Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Ahura,you better stop shaking ya head,and don´t dare say a thing about Swedish mongrels. you´ve no clue of what it is like to be one. LA doesn´t produce a Rani like you and i´m not a part-time Bengali. * wishes Ahura breaks a nail or something * **Leaves muttering something about naked-bellied, sari-wrapped, curry-dipped Bengali-mongrels ** P4F, Baladweyne was mentioned and i remember a girl with an extra forehead rushing into the middle of the dance-floor brusting into laughter,showing her white but oceans apart teeth, so peace ,mita kulu, huva. Idil, This is a naked agression, i make hollow cheeks when i smile but never a hallow chin like Travolta. and i grantee yoy that it was not an McHammer " you ccn´t touch this " type of move. Both you and your imagination share the charecter flaw of heading the wrong direction , and i live the other way. You were right about the strutting though, i can´t help it, i somehow felt closely observed ,u remember Montel Jordan´s " this is how we do it"? You sure would walk away from that dance-floor, leaving me to my fate.
  2. Bashi,i´ve heard of two Somali fellas at Raj, ´I´ve been there twice , i never met them. , i´ve been told that one is married to a local girl. As for the Qandac, All you need to do is show yourself down town Raj, beleive me, you´ll be convinced to stay longer . Garaad, Yes,I´m in Stockholm and i make time for my Garaad,looking forward to sipping an earl grey and a Swedish "Bulle"(bun), axxxxxxxxx.
  3. ^^ , Atheer, Rayale just turned my semi-father-in-law since sunday, now stop beeing a Thought-Gestapo Atheer.
  4. ^^ If i told ya that i quarterly descend from the royal family who used to rule the old kingdom in Borama you woulden´t beleive my Xamari a$$,nor would you beleive me if i told ya that it was about an irresistable hot Borama mama, so lemme break the bad news on ya , I´m a Rayale supporter.
  5. Originally posted by Castro: I am mad at our people (ourselves) for creating the conditions that lead to starvation. Ditto !!
  6. ^^ I´ll have to run a DNA test on ya in that case,you can´t trust anybody since the Exodus Atheer!! Well, I´d choose a Borama girl over Las Anod girl , but it ain´t about Xalimos.
  7. ^^ Atheer , these days , you seem to be living up to the saying , " hadad dhimneyso dharerka waa leska duwaa ", sorry Atheer, when the real tough gets going, that doesn´t even apply to the most proud Somali nomad, let alone a Kenyan.
  8. ^^ Ducaqabe,ofcourse NZ can afford donating real food instead of dog food, but that is a choice NZ is obviously not making, what to do? Grass and dirty water are Horse food, Dog food is more suitable for surviving a femine than Horse food. !! [EDIT]. Castro , absoloutement NON, qua?
  9. ^^ Atheer, years back , i read it somewhere that Men spend a great deal of their time thinking of how to make money while Xalimos spend their time thinking of how to spend money. The hunetr and gatherer relationship still holds, we make the impossible to make money and happily let those who know how to spend it best do the spending for us. impressive, pretty daring , kina super-heroing woulden´t you say Atheer?
  10. who wanna have a vixen in their bed? not me
  11. Atheer, aren´t we talking about certain death?, Isnulting is what it is for those who can stay alive without eating that dog food, life saving is what it is for those who have no choice.
  12. Ducaqabe, why sell a "walawein" brother to the Qaldans?
  13. ^Atheer, name Borama and you get each and every hair in my hairy body stand up,something is so special about the place. I can only tell ya that the females overnumbered the males, but then i coulden´t tell who was single n looking , who was sadly married n flirting or who was celibate. Bisharo, Neither Xamar nor Baidao was named. There this girl who was teasing every steaming hunk in the dance-floor, sajaqanad in her moves, i´ll leave earlier next time u show up at a wedding i´m present.
  14. Seriously,some dog food can save life from certain death. If not , let the Kenyan dogs get fed.
  15. ^^ Kooley , No shit, there was this girl who owned the dance-floor, she sure coppied a move or two from ya. CW,For some weird reason, Borama was the city/town repeatedly named in that song. i´ve enjoyed myself so much i´m planing to go next one. BTW, were you the one with the short-dirac? everybody else had a loooooooooooooong colorful dirac.
  16. Last sunday i was invited at a Somali wedding, a rare event in my otherwise boring, poor in Somali events life,it was taking place in a small town in the countryside. There i was among my fellow countrymen and women, the food was hmmmm,delicious,the music was load karaoke. Sweden is cursed by the lack of known Somali singers,i was told. Nonetheless, the dance-floor was full of dancing people, almost everybody was there except the "ukhtis" who were sitting politely on their corner untouched by the rhythm of the music. my chances of seeing a dancing "ukhti" were nill i thought. Earlier the day , i told my girlfreind who was dying to accompany me to this wedding to stay, a decision i was regretting at that moment . There was this wife of a "qaldan" freind of mine,who knows me in person, dragging me everywhere including to the dance-floor where i was dancing to a tune i never heard before having a phony smile on my face. i rather leave the way i was dancing to your imagination,but it must been wrong in a way to have caught the attention of the people who were dancing near us. I was the happiest soul on that hall when a dark voice announced the arrival of the bride and the groom, people lined up to welcome them while a probably famous tune (everybody was singing it) was playing. This i beleive was an "inter-clan" wedding, so the karaoke was well blended by a young DJ. There was i enjoying occational 80s soul tune combined with one Somali tune i recognize. I was watching an almost empty dance-floor, imagining who in that dance-floor resmebled Ahura,Ngonge,Rahima,Xiin,Bisharo,Calypso,Sheh,Liban,Fayruz,Khayr,CW,Socod_badne,Born friday,Atlas, Kooleey,Blessed,Idil or Castro, when a song that filled the dance-floor with people including "ukhtis" was played. I was loosing my chin by the moves ´beeing made in that dance-floor, the magic song went like this: " dawo dacalada, [your home town/city] dawo dacalada !". Almost each and every somali city/town was named in that song except my birth place. Later that night , i´ve been wondering if that song could be swapped by the national anthem.
  17. welcome to this part of the globe Graad, You seem to have yet discover the famous hot natural volcanic bubbling water and the the steamy mud that keeps you young in Iceland. The scene of my Graad skiing slalom is to die for.
  18. ^ Castro, It´s not a matter of posturing when facing death , it´s a matter of preserving life. A dead man has a dead dignity , i´ve always disliked the term " resistance" in the context of the Plastinian issue, few M16z or smuggled Klashinkovs plus a home-made granade launchers are not (have never been ) a risistance for the mighty Israeli army. Atheer, the answer to the question " what negotiations or talking gave the Plastinians is the little they have today, while the answer to "what fighting (in all it´s forms ) gave the Plastinians" is NOTHING. No single military victory. Duke, abti, I´m not condemning Hamas, i´m actually glad that they showed fatah that corruption is self-defeating policy. I´m beeing pragmatic yet keeping what i think the best for the Plastinians at heart.
  19. ^^ Atheer , good luck with the second, third, fourth.../Nth intifada with greater human cost for both parties rhetoric untill you loose count. We´ll see what a Hamas led Plastinian government can deliver, intifada-wise or military-wise.
  20. ^^ Atheer , what is the alternative? i don´t see a military edge for the Plastinians in general and Hamas in particular. Reality is , had Fatah continued with it´s militry struggle and stuck to it´s charter that called for Israel's destruction, the Oslo agreement that brought all that the plastinians have today including these elections that led to Hamas victory,would never come about. Fact remains, Hamas can´t deliver a hateful aim(the destruction of Israel), that the Muslim world and the Arab world combined coulden´t deliver. My advice to Hamas would be, dumb that unrealistic charter, concentrate on the Plastinian social plight,forget about that pretentious Arab and Islamic sentiment, stay on the peace process track,a Plastinian state is in reach today, don´t mess it for the Plastinian people, they have suffered enough under that illusion in your charter.
  21. Johnny B


    loooooooooooooool No they´re not contradictory, actually many brothers find hijabs so hot they loose control to Satan who takes over their thoughts and makes the eyes behind the "hijab" talk to them,like brother Thinker now beat that!
  22. Johnny B


    I know what works on ya ! you look great in that hot "hijab" !
  23. Sheh, a cat giving birth is so common , sniff,sniff,How´d you name the scent of the chennel 5 you´re wearing plus your natural scent in a hot summer day? M of E .. man , you sound so blue Callypso, i never shop at "halal" stores, but i find this for ya. Liban , i know it sounds bad, but i lack words to share the feeling with you. Did you know that most Somali family homes(that i´ve been to) smell that strong and disgusting incense ? That smells like death or something
  24. To rule or to fight that is the dilemma. Hamas is everything but prepared for running palastine , their best hope seems to have been to make a strong opposition to Fatah. This is a day palastinians voted with their hearts not their minds. I´m pessemistic about the plastinian cause