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Everything posted by faarah22

  1. having dreams about an ancient arab man def ain't healthy. you need help asap. acuudi billaahi
  2. just as the arabs have a jewishphobia syndrome, somalis have their ethiopian fear/hate syndrome. since i was born somalis have been whineing about xabashi. if he does not go to ethiopia where will he go, indian ocean. smh
  3. waryaa osman, have these pple ever heard of something called sunglasses? instead of always squinting in the sun. it's dirt cheap nowadays. reer baadiyahan wax bar
  4. war kan yar puntland baa maskaxda ka gashay. you need help asap.
  5. i don't have specific names in mind. but better use indigenous somali names. don't use arabic foreign names.
  6. the maybe temporary setbacks on they way but make no mistake, awdal is here to stay. "nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come" as kony2012 says. these are smarts folks who cannot allow themselves the indignity of leaving under the heel of the secessionists.
  7. that means it's time they went back to their home countries. afterall the only job skills they have are rioting and rapping. not exactly in high demand right now.
  8. what do you mean exactly, mr. freedom ?
  9. you're doing nothing but trying to cause bad blood between us and our brothers. stop this ceaseless hate, it's reserved for secessionists.
  10. garoowe has a sea ??? let me know ditoore
  11. cantarbaqash iga dheh. hermet is the worst poster on sol.
  12. I am not surprised at all. OBL after all had a porn stash in his villa before he was ignomoniusly gunned down by the seals.
  13. i thought your were talking about USC !. STOP the revisionism hermet, we know who brought the regime to it's knees.
  14. well they can't be simpler than the indian folks, who start business illiterate and turn into multinationals esp in east africa. sal ma leh soomaalidu, fudayd iyo waali wax kasta daafisay.
  15. that country makes me sick. how is corruption ever going to be stamped out ?. when, thievery is stamped on national psyche like that. empty slogans wil not help them. time to genetically manipulate teh black race and make it better.
  16. what an ugly third world town ( you can't call this a city, huge slum in all but name). there does not seem to be any definite sense of order or structure about this place, but rather mish mash of dwellings here and there erected at fancy and without any proper planning. then there is sheer monstrousness of the buildings themselves, why put tiles on facades, somalis it seems have a congenital love for the hideous.
  17. come and make me pay for it. bacaac.
  18. you making a mountain out of a molehole. it's just a name, look at modern infantry divisions and their names, most are foreign. the word admiral is arab derived and so on. darawiish was name used in somalia, so if somalis take it was it wrong with that.
  19. he needs a hard ***** slap to set him straight me thinks.
  20. who cares about it's origins. british infantry units are called grenadiers, fusiliers despite french origin of these names. don't read too much into it.