Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Yeah , sure .. det är så häftigt att vara hungrig.
  2. ^And what will you do with my girlfreind (the 'Ghanima')?
  3. Unknown Ngonge is Castro's cousin , he too is from Texas , but not Houston, Ngonge is from small place called Palestine, no no, not the west bank or Gaza , the one in Anderson County. No smart hurricane will dare on our brother Castro.
  4. Why do i watch it? has it ever struck you that i Johnny Jonathan Bravo have the need of emotional horizon-widening drama of love just like those Arab men who fill for divorce? well, if not, rethink again, actually those soap-opera dramas help young men like myself develop emotionally as i've suffered under the grip of the West's rational but boring world of don't-show-much-emotions-as-no-one-cares. Simply,i'm in love with the idea of falling in love. The story of one woman? c'mon, You're disregarding Hibak from Buroa who promised her younger brother 3 xtra 'laxox' ( her share ) in the morning if he adjusts the Sat-Dish so the picture gets clearer and she could see Mohannd's smile. yes she too counts.
  5. Nuune, i saw both you and Aliyah44 in Angred, Warya, what makes you think that i haven't hooked most of,m up?... Actually most of,m turned die-hard ukhtis after they broke up with me. There is no ukhti that is worth looking at who is free of Johnny scars.
  6. Unknown, don't send me back to xamar, not yet, true i've learnt some ingris but not enough to get Mrs Thacher on my ride.
  7. uknown, i live in a refugee camp, called Angered in Gothenburg, lemme know when you'll visit as i've to tell my stinking Kurd room-mate to go n visit one of his countless relatives.
  8. Don't blame yourself AT&T, you were not alone in that delusion, The idea even struck me as unknow's obvious next move because Ibti got that effect on all men.
  9. unknown, I was saving your ***, as AT&T was accusing you of immoral dating. oh well... Astaghfirullah al azeem.
  10. AT&T, Don't play innocent, there were wittness when you had 'lailatul qadri' date, 'wal qaricat' get together and even 'wasamai wal ardhi wama beinahuma' crush on your freinds X. BG, dayum, how could i miss that?, please one Mcfeast &co, i take 'Milksheikh' for a drink. Ibti,kir. Me n Al-shabab are friends, All their martyrs train on my picture.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Material och nonsens! Then how come i think of dedicating an Arabic song to Cara whenever i watch a new episode of NOOR. هارب من الأحباب هارب من الأصحاب من كل مدينة وحارس وأبواب هارب انا من بيت رائع تشتهي كل عين كنا تحت ظله انا وانت طيور اثنين الضحكة والدمعة نقسمها على شخصين ولعبت الحدود السود بالقلب الرحيم وانهار سقف البيت والحب العظيم غيرة وبعد الغيرة شك وبعد الشك عشرة من جحيم افتح عيوني معهم ليلة الأحزان
  12. Ibti, To access it,all you need to do is type Takbiiiiir, that is every Mullah's password.
  13. ** Johnny hugs Naden so tight she screams ' let go you idi*t, its Ramadan' ** Nadennnnnnnnnnnnn, xage ka baxde ? Regarding the Arab female love psyche you nailed it right there,i don't believe much in Ngonge's choice, Sheik Moe's son is the typical you described earlier, black hair/black ayes , traditional dress and last but not least an i-can-buy-you-from-your-Dad' attitude. Mohannad, on the contrary represents the most desirable yet somehow forbidden. partly because of his European looks but decisively of his Arabic/Islamic culture. I wonder what Arab men dislike in NOOR ( the character)?
  14. Unknown, Does it bother you that i can't speak Swedish? A nomad named 'NGONGE' speaks fluent Svenska, i'm flight 13 farah, so fresh that i go fresh with all blonds that cross my way. If you speak Arabic you're welcome at my place and watch Today's episode of Noor. I've all the Arabic channels in my sat-Dish. Nephy, saqajanad, you need to wash both your mouth and mind. Noor-habibi is an innocent title meant , 'Noor, my love' or something in those lines. Imisan ku lahaa Arabic baro, no subtitling, so you can't watch.
  15. Unknown,really? are you the new neighbor? good to have you as my neighbor. You can come over and watch today's episode of Noor with me if you want to. Shax wan haystaa. Have you seen Ibti lately? she was kina asking about you, the poor girl is drowned in work yet she manages to grant you a thought.
  16. AT&T, see what you get me into? Hayam, How can i admit that all i claimed to 'know' about you is but wild assumptions , yet stop you from taking it out of proportion to project yourself xtra important.? The whole thing is a Joke walalo. Unknown, tahki arabic?
  17. Nephyyyyyyyy.... Kir ma taqanaa. Kid is my son waryaa Che`, It's a scarily lonely aright..the good things is , I'm so lonely that nothing is there to scare me. BAH !!
  18. NG, sure, the SOL indoctrination in combination with Norf's deadly Agnosticism about Atheism had taken their toll on one, but not as persuasive as what I'm promised in both Aakhiro & Adunyo. Somalia's version of Noor in this life and 40 houris ( i can't deal with 72) in the hereafter. Aight.. i admit, since I'm an alcoholic, the rivers of wine in the hereafter worked as a bait.
  19. Oy vey,if i only knew that you spoke Arabic.
  20. Serenity, fican badan huuno. just da usual, i heard Canada has been xtra nice to ya. AT&T, sxb, if you speak Arabic then you're the man baan ku idhi. That is exactly where i failed in my Somali girl mision sxb, i always act like Danzel when i'm supposed to act Adel Emam. Worse , when i loose temper i address them as Pamela. Ramadanta war ka siyo, Nin calol lihi sheeka gajaa uma baahna.
  21. AT&T, Nuune yusan igu ka dirin, wan ninka xerada wixi ku jiray sku lexsadey oo yidhi ciyalka xafada moje cid kale majirto. Anna waad i aragtaa waanigaa sidi orgi ...... salan an layga qadeyn ku washey. Wad aragtey sidi an kaga badbediyey Carabiyadi.
  22. I'm frightening you because... A: meel adag adag adag bay ku xidhantahay. B: Rag badan badan badan ba applicationski unlimited Rejection loga dhiftay. C: Not your type, as you can't speak Arabic. D: She used another Avtar.
  23. Hi Serenity ... muwah muwah.. just marking my territory.