Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^Am i beeing accused for beeing so predictable or are you flaunting of beeing smart? As the saying goes, Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
  2. ^ Who'd think that CG was a romance likker ?!! Now that you've blown our paradox cover we might as well solve the darn paradoz and find another "luuq luuq". Elysian, abayo macaney, as Cara pointed out , look again into Zenon's reasoning , what he is saying is Achiles will keep covering every inch the turtle convers while the turtle keeps covering new ( no matter how little ) grounds and that you don't definitely agree with somaha? Zenon keeps deviding the space between Start and Finish forever(infnitely), and that is mathematically possible. In the center of the Paradox is what Castro told you about , Zanon is disregarding time ( a finite concept) as a factor. end of Paradox. I'm sorry if we confused you, its Caano Geel's fault, he is the kina guy who tells his girlfreind that they've one thing in common , namely , they both love himself.
  3. ^Not that i intend to challenge your hateful stance towards Homosexuals/bisexuals and Lesbians as i'm a hetrosexual myself, but i just can't srand your romance with the skin-heads. Russia is a new democracy, they've a long way to go, and at the end, they'll ve no choice but to protect the rights of al their citizens from gays to skin-heads inclusive. From personal experience i can tell you that you'd dislike them skin-heads had you known what they stand for , that is. You may rejoice what they do to those of the different sexuality, but in thier scale,you may even grade lower , if not as a black, surely as a " svartkalle" etc.etc.. Your humble sentiment of gay hatred may glitter your smile, but it should not blind you for taking a Skin-head or a new-nazisit what he really is, sadly that doesen't seem to be the case.
  4. ^ I'm not sure if beeing Anti Somaliland follows from taking Mr Warabe seriously, its far from beeing qualified by ceteris paribus Atheer. Actually most of those who take Mr Warabe serious are not only pro Somaliland but die-hard Somalilanders.
  5. Why? why coulden't he? What is the impossible?
  6. I think we're making Mr 'Warabe' more of what he really is. the man is trying to score some points in fishing supporters, and he knows what his audience wanna hear, so let him alone. For the good people of SSC, there is nothing mr Warabe can add to the injury as they already know where Hargeisawis turn for farting, so to speak. As for is he is worse than Yey? i think Warabe has alot of catching up to do in almost all accounts.
  7. Originally posted by Rahima: God i hope you're referring to Cara and not khayr :eek: . Rahima, u know what.. Just for bringing up the thought. Khayr happens to love us 'the village people' , And unlike Ngonge and Xiin who openly cheat on ya, Khayr is loyal to us!.
  8. Originally posted by Puuja: Pointers pointers pointers how do they work in C? ====> this question is obviously directed at JB and CG … What do I know about pointers? Hmm it turns out not much but here is an example of how it works in MVS cobol. define an elementary item in the linkage section with no picture clause and assign USAGE IS POINTER. ie 01 ws-pointer. ---05 pointer-1 usage is pointer. . . . In the program logic you can assign memory address to that pointer with the set address of pointer-1 to data-item = > data-item has to be in the linkage section. The opposite can also be done for example if pointer-1 had the address you need you can assign it to data-item set address of data-item to pointer-1 . Am afraid that is where my knowledge of referencing and dereferencing memory blocks ends. So where are the C experts don’t let us down We're right here , well it'd be almost a sin to talk about C and no to mention pointers, but since you're already coffe addicted , it'll be faster for you . Poiners in C are Not that much different from what you've described in Il Sergente Cobol, just a little bit friendlier(dummier) the princible is the same. I guess after 5 minutes of reading this , you'll be enjoying C's closeness to the michine. So Don't even try to pull the confused line on me , not at this stage anyway. I'm willingly taking care of this easy stuff like poniters so i can leave the difficult ones for CG, the real Guru,that way i'll come off as helpful and win my coockie. XCODE it is Oh, what a choice !! I knew you love ur Mac , but i diden't know that you love it this much , you decided to let it take care of your C/C++ endeavour.
  9. ^what are you implying? he wore heels cause of the dress?, young girl its about time to let you in on a secret, we don't need a bloody dress to wear heels. check this Fidel !!
  10. Liverpool was not even worth the name finalist ( hope Jumatatu is not reading this). AC MILAN RULES !!
  11. Originally posted by Elysian: JB and CG... You guys make it sound so easy! .... what bothers me is that although Zenon's reasoning seems correct, the conclusion is for sure wrong. So there has to be something incorrect with Zenon's paradox... right? Castro lol, who said Achilles wore heels shhhhhhhhhh, don't get SB here with your Paradox now that you already got Cara, CG, and Fidel here, that is if you want to keep your Paradox alive. So you got problem with the conclusion but just can't put finger into exactly where? hang on here becouse i'm gonna take you for a rough ride to bedrock, since you know that pedants are boring 16/64 = 1/4 that fraction is correct right? good. now if Zenon came to that conclusion by canceling a 6 from top and a 6 from bottom and concludes that the fraction 16/64 equals one fourth reasoning, that he canceled equal number from both the numerator and the denominator , and anybody who claims that i'm wrong is welcome to work it out and come to a different conclusion. Now, what would you say about his reasoning and conclusion? Heyyy, Achiles did wear heels !
  12. Zenon just wanted to show that numbers are infinite, and i'm sure that you've no problems with that. Your Hero Achile ofcourse wins the RACE if that was what you doubted , but numerically he'll always stay behind that lazy turtle.
  13. "steps back in quietly " , i knew it !! i think Puja named planing to work in another dept within the same company, and for that she is required to be a C guru to help port the old C code to beans. As for the move , i do agree with ya , in my experience that cheif SWE would have been fired for non-cost-effective porting. migerating from C to Java in 07? oh yeah, print" perl rocks!!" or die" puja is not porting"; Puja , if u wanna stay in touch with the windows world ,or would like to move your code between the Mac and a PC, microsoft has a VC for Mac too.
  14. CG, you gonna pay for this :mad: First , you get red card for not having your own student. : second , i like Puja so much i just can'texpose her to the tedious Unix/Linux ticos emacs c-mode. third , neither i nor Puja are Mac mockers and last but not least , she's already a Coffe addicted.
  15. hmmmmmm, Mackkkkkkky , oh well , first things first , you do like this .. bla bla ... hold it . we're infront of a huge decision making stage. what is the best development environment for a C developer? skip it , there is no clear cut answer ,the best two shots beeing either XCode or VC, borland might sue us. To make this decision , we've to take your mac habbit into consideration and opt for XCode , but then Is it good for a newbie, who said you're a newbie:p Forget about ur mach habbit,How about turning ur to a PC ? dual OS, skip it , how about going down to the basement or garage and dusting off that old PII michine and installing Unix/Linux and the GNU C lib? what about all the other operating systems, OS/? Solaris etc etc? aight , aight .. no more headache, just grap whichever one C compiler and feedback . i want that coockie.
  16. Originally posted by Puuja: Ps. I am also trying to find C expert that I can count on if I ever get stuck on a piece of code. Thanks in advance. ^what is the catch for the Xpert? I know i'll be grilled for asking but heey , nothing in life is free. ** JB widens his arms to keep Fidel,Caano Geel and Ngonge away..... Go find yourselves a student !! **
  17. Oh, the irony , and that is our Emporer, no, not the Abyssinian Emperor.
  18. unless you're out after one of those funny tornets, here you go. Turbo Explorer MSVC EXPRESS for Linux
  19. Disregarding the minister's outburst of indignation, i think 16 long years of "NO, sorry , we can't recognize your fiefdom" had reduced the secession dream of some Somaliland die-hards to a simple political bargaining chip held in the name of a certain Clan. The lesser the organizations that are left to cover the closer the end of the road gets ,simple, and the failed attempts so far include UN,AU,AL,OIC, etc etc. The minister's pretense can't sell a two year kid the idea of running north westren regions of Somalia as a sovereign but unrecognized state for a single day ,given that the rest of Somalia is back to business. Mogadishu's political misery was(has been) Hargeisa's political contentedness,intemperate in it's sucession dream,even though most secessionists woulden't want to highlight that. One has to really be drawned in the secession dream to interpret this outbrust differently. now , having said that , i think the unionists need to take that " you can't get away " grimace off their face and wholeheartedly reconcile with thier brethren in Hargeisa, while putting in place a charter for the Somali race in the horn of Africa. For a unionist, questioning the allegedly wrong motives of Hargeisa to secede can not justify Hargeisa's or anybody's stay in a doomed union of I'm son of "reer hebel".
  20. Ask for 60% and ask him if it is ok to assasin his step mother, usually they say no to such a bid but we know what is going on , keep bargaining to 90 or 95% and ask him why he favors his Step father(you) over his step mothers.
  21. JB, sorry i'm lost, what don't you get - the identification of a bonafide shariica? Yep,exactly that and any kind static law , and not only becouse Sharea is devine, but becouse since no law, devine or man-made, has ever covered or will ever cover all aspects of human-life,becouse simply human-life is dynamic, an ever evolving adoptation of the conditions of life, it's almost impossible to identify let alone favor and hold forver a static set of laws over others. few thumb rules might helped humanity survive , but a noble Sharea rule as " Thee shall not kill" has show to be un-implementable under certain circumstances, hence exceptional. Is it all about the " dam dam drara ram " or am i missing it all?
  22. CG, indeed it seems to be the one i don't get it, hence i've no choice but to expose my summary of what i precieved to be a nostalgic utterance of a beloved era for the beleivers to the test. In all honesty ,if you tell me to not eat pork and a Sharea law tells me not to eat donkey meat, i woulden't be able to notice the devinity in the latter. nevertheless, point taken, and am all ears.
  23. FB, you're right atheer, you can even bet your your boots that i stand for obviously oxymoronic of the questions, as i've difficulties taking things at face value. That i come out as a miles away shooter doesen't bother me as long as you're willing to educate me and let me on the secrets of inner-circle. From my humble understanding , Sharea is the ideal law of a Slamic state , and as such it's dependant on interpratations of those who will live under it, it has to have exceptions and Mutatis mutandis paragaphs to cover all the aspects of a Human society. Now FB, are you telling me that Sharea is a devine law that covers A to Z of all aspects of life? my questioning of its devinity maybe is of ignorance but it all depends on your evidence of its devinity in comparasion to falliable man-made laws. Mind you walking me through it?
  24. Horta ,Wan dhawahay Xiin-ow, As for the new terminology, xiin-ow ,isen't the resemblance of my way of interprating Caano Geel's naval point of "my interpratation of Allah's ruling" mantra and the said new terminology clearer now that it had otherwise be? I think i share his concerns over the clarity of whose peice of mind should/would/could a Sharea law implement. As for the manifestations and Signs , i coulde't be more respectful to such a stance.
  25. ^ Can i dash in and ask how could Caano geel or a mullah diferentiate how many of the sharea paragrapgs are devine and how many are man-made? Xiin-ow, you're asking for his gutts where all he( and you for that matter ) got is Godless reality to Witnesss.