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  1. omg Sheekoyinkan caadi maaha walahi. 2di rakco an tukaday miyan muslin ku noqday ku lahaa lolz Islaan ayeydey ah ayaa hadda ka hor looga sheekeeyay janada iyo in ay kala daraja sareyso, dadka qaarkood meela sarsare la geynaayo nabiyaasha camal, markey sheekada intaas mareyso ayey intey soo booday tiri " Maandhoow janada mug hadaan lugta la helo darajo waxba igama gelin"..
  2. anyone got any mariam mursal lyrics?? she's my favourite.
  3. well, it's a matter of interpretation like everyone has said but i don't believe anything.
  4. and when will we see them sit together and talk abt Somalia?!
  5. HP are the best. Acer on the other hand errr I wouldn't take it if they gave to me for free!
  6. oh so dat was swahili??? i couldnt figure out, lol had a gr8 laugh nevertheless =))
  7. hahahahah good 4 me to find this topik, i have a lot to share
  8. i like it too, thanks for sharing