Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^Very interesting and cut-through to the bones by Brother Oodweyne, except that THIS body is but an informing group that exchanges the latest developments in Somalia to give valuable advice to concerned and interested parties, AND that is exactly what they've done. Italy's move to reopen it's Embassy in Mogadishu is but a politically BOLD move and a strong support for the Somali government.
  2. ^ Sheikh Nur, Since you know the necessity of Atheism relays on more and better solid ground than the young one's wanting but grotesque analogy of a philosophy professor, why don't you feed him with few of those 'lethal' arguments and let him wrestle with them.? Not that I prefer one Abrahamic myth over the other but your accusations towards Christianity and Judaism could of be fairly substantiated.
  3. ^ Moonlight, I wouldn't. It's Atheero's policies we oppose not his well-being. Juje, let us extend those prayers to his opponents too. Any factor that could convince any of them would be appreciated.
  4. Is it me or something is fishy here ?! Is atheer Hassan so old someone has to help him take the steps? May he get well IF injured.
  5. Is it me or something is fishy here ?! Is atheer Hassan so old someone has to help him take the steps? May he get well IF injured.
  6. A terrorist is a Terrorist is a terrorist. They silenced him indeed
  7. ^The reason they hide their faces is simple and a well-known terrorist method.
  8. ^yeah , it's the same weather. It's good beeing Anti_social ( as the risk of running into a Somali intellect that wakes your bored cells is not that high ), but don't make it longer than it takes to quarrel with you better one . You been aloof long enough you lil 'Caseer' thing. Che... WTF .... , oh well, he's having a Homer-day
  9. ^He's doing FINE , After that trip home ,, Life has been kind and toddlers have been roaming around his honey-pot. He's about to open his first baby factory according to that cousin of him in London. How are our English faarax-haters doing? i heard they joined the torries.
  10. Sad , init?! The good thing is it's Friday, hoping for unexpected guest. Nevertheless, better than Boston though, there, it's funeral weather all year around.
  11. ^ yeah, by taking the weather to him.
  12. ooooooh boy !, Somebody hide me !! Dandu...pssssssssyt ... do you understand what 5/6 of something coveys? ......exactly my thoughts. Now stop looking for excuses . haheheheh And your answers are needed HERE Al-shabab supporters are not good with babysitting , the other day, they took 11 years old girl for a 14 years and married her. seriously .. wanna have a make up hug !!
  13. Originally posted by Cara: 1/3 + 1/2 < 1 Where's the contradiction? ^You gonna pay for this Cara, hadaan ku dhafo!!. There you lured our great Emperor to stick to his empty guns revelling in his poor arithmetic skills. Horta, don't you care yarey? , We're trying to educate our Emperor so he won't disappoint abti DUKE. And yes, what I've in mind is nothing less than our old course of " How to think like a rhetorician". Emperor, 1/3 + 1/2 = 5/6. Did you mean to say 5/6 of the Republic is controlled by Shabab and puntland?
  14. Puntland alone is one third of Somalia (according to abti Duke ) and here you are claiming that Al-shabab controls more than half of the Republic. Now either something is wrong with that math or abti Duke will have to catch up with your numbers. Emperor, could Duke possibly be right ? On the other hand , Shabab the terror organization of Somalia has been offered an exit point by the Islamic government of Somalia but failed to materialize the opportunity because it's leaders are unlike the Islamic government of Somalia NOT Somalis who have the Nation's interest at heart.
  15. ^Heh, in another words ,no answer is forthcoming . You're asking me why I'm against a terrorist organization?
  16. ^And where is the sense in 'let the terrorists attack the Government but if the government answers accuse it of violence' ? Xiin xuja adkaa.
  17. ^Ehem ehem, Firstly , This is one ( a bad one ) of a series of pure cheap shots aimed at the president's persona and a very bad propaganda against the Islamic government of Somalia. Before we undress the bungle Mr Wacdaraha presented in desperation as a persuasive contrast of the President today & yesterday, Let us ask as we always do ask the supporters of the anarchists, religious warlords and the terrorists. Is there an alternative government for Somalia today?,isn't a terrorist organization and a one-man party all that you can offer the Republic of Somalia after 20 years long civil war? Since we'll know what their answer is, we move on with undressing the bungle that is supposed to be the persuasive propaganda. The weak line of thinking that it is based upon is a flawy line of poor reasoning that supposes , A person who changes his position is not a 'good' person. That line of thinking is patently misleading because people do not only change their positions regarding life in general but very often and specifically in politics. Actually, human beings by constantly taking and adopting new positions as the prospects of their aim changes, have survived and mastered many natural hurdles, in another words we've to be malleable to both answer natural demands or circumstantial pounds that limit and dictate our ability to achieve our goals, correct and adjust our positions if and when we realize that. The sad part of the bungle is the president's speech is taken out of context to highlight the alleged change of position, and that shows a deep desperation among supporters of the religious warlords and the terrorists. We do not only expect president Sharif to sometimes change his political positions , we DEMAND that he stays open-minded , alert and ready to take new positions as Reality demands. wa bila wacdaro !!
  18. ^ So 'allahu akbar' here or there is not gonna turn the tide? You know, there is a good reason why the theory of natural selection is accepted. waraa Che , waa kugu kacsanahay nooh, horta why on earth do you support the 'al-shabab' and not the moderate government? 1: You beleive 'Al'shabab' are the only ones that can rock Growe and bring the Republic(Hargeisa) back? 2: You're against any leadership from South Galcaio/Mogadishu area? 'No winner on the horizon', is a wishful thinking ... now that the tide is turning , we're more convinced that the Islamic Government is slowly but surely winning both battlegrounds and hearts and minds. This is a do or die for the Republic ( no more peace confrences). Now, come onboard , and get saved , if my arm is too slippery, grap Lazie's's... it'd be sad to leave you behind while Duke and co sneak into the republic ship from the backdoor.
  19. ^naaaaaaa, don't even GO there !. You know ,am having enough difficulties reconciling my pro Sharif's Islamic government stance and my lack of belief in Gods. All that keeps me to your side is beeing Somali( whatever that may mean) who doesen't beleive that Somalia's misery is religious. Now, let's tell NGONGE how we'll use those Tanks wisely and ONLY kill a fanatic jihadist-terrorist and perferably the non-Somali ones.
  20. ^Don't listen to NGONGE, he is ANTI-Sharif government, (anti any Somali government) and pro Somaliland. now where does that leave you ? ... yep .. you got it right. WRONG:p There is more to the man, much more i'd say,so let us convice him and all the naysayers as to why we think there is (atleast for now) no alternative whatissoever to support this Government. here we go !! Seriously, Waranle has no valid argument, and is not worth your overwhelming sincerity. It's upto the anit-peace anarchists and pro yey spoilers to bring a better alternative, The oneman party of 'xisbul-islam', the Shabab terrorists are everything but the Republic.
  21. ^ Hi Val , now that i get my first gray-hair Blondes are passe, i'm so into Latinas i renamed my cat 'Sabela'. KK,Nuune Che and co are but hard cheese, KK beeing the 'fulay' she is .. she woulden't dare on Ayan ( Ayan takes carate lessons ) and tell Ayan ' hadaad gabar tahay, banaanka is keen '. The few attempts made regarding the subject matter , namely Ayan's debate with mr Ramadan are met with their harsh ad hominem, hence, all chances of healthy and reasonable judgements of Ayan's prestation in the referred debate are wiped out. Even Ismahan's attempt of giving so called 'Answer' to Ayan's argument miserably failed as a Man who thinks a Man kan beat his life-partner ( read: wife) at will and with the blessing of his Deity of choose is in no position to answer Ayan's brilliant questioning of the peace-dry violence-ridden culture's claim of supremacy. Mr ramadan just as our resident 'Mullahs' had nowhere else to look for the popular will of 'Allah' except in the very unrelaiable interpretations of the 'holy book' and the heresays of what and how Mohamed ( pbuh ) did do or say things.
  22. One'd do much favour to oneself and the gallery if one addressed the subject matter and let Ayan do the choosing of her own hairdo,dress colour and what have you.
  23. ^Atheer, 'gaalad' waan kaa qaathan karnaa, laakin ayan ma weyna,waase maskax weyntahay, anigaas ayaa intaan gacana ku xambaray gacana cell-phoneka kaga jawaabay. waaku sidee atheer? mise mid dhimatoo miskuhu dibada yaalaan ayaad xodxodasho ugu dartaa? It's not that Tariq doesen't want to reply, it may so be that there is no 'plausible' reply eaxcept the 'wey na naceysaa oo waa inaga baxday' mantara. That the 'kuran' (due to incoherency, due to the vast ereas it covers, due to .... pick your reason) is a subject of different interpretations is a fact we've to live with.
  24. Waranle, you may as well be right on the bucks, but and huge one at that ,What is the alternative? A: Talibatic Somalia? B: Anarchic Somalia C: Jidadist center Somalia? Farancab,your concerns about the fate of the government's arsenal is noted, wishful thinking aisde.. neither the oneman party of 'hisbul-islam' nor the Talibatic, terrorist movement of 'al-shabab' are an alternative to the Republic.