Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. I guess there is a point in the old saying of you don´t find an alpha-male/female, s/he finds YOU. Zafir, Wijdan was seen in a gun store , she prolly run out of mascara. * looks at Castro, up for a group hug? *
  2. ^Oncle Castro , Il fait tres chaud ici ! oh, quelle demage. a doman !!
  3. ^ I´ve this weird feeling that neither Ngonge nor Bisharo are forthcomming in those "emotions on sale" threads, and nothing less than beeing Bishaaro´s submissive would turn my page. please don´t deny us this sad feeling !!
  4. ^Wijdan, U know beeing a "thought Gestapo" is an Alpha male thing , poor innocent me , i hear Harlem n i think of those Afro Baskerball players. Zafir is sure nothing but the kind of guy you get grounded for if your parents spot you hanging around with.
  5. ^Castro, myEmperor, you happily revel in swift expectations,you make your little game up as you go and write your own rules on the fly,but you score very often in my norms, so what does that make you in the eyes of a guy who has an elder sister and no brothers ? So what on earth makes you think that i would consume my newly won freindly gesture from Hodman?
  6. Castro, stay away from me !! you, Callypso and CW are nothing but trouble in my love-life, i rather take the risk of beeing balldozed by Mr X than listening to you guyz. Geel-Jire , the manly man bubble has been blown off. wake up n smell the coffe Atheer, civilization hasen´t changed much in the way we adore a women scent since hunter and gatherer age. we just changed professions, today we build cars, bridges, airplanes, space shutles to impress them and we still give gifts to register into their liking. We still talk to their cleavage and buy them women Viagra (jewels). So i diden´t get it all wrong geel-Jire . scenario: At school, a girl is rushing to a class when she collides with this mentally absent (prolly day-dreaming)guy and drops her books, guess how many guys collide trying to offer their service? yeah right. Pi, Man, i´m not senile YET to mistaken you for the beautiful Bishaaro. I was challenging you to seize this golden moment and shwo your Valantine dedication to that elderly Sol queen of yours , yeah , that secret crush. One day , you gonna look back to all this and go ", i wish i told her", wonder what life would be like if i did tell her .. etc etc , and then comes the Nurse in and tell you to take your pills.
  7. It was not about racism Atheer , it was about my gang against them. besides ,Atheer, are Arabs are colored?
  8. I think it all depends on what kind of Culture ( white man culture if you like) you find yourself in. Personally i´ve been in a so weird situation so i learned the complexity,ambiguousness and meaninglessness of the name calling. The Swedish terms neger, färgad and svart are somehow diffrently connoted than their Anglo saxon counterpart,( nigro, colored and black ). I was 14 when my childhood freind Jörgen asked his father to ask my parents ( i told him to do so , cause i was denied) to let me follow Jörgen to his mother´s place in the countryside, and spend the weekend there. Permission granted, off we took the train to XXX in the countryside where his mom lived. In tiny XXX there was a refugee camp but thank heaven no Atheero was there, as me and Jörgen were hanging around with few local guys and girls we get acquainted with that friday afternoon. Nothing intresting was happening in the hood so we´d to go (centrum)downtown where atleast we could see some sort of life, drunken but freindly adults, party going people, peer swaying and hapily happy older teens. All of a sudden four refugee teenages three Arabs,one black guy showed up from nowhere and one of them (an Arab) winked at one of our girls, and all of a sudden fists were flying before i knew what has happened. I took my natural side of the fight, i was exchanging punchs with an Arab guy as i overheard my dear freind Jörgen hitting the balck guy and screaming " dö din jävla neger " ( die you ******* Negro) and it sounded natural. Later , as we were talking about what took place and how it all went, Jörgen was feeling self-conscious and embarrassed, and was making Jokes about his words and what it felt using those words. i felt insulted by his Jokes. Racism is natural and mutual,I think it all depends on who is uttering the hateful words and in what context. but an undenieable tendency in my race is that they´re touchy about it, while most other races including whites take it with an stright backbone.
  9. Pi, what is the point in prolonging a lie we all know won´t last, we guyz should use our feminine side more often. eating Bishaaro´s dust is something to die for, given that one has a living heart. Pi, If you don´t tell about that secret crush in this life , there is no insurance that you´ll tell it in another life . Now spill those beans dear Pi, i know u can do it.
  10. Go Ahura Go ! It´s a matter of when not if he fills for divorce, to take this fatally tempting, once in a lifetime Valantine gesture from this steaming chick.
  11. This topic made me think that In burco people are watching "big brother" the reality TV soap.
  12. I hearby take Ahura´s footsteps and dedicate my Valantinie to a smaple of female SOL Goddess named Bishaaro. yeah , don´t hate me for having a heart, i feel pity for all those guys who´ve no heart to share. yeah, she is one of a kind, and nothing less than doing the walk of life will rock in this sphere. Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies Be-Bop-A-Lula, Baby What I Say Here comes Johnny singing I Gotta Woman Down in the tunnels, trying to make it pay I got the action, i got the motion Yeah, the boy can play Dedication devotion Turning all the night time into the day I do the song about the sweet lovin' woman I do the song about the knife I do the walk, he do the walk of life. Ta diiiiiii
  13. ^Cano geel! Yo momma is so fat she wakes up in sections!
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: I’ll flog that dead horse one final time My Emperor is far from beeing injured let alone dead, and if there is anyone who can sum up the meanings and corresponding implications inherented in a every term you utter , it is HIM. I think , you two would agree with me if i hinted that things are getting further fetched for the old cartoons.
  15. Johnny B


    SB, i don´t know who created the Aliens. But i can imagine who created the creator of the Aliens ! Seriously , in those circles, Those Aliens maintain some sort of supernatural power in our human yardstick , since they are empowered with the knowledge and ability to help create or plainly create life iself.
  16. Johnny B


    One of the most popular and intresting subjects among believers in the paranormal today is Alternative Archaeology(AA). A common belief in this subject is that of aliens having visited our earth a millennia ago and having helped create human civilization and culture, maybe have even created humanity itself. This relatively new belif among the beleivers in the paranormal anticipates the emergence of a new social order centred on spiritual values, while the older traditional beleifs expect the beginning of the destruction of the world. aka Doomday. The beleivers fo this New Age thinking make some intresting and a hard to refute claims, but are just like the traditionalists dry in evidence. New Age thinking is characterised by the quest for synthesis of all knowledge, incorporating material phenomena but extending to the non-material, accompanied by growth of personal awareness of what is perceived to be the intrinsically spiritual and unitary nature of humans and their environment. These occult truths are, according to Parrish-Harra (1994:132), "Realities that lie behind the apparent and are comprehended only gradually as we continue to see the ‘cause’ side of life." Because this New Age perspective begins with the presumption that a deeper non-physical reality (the ‘cause’) exists behind any physical entity, reference to theory testing by close inspection of material objects is seen as superficial and misleading. Instead the ‘real’ nature of the world is typically sought through direct contact with the non-physical phenomena (via revelation of many forms including psychic ones such as channeling), rather than indirectly through an understanding of the material world. .................... Reference to hidden history in which New Age notions were once common is often phrased in terms of cycles of feminine and masculine ‘forces’ (or energies or powers or principles). Devotees to New Age thinking, such as Edwards (1993:215) claim that the recent past has been dominated by ‘masculine forces’ leading to patriarchy, materialism and other evils (in which she includes nuclear weapons, child abuse and capitalism). In much earlier times it is believed that ‘feminine forces’ (sometimes referred to as the "Goddess") were dominant, allowing a life of cooperation and spiritual awareness. Hence Edwards (1993:216) suggests that "...the New Age invites us to celebrate the re-emergence of the Goddess..." . How can we refute the possibility of Aliens from another Planet far from our milky way having a finger or two in the very begining of our Existance while leaving a sign for only those who can understand it? Your take is .... what?
  17. B point taken !! * check for a winking thank-you eye in your mail *
  18. Bro Nur,If we disregard the ambiguous and highly speculative personifying of Brother Caano Geel, where does he, or anybody(that fails to grasb and embarrass this theory of conspiracy) for that matter could have gone so wrong and miss the supposedly point-blank proof you seemingly to have presented for this highly contagious accusal of conspiring against Islam?. I neither doubt the pure heartedness of Caano geel and his disappointment in the lack of consistency in the conspiracy theory nor do i doubt your good will of "get it right ", So i can´t let go but point at the Islamist cacophony that is reaching a fever pitch at the face of Caano geel´s innocent hint at the lack of convincing proof for the hidden cry of "let heads roll" behind the "I´m beeing cospired against" mofo. Brother Nur, Once you start pointing a finger , it better be the right finger, unless you can proof who might conspire against Islam , your finger pointing runs the risk of beeing percieved as a loony reason for a hidden agression. and that no more nor less is what brother Caano geel has pointed at.
  19. Blessed, there is no risk that i take Sharon for a jew prophet, i´m quite familiar with the concept of the prophets. The persona of Jeusus is attacked and is depicted as gay here in the west, where unlike most muslim countries freedom of expression is a maintained right for the sake of hosting diffrent ideologies, beleifs etc etc in the society. not that i think a gay depiction is a bad depiction, but you can imagine how many christians get offended so Blessed one , where do you draw the line of hatred? at a "Sahabi" level? say, John vs Omar? Can you seperate Mohamed from Islamic ideology ? I fail to absorb both the moral value of " Oh alah ,cursed are the Jews, destroy the non-beleivers " and the logic of " hate me upto here, but not further ". [ February 04, 2006, 02:09: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  20. It is about time we bring the issue into perspective, so much yelling for the following cartoons haven´t surfaced for a well founded reason. Enjoy it my fellow countrymen and women. " In this cartoon, from Al-Watan (Oman) (August 10, 2002), Jewish acts are equated with those of the Nazis. This Nazi-type anti-Semitic caricature of a Jew has a hooked nose, a hunched back, has no shoes, and is sweating. "
  21. ^^ And he is right am afraid. What can be sacred? and in relation to what and who?. Maybe answering those questions might help us realize the relativeness of sacredness. What is a limitation? A self-inclined limit is diffrent from an imposed and legalized limit. thus i withhold the right to think that you´re a womanizer , becouse the thought i hold in my head is not in your favor or into your liking or doesen´t comform to the thought you have about yourself should in no way deny me my freedom of expressing myself. Yet i could of choice limit myself to not express myself. freedom of speach is a MUST HAVE right in a civilised society rich in thoughts, ideas, views, traits and favors,where a diffrence in views, oponions and ideology may seem to be a constant problem, but natural for human societies. does that single Islam out and deprive it the right or is Islam demanding beeing exceptional?
  22. ^^ Good, now we´re all set, the limits of free speach/expression are slef-inclined not a preset or exceptional to any given ideology. To be more specific, You and only YOU set the limit of your expression, becouse we´ve diffrent ideas, beleive in diffrent religions etc etc , naturally our free expression or rather our normal utterance if u like is not appreciated by the ppl who beleive contrary to what we beleive and vice versa. therefore the limit has to be a self-inclined, not preset. I think there is where it itches.
  23. ^^ he´s trying to bang a sense in your head. Don´t you see the relevance?
  24. According to the gathered data, 10 years of age diffrence in long-term relationship yeilds the female partner the best of relationships, but a 10-20 years younger partner is to prefer in short-term relationships. equal ages relationships has another, they´re called freindships. one nightstands are a win win situation, thus a draw.
  25. Originally posted by Castro: The alternative to that is to make sure freedom of speech/expression does not infringe upon another freedom, that of religion. Atheer, has freedom of expression been redefined? or a watered-down freedom of expression is what you demand? Now eat n hurry back.