Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Originally posted by NGONGE: ps Have you noticed how you girls bring out the best in Alle-Ubaahne?
  2. Can't she and all those who disagree with that professor pen down what they think of her son's stance ? i'm more willing to think that she'd enjoy that, more than an un-substantiated protest, or a meek silence of " you've stepped on my religious feet ".
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: I don't want any drivel; I want a logical explanation . With all due respect Ngonge , you guyz have no Cat in Hell's chance of getting logical explanations from where there is none. Both You and Xiin have been bending over backwards to concede an imaginary point, maybe in the interest of securing bigger one, but you can't have that without giving the dog a real good name. Let me for the sake of it paraphrase Huxley No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that Yonis'ploy of beeing logical is to be equated to Ngonge's , still less the superior of Xiin's, and if that is to be true, simply incredible at that, If all Yonis'disabilities are removed,and fair field and no favors were given, he coulden't be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smother-minded rivals, in a contest to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites. It then follows ,or so i beleive, that the highest realm in the hierarchy of knowledge will assuredly not be within the reach of our probably dusky cousin. i'd rather see you force him jump from his dunghill, as he can neither hold his nose due to the stink and revel in it due to the pleasure.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: Teach your kids at home? Send them to an Islamic school? What? Don’t scream and shout on something that is quite normal and probable in a secular society. NGONGE, You really got me cracked there. Cambarro's only reasonable answer to your questions have to be NO NO NO, becouse even if the kids were sent to Islamic school , we'd have a topic like " non-niqabi daycare worker for 5 year olds"?( all the way to "at what age a daycare center would seperate kids genderwise" ) the distniction is extendable down to the "I". There're better ways to present personal views regarding Homosexuality, i dare assert. Edit: Zafir, the difference between my child and 'a' child is theoretical, no chicld is 'a' child. NGONGE was right when he thought you were one hell of a better JB
  5. Good Xiin, Kids are naturally skeptics and questioners which makes them intellectually vulnerabe (maleable if u like),therefore they're exposed to intellectual whims for good or worse indeed, their burning desire to know just about everything has driven many parents to distraction, annoying as it might be at times. Given That a child's right to question everything should be encouraged rather than discouraged is atleast our common ground, While a parent might want to appear to know everything and want to protect the child from what s/he presumes to be "bad" , unfortunately most if not all parents intentionally mislead in the name of protecting/overprotecting their children by carefully instilling what they deem a "must beleive" in the vulnerable minds of their chldren. Of the many realities that we came to discover or encountered as we grew and became capable of deducting our oun conclusions, that there were people who unlike us are attracted to the same sex turned out to be less harmful than the reality of earth beeing everything but flat, judging from the five year old child's perspective, that is. As a caring Parent,you're forgiven for not knowing the answers to all the question, but you're not forgiven to have pretended to know the answer or to have made up an answer simply because it fited in with your preconceptions. Good Xiin-ow, from Muslim's perspective ,a Indian Fathers divinely advice of obeying Krishna to his five year old kid is sort of harm,given that a Muslim harbours an unreserved sympathy towards the innocent,and your ability to deduct from swapped roles never came into question. CG, This topic is actually trivial matter,the kind of topic that you & Xiin could agree upon, but the unseasoned Mulahism's need to flex its imaginatively divine muscle in every thread is slightly disturbing, it suffocates any witty and genuine attempt to address the issue, We can't afford loosing breath on the likes of Khalaf and his new Sheikh as they're in regress from which the only escape is ("divine TFG") "God meant so" . Che, I was just giving another prosepect , as for what i might have in common with 'them', well, you rather not count.
  6. As of late it has become a SOL habbit that almost every SOL topic ends up in misplaced Quranic verses. wonder what gives? To dress kids in a mini-tent style and instill in the vulnerable mind of that child that there exists a Diety that has two invisible watch-angels on that child´s shoulders does more harm to that child than telling a child about the existence of Homosexuals.
  7. lol @too liberal . not at all , its just that beeing conservative is so out.
  8. Though i do understand where you're comming from its hard to cede "normalizing" the legitimacy to override reality. Though your penchant to "Normalize" things is noteably driving you to self-righteousness you'd fatally be categorizing Homosexuality as upnormal at best and that woulden't be your intention at worst. Seen in that light, Exposure (for good or worse) is mutual in the sense that we actually differ in our behaviour,which is of great importance for our social development. Some of us drink Dog-milk some perfer Cow-milk , though none is Human-milk. Now , Normalizing the Cow-milk is prerogative, woulden't you say?.
  9. ^ yeah ,arrogance was such, but then ,so was an "incredibly" couragouse girl/woman hiding behind a veil!.
  10. Cambarro, I in this context stand for any irresistable Male, hence, the reason they go behind the veil.
  11. Cambarro, how da heck am i supposed to Know? isen't that the very reason they go behind the veil, to keep me in the dark? North, I take that "Maybe" as an offence . I Withstand the pure choice of noticing what is not so good to even qualify for tempting me.
  12. lol @what isen't, , CG and his ever remarkabke remarks. Cambarro, Could it be a good way of preparing the children for a reality they'll surely face later in their lives? You know denying what classifies as social-ills has shown to be disastrous for Human societies. Since same sex relationships are as old as Humanity, its about time to open that Pandora Box. the term taboo is too overloaded to function , woulden't you agree Cambarro?
  13. ^ Now it is your turn to get off Khayr's "xawa" and tell us why you'd vote NO? How could a man of my magnitude ( eh look at me ) chitchat someone behind a veil ? A: Excuse me cute veily thing, Do you like what you see through that thing? eh, skip it , don't answer , cause i can't say the same about ya.
  14. North, alot is weird with Saudi, isen't that where women have to have a family member (something like Marem )to go shopping or do anything?
  15. In that case , i'll agree with SB in having right on this one and let you die of your curiousity .
  16. ^in that case you & Ibti should answer the flipped question: Are you not disappointed to be Somali?
  17. I don't understand a thing here, how do you tell if two girls who're fond of each other are Lesbians or normal friends? A: becouse they exchange gifts B: becouse they do exta hugging C: becouse one of them is too macho that she wraps her own tampons? D: becouse one of them has few hair on her chin(beard) That whole nation needs "sex & samlevnad" classes.
  18. Ngonge I'd love to be here and bring my unfairly cherged position to bedrock if and when you promise to keep Northrener away form my hair. I'm quite satisfied by exchanging with SB,CARA,XIIN whose eloquence and logic i do understand to the bones.
  19. As Sagan once put it, it's sheer stup*dity to think/lead with one's guts. Female boss is just as good/bad as male boss, and the domination of male bosses is often due to social taboos than competence.
  20. Johnny B

    A video...

    Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ I knew that one day myself and Alle-ubhaane would agree on something. This might be the breakthrough I knew you'd this urge to make to Alla Cubahne, but Naaaa, i just don't think you'd sell Val this cheap.
  21. Cambaro, just went to lunch and you diden't hesitate to dunk in a punchline , come onnnnn, take off thoses defensive gloves , i was just venturing an idea , incase it was a Doomsday and you were sweeping the floor!.