Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. This link is infected with the Exploit/IFrames malware, beware! .
  2. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: She also called for America to bomb Saudi Arabia! Somalia bombed its own territory.. so? or is Saudi Arabia meant by "Mecka"? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: You don't need to have an army to be at a war! What do you need to Bomb Saudi Arabia? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: You have to ask your ideological atheofascist "edo" Ayan Hersi! She is the one who said that there is war against all "Islam". ouch... Originally posted by GJ_Goate: You want to make yourself like a Malcolm X or Ghandi Type figure, then you have to prepared to live with the consequences that come with it. That means you have to expect bombs, bullets and knifes. What are you saying? that Ghandi,Malcom or even Ayan for that matter should feel intimidated and stay silent infront of the above consequences ? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: In this case we know that Ayan Hersi is a lying pretender, whom in time will even be sidelined by her ZioCon masters because even they realise that she is a liability to them. That is to say she is no Martin Luther King [/b] Would she skip threat if she was not 'pretending' what she claims to be ? Aha... so its about the atheofascists,ZioCons and her inability to posture even a light version of Martin Luther King. All the above is actually irrelevant, fact remains she is threatened to death by people who believe they serve their 'Allah' and by killing her will have a shot at his paradise as 'the scriptures' promise.
  3. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: She called for war against the people that threatened her. How? by not believing in what they believe? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: She says she is at "war" with their religion. She says Saudi Arabia should be bombed! And what is the name of her Army? 'AyanAirForce'? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: She calls for a political, economic and military against Islam. And where is that country called 'Islam' situated? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: The majority of Muslims in Europe won't break the law and attack her. In fact, Muslims politely asked to remove a Quran from her feet, when she purposely placed it on the floor in a conference, whilst adressing them. Not that i could believe she actually did this, nor would she assumingly have a need to do so ,but do you frankly believe a Quran placed at somebody's feet is somehow less 'holy' than one placed under another's armbit,therefore she must pay? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: But there are those that will attack her. I'm not making a judgment whether they are wrong or right. All im saying is that if you're got to war, there will always be people that come after you. You obviously neglect condemning their violence, but willingly highlight their right to go after. Isen't it wonderful to have faith?! so right, so just, so compationate, so forgiving,yet so defenceless. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: Perhaps if she was a Muslim preacher saying the same things about secularism and Christianity, she would've been charged with inciting religous hatred? What could she possibily say that haven't been already said in every friday prayers for the last fourteen centuries? Originally posted by GJ_Goate: In any case, if she is killed, she'll be considered as a "martyr" for Atheism and Johnny B can stick a picture of her on his bedroom! In the meantime pray that your idol doesn't come to any harm! If i'd keep pictures of all those who died becouse they lacked belief in the existence of a specefic Deity on my bedroom wall, i'd need something like the great wall of China,but now that you mention it, maybe,just maybe, i'd hang the pictures of 'Muslims' who got killed by other 'Muslims'.
  4. ^ give us some time to digest the loss while you take your time celeberating. I can only stretch myslef and mummle "right team won".
  5. Originally posted by GJ_Goate: She's hardly a victim in all this( despite the theatrics)! ^Oh No , she ain't a victim at all, its just that she is threatened to life and MUST have bodyguards 24/7 , while the defenders of the faith blissfully justify their violence against her, probably to please and defend a msg from an omniscient and omnipotent God ( Allah ). It simply beggars belief!
  6. ^Hiding from 'Allah'? she would have no problem with that, but to hide from those who claim that there is no compulsion in Islam in one breath and murder you if you choose not to believe on the other,is not easy job. So far ,she has been doing extremely well.
  7. Johnny B


    ^Anybody mind explaining Gobiile or showing a "working" YouTube link? Probably a traditional but entirely absolutely NEW to my ears.
  8. Norf, you get to stop the music first. Modesty's oponion was not under attack, her persona came under attack due to her observation of some Arabs/Asians, as for what i think about Modesty's observation, not her persona( mind you ), look at my first post. The under water sentiment of Arabs/Asians beeing less racists due to their belief in Islam is the obvious reason why Modesty's persona (instead of her observations ) warranted the emotional rain we've witnessed.
  9. ^ Woulden't what i think be irrelevant as far as her right to form a view regarding some Arabs/Asians( no matter how worng, stup*d, weird and what not, it might seem to others ) is under attack? Dare i take a stand without risking beeing derided? Not that its obvious to all those who got wored up, but its this very sentiment that blurs any supposedly would-be coherent pin-pointing of her supposedly wrongful conclusion.
  10. Adam, That maybe how you see her , but she ain't entitled to hold a 'view' in another words, see them as she finds them? . Norf, there is difference between jumbing the gun and deducting an ambagious view. the later doesen't justify a personal attack. Faheema, No i don't have a point , i'm peeping a Tom, since what you 'hardly' call an observation should never ever be considered one by others?!
  11. Adam, Come on , the " queen of fashion " is but sinister, Yes and 'we' as in the 'we" the gallery?! Faheema, Any paralleling betwwen your observation regarding the Meerkat on SOL and Modesty's observations regarding the racism of some Arabs/Asians?
  12. ^I think jumbing on Modesty becouse she happens to observe and notice certain traits among certain people shows how some people emotionally lash out infront of a differing stance. Address the issue instead, address her observations, we're not and i repeat , we're not intrested in your views about Modesty's persona.
  13. Originally posted by Biixi: It is natural to feel this way, cause you are not use to being around Muslims , as a result you don’t know how to interact with them. That also explains why you’re more comfortable being around non-Muslims. Instead of looking at it negatively, see it as an opportunity to experience/learn something new (new culture for you - ). That was uncalled for, taking her religion from her is not your shot to call, you'd be good for addressing her observations.
  14. ^ And since when observing became hating?
  15. ^ Nice observation, but, what were you expecting? that people would stop beeing Arabs or Asians just becouse you believe in what they allegedly believe? Maybe,just maybe, you were under the illusion that sharing a specefic belief in a particular thing overrides all other beleifs and prejudices.
  16. ^well put Mr Oodweyne, though i'm not pro-Somaliland who'd sweep aside the hint initiated by Juje and chewd on by Xiin, namely, the idea of Somaliland having met her waterloo by Jendayi's vissit, i'd like that expounded, lest Ngonge's stand on cloud nine is the preferable one.
  17. That may be the case, but then What is "low"? marrying a strange or marrying white?
  18. " I tell you God, common sense and the Somali people will not allow the destruction of the Somali State." with all due respect NN, but there you ate your hat.
  19. ^Before part III comes i'd like to ask you a question regarding the position of your old-you and your new-you. Would it be fair to say, in your old-you, you'd the ability and freedom to personally evaluate and make a personal decision regarding life in general and your life in particular,without paying a-not-so heavy price, but ( 'God forbid' ) if you'd to make the same journey, this time the other way around, you would neither be able nor privileged to make that personal decision without paying a heavy price. ???
  20. ^The darn thing is spelled from the wrong end. and demands a total pragma shift. I'm still working on it. EDIT: I almost forgot Ngonge, mind you explaining the algorithm of alphabet-connection. I just don't get which alphabet is, can, or allowed to connect to others and under what circumstances,moreover why? I'm taking this online course and nowhere is the tuttor mentioning it. just feeding us with Vocabs and more Vocabs.
  21. ^Give me more of the irreducible complexity!