Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^Thanks brother Possitive , as always,i do appreciate the open mindedness and the possitive attitude towards our differing stances. From what i could gather, you've concealed our ignorance of some natural causes and essences just to immediately turn around and infer 'God' and/or the 'hearafter' as the cause, a 'God' an 'Allah' if you must, whom it is impossible to form any idea of, thus, God becomes the grandson of our ignorance of natural causes whose archrival is our eventual knowledge of natural causes. Humanity has always respected the unknown,and it is on this rable of the unknown natural causes that you seem to raise the flag of the imaginary colossus of divinity. It could not have scaped you that i don't and can't challenge the possibility of the hereafter,but it is rather it's actuality i question. Xiin , It is true that i've my limitations, and its more true that i don't share certain belief in certain powers, but that i lack one eye or my ayes can only validate certain things and can't validate other things that are so obvious and easily spotted by the majority is pregnant to say the least, i can imagine many things, i can (among other things) imagine the existence of a Diety, and that would place the onus probandi on my shoulders if i were to claim respectively believe the actuality of my imagination, it would however not put me in a position where i could level shortsightedness at anybody who can't affirm my imaginary beeings. Norf, i coulden't agree more !!
  2. The researchers propose that there are two factors causing human evolution to speed up. "One of them is there are a lot more people - the more people you have the more opportunities there are for an advantageous mutation to show up," said Professor Harpending. very intresting !! though the un-named factors could be more,this factor seems to be the most reasonable one.
  3. Possitive, Though i do understand the analogy of the 'savage who standing at a shoreline ' and what it coveys , namely, that there're natural hinders to our understanding of the physical world, i don't exactly understand what the 'inner dimensions of Life ' coveys,so forgive me. I'd appreciate more, had you expounded on the understanding of the skeptic who acknowledges his inability to know about the unknowable and the naivity of the negator who equally acknowledges his disbelief in the unknowable as presented by those who claim to know the unknowable and what the unknowable might want. To validate the genuinity of what is claimed to have come from the other side, what measures can one as a person take? and how difficult is it to claim ones own ideas to have come from the other side? why (if any reason) the msg from the other side is "always" the last one? and lastly, against what you validate any claim of a particular msg beeing from the other side if not reality?. Xiin, I'm afraid that i diden't entirely grasp the gist of analogy of the one-eyed woman, lest the complexity delivered at her ability to motherhood is proportioned to the normative complexity faced by "normal" women who equally desire and long for motherhood, she is to kick dead whales down the beach to overcome the extra hurdles. All i could think of was a female version of Quasimodo , and that may or may not be desireable to convey the gist. Feel free good-Xiin, i'm but literalist to that point, so fear no more. ps/ Atheero , is unavailable for comment!
  4. "The imagination draws a fanciful picture of a transcendental reality, some kind of celestial kingdom. Time and again theistic myth appeals to the hungry soul; it feeds the creative imagination and soothes the pain of living. There must be something beyond this actual world, which we cannot see, hear, feel or touch. There must be a deeper world, which the intellect ponders and the emotions crave. Here is the opening for the transcendental impulse. Yes, says the imagination, these things are possible. It then takes one leap beyond mere possibility to actuality. " a A great read if you're intrested in why others believe what they believe That leap entails an unforgiveable inconsistency in the way to Bedrock,the people of faith get uppset more frequently with each other and with anyone who questions or tests their belief. to be believed is of vital significance for the people of faith, hence the constant attempt of trying to convince the others that they're neither mentally disturbed nor superstitious or primitive in their mind-set,its a position that demands validation, If others believe it then it's all true, if not , then the mote can only be 'has to be' in the other's eyes. To believe in the paranormal requires two rationally compromising positions taken, first beeing an actual ignorance of the natural causes of the event(s) in question, and the second is the lazy assumption that, in the absence of an 'obvious' natural cause, there must be an un-known and un-natural cause. Ceteris Paribus ?! Intrestingly,on the other hand,their ability to uncompromisingly critique and question other religions rationally is adoreable and inspiring, yet,on the same breath, that level of rationality and uncompromising critique substantially drops regarding the validity of their own beliefs . How aware are you of your transcendental temptation?
  5. ^that you're wrong is not new , its more or less a tradition. Ghanima, you're taking sides , Though wrong from the get go, the man atleast did try it, he did dare look at who he's been sharing a bed with in the eyes. its she who for a weird reason wanna keep things secret, maybe she got a pimple or two.
  6. Originally posted by Ghanima: JB you are so sick! and Che :rolleyes: You're so healthy yo think the stance of woman in the article deserves respect and consideration? Jacayl B, I lose the desire every now and then but then its not about beeing politician, its about attracting the wrong chicks.
  7. Hmmm, i got it senior Che. Jacayl B, Sex is politics !
  8. ^in-off-and-out was it !, hmmmmmmmmm, wait a minute , are Arab men allowed to have pictures (even mental) of beautiful women while doing their in-off-and-out duty?, i mean come on , Sex is 90% brain , somehow , someway , they've to have a picture of someone that appeals to them sexually. Just imagine, even the pic of well-dressed Mrs Thacher could be of help.
  9. ^That maybe the case , but then how their men are supposed to love them or make love to them, yes them, if they have no clue of how they look like?. oh, skip it, i just realized , they don't marry out of love in the first place, men buy access only to the lower parts of their wives.
  10. ^15 days is alot for an old lady whose allgedly sole crime is letting her pupils chose the name Mohammed for a teddy bear, compared to someone (regardless his/her belief system,though mostly of the Islamic belief systems for apparent reasons ) whose allegedly crime is willingness or preparation of blowing people/buildings/subways off. in short the UK terrorist law (though i don't support it ,but for different reasons ) is not just a law against Muslims as you so present it, but it then happens so, it is Muslms or people of that belief system that for a reason or another kill innocent people out of religious conviction. DUH. I do agree with you though , miscarriage of justices happens all the time, but not neccesserily for religious reasons or out of religious convictions. ps/ The well-beeing of your SOL-reputation is in good hands.
  11. “It’s appalling that there are people who get away with brutal crimes and yet a caring teacher is vilified because her pupils chose the name Mohammed for a teddy bear. It beggars belief.”
  12. ^ B- No face to go with that 'halal' fellatio !?
  13. ^One'd like to see the contents of thier marriage contract.
  14. Originally posted by J.11: Let us have him whipped, I mean Zafir . Wouldn't that be something? indeed !, One can hardly resist the jostling mind-picture of Ghanima 'our virtual jihadist and virtue-gestapo of late' in leather-black with a whip in hand and Zafir's bare-upper-body blooding, oh,the look in his eyes, Dede mirror would sure have headed town for such a scene leaving the grave-yards of wisedom. to sully or not to sully, a question for our poor Teddy. Apparently, Sol is awash in Jihadist mentality that would carry out such punishment on Zafir and with clean conscience at that, he has already been called " Dufaryaxo " and hardly skipped having a sucide-bomber sent on his behalf.
  15. *wow*, i guess too much of excitement is bad enough. Well, now that we've seen what an innocent picture can do to the ' hollier than thee ' crowd,i'd like to assure the doubters that the pic is genuine and it was mailed to me by a freind, so that baout that. Norf,its nobody but you that i find next to my posts, so, to quote Serenity, "get a strong grip". Here , take a look.
  16. It is easy to camouflage the Ethiopian political acheivements as col Yousuf's, even much easier to present their tanks as the muscle of a certain warlord|Yousuf.
  17. ^^ The TFG went to bed with the devil, hence Gheedi's Inconsequential departure and Yey's due departure. Both will sadly go down in the books of history as the "Somiopians".
  18. an occupation they themselves necessitated!! horta welcome back my private Graad-ow. but the above inference is so-not-it. Again, politically speaking ,i believe the abusal of the old adage " my enemy's enemy is my freind" the fuel of our misery has shown to be the fake mantal-make-up, the dellusional gate of our indecisiveness towards the fact that we Somalis don't even decide on which clan to hate as for even that we need to turn to Adis. Though i'm urged to agree with the back to square one notion, an old addiction to enthusiasm forces me to believe that we some-freaking-how are on the mend. once again welcome back Atheer, and waxba yan Oodweyne lagu cabsiin, Ngonge io xiin ayaa geesaha qabtay.
  19. Johnny B


    A somali boy in Mogadishu demosntrating against Ethiopian Amry's presence in contrast to another Somali boy in Las Anod demostrating against Somaliland army's presence. Something is so heartbreaking in the opposite natures of those demonstrations. It takes a deep clanish hatred towards the people of Mogadishu combined or coupled with stooge-mentality and severe misinterpretation of the universal adage "My enemy's enemy is my friend", to utter the following rabbish with straight face "those pics highlights no demo, just people looking at tires or going past them on their way to their to work or school. " The tradeoff of short-term clanish gain against the risk of unforeseeable blowbacks from Ethiopias takeover of one's country are beyond Duke's clanish sentiments. Juje, i lost all hope in Duke & co long before Jumatatu tried, atheer, you and FB are better adviced not to press Duke for more nuggets.
  20. ^This king ( for a weird reason i like him in comparasion to his predecessors ) maybe the savior of that Monarchy and the father of the Islamic cultural renaissance.
  21. Xiinow, laboring heavily on the secessionist stuff is and should be seen as what it is , namely taking a stand regarding Somali political realities of today, though a wild goose chase of sort, yet as feasible as the federal project and more real than the theocratic sentiment. Even when i don't agree with Mr Oodweyne i perfer his political meshes to dinner compared to Duke jr ( aka Sheikh Jacayl) who equally shares that sentiment. I woulden't mind taking the umbrage, so woulden't anyone , and not you.
  22. Zenoba, All that beeing special have left me with is that younger sister who see the gold-digger in any date of mine and this ego of mine that only falls short to tell me, had i been a female i'd marry you. Not everybody is lucky to have born in Buroa with that congenital look of You-are-mine-baby.
  23. ^Or seeing the mote in Puntland's eyes?!