Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Good Xiin , better Castro , i understand your points and i in no way am here defending Juma´s stand in that particular poisioned thread. Even i´d a rubbish exchange with Mr O in that thread, what i later realized was ,actually the very ppl i was exchanging rubish clanish sentiments with,had gone through hell, and had a first hand experience of the shit. It takes a great dose of unselfishness to realise how harmful and devastating your words can be sometime. I´ve yet to say Sorry to Mr O, i feel ashamed Nonetheless. rules are rules, but i stand by the plea n hope for an amnesty.
  2. True indeed Xarago !! No matter how i try i can´t bring the balance of the political section back ! Juma , the one man army left a vacuum behind. let us hope that ppl who banned him consider our plea. For the sake of the possitive contributions Juma made to this site, We hope for an Amnesty for all those who contributed possitively , but has a miss or two. I personally offer my membership canceled and banned in exchange for Juma.
  3. Johnny B


    ^^ Having you guyz as freinds , i sure don´t need more enemies. Now , i´m in a situation where i can neither kiss a female becuse i brup fire nor let her alone becouse of the Prophetic black seed. Good Xiin , better Castro, i can assure ya i haven´t emotionally lashed out YET, calm down , rest assured , your mosnter JB is tactfully in love. CW .. check the fotnotes (*) .
  4. Though giving the benefit of the doubt to the Saudi authoroties is a must, the constantly recurring tragedy is not acceptable in terms of the security measures in place. This ( dying in the Haj )and refusal of medications are likely temptations for many religious ppl and few of many reasons why religious rituals should be under control. Not so long ago , i´d a family member at Haj and an incident took place at that very same spot ( where Satan is stoned ), had she been hurt i´d to sue the Saudi authority. Loss of life is ALWAYS a tragedy , even if the deceased contributed to his death under the impression of having a better shot ( Pascal´s wager comes to mind )at paradise.
  5. Johnny B


    Originally posted by chocolate & honey: But why Halimos only? what if I want to describe my nightmare farah :confused: In that case we SUE ya .. I knew what i was doing when i intentionally side-tracked your nick
  6. Johnny B


    My Qalbi-Nura ! Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Qalbi-Nura, A tall, tad bit timid and typically tatooless Somali girl from [ ..], IMHO the dream of every Farax . What i´m not telling you is that she is really short, ( so all those short Halimos can relax). She is cute ,clumsy and slightly cocky as Waterfalls, yet straight and smartly sloshed as Ahura. Though easily recognizeable for her long silky nowadays blonde hair,she is a book-worm like FF, yet sensually a dope, and easy with the words like Alexus. She´s street-wise by the pound, yet got that class touch and a nose for a good life like Rahima. She´s rich in imagination, yet have the feet on the ground, like Sheh ,she lives with a perfect hubby who just isen´t there. My memories of her provide me a solace, she is one of a kind and not so averagely average just like LazyGirl. She is the owner of her smiles ,She stays on track, never waves form the weather, yet " sajaqaanad " in the best way u can imagine, just like Bisharo. She dreams of a lover who could never do wrong,yet humanely human and hugs her at " Salah " time. She is riddled With macabre vitality, she lives like she was born today ,Born friday. Catching a feeling and double edged thoughts are a no no for her, "Jacayl"-laced sentiments take over my otherwise rationally lashed thoughts when i´m with her, sorbile to the last drop she is like Idil ( qaxooooty ). * The names in my head are many than named here, but time n space are everything but soaring , so lemme stop temporarily right there. * Nothing of this is true , incase your nick is associated with the wrong qualities, sorry In reality i just told my girlfriend that she and i love the same person .. Myself. dedicated to NGONGE dare you describe your dream Xalimo through the SOL sisters?
  7. Bisharo, you make a heck of a nice victim . Somebody tip me where Bisharo lives, I need to borrow her life for few years, i swear i´ll bring it back when i´m done. Bisharo , you need to learn to say NO, even if u don´t meant it , just to sift your good will to help out a freind,neighbour or an acquaintance from the readily present smooth abusive manners of people.
  8. Theory, bro, I understand that you´re beeing bombed by some Nomads with a delayed and censored sensibility, but i`ll try to stay natural and maybe even take it to another level. There is a Swedish expression for what you´re too freightened of, "Knull-Kompis or KK (coco)" Roughly meaning "sex freinds" i think the Somali term would be " sxb caadi ". Go full gas ahead, don´t worry about loosing her, on the contrary you haven´t reached a line to cross YET, a kiss is an innocent expression of mutual feeling, Never play her part of the relationship. a failure many can´t recognize, she´ll stop ya if a line is there,exactly as you would´ve done. Your relationship is strong,it has many years of mutual respect, mutual aid, mutual trust and all that in it, a kiss can´t n shoulden´t change much. there can ONLY be two outcomes: 1) you guys will end up getting closer for good or worse. 2) you guys will keep and maintain your relationship but go diffrent paths in life. The worst(best if u like )will be "knull kompis" which per se is not a bad thing, compared to total loss of your innocent relationship ( here i´m speaking of personal experience ) if this doese´n turn ur page, i´d too much "Xalwad" today
  9. Originally posted by Caano Geel: eunics that carry the ermm donations between the men and the women during the ermm transaction. A leben ahf dein kepele !!
  10. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Hey Johnnygoodboy what did you do to get him PM you? Flash your man boobs? ^^ take a look ; « Delete Private Message » Send To Rana Atif Mohmood: Send Reply | New Private Message Author Topic: ok Rana Atif Mohmood Alien Member: 6819 posted January 08, 2006 01:45 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- how will you help me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posts: 5 | From: Stockholm | Joined Somalia Online: Dec 2005 The brother is serious, Rana, my hommie, Sorry man, i can´t help ya. My earlier post was a Joke, but if u stay on course i think (am pretty sure )you´ve a shot at one or two right here on SOL. but not Bisharo, she is a rich Canadian model looking for a Butler.
  11. Originally posted by Bishaaro: ^Ninkan ciyoodibo PM buu iisoo diray Walahi. Waaba ka dhab aan u malaynaa! Baloooy balo. Caynkanaan karin karaa, iyo caynkaas waa igu adag yahay bu iisoo qoray! LMAO He PMed me too , so i think he is serious. Just the thought of Bisharo having a Paki hubby who is always in the kitchen is so teasing though. Rana , The risk of you drinking Bisharo´s butter milk is minimal, what you´re looking for is an "UKHTI".
  12. Infinite, you´re quoting Callypso out of context,you´ve to look at the statement Xiin made regarding the changes and corrections made to the "Quran". Originally posted by xiinfaniin: If you are in the business of proofing the existence of god false, with all means go right ahead, and I will be all ears. If however you want good Xiin to accept your sleepwalk on matters beyond your meager knowledge, that is, good JB, not going to happen. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein That wraps it up for me good Xiin, i´ve no intention whatissoever proofing your claims, i´ve my claims proofed by way of conformity to fact and actuality. * shakes his head * --> Oy Vey !
  13. This was Sundays news on all Major wires , so don´t bother Khayr, he can call me what he wants. Legend, here is the Swedish version of that news. The latest fatwa
  14. SB, from what i heard ,to call Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita a controversial literary masterpiece is an understatement, is that so? Callypso, That Heidi (you probably seen on Discovery Channel ) who yodels is a Sami girl. SÃMIS or Lapps have their own language, learn about the Samis , so i don´t yodel like that at all. As for the population number,that is an innocent typo . On the other hand at school i learned 3.5 = 15 , meaning the (.) stands for (times) and 3,5 is like your 3.5 , so you can understand what might have caused that innocent Typo.
  15. The fatwa committee chairman´s compromise made me wonder the probability of Rashad.H.Khalil having some hidden evidence, while his suggestion of a Blanket made me roll on the floor one more time.
  16. Any time Uchi ,ps. you gonna love it, don´t forget ya helmet Callyso, Sagan´s The Demon-Haunted World is a class of his own, man if decency and a piece of natural mind will ever matter , Carl sagan did share it. No wonder, it´d such a personal effect on ya, you go around almost naked Cano Geel, Man , i thought Nomadism was something We Somalis had a monopoly on , but when i met the Ibo tribe, the elder men council, the crush with the other cultures,the glorified spirit and the fate of a boy, i´d been forced to rethink, wonderful book. P.s , Castro almost revealed the secret , Bro,I grew up in Uppsala ,North of Stockholm, a beautiful liberal,work-class,multi-cultural,academical, student city of Uppland state of Sweden. Here you have JB´s childhood environment There is no book I could say was written for me but none struck me as Noam Chomsky's Understanding Power. Castro my Emperor, that explains why you´ve been endorsed as the Emperor of SOL. I think i´ll never understand Power, so complicated, so limitless, so effecttive yet so vague, Man maybe it is about time i learn the art of Power. Atlas, bro maybe you can introduce me to the secret short-cut to Ayn rand´s wonderful works, sounds very intresting !!
  17. Ciid Wanagsan to all of you !!
  18. Bashi , my Garaad, i miss my garaad , I think you were the only one who Kept NGONGE posting , hurry back !!
  19. Right here Pumbkin , shhhhhhhhhh, don´t raise ya voice , This Paki brother is looking for YOU !
  20. That explains why i´ve been recieving those weird PMs
  21. Good Xiin, maybe now you understand why your philosopher [Mutakalim] was right regrding logic and deductive reasoning and why you should learn to respect it. Here you´re demanding a skeptic to prove your own claim or you´ll continue holding to your guns( beleiving in according to you unproveable beeings), Good Xiin, The existance of a Creator is a claim made by the ppl of faith, and if they depend on the skeptics for prove that is not a metaphysical question , that is actually a spycological question. Let me demonstrate why , Person A positively claims that the winds blow becouse a Ghost by the name 'Ula' is fanning himself. Person B positively claims that the winds blow becouse an Alien by the name 'Zula' is smoking an odorless cigar. Person C positively claims that the winds blow becouse a supreme beeing by the name 'God' is controlling it. Now , Three diffrent claims were made about one and same thing ,namely the winds ,The default of our knowledge of those claims is naturally our ignorance, we don´tknow which one or ones of the claims made is the TRUE blue correct claim. to say that A is correct becouse it is upto B n C to prove the nonexistance of the Ghost who is fanning himself is same as saying B is correct becouse it is upto A and C to prove the nonexistance of Zula the Alien or C is correct becouse it is upto A and B to disprove the existance of the supreme beeing God . That is intellectual dishonesty, why? becouse it demands pre knowledge of Ghosts from B and C who claimed no possession of knowledge ,as well as it demands pre knowledge of Aliens from A and C or pre knowledge of supreme beeings from A and B, in short each and every claim defaults to itself, thus, as for you "God must be accepted by default". Sadly enough this appears to be the strongest defense you have to offer for your "explanation" as to why we should beleive in your stance. According to you good Xiin,we could explain anything in whatever manner that suits our whim irrespective. now i don´t know what is "intellectual lawlessness" if that is not. Beleiving in luck is the metaphysics of the gambler as much as it´s the metaphysics of the beleiver in the Ghost or the beleiver in Aliens and ofcourse the beleiver in Gods, while the skeptic finds out which of the claims is the true blue claim, his default and secure position is naturally his ignorance. Absurdity in plain form is when you offer something as an explanation, and turn around immediately to say that not only it can’t be explained, but it can’t even really be understood. good Xiin , what buffles me is how you apply and honor logic and deductive reasoning, (you sometimes even spot a fallacy in others), yet hold to your guns when logic and deductive reasoning tell you the contrary.
  22. "She told police that Isse, whom she then called "uncle," would bring her candy and treats when he visited her guardian, and that when she was 10 years old he got into her bed, fondled her breasts, pulled her pants down and had sex with her, the complaint said." I´m stunned !!
  23. Duufaan, What is it you know that makes you so sure that the outcome will be as u stated? mind sharing?
  24. For me the book is Neuromancer (a serie of three) specially Mona lisa overdrive, yeah a "cyberpunk". The year is 1988, i´m overhearing from the living room where Dad n a freind are talking about back home,A freind of Dad just landed his Mig at Djibouti Airport instead of bobming Hargeisa. Earlier in that day i borrowed from my physics teacher this very Book. There i dived into the future which weird enough was not that diffrent from the past,but fascinating,captivating, i for the first time in my life felt I could shape my future and every step i took therefter was confirming. Do u think my teacher got his book back? you bet. i´d to buy "Count Zero" first.
  25. Johnny B

    odd love

    ^^ Just the thought of a Mad husband from Burao holding his "budh" is scary enough, so i take it back.. it´s so tempting though to imitate my idol n go "oooooooh mama, you look like the kina girl who could use TWO". :cool: Ibtisam , i haven´t told ya about my Swedish girl YET, why do we´ve to moralize it so quick? get to go , later !!