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Everything posted by faarah22

  1. you are not stealthy, rather a confused mind. please read a book or two. youre suffering from identity crisis as well
  2. sxb cajalad duqowday baa kugu qafilan, its 2012. don't you know they kickin al shabaab as we speak. please read the news for a change.
  3. stop wailing and sympthazing with terrorist. will ya please !
  4. am self indulgent coz i feel much superior ha ha. just a wind up.
  5. you know che, one could say the same thing in reverse but more truer. when someone sells his soul literally to nomadic arab warrior, you can not tell a freeman what you just said. in any case these categorizations are blinding us to the real objective of atheism, it's a tool or vehicle not the end. the real objective here is to unshackle one's self from mysticism and superstitions and see the world with clean lenses. there is no mosque or church to go to and certainly no cumbersome rituals but enjoyment of this little time of life we have on this earth.
  6. atheist this and that intaa iska daysad, ma ku qanacstantahay diin malinkasta bad news lagu soo tabiyo adiga?? leave others alone and think for yourself.
  7. apart from babar ahmad, for the other guys there little doubt as to their terrorist affiliations.
  8. she can talk for herself, she is a big girl. you don't have to be an in the middle....... youre too old for her anyway.
  9. what's asinine about it my dear? elaborate, other just throwing around words.
  10. I hope these calamities lead somalis to profoundly question their religious beliefs. it's only natural that pple ask themselves why only adherents of a certain religion take pleasure in blowing human beings to pieces for mindless reasons. no other followers of any other religion or culture treat human life so callously.
  11. mercifully we younger generations don't give rats about qabiil. it's these old farts whose whole world revolves around reer hebel that are holding us back. just look at america, different races are living side by side with no problems. while these skinnies fight over family feuds. disgusting shidh.
  12. have you forgotten al ittixaad ? whenever children are exposed to narrow minded teaching like that anywwhere, the results are predicable.
  13. these are the incubators of future terrorists/alshabaab iwm, plz close these useless madrassas. caruurtan faaida uga ma jirto inay carabi kor ka xifdhiyaan.it's really sad.
  14. i know maadey pple. it's all clan in somalia, even diin won't work here.
  15. Seems some pple are fighting yesterday's clan wars in 2012. i think southerners have moved on folks, plz let's all close that chapter and hold hands so that al shabaab can be kicked out.
  16. amateurish security arrangements are to blame for this. they should no better than risk their lives like this. too late.
  17. i know alot of characters like che where i stay.
  18. inertia and old ways that are hard to lose. but let's first put our feet down, then will right the errors in the constitution over time. good first step.
  19. They must get permission from TFG first, like puntland did. legal protocol must be followed.
  20. what all this bleating about? are you not a muslim? according to islamic jurisprudence it's legal sxb. absolutely nothing wrong with it. caadifada iska daa.
  21. Good observation rudy. there is no jobs for these graduates and will not be in the near term unfortunately. it's not real education they are getting but arabic, islamic iyo wax lamid ah. so what do you expect?