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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. Ramadan Kareem bro, dee, aniga laftigayga aa afsoomaliga ii dhibaaya noooh, see camal, duqa.. Seriously, hada ma aqaan waxa laga wado "sunti ayax" Ingriis(B foor ben/B foor bencil) iyo Carabi(Jaa'a Zaydun ilal madrasati) waa kuu saxaaa(ama dhigaa) , Af-Soomali waa weli , gimme another 6 months. jokes, duqa, jokes.
  2. lol@oppose their warlord.....yacnii warlord-kootha waaye yaah. Elected representative of the Tol . "Dagnabit, he's MY warlord, faraha ka qaad" lol. The way I see it, Somali warlord/tribal politics is very similar to the Democrat vs Republican scene we have here in the US of A. Oppose Bush(or any Republican warlord) on any issue, and you'll be hit with negative ads painting you as pink commie weak-knee'dd liberal. Vice-versa with the Dems. SOL's readership isn't dumb tho, they can tell passionate partisans from balanced honest debators, so rest easy, ur quest for Ugaas-nimo is still on track. Waqtul Afur approaches, caawa waa 27...halaga fai'idaysto, inshallah
  3. Xiin obviously needs no defence, but to accuse him of any hint of tribalism is really desperate business, unless of course those smiley faces mean tongue-in-cheek jokes, good-natured kaftan. Xiin: thought you would get the joke, dee !! ma fasiraa ? hint: refer to Nur's Reer Qurac/Reer Qansax
  4. laytal Khatarka Grammer/Spelling Alert: As a budding linguist, I must point out that 'laytal khatarka' means: "Only if the Dangerous" I think you want "Laylatul Qadr" or "Laylatul Qadar-ka." you're welcome.
  5. Allamagan, Xiin filinkeesa anaa koo soo ogaaday, sxb Xiin tol-ahaan waa Reer Rageedi weliba lafta Main Man. He's rumoured to be running for election as Ugaas against Shaykhuna Nur in the mid-term elections. Tough race, but most experts say he needs a few more years of seasoning , markaas kadib ka leexda lee waaye. hadaba waa kaa, no more guesswork
  6. Kashafa

    what if?

    Two things, yaa Fat Boy. 1. You don't have to go to Hajj to be forgiven of any sin, major or not. All you need is the following : (i) immediate renunciation of the sin, (ii) firm intention and determination to not return to the sin ever again, (iii) regret over having committed a sin, and, if the sin was against the rights of another human being, then one must also, (iv) compensate for it. After that, basically pray two rak'ahs and ask for forgiveness. It's that simple. You fail and slip again(don't we all) No problem, Repeat the Tawbah(repentance) procedure. Two ra'kahs and you're guarenteed forgiveness according to the hadeeth(which I've gotta find) 2. Not cool, Fat boy. You could die any minute while checking your Major Sins To-Do list. Your intention(niyyah) is corrupted from the get-go, so whether that Hajj will be accepted is highly questionable. Shaykhuna Nur-ka, An original E-Nuri piece on Tawbah is in order, especially in these last precious nights. Jazaaks.
  7. Aight, brah.. Numero uno, no offense, but you don't know what ur talking about. Seriously. Your words aren't halfway measured or balanced. Numero dos, we can do the geo-political analysis after Ramadan. For now, I just want you to focus on the brother's plight, as your fellow Muslim, regardless as to whether the vid is fake or not. You might want to start off listening to his daughter speak here, and then, maybe read various news accounts on his ordeal. Then, picture yourself in his situation, or to be more accurate, put your father in his situation. A mile in another man's shoe is always an eye-opener. Again, Reflect, walaalkiis.
  8. ^^ Itiqillah, Rudy. If for nothing else than the fact that you wake and roll as free man while others from the homeland are being tortured(in video or not) for speaking the Xaq. Reflect.
  9. Khalaf(don't call your kids Ubaya or Umaya ) There's nothing wrong with beats, as long as they're percussion instruments: drums, synthetic beats etc. As for the Hadeeth it says "Macaazif" which has been translated as instruments such as: flute, piano, violin etc. As Urban noted, there's been many occasions in the Seerah, where the Companions and the Prophet would hold the arabic equivalent of freestyle sessions. Poets would come and let it rip, and the Prophet would praise them. Of course, these poets weren't rappin about booty and bling-bling, but they were engaged in something artistic, whether it was defending the Prophet and budding Muslim community against Quraysh's insults, or just morale-building chants. Art, in itself, isn't the problem. It's a natural human instinct that can't be suppresed. Art gone wrong is what we, as Muslims, need to watch out for. My brother is taking a Art Appreciation class(ie, they've gotta to refine their artistic tastes before graduating, you know, high-level art: opera, theatre, the good stuff ), and basically the class revolves around looking at pictures of pre-colonial African idols and ooohing and aaahing over it. That's art gone wrong.
  10. From what I read, the Sheikh is talking with confidence, his answers dont seem rehearsed, he even smiles defiantly and supports his arguments with verse of Quraan, which makes one of the torturers angry threatening the Sheikh not to smile while trying to extract infromation teh Sheikh does not have, also accusing him to belong to the Ethiopian banned Ittihad group My exact thoughts. There's an air of Sakina around him when he's answering their questions. He answers them directly and defiantly, and even starts questioning their reasoning Cameraman: Ha Qoslin baa ku iri Muslim Brother, smiling defiantly: Maxaa oo qosli waayay Another exchange, Raspy-voiced Coward: Sheeg, waaraa, sheeg (grabs his hair and slaps him) Muslim Brother: Aniga deenta ilaahay ka laxeen maayo meeshee marayso The only thing I'm not sure about is a) the identity of the brother, he might not be Shaykh Ismaciil, looks a little bit younger than a "Shaykh" b) the actual torture, and Nur's idea(electrially spiked shoes and ground) might explain that. Another point: The Cameraman says: "Laaxada aan ku saaraynaa hadaa iminka noo oronwaaydo" What's a Laaxada ? Some sorta torture device ?
  11. Ok, we get it, it looks fake. But is anyone disputing the fact that the Shaykh was tortured by the "Security Services" of Riyaale's Admin ?
  12. Nur, From what I understand, the authenticity of this specific tape is in doubt. But the fact that the Shaykh has been imprisoned and tortured is without a question. Lacnatullahi calaa those who tortured him, those who signed off on it, those who knew about it and did nothing, and those who defend the torturers due to a tribal or reigional bias.
  13. Wa iyaakum. They picked what probably is the most dirtiest, disease-infested, crime-ridden neighborhood in America and turned it into an oasis of love, healing, and transformation. All started by a few young fresh-outa-med-school doctors. And look now. So when the cynics start blabbering about how it's too ambitious and idealistic, just point a finger towards 711 West Florence Avenue, South Central LA. Allahu Akbar
  14. I think he's dead, and that was his tortured death dance. No other logical explanation. Epilepsy ? Nope, this guy is jogging backward, doing backflips, not epileptic at all. Shock to due collision, doesn't cut it, and nobody does acrobatics when in shock. Looks to me like his soul is being wrenched out painfully. Look at his face, he's staring towards the sky.
  15. The Seperatist Lackeydom is trolling after cash money and recognition, and in the process, is willing to sell it's dignity(Islam) and it's most valued possesion(their scholars) down the river in a hearbeat. No suprise there, trademark of a secular regime with no scruples. Well, they'll soon find out whussup when the Courts come calling. Wrong move, SL, wrong move. Allahuma anqith asral Muslimeen.
  16. . A 24 year old girl that lives in my building died a few days ago. According to her family, she went to bed early that evening.......and didn't wake up. Basically put, her time on Earth was up. Although Malakul Mowt is usually accompanied by war, disease, famine, and crime, among other things, on occaision he shows up without warning when least expected, say, like on a soccer field with the game tied 1-1 and you swearing you're gonna score the winning goal. Caught up in this hectic Dunya as we are, Mr. Mowt won't ask for permission to kill us. That degree you're chasing, that dream house to be built, that fly chick you're pursuing. Na-uh, he can't give us a few more years to get it all done. It's not that he's a mean dude or nothing. The decision simply isn't in his hands. So he comes, he sees, and he strikes, taking you a step closer to Munkar and Nakir, that fearsome questioning duo, and Judgement Day, where you will stand trial and account for pretty much everything you did, good and bad. Ramadan Reminder: Since it's impossible to be on 24/7 alert against Mr.Mowt, the next best thing would be to maximise your chances of not being caught in a state of ghaflah by reading Athkaar first thing when you wake up and as soon as you crash at night. Athkaar: The most effective insurance policy.
  17. Daybreak. As the sun rises and light begins to fall, the horror of what has occurred begins to rear its ugly face. Where once stood buildings, there is rubble. Where once the laughter of children playing bellowed filled the town, there is silence. Where once brothers used to mingle is the litter of rotting corpses. The streets are empty, save for the dead and their murderers. These past weeks have seen some of the most horrific crimes committed against any people, yet the whole world stood by and watched, with some utterances of condemnation, but really nothing else. The world stood by and watched whilst Palestinian homes were bulldozed down, where men irrespective of age or ability were branded terrorists and either summarily executed, taken away never to be seen again, or used as human shields, whilst children who would 'dare' to break the curfew in order to buy some bread to eat were shot, where sewage had to be drunk because no clean water was available, where hospitals and ambulances were used as target practice, where pregnant mothers were forced to give birth at checkpoints, where the dead were prohibited from being buried. These acts of savagery have shown the that for the Jews it is not enough to exterminate the Palestinians, they must humiliate their dead as well. For many of us, these atrocities committed in Palestine is nothing but a soap- opera in which we turn on and tune in every day for the latest installment, to get our daily fix in order to appease ourselves that 'at least we care'. But then there are some who go further and actually do something, be it a march, petition, or boycotting goods: however in all honesty these are merely transient remedies for a much deeper wound. And then there are those who decide to take the brave step, who realize that the most precious possession they have to give, more than their time, money and status is their blood. They are the few of the few. There are harrowing echoes of Bosnia, accounts of an elderly woman in a wheelchair stranded in a open field whilst IDF soldiers just watched and laughed at her helplessness and revelled in their power, and then of the mothers who risk their lives by breaking the curfew because they have no milk to feed their babies, or accounts of the elderly being forced to walk to in front of the Jewish tanks..….these stories are not fables of a bygone age of oppression, something from the stone age where men were savages, no, these are eye witnessed accounts of the brutality which our brothers and sisters of Palestine have suffered by the Jews. This, is the New World Order. However, these are the stories that the Ummah will never forget, these are the stories which will inspire a new generation of Mujahideen, these are the stories which will be fuel for the fire which, by the help of Allah, will soon engulf the Jews. A Billion strong? Rather they call us the nation of a Billion cowards. When once they would only dare to whisper it amongst themselves, now they proclaim it openly, boasting that the Muslims will do nothing to help each other. Indeed the weight of evidence is on their side, for during the early days of the Afghanistan war there was much outrage in the Muslim Ummah, yet they continued undeterred, they even dared to kill our brothers and sisters in the month of Ramadan whilst we stood by and did nothing. Ask yourself why they are so confident? Look outside your window, quiet isn't it? Now imagine that there are Apache Helicopters and American F-16 fighter jets circling menacingly above you, now begins the onslaught; one after another, relentlessly rockets are fired into your town, into your house, at your family. This is precisely what has happened in Palestine. They say this is a war on 'Terrorism', and civilians are being spared, funny, I didn't know a rocket could differentiate between a father and his son, funny I didn't know a rocket could differentiate between a mother and her daughter. Quite obviously my lack of education has brought about this ignorance, how uncivilized of me. When you sleep tonight, look around your house, nice isn't it? Then think of the old mother who was at one moment sitting in her home much the same as you and I, in her sanctuary, and then in the blink of an eye found herself under a pile of rubble. This elderly mother had been buried alive by Israeli bulldozers as they tore through the streets. Imagine the depth of darkness she must have felt whilst being trapped beneath all that rubble, shouting but to no reply, crying but to no consolation she lay there starving, not knowing which would kill her first, starvation or suffocation. Then almost as angels the sons and daughters of Palestine rescue her. Imagine her unrestrained joy. Then she is taken to the hospital only to be told that eight other members of her family had been killed. The victims of the IDF genocide are many and varied. Take Sami Abda who lived in Bethelehem, but is now a prisoner of the IDF. He was sitting in his home when the IDF started firing into his home even though they had been forewarned that women and children were in it, but did they care? Then, almost inevitably Sami's mother and brother were shot and before him, before his own eyes. What does that do to a man? What would that do to you? Sami said: " They hit my mother, Sumaya, and my brother Jacoub. My mother was 64, my brother was 37. They both fell to the floor. I called everyone I could to take them to the hospital. But there was no one to help us. They were dying. When an ambulance came, an Israeli officer refused permission for it to enter our street. So for 30 hours, we have lived with their bodies. We put the children into the bathroom so they could not see the corpses. Help us, please.'' "My mother ran for help. A soldier shot her in the head" His is not an isolated case. In Jenin, the town of the slaughtered, Abdullah Washai watched his 17 year old brother bleed to death in his arms after being shot by circling helicopters made and paid for by the USA. His mother not being able to simply watch her son whom she had carried in her womb, the son whom she had fed when he couldn't feed himself, the son whom she had cleaned when he couldn't clean himself, she could not just stand by and watch him die. A brave warrior she ran out into the street, with no care for her personal safety screaming for help, but none came. Only a bullet from Jewish terrorists into her head. So please tell the little girl in Jenin who is forced to drink sewage because no clean water is available, who is sobbing because her mother has been taken away whilst her father was mudered, tell her not to worry because a petition is coming, tell her not to worry because you went on a rally with thousands of others around the world but then returned to your every day life, tell her not to worry because you have written to your local Member of Parliament and he is really sorry so many people are dying. Tell her not to worry because when you finish your studies you are going to be successful and more recognized in the community and then when you talk people will listen. But then she says I need you now. And whilst you wait, dithering, deliberating, about how much more useful to Islam you will be as a Doctor, or as a Banker, or as Lawyer, whilst you sit there and convince yourself of these lies, yet another Israeli tank rolls into another street, yet another Israeli bulldozer ruthlessly crushes another house burying the family alive, yet another Israeli soldier slaughters our innocent brothers and sisters, and whilst we wait yet another Ayesha cries out for her brother to come and help her now. But then she stops crying, because she realizes, that her brothers in the Ummah have love for this Dunya and a hatred for the death. And then you pause momentarily as you reflect, and you feel sad for a while, but then you just turn the TV on shrugging your shoulders muttering to yourself 'What can I do about it?' Sleep well tonight, as the tears of Jenin echoes through your heart. May Allah forgive us for allowing our brothers and sisters to have been slaughtered, may Allah forgive us for standing idly by whilst our fathers have been slaughtered, may Allah forgive us for allowing our mothers to have been slaughtered, and may Allah forgive us for allowing our children to have been slaughtered. No more tears. Let these four walls bear witness to the last burning tear drop trickle down my face, no more tears, the time for action is upon us. 'There is only one death, so why not make it for the sake of Allah?' "And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, illtreated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help." [4:75] "Fight against them so that Allâh will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people" [9:14] "O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allâh (i.e. Jihâd) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter." [9:38] Author: Unknown
  18. Baxral Axmar, Here's the best the Net has to offer: SDN's Pharmacy. Information from the trenches. One small caveat: Seperatists need not apply Embrace the Pan-Somali vision, and I'll put in a good word for ya.
  19. ^ Care to share anything besides d-grade sarcasm ? I mean, it's cool but at least try to contribute to the topic, 3 sentences for the sake of appearences even, if you can't put together a decent paragraph.. And whatever you do after aforementioned cell-mate, please do not try to shukansi your future spouse like that. It's ummm... a bit undignified, even on Jaylanistic standards.
  20. I didn’t see anything graphic. I think people do that all the time. It is called SHUKAANSI. Right. In that case I hope a 300 pound cellmate Shukansi's you sometime in your lifetime. Come back and tell us how it went. Shukansi kulahaa. Waraa, think a little bit before hitting that Add Reply button. Now, I thought we'd be well on our way discussing the causes of such outrageous(and common in Saudi) behavior, instead some people have a tough time understanding why this is so shocking. I'm not gonna waste my time explaining why the sky is blue, so go figure out when exactly you lost the ability to gauge decent/indecent behaviour..Was it before or after you got off the boat ? I insist that this type of predatory behavior on hijab'd/niqab'd women is exclusively Saudi. Why ? I don't know..A Saudi socialogist could give a better answer, but if I were to venture a guess, I'd say it's the unnatural segregation of the genders together with the objectification of women as helpless precious jewels that need to be kept under lock & key. Segregation which is defintely cultural because Muslim women were on the frontlines of battles throughout Islamic history acting as nurses, and when need be, warriors. During last year's debate on granting women driving privileges(Howabout granting them 'baby-production' privilieges too) critics raised a tough question: What will a woman do if her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, miles away from home & help ? She'll be at the mercy of romantic shukansified Jaylanis, they reasoned. For the rest of the world, the obvious answer is to call a mechanic. Not in KSA. Ngongeka, Thanks for the advice, but I'll choose to be human and pass. I'll choose to be revolted and disgusted when I see things that deserve those reactions, and then I'll express it, loud and clear. It's only human and it's only natural. That whole stiff upper lip thing is not only fake, it's been played out. Be yourself, adeerkiis.
  21. ^^ My complete bad. didn't see ur first post. It's all directed to Ngonge now, but Europeans still dress funny(whussup with them jeans)
  22. Howsabout some f'ing empathy ? I think Ngonge needs to come down to my hood, wrongly get marked out as a queer(Europeans dress funny), and suffer the consequences. You know, the whole walk-a-mile-in-anothers-shoes thang. I think that'd help shatter the I've-been-through-so-much-nothing-shocks me complex. To break it down further, and in case you weren't taught so, abuse is always shocking(highlighted, thank me later, read on now) . And what happened in that video was not 'nonsense', but 66 seconds of pure sexual terror and a possible prelude to a worser fate. <-- Thought about that ? or no, since rape/murder happens all around the world too. Scenes like these happen in concerts, school playgrounds, even at work. C'moon now. Grabbing a breast or forcing a kiss doesn't even remotely compare to what you saw in that video. So no, scenes like that do NOT happen all around the world. It does in Saudi. Frequently. This chronic 'preying on females' behaviour is well-known to anybody who's lived there. A typical scene on a Thursday night: Sickos driving around see 2 females in a taxicab, Sickos(in various cars and unlinked) proceed to manuever and fight for positioning, they then try to box the cab in and open the cab doors and take off with the girls inside. All of this taking place in the busiest intersections of Riyadh. Common behaviour around the world too, I guess P.S. I'm now getting word that this incident happened last year in the Ummul Hamaam district of Riyadh. The good news ? King Abdullah(who's officially my nigga now) hunted them down and executed them. They tried to flee to Jordan to no avail. A big Mac to the Sonkur followed by 3 cups of Shaah.
  23. Warning: Graphic video ....view at risk of revulsion, disgust, and possible prejudice to everything Saudi. Yup. Just another day in Riyadh. It goes down like that. Not sure how this incident ended, but rape, kidnap/rape, or rape/murder would be very possible. Similar scenes happen on a daily basis, including that most Holy of Holy places: Masjid Al-Haraam. The question is...Why Saudi? This twisted warped sexual harassment is exclusively Saudi, not UAE, not Kuwaiti, not Egyptian, but Saudi(natives and residents, although predominantly native-born Saudis). Instead of pointing fingers at the moral perversion of the West, Imams and Khatebs should take a closer look at this homegrown evil and treat the underlying causes God bless the local vice police but they need to redouble their efforts. For starters, introduce harsher measures. The few floggings I've witnessed were mildly painful at best. They need to ratchet up the pain-o-meter to a flogging/whipping that would leave permanent marks, as a reminder. You know, something that would break the Geneva Conventions and make Amnesty International squeal. Screw counseling, a diseased mind only understands brute force and that's what these sick bastartos need. To be fair, these guys are a small minority of Saudi youth, but they're the ones that make waves in public, hence the bad(and deserved) rep. Sickos.