Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Ibti,It was delicious ,my strategy was simple, stay away from that not-so-cold mustard,the dates, ( always sand-like grains in them ) and the barees. First, i kept myself busy with salld and French is-maris, drunk two 'qaxwa' cups ( not tea , you friggin 'qaldans', i love the ginger flavor. After they prayed and i had my promenad.. it was time for this pasta Al-dente and chicken cream sauce & cheese.., from there i was done , but the meatballs and the lingon jam were too tempting , so i ate like 'kukude' .. do you know the name of that insect in English?
  2. Oh man, .. just when i thought they're low in sugar and won't grant a thought of my fasting of yesterday. Well, it went allright , except that i had to come home after that delicious Afur to realize that practically every muscle in my body was out of function. Not untill around 9:30 evening i started feeling normal... good thing: I slept like a child. bad thing: I was this close many times to have a Snickers . happy now?!
  3. I don't know what 'jin' is , but heeeey ,if they've a ticking biological clock , so do i. Val.. gimme that sambusa, laga eedaamay!
  4. Step back everybody .. Johnny is here. Ehem ehem... did i hear right ?, did Val say she wants 6 kids and soon?... Ohhhh mama, Girl.. you and i , we like same stuff, making kids. Afternoon trolls.
  5. Mr.Somalia, i'm sorry to have misled you and few others who did miss my rebuttal on your argument regarding the burden of proof, In an attempt to both safeguard the religious sensibilities of some people i care for on this Forum and to give you an honourable exit,I thought, since I've no need of preaching, by hiding the decisive part of the rebuttal,I'd skip writing it on your (their) nose, so to speak. Now i accept the fact that did not turn out to be the case, so my apologies , please re-read the blank in both my previous posts and reply accordingly. Now , let me incisively thread the ground once and for all regarding your travesty with which the whole argument of 'the burden of proof is on the Atheists' is based upon, It is terribly sad that,this very argument unluckily happens to be Brother Norf's,and your last resort in a line of reasoning as to why you harbour a Faith you so passionately claim to devote your lives to. Gentlemen, its regrettable that one needs to explain 'the Burden of Proof in Epistemology and Scientific Methodology' at this age, but since my previous attempts of pointing at the fallacy of demanding a negative proof either failed or did not sink in for a reason or another,let me spill it on you. The claim that a particular God ( Allah , in this case ) exists is an extraordinary positive claim made by the Theists. Arguing that it is on the others(the Atheists in this case) to disprove that extraordinary claim is committing the fallacy of demanding a negative proof, Again, here is the example of the logical fallacy of demanding a negative proof that i used to sum Nrof's argument. (1) Flabble glurk zoom boink blubba snurgleschnortz ping! (2) No one has ever refuted (1). (3) Therefore, God exists. Now, to figuratively apply it here, let's exchange the meaningless claim of (1) with ' My God exists' and we've the following. (1) My God exists! (2) No one has ever refuted (1). (3) Therefore, my God exists. As you can see the conclusion just affirms the proposition by shifting the burden to those who don't share the belief in assertion (1), hence the fallacy of demanding of the Atheists to have gone every corner of the universe and made sure that my God does not exist. in short "X is true because there is no proof that X is false.". Q.E.D Now, Is it really true that one can't disprove 'Allah's existence?, well, it depends. First we must know what an 'Allah' is?,and only after those who claim to know what an 'Allah' is define 'Allah' to us and show us where in the known universe 'Allah' exists, can we evaluate that question. Now , one might wonder why all this fuss about a particular God's existence?,well,reme mber my black swan example?,the fact of the matter is Theists harbour irrational beliefs of different imaginary Deities based on, among other things, child indoctrination, ,As irrational as it is , they accept the fact that it is Faith they have and not a reasonable or rationally justifiable Belief, therefore this futile attempt of shifting the burden of proof. Need i say more?!
  6. In an Ideal world, one would atleast expect from ( my 'xamarawi' fellow ) Mr.Somalia to go through the twisted logic of incoherency to its conclusion, and ask me to stop believing BOTH that Allah(SWT)does or does not exist, but with this not being the case , i'll have no choice but degrade it a level and say a rationally justified 'BAH', and this time mean it.
  7. yeah Juxa.. i remind you of Seal. Bonjour CL ?! Bonjour Legend, il ya long temps !! Juxa.. it's Today , hence me fasting
  8. Eh..** Johnny flexes his musscles ** Women..woemn.. when they frisk you,they always look at the wrong places.
  9. morning Juxa, I'm here ... and LOOK@ME
  10. ^Mr.Somalia , Sxb , Iga qalee nooh ! What kind of ciyaalka xaafada are you?! I refuse to discuss this any further, you disarmed my argument so i give up. I suggest you read the blank in my previous post and read the same Wiki page you referred to regarding the burden of proof, this time have a little patience and read down to the fallacy of demanding a negative proof. Hope you enjoyed the burden of proof table there!! Let me just quote Nuune for once and go .... Wareer badanaa.
  11. To All: The ironic aspect of atheism is that IT is as much a faith as any other religion is, since atheists, simply cannot disprove the existence of God. To Johny B: Got any proof that the Al-mighty and glorious Allah doesn't exist? Remember, YOU are the one who wants the burden of proof to be on the believers. But I bet the instant that standard is turned against you, you will run and hide. I hope there is more ( ok ok ... i want to believe my fellow 'Hamarawi' knows more than he displays ) than the above in a Doctorine one devotes a whole ( and probably one-time) Life to. Firstly, it only takes you few scrolling up to the very answer of why a lack of belief in something doesen't neccessarily mean having Faith in the opposite. More importantly , Theists don't believe in Gods just because Atheists can't disprove their existence, for that would mean , they have faith in the existence of all the things Atheists can't disprove, and those things are many, to mention one.. i'd say Atheists can't disprove the existence of say a Black swan, Do you worship and have Faith in its existence?, you see where beliving in something just because others can't disprove it's existence leads to?!. * Just the thought of Alle Ubaahne praying to the almighty Johnny coulden't disprove his existence is killing ... I strongly believe that he has his Faith based on his own conviction ** And yes , i demand the burden of proof to be on the claimant , and i stand corrected if the contray is the normarative in any known human acquisitions of knowledge as accepting any claim at face-value can't ascertain any universal truth-value.
  12. Give me Serenity anyday. oooops.. i meant .. give HIM Serenity anyday.
  13. ^^ And i thought ' War of Love ' was a contradiction in terms.
  14. NGONGE, I thought,you mistook me for Serenity there. The new alle Ubaahne votes Green and is a Hippie.
  15. hmmmm, Che from Bilaajo?, hhmmmmmm Kor mise hoos?
  16. lol .. Not me... As long as Cara and Val are alive .. Alle Ubaahne uma baahne Johnny's words inu sonka ka formo. See how Val highlighted it?!
  17. ^if he repeats bouncy butts three times .. sonka sure wu ka forma.
  18. Step back everybody, Alle Ubaahne is in the house. ** Johnny takes the 5th *** waxba ma arag.
  19. ^Malika, i still remember it, and it was but frozen. Having been at your place .. Sujui girls are nothing but trouble. Ibti, give me some afur and my mouth is shut . ** Johnny dashes over to VAL and squeezes her.. Howdy... you lil sweet thing... put on some kilos and eat fatty Afur.. you know you somali girls have to live up tp to the reputation of bouncy butts. Yes, i do wear Khamees and i'm not Gay. I use it for role-playing in bed extravaganzas.
  20. Hmmmmm, so you mean , i maybe in for a surprise?! The new in last years was this not-so-frozen-custar d. i didn't like it.
  21. I understand ... nobody wants to talk food.
  22. ^LOl @ Besbas Spray .... NGONGE, Because you're fasting, i think even that extra-dry barees was tempting. I heard about the Red socks, i even heard about the Golden-tooth confiscation.
  23. Morning Trolls, I'm invited for the annaul Aufur this wednessday. Any new dishes in the Somali Aufur menu?
  24. ^In an Ideal Al-shabab run (south)Somalia, what would the punishment for having looked at women and at that way be?.