heading to adhicadeeyee and yagoori that goes to gumeys then to oog and there are no rebels there. so closing down the road is impossible for the insurgents sure the Somaliland economy is based on trade and our trucks leave burco and go straight to bosaaso Galkacyo wardheer danod Jigjiga harta sheikha Dirdhawe. No one can stop that since the rebels are only concentrated in the buhoodle district near the Ethiopian Somaliland border. Well said.
  15. Maayarka Caasimada Hargeysa Oo Ballanqaaday In Sharciga Lala Tiigsan Doono Dadkii Ka Dambeeyay Guryihii La Gubay Ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Hargeysa (Ramaas) Feb. 28, 2011- Maayirka caasimada Hargeysa Eng Xuseen Maxamuud Jiciir, ayaa ballanqaaday in sharciga lala tiigsan doono dadkii ka dambeeyay guriyii dabka la qabadsiiyay ee Magaalada Hargeysa, isaga oo sheegay in dhakhso ah loo saari doono natiijada baadhitaanka arrintaas. Waxa uu maayirku sidan ka sheegay mar uu maanta saxaafada kula hadlayay xaafada New Hargeysa oo ay ku yaaleen inta badan aqaladii la gubay, waxa uu sheegay in uu soconayo baadhitaan oo lagu xaqiijinayo cida ka dambaysay falkii foosha xumaa ee lagula kacay dadkii lahaa hantida la gubay. Eng Jiciir waxa uu sheegay in gargaar loo fidin doono dadka ay dhibaatadu soo gaadhay oo laga caawin doono sidii ay dib ugu dhisan lahaayeeen guryihii ka gubtay mar kale Ramaasnews Desk Hargeisa.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;699279 wrote: I am wondering how British aid money topic went From aid Money to Gunter and his Pornographic activities now if it was German aid Money i could think of a direct link Tallow salaadu halkey iska qabsan laadahay;) Daad ba ciil uu dhimaanaya dee since the world is starting to see how pathetic and powerless the 4km government is. La soco.
  17. Lets support Somaliland indeed.
  18. ^^^^ Not sure what you are trying to imply. But that one is in mogadishu as we speak infact thousand of them.