Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^For a complete and a just satisfaction on enjoyment over their faces after things go pear shaped one'd to take the affirmative stand and bet on the opposite, playing the catch-up of ' what have i told you' is an equal opportunity no?! Do i hear 'no black holes will emerge'?
  2. ^I wish i could answer you. "Tatlitug has proved such a hit with female viewers that Arab television media outlets have carried reports of that a number of jealous husbands have filed for divorce from their wives. Fatwa or not, "Noor-mania" is running riot. From the souks of Tunis to the markets of Occupied East Jerusalem, T-shirts bearing pictures of the glamourous Mohannad and Noor are selling like hotcakes. In the Israeli-occupied West Bank town of Nablus, several coffee shops have been renamed Noor and Mohannad in tribute to the soap's two lovebirds - who in the original Turkish show are called Gumus and Mehmet respectively. "I sell more than 500 photos of the stars of 'Noor' each day, particularly ones of Mohannad. The girls are mad about him," said Hussein, a vendor near Syria's Damascus University." JB... the hargeisa market is all yours. dee iibi granada. source
  3. NG... we actually have a nap-room here. though i never use it. ( i call sick if i've been out on weekdays).
  4. ^It even caused divorces according to the article. The arabic version of Controll-the-women 2.1.14 needs to be updated.
  5. The Ottomans are back , but this time eastwards,the Arab(Muslim) world is beeing entertained by Blond (blue-eyed) gazelles from Modern Turkey. Noor habibi .. Johnny bahibak
  6. ^therefore no need for scientific evaluation ? mise waxad ledahay, mira ..... lagu liqaa?
  7. Horta kalay .. Carabnimo iydadu wax badan lama maqne, Nin madow paradise gelimayo , ma run baa?
  8. Nuune, I think it'll help humanity understand more but the question is, is Humanity ready for surprises?, i think not. Some people are too willing to die for their beliefs regardless it being scientifically correct or incorrect. Man is so smart man can choose not to be smart.
  9. ^Aniguba Carab ban ahay, afka carabigana wan aqan oo xaga dambe aya laga so bilabaa,wan yar madobahay oo African ba la imodaa moyee!
  10. ^Maana gran, sowtii la yidhi iyagaa gaar ka haya dunida.
  11. ^ why do you've to speak Arabic?
  12. Bal ka warama hadii ay 'malikta' hurdada ka tosinayaan, sow cadhonmayso?
  13. JB.. that explains your sleeplessness !! AT&T, Waxba dayrada haygula hurmarin, wan la socda shekadada sxb. Mar alla marku isku hubsaday the one who was carrying the 21st sign, ayuu Johnny maxaad heysaa ku leeyahay. Waa hadan kaa haro sxb. NG, Xiin iyo Kismayo in comparasion to hiiraale & Kismayo ,,,, a true love story.
  14. ^ Any increment in the number of family members?
  15. ^Interesting how thralls can recognize their own problems on others. oh well.. everybody is a comedian.
  16. ^I wish it was like that. Problems (the good thing if you like) with Atheists are such there's nothing like 'We', as in the sense of a Mob. Each is on his own and for good reasons, imagine a mob of Atheists doing a ritual or two ... what would that be? sharing a Joke like the following maybe. A young woman brings home her fiance to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man. The father invites the fiancee to his study for a drink. "So what are your plans?" the father asks the young man. "I am a Torah scholar." he replies. "A Torah scholar. Hmmm," the father says. "admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in, as she's accustomed to?" "I will study," the young man replies, "and God will provide for us." "And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?" asks the father. "I will concentrate on my studies," the young man replies, "God will provide for us." "And children?" asks the father. "How will you support children?" "Don't worry, sir, God will provide," replies the fiance. The conversation proceeds like this, and each time the father questions, the young idealist insists that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, "How did it go, Honey?" The father answers, "He has no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I'm God!"
  17. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ...Shiish...Some things are better left unsaid...Glad that topic was removed... I couldent agree more , it's just that it's almost impossible to have a decent consensus on WHAT things are actually better left unsaid. Its like being able to laugh about an incident where electricity dies during a 'Ruku' in a Mosque and the women corner loses contact with the Imam through the speakers, hence stays stuk in an endless 'Ruku', but not being able to laugh about a brother/sister going green because s/he can't tell a fellow about his/her bad breath. +Faheema, wan soma sometimes,but wholly for the wrong reason.
  18. Yesterday i was feeling a bit maladjusted. Almost once in every Ramadan i attend a dinner(Afur) at a Freind's house and usually there're few other people that i'm not acquainted to. Though i enjoy the cultural Ramadan,the food, the flavor,the chance to mingle with fellow countrymen etc etc, conversing with people before dinner(Afur) was served was a painful experience due to Halitosis.
  19. Simple Khayr, You think the 'real' question is if the Animal = the Human, my answer is i don't know, becouse in Mathematical terms. '=' means equal in value, while you may have meant it equal as in beeings, like both beeing mamals. And if we switch places for them in this ritual of sacrificing for the Gods, i don't think we could call it a ritual as for that we'd need to take an Animal perspective. So to answer you more coherently,maybe we need to revisit your question. What did you mean by '=', and why do you think it is the 'real' question that should be asked?
  20. Why do i've the feeling of Xiin and Cara having not only slaughtered an Animal but enjoyed it. Xiin, i've seen a Camel , but not one beeing slaughtered, and i refuse the sentiment of Johnny beeing a sissy becouse of just that. Norf, Those slaughter houses are for buisiness, no sacrifice there. Cara, Those muscles are from the miracles of the Gym,not from a juicy beef. You on the contrary need to put on few stones, so we can shake hands without you wiggling. long time no see sheikh Khayr, how is life? As for if the Animal = the human? i'am not sure. There're people who kill human beeings, but i don't know if we could call that a ritual.
  21. At&T, sxb ama waa wada qadi ama waan wada qudan ee ha ina kla rebin. cid iga folxun oo aad best freind's seat dhigan lahayd ma jiro. I'm so ugly my freinds get projected as Brad -1. Naf aan kugula tartamo ma hayee, waxen leeyahay , hadi uu wax helo sidi atheer Jimcale waxad tirahdaa, 'Nin la rabaa rayn badanaa anba reedaan ka rorgee'.