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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. ^^ Which quote ? The ONLF parody bit ? That's pure satire, akhi. I'm making fun of those who speak about peace in the most unrealistic way, and as if they have a monopoly over it's definition Yacni, if you do not toe the line of their defintion of 'peace'(submission and surrender), then you are bloodthirsty warmonger. Who gave them a monopoly over peace ? Who gave Shaykh Sharif a saintly halo to wear, as if he could do no wrong ? Mida kale, Who doesn't want peace ? Only madmen would choose war over peace. War is Hell. There is no glory to be reaped from it, only costly wins(or defeats) exacted at a terrible sacrifice. But there are times in a peoples history, when they have no choice but to fight, when their very existence is under threat, when the alternative to war, in all it's hellishness, is unthinkable. Somalia is at such a stage today. If we give in today, submit today, surrender today, generations of unborn Somalis will have to live with the consequences of our cowardice. I hope you can appreciate the enormity of what we're faced with. What plagues my opponents more than anything is a crippling short-sightedness. War hadee maanta, today, Xabashada baxaan, and they leave behind a fully intact client puppet government, what good has their leaving done ? Xabada oo istaagtay momentarily, ay oo arkaan guul la gaaray, in their caqli-xumo. The peaceniks would purchase temporary security, and in the process of bayc, readily give up sacrosanct liberties. Can't let that happen, brah. Won't let that happen, brah. Not while the steeds of war still march. Not while them Throughbreds still draw breath.
  2. Baash Muhandis, Whereas you and the rest of peaceniks are happy to drink the Kool-Aid of Is-Qancis, I like to keep my feet grounded, look at the horizon and figure out what is to come. The case scenario I posted is probable. I pray it doesn't happen. But if things continue the way they're being schemed to, the powers-that-be will have effectively used Shaykh Sharif to wage war on his brothers on the ground. I pray that he wakes up to the fact that he is being played like a high school chick at a college party. You have conveniently dodged answering my question(ie, what ur position will be). It's noted: You don't like tough questions that might expose ur macawiis, as Oodweyne would say. marka, abti, take a crack at it. Will you stand with the Blue helmets and cheer them on against the peace-spoilers and anarchists ? ONLF are lions who fight for a cause. Theirs is war of necessity not a war of choice Because you say so ? I mean, could u at least help us out with some reasoning, rudimentary as it may be, as to why the two wars are different ? Is it because one side wears cimaamads and the other side doesn't ? Is it because one side might destroy, once and for all, the "anaka vs ayaga" mindset that is embedded in psyche of most people of your generation ? Do you fear political disenfranchisement ? Questions, yaa Muhandis, that are telling in their own right. Rhetorical question: If the ONLF attacks Garowe tommorow, in retaliation for the Somalis-4-sale scheme, will they cease to be lions ? Man, I'm loving this, lol, too easy.
  3. ^^ Usheeg, abti. Ngonge, Facing the combined military, economic, and intelligence resources of Ethiopia, the AU, the US, and the EU, and still holding de facto control over 80% of South Somalia(TFG offical's words, not mine), I'd say they're doing splendidly swimmingly, sir. Look at it in terms of pure wins/gains: 18 months ago, they were supposed to have been wiped out, crushed beyond any hope of regrouping. And ever since, they have waged the classical guerrilla campaign. Appear, strike, disappear. How do you fight an enemy you can't see ? Win the hearts-and-minds of your people. How do you think they have been able to sustain such an expansive campaign ? The only thing that counts, the shacab, are fully on their side. Providing them with local intelligence about the enemy positions, weak points, and critical info, funding them with whatever they can raise up. 18 months, abti, and look what they have achieved. Objectivity demands admiration for their feats, even if ur not on board with their agenda. Only reason Shaykh Sharif is being hosted at 5 star luxury hotels in the world is because of these men and their unyielding courage, vision, and determination. Grievous mistakes have been made and they have been rectified. No more pitched battles. Bleed the b.astards dry. Drip, drop, drip, drop. Ambush them at every turn. Until staying in Somalia is no longer palatable. Lessons have been learned and a wealth of experience has been reaped. And today, we stand on the brink of victory. Only a few more days/weeks/months and the flag of Laa ilaaha ila Allah will replace the Lion of Judah that now flutters triumphantly in Mogadisho. Faith coupled with planning(akhth bil asbaab), always wins. Taas weligaa xasooso.
  4. ^^ . Still support the Iraq war ? ONLF fighters, unlike insurgents in Benadir, are engaged in a do-or-die kind of struggle Braathar, I sink zat ze ONLF shood come to the dirrin gogol. Zey shood dialouge and ispeek to His Excellency Zenawi. Why always fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ? It no good. Fight no good. Zey fight for more than 200 years, what zey gain ? Samsing fery wise I learn today in za college: Make love, not war.(I also learn how to ) What iz mean "make love, not war". Iz mean, iz better to have fun-time, sexy-time, , and all ends of merriment, than fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. What big broblem if ONLF put down their pistols and join their Habesha braathers ? lol@unlike insurgents in Benadir. Waraa, Send me ur resume, shaqo aa kaaga soo qal-qaalinaa the local Fox-News. They're taking interns for the summer.
  5. Question for Xiin, and the peacenik crowd : Say per the provisions of the deal, that the Ethiopians leave within 120 days, every single last one of them, UN-ka aa la keenay, aight ? Shaykh Sharif waxaa laga dhigay Prime Minister, picking a cabinet of his own choosing(seriously). The only catch is that he has to work in conjuction with his His Excellency, Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen, Burhaan-al-Zamaan, Defender of the Islam, Protector of Somali-dom, His Grace, Worship, and Honour: Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed, who will remain President(until such time the Tol-ka have to buy him a new Bangladeshi liver) So far so good ? Good. Only problem to overcast this deliriously rosy projection are these guys: You see, being men of foresight, conviction, and understanding, they are not too fond of Buul-shiid, Is-Qancis, Waxa-la-Yiri, Sidaan-baa-ka-wadnay, Sidaan-ay-nala-ahayd. And so they choose to fight any foreign force what dares to pollute Somali soil with it's presence, and(key point here) whoever stands with them. Spelled out in far waa wayn: They would commence to attack the UN troops and the newly-formed 'unity' government. As fiercely and ruthlessly as they had attacked the Ethiopians. No.Holds. Barred. Stand up with the occupying gaalo forces, and Wa Rabul Kacba, you will fall down with them. What will be your position then ? Will you urge Shaykh Sharif and the UN to crush these 'Khawaarij' ? Will you issue empty grandiose statements like: "Gentleman, at this hour of history, The Somali Republic expects every man to do his duty. For the sake of The Somali Republic, this Khawarijite threat must needs be destroyed before it can threaten our unity. Somalinimo reigns ! Qaranimo rules ! Huzzah ! Huzzah ! Huzzah!" I wonder what spectacular displays of Is-Qancis will we witness to rationalize standing with the Blue Helmet army, beholden as it is to the powers-that-be, and fighting against the men who with their blood, and with their sweat, salvaged and upheld Somali Honour, when it was thought to be lost forever. The position of the Resistance is crystal-clear: Expell the Ethiopians, Dismantle the TFG, End the suffering of the Somali people, Provide them with the safety and security guaranteed by Shariah law. If diplomatic initiatives can further that goal, then ahlan wa marxaban. If not, we fight Question-ka marka: Do you envision any scenario where it would be justified to use the UN troops(be they carab or cajam) against the Muqawama and it's young buckin' steady gunnin' throughbreds ? If there is such a scenario, why not outperform Riyaale as a Man-Harlot and invite the Americans in to help against the peace-spoilers and anarchists ? .
  6. As'ad Abu Khalil on Tim Russert. Tim Russert. I met him when I was a graduate student and was doing free-lance work for NBC-News in Lebanon. He was the rising star in the network then. I did not know him at all but he represents something not necessarily good or impressive about U.S. media. He was talented and was a good interrogator and was very well-prepared: but these are basic qualities that all journalists should possess; and journalists in Europe, for example, possess those qualities. But he also represented this tendency that you have be chummy with politicians, and that it is all a big joke--the political differences and the disagreements. Russert has a horrible record on the Bush administration: he was least critical and least skeptical. How can you take his coverage seriously, when he would interview the president one day, and then take his son to take his picture in the Oval Office the next day? He really did that: or when he marvels about how "a kid from Buffalo" is sitting in the Oval Office. What is the big deal, I don't get it. He represents that annoying tendency in the U.S. to indulge in self-praise and self-congratulations. He is one of those who have to say "only in America" several times a day. He also represented patriotic journalism --according to which you should not question an administration in a time of war. He also has this nostalgic view of parents and grandparents: the glorification of the past, with little regard for the plight of women, minorities, homosexuals in this past. The "greatest generation" that Brokaw wrote so much about was a generation that practiced segregation, that confined women to their homes, that watched lynching of blacks, that blatantly beat homosexuals, that spoke about "the others" only in vulgar and pejorative terms. Yesterday, Chris Mathews outed him on MSNBC: he said that Russert was a supporter of the American invasion of Iraq. No kidding. It was quite obvious. Russert started his career by working for one of the worst (and most politically racialist) Senators: Daniel Patrick Moynihan. It is also that common revolving door policy: to have journalists moving from the corridors of power to the newsrooms. Russert worked for Mynihan and for Mario Cuomo before coming to NBC-News. On Israel, Russert was horrible: he would always challenge politicians if they have the slightest skepticism toward Israel and its crimes. The standards of political courage are so different in the U.S. from what they are in Europe, for example. Here, if they ask one mild question (the standard for questioning being Larry King), it is considered courageous. Look back at Russert's interviews with Rumsfeld and Bush after Sep. 11: they did not show hints of skepticism. He was a war promoter. Glen Greenwald on establishment journalists: There are numerous reasons why the function fulfilled most vigorously by our establishment media is to serve the political establishment, but the petty cravings of today's "journalists" to be close to those in political power is without question one of the most significant. It's hard to imagine a more vivid illustration of the disease which Janyes describes than this little vignette. That was where, as Megan McCain put it, "the guys from the Politico brought my mom flowers." It's Tim Russert, George Stephanopoulos, Gloria Borger, Tom Brokow and friends following McCain around Manhattan, singing "Happy Birthday" to him. It's all the inter-marriages and other social and professional intertwining between our journalist class and the ruling political elite. No need to deify the dead. The sudden death, right after his son's graduation is tragedy enough. RIP, Tim.
  7. Wayxaka yaa Barafasoor Hadaba iga qor: If the Ethiopians leave within 120 days as stated, I will not only eat my words, but do so happily. Some of us, keen students of realpolitik, simply do not have the luxury of baseless optimism. Were it so easy to expel the Ethiopians. Were it so easy to put Humpty-Dumpty back together. Were it so easy to be a populist demagogue, telling a war-weary country what they want to hear, soothing their ears with rosy words of peace, tranquility, and dowladnimo. Oh were it so easy. Hayhaat! Hal mid ka fakar: Do you want a clean break with the past ? A meritocratic Somalia ? A Somalia where you fear no man but the Almighty Creator alone. Or do you want Siad Barre 2.0 ? Xiin iyo asxaabtiisa(ilaahay ha soo hadeeyo), waxay wadaan waa a retooled, updated, barely palatable Siad Barre 2.0, Waa hadee runta la isku sheegaayo. Question is, Can Somalia afford another Siad Barre regime ? Another 30 years of 'peace and stability', where scholars are shot dead, cities jet-bombed, wells poisoned, innocents disappear in the middle of the night, followed by all-out civil war. Some peace that. Will you, Barafasoor, as a Somali Muslim, be content, in laguugu qanciyo ninac iyo shukalaato, like a few paltry chairs in an Ethiopian-beholden Parliment, or the PM chair in a puppet goverment ? No, my brother. We suffer today, so that we prosper tomorrow. A permanent(inshallah) lasting peace. We starve today, so that we eat our fill tomorrow. We fight today, so that our children and their children do not have to go through the horrors of the past 30 years. A New Somalia ? or Siad Barre 2.0 Your ball, play it well, homes, play for keeps. Anytime you find yourself getting all jidbo'tised by Shaykh Shariif or Shaykh Xiin's hypnotising words, just remember this here quote: Those who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security Benjamin Franklin another version: Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
  8. ^^ Just listened to the interview and choose to withhold my comments....don't wanna ruin your feel-good vibe, waa kuu jeedaa waad jidbaysantahay. Reminds me of all the swooning that accompanied Obama-mania(AIPAC..sigh). Ilaahay khayr haka dhigo, and may your disillusionment be a gentle gradual awakening instead of the jarring jolt I see coming.
  9. ^^ We agree then. I'm not referring to the good shacab of Waqooyi. I know that the shacab there, just like the shacab in Djobuti, Puntland, Kismayo, or Mogadisho, are weak and have no voice. And I know that they are against any pimpin' of Somali soil. Any human being would. It's a universal constant oo uu baahnayn explanation. What I am blasting tho for being silent, is the traditional power structure, the Garaads, the Sultans, the Ugaas's, as well as the other figures of leadership: the Newspapers, the Business community, the Parliment, the MPs, and the Opposition parties, both in Djbouti and Somaliland. That said, I'm a realist. I'm not expecting everybody to speak out, but you know something is deeply wrong when nobody dares contradict the status quo, even when it involves something as sacrosanct as national territory. The cancer of moral cowardice and of appeasement has eaten away at almost every single individual in the Somali power structure. And that is one of the root causes of our disintegration and downfall, as a country, and as a people.
  10. Source Rafay Siddiqui, a Marine veteran of Iraq, says that in the military, “you’re not a man until you’ve taken advantage of a woman.” Impressionable 18 and 19-year-old young men come into the service, see “everyone doing it, so they themselves have to do it too because they want to fit in.” He testifies about his experiences not in Iraq but in Djibouti, Africa on an earlier deployment. Young girls, trying to escape poverty, came to Djibouti and ended up working as prostitutes for Marines and for French legionnaires who were also stationed there . All due respect to any Djiboutians up in here, but um, your country is a giant brothel for American and French johns. Both figuratively and literally. You know, in case you weren't aware. NSS Chief Riyaale wants to duplicate the above by offering Berbera, as a nubile virgin, for the Americans to ravish. And the patriotic Somalilanders clap and applaud his decision, cuz you know, you gotta stick with the President to get to the promised land of Holy Recognition. Not one word of protest. Not a single criticism. Not online. Not by the 'independent' baarlamaan. Silence. "But no, no, no, no. Easy now, youngin'. It's called statesmanship. That's how world politicking works, B. You gosta give some, to get some, naah mean. We offer up Berbera on a silver platter, throw in a couple of expendable hot lil things, and boom-shaka-laka, we get international recognition. Big pimpin', yo, big pimpin'" The depths of dhulinimo people stoop to for the sake of their jahal. Lord have mercy.
  11. Longer version of the clip above. Jon Turner speaking: An act of Courage, an act of Honour.
  12. A Just War. One that civilised people(including qaxooti transplants) can take great pride in. Huzzah! Duq Ngonge, still think the Iraq war was a 'just war', a humane and legal war(all your words) ? If you do, by the authority invested in me by the universal principles of mankind, I officially pronounce you a sick F, one that I pray tastes the the same 'liberation' and 'enlightenment' that is being visited upon the Iraqi people. Aamiin. Watch for the Is-Qancis dam to break: "Oh no, these are a few bad apples, these are isolated incidents. A few faulty cogs in the great machine that is Western military might. Surely you wouldn't be rash enough to generalize and take this unfortunate(sniffle, blows nose, sniffle) incident out of context." Gotta love what a lil education does to a unprincipled mind. Faarax Jaamac, meet Aristotle. And say hi to Kant and Carlyle over there. And make sure you grab a coupla drinks from bartender Moral I. Relativist. In psychobabble-speak: The product, of course, is a unmoored, confused, indoctrinated individual readily lapping up the talking points/explanations/justifications provided by a society s/he desperately wants to be part of. Refugee, shake hands with Assimilation. And so, the same Flight 13 individual who wouldn't blink an eye when a $300 million 'smart missile' kills 40 civilians celebrating a wedding, cuz you know, it's high-tech 'sivilised' warfare and all, will burst a vein screeching about the inhumanity of an angry crowd dragging the body of a soldier down the street. Or the execution of dhabo-dhilif war criminals. Or even, laughable as it is, the very act of self-defense. "How dare you defend yourself, you primitive smelly savage ? Lay down your arms and submit to the forces of modernity and dowladnimo. You shall be liberated and enlightened. You will be taught how to shit standing up, and then, not use any water to clean up, this is the legacy of Voltaire and Hobbes." I know, it's mind-boggling, which is why anytime I want a good chuckle, I visit SOL. But then again, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe the scenes of death and destruction oo kor ku xusan, which has been playing out in Iraq, Afhganistan, and Somalia has changed the minds of our resident 'enlightenment' peeps. Maybe the sight of the repentant soldier as he narrates the lives he stole, in cold blood, maybe that'll shock their consciences out of it's dormant slumber. If the killer can spend sleepless nights begging for mercy for the mayhem he wrought, surely that'll give cause for the blind supporter to fix his moral compass. What the camera captures is but a fraction of the deliberate atrocities being committed and being excused away in the name of modernity, war against(of) terror, and dowladnimo. So, let's hear it y'all: LazieG, Ngonge and Co. Whatchu sayin' ? Enjoyin' the vid ? How you like the investment of your tax-money ? And the jackpot question: If you knew then what you know now, would you still have supported the invasion of Iraq ? And to juxtapose it slightly, the invasion of Somalia ? Spill.
  13. ^^ Khayr inshallah. We will wait and see sidoo Ilaahay ka dhigo. Time will tell which approach was right, although I believe Sunatallhi-fil-ardh, historical precedent, logical deduction, human nature, and common sense is firmly on the side of armed military resistance against occupation and oppression. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I look at the Djbouti farce and I see a point-by-point parallel with the Munich Disaster. And you know how that episode ended. Sorry, akh, one side, and one approach is gonna have to win, and judging from the wave of rejection of the Djobouti farce coming from the ground forces, from the Diaspora, from the ARS, from the Culamaa iyo Caamo, Xaq'qa woo iska cad'yahay. It isn't something that requires pages of debate. Djbouti conference: "Peace" in our time.
  14. Xiin, We all want the same thing: A peaceful strong and united Somalia. We differ on how to get there. There is no doubt in my mind that you, along with most of the peacenik crowd, are genuine, sincere, and have good intentions. But as it were, you would unwittingly cast Somalia to a fate that it cannot afford to suffer: Legitimized neo-Gumaysi, either actual physical occupation, or by a client puppet government. It is aragti-gaabni and fikrad-xumi, not malevolent intentions, that has put you where you are today: Shaking hands with General Gabre while blood of the innocent is not yet dry from the walls of Bakaaro Market. Hadal-ka kulul waxaa naga keenayo, is that we feel personally betrayed by what happened in Djibouti. Were Shaykh Sharif and his delegation able to secure the eviction of the Ethiopian troops without any of the other shameful clauses, they would have earned the undying respect and devotion of Umaadda Soomaliyeed. But, brah, they capitulated, they submitted, they surrendered. Nothing can excuse that. Can you then blame us for suspecting them of selling out ? Even if we don't have proof ? I am enough of a realist to know what the mirage of power and the Kursi can do to honest men. Have you listened to the Sharif Xasan interview I posted on the other thread ? Please do. Tell me that is not the words of a defeated man. Nin la haysto oo laa gatay. Wallahi dhuliga xathal-keesa ka muuqdo inaysan qaar-badan oo TFG-ga ku hadlin. Wayxaka yaa Xiin, who doesn't want peace ? War ma kula tahay the brothers and sisters of the Muqawama just LOVE mayhem ? That they get kicks out of death and destruction ? That they love living in mosquito-infested jungles for the thrill of it ? Do they not want the same thing human beings the world over desire ? Clean water, good food, a safe home, a loving family, the honourable peace of the strong . Yet they FIGHT. Why ? Because they understand the existential nature of this conflict. It is not a fight over land, or resources, or power, as some of our misguided fools would have you believe, but a fight for the very soul of Somalia. Waamaxay, marka, Is-Qancis'ka iyo Is-Maaweliska. You know all this better than I do. But for some reason that I cannot figure out(only you can), you are willing to do anything, even at the risk of long-term national catostrophe, to have what you term 'Peace', but is in reality abject app'Peace'ment. Unshiduka billah, So the Ethiopians leave, victorious, and come home to Addis to a glorious welcome. So the UN troops take over and secure the Kursi for Ra'sul Kufri wal Nifaaq, Abdullahi Yusuf, for Butcher Dheere, for Caduwallah Khayrdiid. What has changed ? Xabada oo istaagtay maa kula eh guul ? Ilaahay indaha ha kuu kala furo, waayo athigoo soojeedid aa jeeftaa. War rag'gu aragti-gaabnaa. Waryee, war miyaadan la soconin once aa qoriga dhigtid inaa noqotay ari ama geel, oo meeshee is dhigay lagu qalu ? Waryee, war will you entrust Ummada Soomaaliyeed to the scheming and machinations of Ikhwatul Khawanti wal Khanazeer ? Wayxaka yaa Xiin !! Who will answer for the blood that has been shed ? Who will answer for the lives that have been stolen ? Who will answer for the bur-bur, for the xasooq, for the darkest chapter in the book of Somali history ? Is there no Justice to be had ? Is our lexicon bereft of the word Accountability? Wayxaka yaa Xiin!!!, above and beyond everything, will you have the budding light of Islamic governance extinguished in Somalia ? Will you let Zenawi preen and crow that he has defeated the 'terrorists' ? Are you willing to have a repeat of the Barre regime, where the Scholars of Islam were shot by a firing squad, as if they were common criminals, for daring to say "Allah's rule is superior to anything else" Wayxaka yaa Xiin !!! Even if you were to sweep all of that under the carpet, for the sake of your illusory, oh-so-precious 'peace', what guarantees do you have that it will not be repeated ? War indaha kala fur: A precedent has been set: Traitors have gone across the border and guided our historical enemy to their promised dream: Xamar Caday and the Indian Ocean, and you, in all of your spectacular naivety, would legitimize that shameful precedent by approving of the Djibouti farce. Tommorow, berito, another dhabodhilif, drunk in the quest for power, will do the exact same thing aided and abetted by YOU and your stamp-of-approval. And the cycle of violence, of xasooq, of endless war will perpetuate itself. Over and over again. No, my brother. Ummada Soomliyeed, spearheaded by it's pride, the Muqawama, is determined to right the wrongs of the past, to put a definitive end to the cycle of dhabodhilifnimo, to crush, once and for all, any Somali individual, group, and entity what allies itself with Ethiopia. It will not be easy. Grand undertakings in the history of nations never were. Read upon the bitter birth of this nation that I call home and learn from the lessons of history. Read upon the bitter sacrifices by a divided country, much more divided than we ever were. But they fought, like lions defending their den, they fought like patriots. And they won. Wayxak: Gobonimadu waa geed harwayn oo ku baxa dhiiga geesiga. You are teetering on the brink of a dangerous precipice, abti, and you have two choices. Make your bed well and then sleep in it. A) Support Gobonimo, support Somalinimo, support Islam. We may differ on tactics and on strategies, but we will never ever ever compromise or engage in mudaahana when it comes to iron-clad principles. B) Itabic hawaaka. Hawadaada raaco. Meeshu ku gayso, iska aad. Falaa taloo'mana ilaa nafsak. Become like Sheikh Ali Dheere and campaign for the Minister of Islamic Affairs in the Tigray Founded Group. Lean on rationalization upon rationisation to explain your fence-ridding 'peace-loving' guilt to your kids when they ask you "Baba, when our country was under occupation, where did you stand ?" As for us, the Somali peoples of the Horn of Africa, Qasaman bi Rabil Kacba, We fight, xataa yaxkumallahu baynanaa wa howa khayrul xaakimeen. Wal Caaqibatu lil Mutaqeen. The day will come, my brother, that Somalia is free, united, and strong, respected among it's friends, feared by it's enemies. Wa yow'ma'ithin yafraxul Mu'minoon. Bi Nasrillah. That day is when the Somali Muslim peoples will rejoice and celebrate a hard-won victory. And be forever thankful and eternally in debt to those who sacrificed blood & treasure, to those who refused to give in to the politics of fear and convenience, to those who looked upon the threats and intimidation of a hostile world with a scornful smile. As if to say: Waryee, Ina Kaadi Najaasle, Ma itaaqaan ? Waxaanu nahay Ahlul Karam wal Majd. I am a Muslim. I am a Somali." We Fight, inshallah.
  15. ^ How so ? Emp, you still haven't figured out the delicious irony slathered all across your quote, have you now ? Try again. The inability to grasp irony seems more and more like a genetic defect in dhabodhilifs. Hint: In 2006, one country, somewhere on Planet Earth, just so happened to 'provocatively attack' another country with 'open aggression'. And the UN bowed and clapped. Hope that helps.
  16. one nation attacking another nation provocatively is reckless and scary to say the least, we'll wait and see what the UN has to say about this open aggression... Sweet Irony. War Rag'gu qaar-kees caqli-gaabana .
  17. ^^ Ilaahow nin jaahil ha cadaabin. Ilaahow nin naive oo niyad-fiican ha cadaabin
  18. But those who lack the power of positive thinking or have no patience or just somehow have no consideration to the humanitarian side of this conflict will always and consistently find excuses to oppose any peaceful settlement of the Somali conflict I guess you were being 'considerate of the humanitarian side' when you were calling for war to 're-liberate' Laas-Canaood a few months back from the invading barbarian hordes from the North. You are on record justifying that as a 'just war', a war that would have undoubtedly resulted in great disaster. Why the discrepancy, adeer ? Why call for war over something as petty as traditional age-old clan conflict, and call for surrender and submission in the face of the greatest threat Somali-dom has ever seen ? What is this Peace(at least ur version of it) that is not good enough for Laas-Caanood, but is good enough for Ummada Soomaliyeed. Why is it OK to go war with other Somalis, but it is a horrendous notion to defend yourself, your country, your deen from genocidal Xabashi occupation. Peace-Spoilers ! Nabad-Diids ! Anarchists ! There is an interesting dichotomy I've noticed: People calling for war when it suits their interests and then doubling back advocating for "Peace ! Stability ! People are tired of war ! The Innocents ! Dowladnimo ! Somali Republic !". Yeah, yeah, yeah, all that jazz woulda sounded great had it been consistent. I won't presume to know the motivations behind such a contradictory stance, but xusnul-thani has it's limits, and you're almost done running up ur tab, bro. Capetown, is-qabooji, abti. Victory is around the corner and the Resistance will continue their time-honoured liberation campaign, not until the Ethiopians leave, no sir, but until all of Dhabodhilifa are either six foot under or in exile. Ethiopians are just a symptom. The disease that has ravaged and wrecked the Somali body is dhuli'fied dhabodhilifnimo, grand treason fueled by qabiil and greed. This malignant cancer that has festered for so long is being excised today by a band of surgeons, oo isku-bahaystay magaca Eebbe(SWT). Marka wax yar uu kaadi Daqtar'yaasha. Good things are coming, inshallah.
  19. Excellent analysis by a poster over at Beerdhiga: Posted By wadaad yare on 11.06.2008 14:11 Walaalayaal horta ilaahey kheyrka hana waafajiyo, raga jabuuti ku shirey nabarkey umada u geysteen koley wuxuu ka midka yahay nabarada waaweyn ee umada ku dhacey oo runtii uu raadkiisa xun umada ka saameyn doono meelo badan oo dadka badankiisa aan hada u muuqan. Nimankaas maalin ka hor inteysan saxiixin heshiiska amaba saacado aan iraahdee sidaan u taageersanaa ilaahey kaliya ayaa ogaa adinkuna marqaati ayaad iiga tihiin. Qaar badan oo iyaga ka mid ahna saaxiibo iyo jaal iyo macrifo ayaan nahay. Laakiin qadiyadii na mideyneysey way u gefeen. Waxaanan u maleynayaa ineysan khiyaano u geyn ee karti xumo, wax qadarin la,aan, culeys nafsiya oo dhinacyo badan ah iyo cadaadis, natiijada oo la deg degsadey, culeys dhanka Eriteria uga yimid intaasoo dhan ayaa isku biirsatey, markaas ayey saxiixeen wax is dhiibid aan shuruud laheyn u eg. Taasi qofkii munsif ah oon wax kale u muuqan wuu arki karaa, laakiin maxaa hada nala gudboon weeye su,aashu? Sida aan wararka ku heley raga guduhu waxey arintaas u saareen gudi culimadii ugu caansaneyd ah, oo fatwo kasoo saara arintaas. In waxaana laga yaabaa maanta ama beriba raga guduhu arintaas ku dhawaaqaan ah in culimadaas laga war sugo waxey go,aan ku gaaraan. Waa arin fiican, culimada camalkaan jihaadigaa marjica u ahaa in loola laabto arinta, maadaama hogaankii siyaasadeed uu qaatey go,aan aan umada u cuntamin. Nimankaas iney qalad taariikhi ah galeen waxaad ku ogaan kartaan cid iyaga ka baxsan oo dadkaas marjica ah taladii ma aysan u bandhigin. Muqaawamdii gudaha uma bandhigin. Kuwii Asmara oo ay isku ururka ahaayeen warkoodba daa oo way kala tageen. Xataa karaamadooda iyo qawlkoodu inuu fulo uma aysan fakarin, waxey u egyihiin dad inta gacanta la qabtey wax laga saxiixdey. Wixii hada ka danbeeyana hadeysan shakhsiyan is daba qaban waxey noqon doonaan warqad loo isticmaalo leynta iyo bur burinta walaalahood, sida Fatax qabsatey oo kale. Goormaan baraneynaa shirqoolada R/Galbeedka iyo makrigooda khabiithkaa? Xalkiisu maahan sida raga qaar inaad geestaas istaagto ood sidii dibi carsan faagato ood tiraahdo cidna lama hadlayo, laakiin xalkeedu waa inaad acsaab baarid ah iyo taxadar kula mufaawadooto. Waa inaad ogtahay iney shar maahane kheýr kula rabin oo ay dabin kula gaadayaan. Waxaad uga badbaadi kartaa inaad wada tashi waasic ah dadkaaga iyo qawaacidaada la leedahay ood wada tashi joogtaa la leedahay. Waxyaabaha lagu qaldey nimankaan waxaa ka mid ah, waxaa laga soo buuxiyey agagaarkooda ganacsato iyo bulshada rayidkaa oo iskaga dhigey iney wakiil wakiil ka yihiin bulshadii soomaaliyeed. Dhab ahaantiina qaybahaas waxaa loo yaqaanaa intrest groups oo danahooda ayey u ololeeyaane shacbi uma ololeeyaan. Weligood intii dalku ixtilaalka ku jirey bulshada rayidkaa oo ka hadleysa miyaa la maqley? kamaba hadli karaan oo hay,ado shisheeye ayey danahoodu ku xiranyihiin oo waa dad dano gaar ah ilaalinaya. Ma qabo in la colaadiyo oo waxaan qabaa iney bulshada khidmo u hayaan, laakiin arinta siyaasada hada taagan dhex dhexaad kama noqon karaan oo waa intrest group. Markii arintu qabaa,il is heysta aheyd laga yaabee iney macquul ahaan lahaayeen, laakiin arinta hada waa loolan R/Galbeedka iyaga maal geliyaa qayb ka yahay. Waa af wax cuney xishoo. Jariimooyinka aan kasoo waaqsiga laheyn oo shaahidu zuuryaalka faraha badani isku kaashadeen raga jabuutina ugu danbeys la marsiiyey waxaa ugu weyn in arinta loo sawiro khilaaf aan dhamaad laheyn oo soomaalida dhexdeeda yaala! Soomaali fara badan iyo ajniba oo arintaas isku kaashadey waxaa hal ku dhig u ah 17 sano ayaan is dagaaleyney, hadana wayba sii durugtoo 18 sano ayaan is daaleyney ayaa la yiraahdaa. Meel aan run laga sheegeyn xal lagama gaaro. Ciidankaas kumanaankaa oo magaaladii qaybo badan dhulka la simey ayaa la rabaa in mushkilo daakhili ah laga dhigo! Wallee sidaas ayaan heshiis iyo kheyr lagu gaarin. Ragaas Jabuuti waxaa la qabadsiiyey oo afkooda lagu tirey beentaas iney iyaguna wax ka jiibiyaan, sida Fataxda Falastiin afkooda loogu tirey in dhulka falastiin laga heystaa yahay oo kaliya intii laga qabsadey 1967. Wixii ka horeeyeyna iney afkooda ka dhawraan oo ceeb tahay ayaa laga dhaadhiciyey. Raga jabuutina sidaasoo kale badalkii xoreynta dalka dib u heshiisiin ayaa afkooda lagu tirey. Dhowr talaabo dib waad noo celiseen, laakiin(waman yaku thaa fadlin, fayabkhal bi fadhlihi calaa qawmihi yustaghna canhu wa yuthmami) Ninkii fadli ilaahey siiyo oo dadkiisa uga bakhiila waa laga kaaftoomaa waana la caayaa. Umadu way idinka kaaftoomi doontaa sida kuwa idinka badan ee Impagati looga kaaftoomey. Waxaad sameyseena waxaa u riyaaqsan Mareykan, EU iyo xulafadooda. Gudahana waxaa u riyaaqsan taageerayaashii Tigreega caleemaha qoyan u ruxi jirey oo ka nixi jirey markii ay maqlaan askar Tigree ah ayaa la laayey.
  20. ^^ Should the ONLF cease their struggle too, for the sake of peace ? Should the Palestinians lay down their arms and 'honour the peace' ? The Iraqis ? The Afghanis ? How far are you willing to stretch the 'for the sake of peace' argument ? I'm thinking about hosting a peace conference in my apartment between the local ONLF representative and a guy from the Etho embassy here. During that conference, I will ask both sides to put away their selfish and petty grievances and to come together for the sake of peace. I will ask both sides to accept the status quo as it is and to compromise on any unconditional principles they may have...like any notions of independence or even autonomy, you know for the sake of peace. What do you think, Neph...feasible ? Caqli-gal ? realistic ?
  21. So, um, lemme try and understand this, aight: Kow, The Ethiopians get to leave and go back home, their heads held high in Victory. They have crushed the Somalis, humiliated them in their own land, reached the promised Indian ocean, and avenged the memory of '77. They leave having killed thousands of civilians, tens of thousands of wounded, and having destroyed the infrastructure of an already destroyed country. More importantly, they leave with their dhabodhilif clients, their sworn servants, in power, to be protected by UN troops, who will now take over the bleeding and dying bit. Pretty good day to be an Ethiopian, don'cha think ? Labo, The Tigray Founded Grouping of warlords and war criminals escapes scotch-free. They hold on to their positions earned at the expense of untold suffering of millions. All the death, all the injuries, all the misery ? Bah, it ain't nothin'. Water under the bridge. After all, genocidal war crimes doesn't come between niman oo jago-raadis, right ? Dangle the PM chair to the Sharifs, grease their pockets with promises of a inclusive 'unity' government, and all will be forgiven, dirt to be swept under the carpet. Sadax, The international community, who spent the past 18 months looking away, turning a blind eye at the worst violations of any laws, divine, man-made, instinctive; hoping and wishing for the Ethiopians to crush the Resistance once and for all, now suddenly embraces 'peace talks', after it became clear that the tide had turned and that the balance of power shifted decisively towards the Muqaawama. So they cook up a scheme to divide the Resistance and bring troops to Somalia to protect the TFG. So, looked at objectively, the Ethiopians win, the TFG wins, the two Jago-raadis Sharifs win, the International community wins. Which begs the question: What about the Somali people ? Oh, them ? Um, yeah, there's only one way to put it: They get F'd. Thoroughly. Completely. Every which way possible. They have been and continue to be killed, starved, raped, turned into refugees, massacred in their homes, in their mosques, bombarded, blocked from medical care and aid, forced to rent trees for shelter. Their country has been turned into a Ethiopian playground with traitorous dhabodhilifs enacting the Xabashi agenda. Their youth, their scholars have been and continue to be shipped to the torture chambers of the civilized world. "But, braathar, all that is forgivable ! Peace is at hand ! Reconciliation, braathar ! It's easy, real easy. For this nightmare to end, all you have to do is submit. Just bend over. That's all it takes. Look at us, the breakaway faction of the ARS, we've done it, and now, we're being wined and dined in the 5 star hotels all around the world." A cringe-inducing performance, a farce of a conference, a shameless lie being propagated upon the backs of the Somali people. To fully appreciate the level of selling-out that is taking place in Djibouti, you must listen(if link doesn't play, download it) to this interview of Shariif Xasan by VOA, who not only looks like a weasel, but shows all the characteristics of one too. The most weasely interview I've heard in a long time.
  22. quote: TFG will no longer have the free hand it had before, and Sharif's team will be more responsible actors and continue to learn how to interact with the International community, and SOMALIA will be better for it. What kind of fairytale world are you living in?Some rhetorical questions prove to be more weighty and more telling than 12 page threads on fire. To add to the above, The Is-Qancis Brigade inhabit a world, a fairytale world, where reality is shaped to fit their fantastical whims. "The Saudis will save us ! The UN will save us ! Peace ! Stability ! Reconciliation ! Elections will be held ! Dhabodhilifs are somalis too ! They have rights ! They are our people ! We must forgive them and allow them to rule ! We have to be inclusive ! Ethiopia is not to blame ! Somalis are to blame ! Ethiopia will leave and be a nice good neighbor ! The wadaads must be reined in !" Pure unadulterated BS aala iska qancinaa. Mar-marka qaarkood, waxaa ku qabaynayso, to grab them by the collar and slap some common sense into them. " Smack-Plap, wake up brother, Plap-Whop-Plap, open your eyes, brother. Can you not see what is happening on the ground ? Smackity-Smack Plapitty-Plap(rapid succession of a backhand left and right) How much longer will schoolgirl-like reasoning sustain you ? How much longer will you continue to deny the brutal facts on the ground ?" I do not, for one minute, doubt their sincerity. Many of them are genuine deen-jecel and dal-jecel, but their naiveness, their willingness to submit to occupation, and their tolerating of traitors is truly appalling.
  23. Those who want to continue with roadside bombs and suicide bombing regardless of the innocent victis of their acts and its retaliation should and will be condemned jointly You have been condeming for the past 18 months. What have you achieved ? Jack J. Shit. The Resistance has never been stronger than today. And your TFG has never been weaker. Marka, by all means, condemn away. Spite and bitterness meesha ay ku gaarseeso aan aragno.
  24. JIS is essentailly sharif's men, they are financed by xarakatul Ictisaam which is fully on board with Sharif Ahmed You are misinformed, abti. JIS are unequivocally against the Djibouti farce and have stated in an official press release that they will combat any foreign forces that come to Somalia. You see, JIS, along with their Muqawama brethren do not have a problem coming to this principled stance, because they have not been drinking the Kool-Aid of Jago-raadis.
  25. This goes beyond rubber stamping. This is willful complicity. This is 30 pieces of Silver. This is jago-raadis oo qaawan. This is Vichy France coming to terms with Hitler and calling the resulting 'agreement'(appeasement) a victory for the French people. Words cannot explain how disgusted I am by the naivety of these men who would deign to sign away Somali freedom, who would rubber stamp occupation, who would with a few strokes of a pen, cast Somali integrity into the mud of collaboration. Again, this goes beyond rubber stamping. With the Ethiopian military on the verge of collapse, having been confined to their military bases and with their baqti corpses being shipped out by the truckload, this was a calculated scheme by the powers-that-be, to 'stabilize Somalia', after brutal military subjugation failed miserably, by utilising the oldest trick in the colonial playbook: Divide & Conquer. Concern for Somalia ? Peace ? Reconciliation ? I feel sorry for you and your naive sophomoric outlook. Where the F was the international community when 2.5 million human beings were being shelled mercilessly in full view of the world ? Where the F was the international community when hospitals were being directly bombarded for daring to give medical care to the resistance ? Where the F was the international community....man, you know what, screw this. An appeal to humanity, to the plight of the suffering masses of Somalia never did change a single thing on the ground. Gabyaa aa beri hore wuxuu dahay: As'Sayfu as'daqu anbaa'an minal kutub. The sword doth ring truer than books and letters. Put more crudely: F diplomacy, is what main man was saying. Warka waa soo gaabina: Umar bin Khattab, upon migrating to Madeenah went before the congregated elite of Makkah at the Ka'bah, announced his migration(whereas others were leaving in secret), and said: He who wishes his mother to bereave him, his child to be orphaned and wife to be a widow, follow me behind this valley. Same call goes out to the UN or any other foreign entity what dares step a intruding foot on Somalia soil. All of Somalia's hopes now lie upon qoriga caaradheesa, clutched by young thoroughbreds, who fully understand the existential nature of this heroic struggle. What is at stake, yaa jamaacah, is the very soul of Somalia. The very meaning of what constitutes Gobonimo and Xornimo, words that I fully understand have no value to many of you. But I assure you, there are those who would sell their lives dearly in defense of all that is holy. Men and women who have taken oaths of fealty, to the death, to stand fast on this road, the road of Resistance, until Somalia is cleansed from Ethiopian and Dhabodhilif filth. Men and women who have invested themselves, their blood, and their treasure with unyielding determination to the cause of Liberation, to the cause of Freedom, to the cause of Islam. Ain't gon be no walk in the park. Come get it.