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Everything posted by faarah22

  1. anagana nagu dar. we are part of the middle east too.
  2. this dr osman fella has biiiiiig chip on his shoulder! rabiyo na wada caafi
  3. The content is gonna be qabiil bile as expected. don't hold your breath for good programming ......that for sure.
  4. ok this is it ! ADMIN do something about this character who keeps on bringing clan in every discussion.
  5. dr. osman are you ok? ma fiyoowdahay saxib. waa maxay melbourne somali capital.
  6. africaan waa africaan, baryootan iyo waji xumo kama daalaan. when will this stop? and this pple look after themselves like responsible adults.
  7. am not getting you raula? are you implying it's created by gaalo to depopulate africa or......just the read the paper well. sometimes we give other human beings way much power and consideration. when simple truth is most things are outside human power and evolve in their own distinct ways.
  8. what is your definition of fairness? causing famine and keep outsiders from helping starving pple, or perhaps stoning young girls who have been raped by foreigners.and you keep calling them barbaarta as if to somehow trying to sanitize the ugly connotations their actual name raises, really raises a big question mark against you sxb.
  9. aha good you also know that so how did it come about ? let us know ya mr. somalia
  10. shax shax, good to see that map you can even read the 12 tribes of israel on it, no where does it mention arabs we now call palestinians. now read the history behind it. the romans named it the province of palestina, to wipe out the name judea when the jews rebeled.marka the arabs are just usurpers of others land you shd know that fact.
  11. Alpha means first or the vanguard, what your problem with a word.... muran iyo qajajac waligaa ka raadi. get something else to bug about plz.
  12. It's to good to set the record straight show me any map that say palestine before british came.
  13. eat your heart out mr somalia , puntland aint got alpha wala beta wala gamma.
  14. there was no palestine before, so how can it be wiped off the map?
  15. wow see when positive things happen to somalis. horta why are all somalis called abdi ?? lol
  16. They are both stone age societies technologically and that's all that matters. retarded little competitions for little minds.
  17. ethiopia sure knows how to karbaaash islamic-crazed militants. all else nonsense
  18. everytime i watch it i cringe, a black dude mumbling on about it what arabs and turks achieved. truly bufoonish.
  19. mukulalow fast talk is no substitute for reality and the hard truth my friend is ISLAMIC socities will forever remain impoverished in every sphere of life and their counterparts will leave them behind. supposed historical glory days will never help anyone. only a deep reflection will help these pple, and painful parting.
  20. mukulalow with all due respect friend, that is an imaginary islam divorced from reality we have seen since the beginning of islam, and by the way christians don't follow the true christiantiy also, et al. even during the caliphates christians and jews dominated positions of skill, same with ottoman empire which freely used non muslim expertise for virtually all its needs. even in my own life i have seen some somali christians and they are really hardworking and a certain worldy nous that is absent in muslim somalis. the reasons i think are the ideals the religion imparts in you, for the most important one is the fatalism that all muslims have of we are dying anyway why try hard if you get my drift.
  21. mukulalow without sidetracking from the topic at hand, sxb this is well estabilished fact across the globe, with stark difference between communities living side by side. sikhs vs muslims in punjab, turks vs their christian neighbors, jews vs arabs before israel, maronites vs muslim lebanese,etc across all these situations, non muslims are richer and more skilled when compared to their muslim neighbors. it's not a new phenemenon, books have been written about it. anyways whatever it is one can not help but notice the total absence of any manual skills in our pple, fadhi ku dirir, tea drinking and doing rudimentary business is all they know. it could be that 2 lazy cultures have complemented each other.
  22. i can expound on the reasons for a very long time. but basically in our somali/islamic culture, manual/craft/technical work is not valued as in other cultures, whichi is a shame because technology is solely responsible for this modern world. secondly it's a question of societal organization, some pples are able to pool together and cooperate for the general interest others can't.
  23. cayal suuq iyo moryaan buu dhex dagay miskiinka. waa nin daacad ilaahay ah c/weli. watchout man.