• sheikh al mujahidin in iraq Abu-Anas al-Shami yusuf was born in salimia Kuwait in 1969.
• His family were Palestinians from the area of Tulkarm, on the West Bank.
• After he finished secondary school he went to the Islamic University in Medina almunawarah he graduated with a specialization in the teaching of Islamic law (Shari'ah).
• He moved to Oman Jordan
• Then he went to Bosnia to teach the quran an sunnah.
• He came back to Jordan and he founded albukhari islamid center
• After the fall of Baghdad in to the hands of crusaders , al-Shami moved to Iraq to join the Islamic forced
• He join al tawhed wal jehad (later known alqaeda in iraq) led by sheikh abu musab
• Al-Shami took over the position of Shari'ah mufti of the mujahidin in iraq
• Al-Shami was not one of the nine field commanders, responsible for separate combat areas.
• In april 2004 he led with Omar hadid (commander of falujah) to defend falujah from crusaders
• In septemper 2004 after he came back from samara He requested from sheikh abu musab to led agroup of mujahidin to attack abu qurayb detention to release muslim men and women, sheikh abu musab said to him we need you sheikh abu anas said: to die is better for me to see muslim sisters in prison, then he led the mujahidin he was kill by Missile near abu quray may allah accept his shahada..
when news of his deathe reached the people of baghdad and fulahah cried