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Everything posted by Saalax

  1. Hargeisa(Qarannews):- The chair of UCID, Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe has rejected the possibility of future unification between Somaliland and Somalia. Eng. Faisal who had been part of the delegation to Turkey to participate in the talks with the provisional government of Somalia which resulted in the Ankara Accords and has poured scorn on rumours of future unification between the two former members of the defunct “Somali Republic”. Speaking to the VOA Somali Service, Eng Faisal stated “Somaliland is a sovereign country which has all the political and social institutions of a functioning nation. However, the administration of Somaliland now includes new elements which have caused the people of Somaliland to fear for the nation’s sovereignty and independence. But, Somaliland has been a sovereign nation for over 21 years, and we have a new generation, over 75%, who have known nothing but Somaliland! So to ask them to jettison their country for another mirage will not happen” UCID chair Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe concluded his comments by stating ” We don’t see the talks with the provisional government in Somalia as a waste of time, but we must speak with a single voice. There are those who are ambiguous in their comments regarding the talks. I am plain speaking person, we will talk with Somalia, we will find a way to cooperate and co-exist as two nations, but, there will never be another union. This is not hate speech, this is fact and it is reality on the ground. Somaliland’s sovereignty is not for sale. Unfortunately, some people cannot be as clear as that, because, they either have another agenda or are not being honest with both the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia”. Qarannews
  2. Tallaabo;939598 wrote: ^ We are their caffeine lol;)
  4. 60 MPs vs 215 MPs. Alasow and his ministers are rallying their constituencies behind to silence the defeated lot once and for all for the sake of Somalia. Mooshin Lagu Hor Keenayo Heshiiskii Jabhada SNM iyo Xassan Culusow Ee Dalka Turkey Oo Ay Saxiixeen Xildhibaano Ka Badan 60 Mudane Iyo Khalkhal Soo Wajahay Xassan Culusow (Warbixin). Muqdisho(Allssc): Waxaa Golaha Barlamanka la horgeeyay Mooshin ka dhan ah Heshiiskii iay dhowaan dalka Turkey ay ku wada galeen Xassan Culusow iyo Jabahda SNM kas oo sia ay labada dhinac sheegeen in ay ku heshiiyeen 7 qoqodb.Hadaba Mooshinkan oo dhowaan uu hor geeyay Golaha Barlamanka si loo hor keeno heshiiskii lakala saxeexday iyo waliba in Dowlada ay faahfaahin ka bixiso kulankaa siyo u jeedooyinkisa iyo waliba in Xassan Culusow iyo Wasiiradiisa ay hor yimaadaan Golaha Barlamanka.Hadaba si loo maro nidaamka ayaa waxaa Prof iyo Xildhibaanada kale ee waday mooshinka laga codsaday in ay keenaan xildhibaano saxiixay Mooshinkan oo ka badan 10 xldhibaan, sida aan warka ku helayno maanta yaa waxaa Afhayeenka Barlamanka la hor geeyay in ka badan 60 xildhibaan oo iyagu saxiixay mooshinkan waxana Xldhibaanada Golaha Barlamanka danaynayaan in ay Sharciga mariyaan kulankii Xassan Culusow iyo Jabhada SNM oo ay u arkaamn mid aan loo marin sifo sharci ah.Mooyinkan ayaan la garanayn wakhtiga uu bilaabmi doono , balse waxaa uu mooshinkan khalkhal ku abuuray Xassan Culusow iyo qaar badna oo ka mida Wasiiradiisa kuwaas oo markiiba xildhibaanda gudahooda ka bilaabay dhaqdhaqaaq ay rabaan in ay kaga baxsadaan Mooshinkan.
  5. A referendum for Somaliland will only have a concern for ex British Somaliland inhabitants, shall the vote is held.
  6. The video is not Burco but a rural place west of it called Kabadheere, there was a minor land skirmish between few men from western Burco communities, it was sorted by minister of livestock Abdi Aw Dahir himself from western Burco community. Nothing major.
  7. Waxba ha isku xoqo xajiina Awdal ilmo Khaatumo Seeg. Xuska 18 May ee Boorama, Somaliland 2011.
  9. AUN Dad ka Caraysan Dil ay Ciidanka Ethiopia Caabudwaaq ugu Geysteen Dhaqtar si weyn looga Yaqaanay degmadaas oo Banaanbax dhigay Caabudwaaq(RBC Radio) Shacabka degmada Caabudwaaq si weyn uga careysan dil loo geystay mid ka mid ahaa dhaqaatiirta ugu caansanaa degmada Caabudwaaq ee gobolka Galgaduud banaanbaxa ayaa waxaa ka qaybgalay maamulka degmada iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada magaalada Caabudwaaq. Banaanbaxayaasha ayaa si weyn uga careysnaa dil ay ciidanka Ethiopia gaar ahaa kuwa loo yaqaano New Police oo hoos taga ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia ay u geysteen Dr Axmed Sheekh Faarax,ciidanka Ethiopia ayaa Dhaqatrka ku dilay gudaha degmada Caabudwaaq iyagoona markii ay dileen hore usii qaatay Maydka Dr Axmed Sheekh Faarax. Gudoomoiyaha degmada oo warbaahinta uga warbixiyey dibadbaxa maanta ka dhacay magaalada caabudwaaq iyo dilka ay ciidanka New Police u geysteen Dr Axmed Sheekh wuxuuna sheegay in weerarkaasi uu ahaa mid foolxun oo lagu curyaaminayo bulshada magaalada Caabudwaaq,wuxuuna tilmaamay in maamulkiisu isku dayey iney gacanta kusoo dhigaan ciidankii dilka u geystay Dhaqtar balse aysan u suurta galin arintaasi. Gudoomiye Axmed Naasir Jaamac ayaa sheegay in shacabku ay iskugu soo bexeen iney muujiyaan dareenkooda ku aaddan dilka gardarrada ah ee ciidamada Ethiopia ay u geysteen Dr Axmed Sheekh Faarax,wuxuuna ku tilmaamay falkaasi mid aysan aqbali doonin maamulka iyo bulshada degmada Caabudwaaq. Axmed Naasir gudoomiyaha degmada Caabudwaaq ayaa sheegay in si wanaagsan loo garanayo ciidankii dilka geystay wuxuuna intaa ku daray iney isku hawleen soo qabashada ciidankii dilka geystay balse waxa uu tilmaamay iney ka gudbeen xuduudka kala qaybiya Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia, Waa markii ugu horeysay ee ciidamada New police ay dil iyo dhibaato ka geystaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho
  10. What do you expect. This is what Khaatumo seeg has been limited to.
  11. Elections did happen in Xudun district, but it was disturbed on the side of the Khaatumo seegs (eastern Xudun district), the elections happened fine in Bohol of Xudun district and the settlements that come under it resulting in some local council MPs coming out of that area.
  13. Xiinfaniin I disagree with Xudun. Apart from the fact Xudun town itself is under Somaliland, half of the district is settled by the SNM group of western Burco. Somaliland nationalist(Wadani) party office in Bohol, Xudun district, Sool, here we are proud nationalists.
  14. Occupy or control? Somaliland controls Laas Canood district, Caynabo district, Xudun district that is three out of 4. Sanaag most important district and capital Ceerigaabo controlled by Somaliland, likewise Togdheer most important district and capital of Togdheer Burco controlled by Somaliland. Now you see why Alasow and his government doesn't take things like Dawarsi state, Khaatumo Seeg, Maakhir etc serious.
  15. Dawarsi state vanished after it was rejected by Mogadishu as invalid. Mashruucii Awdal-state Oo Fashilmay “Addis-ababaa nooga dhow Muqdisho”.
  16. What matters is the reality on the ground back home not the people who debate in the coffee shops of Minnesota or hold meetings in random hotels speaking about unity.Opportunistic Losers like Cali Galaydh can't even visit their hometown, it doesn't matter how educated they are or how much they scream through the coffee shops of Minnesota, Somaliland is the authority of the land and that is what matters for outsiders and Alasow.
  17. Those are like Proffesor Samatar who recently saw the light who haven't went back to their hometowns for decades, they are detached from the reality.
  18. Those are dissatisfied unemployed coffee shop losers. The real elites of Awdal region who are present in back home support Somaliland fully. Awdal doesn't even share a border with a pro Somalia region, so they know where their interest lies.
  19. The people of Awdal are content with Somaliland, a far away lesser pirate can't speak for them. As for the other two If they are dissatisfied they should welcome a referendum where it all can be decided.
  20. This time it is the Brussels headquarters of the EU. The message is clear we want nothing to do with the circus that is Animalia (Somalia).