Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^^ As my atheero would say adna dhuuntaad i qaban aduunyana joogis bey rabtaa. Kista banaankeedu waba halkanu xaflada ku dhigan rabno kolkaan 5- 0 idinku qaracno. Agah.. waan iska kaa garanayey inaad xalflada yada usoo dhumaneysid dee. Nunow waa runtaa Ayan ma aqoon, laakin waxaa la i siiyey telefonkeeda , deedna waan wacoo ku idhi .. naa waxba ha is qaad qaadine aanu weesada isku dhowrano , waaba la ogaa tey ka dhigtay... maanaaba weeseysta kute ..... hadal iyo dhamaantiis waanigi Atheer Xersi wacay oo idhi sabanadan gabdhaa kacay iyadaan ku yeeshee igu habaar ducey kuma lihiye .. hade waa la ogaa tixdii uu ka tiriyay. Markii hore way i aamini la'eydoo waxey i tidhi , adoo inta sar dheer iska soo tuura si un kaga badbaada moojee ku aamini maayo you wahaabi Swedish... laakin kolkey aragtay inaan habaar awgeed usoo qaatay bay tidhi... maybe we can dine sometime , kolkaasaa ana mirif wax igu yiraahdeen , oo ku idhi.. hadaad bodyguard qolka jiifka inoo soo gelido .. waa bilaa dine ee sidaa ula soco. sheekadu way dheertee , waa tii suuro jiq tidhi.... Adigu diyaradii waadigi hargeisa tego in Ethiopianka loo dhibo ku sigtay .. bal waran.
  2. ^ For president Sharif , this it the test. 1: His plea for dialouge has been rejected. 2:His Islamic government has been attacked . This is his first test, either he groundly defeats his and his Islamic government's enemy or gets lured into unfruitful peace talks and fail Somalia as his precursors. time will tell.
  3. ^My team is ready nuunow, given that the administration accepts our Gothenberg dialect and our Jersey with 'Noah's dilemma' . Waayee Nunnow, Islaan baa wiil dhashay iyadoo bikraa laba kun iyo sakal sano ka hor diidnay miyaa dameeraley inaka dhigeysa?... Waa inoo garonka kubada adiyo bowdiyo gaabtada gadhka xun xun. All we need to do is bring our female goalkeeper to make you guys panic. ps.. Admit it ... deep down .. Ayan did represent you there.
  4. This is the Somali mind we should take care of ! Mr Ramadan was left with no choice but face Ayan's uncompromising reality-ridden facts. Ayan, we may not say it loudly but we're proud of you. Ayan Vs Tariq Ramadan
  5. ^ lol @ LG As if che diden't know how Mr Somali Pirate threw in a verse from the holy book to justtify the naked agression on other fellow Somalis/Muslims. Actually, It's the fake cyber jihadist's attemp to desperately argue a political point at any cost that disrespects our common belief on human sincerety.
  6. **** ******* ******** ******** preceds all others no? [ May 27, 2009, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  7. ^ And with this kind of kind being all Dandurey possibly kind of could squeeze intellectually out of that heaven knows kind of Brain, Shabeel's sniper bullets are worth better targets me think. Obviously the one and only person on SOL that can both say 'wah' and still make sense remains to be Nuune.
  8. ^Harmless indeed!. As they both don't support a 'Talibatic' Somalia, the relief on their faces (brought by Mr Sharmarke's government )unlike the wording of their topics tells a different story altogether.
  9. ^Having difficulties is every president's surname. And Sharif unlike Yousuf Yey is not a man of tribe.
  10. Does these 10 days include the two days it takes to clean Afgoi and Marka?
  11. ^Unlike Yousuf yey's permenant dependency on the Ethiopians in Mogadishu, Sharif seems to have the support of both his Somali army and Mogadishu population. Taking on the terrorists and their foreign jihadists purely with government forces and gaining grounds is but a sign of confidence. Time and momentum are on the governments side while the shaky and unholy union of the terrorists is showing alresy signs of defeat .
  12. ^Ehem ehem.. The line of reasoning that demands 'Any political position you take today MUST(should )always remain your position ', otherwise your integrity/consistenc y is measured below zero is but a flawy line of reasoning. It is however understandable that Kashafa and the Duke (due to lack of a batter argument) resort to it because both simply share the sentiment of seeing this (now Islamic) National Unity Government fail (for substance one may refer to their late posts). To use this measure properly requires an awareness of the details hidden behind the position-change which none of them possess or displays,therefore, it namely is the wrong measure for the quality in question, hence,to answer this thread and the mantra of our 'anaa idhi' analysts, let us just point to the ever changing political positions of their respectively favoured political entities and enjoy the irony that glares. Aweys/Turkey(Turki)/ Robow, etc..etc had president Sharif as their 'Amir', and look at them today, firing at their commander in chief,displacing more people that the Ethiopians displaced. hypocrisy here we come. That a given Somali politician is in Adisabeba doesn't necessarily mean the outcome is bad for Somalia, and with that i mean Somalia the republic not the 'Talibatic'( all rights reserved).
  13. Those happy locals are the enemy of Al-Qa'ida Taliban / al-shabab and Khashafa. Celebrations after routing the Al-shabab terrorists out.
  14. Kamakace limited has nailed it right on the head. This outcry for truce from the terrorists will fall in the deaf ears of the innocent and displaced people of Mogadishu. Atheer Hassan Dahir should not surround himself with 'shabab' foreign terrorists trying to subjugate his brethen. Just as he chose not to deal with A yususf and prevent ethiopian invation of Somalia, He chose his sortè of the Somali-political arena the wrong time. Attempting to overthrow Somalia and Mogadishu's favorite president Sheikh Sharif by a borrowed force was a deadly miscalculation. but then again Both Kashafa and atheer aweys share the charecter -flow of beeing self-righteous.
  15. ^ Judging the layman Somali , the Mogadishu society and last but not least the international communities' sentiments , the only plausible truth is neither Atheer Dahir Aweys nor the terror group 'el-Shabab' will reign Mogadishu and Somalia.
  16. I got the magic stick I know if I can hit once, I can hit twice Playing a 7th century Arabian nectie. Modern 'Dhaqan celis' Educating women
  17. Killing is a message from 'Allah'? Strong 'arms' to be sold in Kismayo city. On their way to 'Jannah' The Idols to die for
  18. Sol has many good things to thank abti Duke for , however,copy/Pasting a phantasmal news as the breaking one from a Somali site of choice doesn't belong to that list. case in point .. following his footsteps, some terror-minded SOL contributors within the course of 48 hours painted a chimerical victory for their terror group and brought them to the outskirts of Hargeisa waving an all black flag . The good thing is he'll always retreat to the ' i just brought the message' save haven. The better thing is his choice of topics for the delusive news was always getting better.
  19. And with this kind of bile recycling , Sol's political section may never get iso certified.
  20. Originally posted by me: Johhny, What is AMISOM doing in our country Some Somali TFG and it's parliament asked some AU who in turn asked the UN for help, and according to facts on the ground they do not only defend themselves against those who for a reason or another are against their presence but they provide certain Somali people some medical and security assistance. Originally posted by me: and why do they kill our people everyday? In the above rhetoric, not only does it miss it's dis informative aim but the genitive 'our' has lost it's meaning combined with 'Somali' or Somali people'. Originally posted by me: and why is the International Community paying these killers? Since Somalis have killed more than their share of themselves, AMISOM is killing the international community's share of the Somali people, hence the payment from the international community. Originally posted by me: Those that support, harbor or fund terrorists are terrorists. And that deduction leads to the following conclusion " The international community is a terrorist " ? Originally posted by me: AMISOM is terrorizing the Somali people with their indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas. Darn AMISOM, they think we're not capable of terrorizing our people for twenty more years. Originally posted by me: We all have different views on events in this forum and it is healthy to have those opposing views, i couldn't' agree more, hoping that you normally won't take positions for the sake of differing. Originally posted by me: AMISOM is committing atrocities against innocent defenseless Somali civilians. why? what have our peaceful nation done to AMISOM or the AU, our previous Transitional federal parliament and the UN who were(are) all behind it? don't answer I'm just fishing for non-existent self-criticism. Originally posted by me: As we are not able to help those who are suffering today, let us do the only thing we can do. Let us pray Johnny, let us pray for the dead, let us pray for the wounded, let us pray that god helps those in need. Let us pray that our nation overcomes this challenging situation. So all our prayers of the last 20 years were not qualified ? , maybe just maybe we need to reflect on exactly when to pray just to avoid more of the wrath of the almighty. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, as it were.
  21. ^Why would the president's clan join the war? Any plausible reason? Is the TFG theirs?