Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Hi GNONGE, thanks for clarifying, Beryahan .. Ibti hudhug bey dadka ku leday. Does she think Baki/Bangalis frighten us horta?
  2. There is only one way to read it , and it's likeable. ps/ .. and yes.. I said it .
  3. Now that the sons of Adam have debunked the evolutionary myth with the scientific work of Harun Yahya ( Adnan Oktar), and subconsciously taken the famous detour of Pascals wager. Anybody kind enough to cogently present the god s/he worships?
  4. I have to say, it's quite a day. As the saying goes, Nothing is more temporary than a Woman's clothing. Hello gnomes!
  5. ^ Sheh, Kale hunno .. I must take advantage of you when you're this bored.
  6. Juxa, For you i'm on SALE. gobol maxad ka rabta, take me ,, take the whole of me .
  7. Hi Sheh, Gj, Chocko. Arac, Wrong, its an " advanced algorythm of convincing young women to the broken beds of older men" , and i tell you , it has an origo of 2 .
  8. NGONGE... it's my 'ruh' i sold, not my mind Satan has to pay more for my Mind dee, and i followed suit regarding the clan loyalty. Arac, disclosing what i patented may reveal some personal info dee. Aren't you worried for my safety? , ( and i thought inaad i checeshahy.
  9. ONLF is beyond Puntland Jails, so much needs be sink in in that 'temporarily' grief-ridden Boowe mind.
  10. ^ I'm of the idea that We should support atheer Hassan this time so he can correct earlier mistakes, and no need to attack him later. A timely move to jump off the sinking wagon of the terrorists. After all Atheer Hassan is a Somali national.
  11. Hello trolls. Today is a special day for my Family/Clan/subClan/ Somalia/Africa/Black (inspired by NGONGE's Clan is everything). A piece of this nomadic mind was officially bought by an international Swedish Company.
  12. See.. Only Fufu & Che are for real here.
  13. Eh .. everybody knows urdeero, it is best served with 'bur kaki',and 'FALFALIIR'is nothing but toasted red beans.( Yummy ), everybody heard about the famous 'shirip', FALFAIR IYO FUD AWESO , ISKU FUUQ EE MEEL FARISO'. ska yeel yeel gabdhihina wada. Anybody .. 'isbandhes'?
  14. ^ Do you've to make it sound like a chronic habit.? Nuune, I googled 'Moxog' pictures and both President Sharif and Chichen Itza showed up ... any correlation?
  15. ^Xafada bilajo Cambaabur = pancakes made by Castro. Does Arac sound like that Turkish Arak , or im the only one who drinks here?
  16. canbuulo = red beans. I've learned that long ago ... it's about the colour .. green beans = salbuko. Now tell me i'm ciyalka xafada #2 , #1 is Nuune. ps/... there is this HUGE red canbulo, due to lack of knowledge of its origin, we call it .. canbulada dokanka carabka or cdc.
  17. ^Do you have to KNOW everything?!
  18. ^Why close now ? I've just mobilized the Heathens for At&T's favour.
  19. ^Just voted to tilt it in AT&T's favor. I owe him this much.
  20. well, being your own boss = being is a staunch worker.
  21. ^And i thought NGONGE belonged to the category that takes an extra Eid day, no matter what the employer thinks.
  22. two weeks off just like that ?! are they hiring?
  23. So Juxa is not having Eid?!
  24. Afternoon trolls... Eid wanagsan , NG, VAL, CL and Juxa. Any of you at work?
  25. ^ Norf, I sense a slight yet severe misconception from your part,regarding Agnosticism and Atheism,so for fairness sake,let me answer from the Atheistic point of view, lest you must have it both ways to satisfy a subconscious need, will you?! N: Are you an Agnostic or an Atheist? J: Firstly,being one doesn't preclude being the other. I'm Agnostic regarding many things,and Atheistic regarding many Gods. My Agnosticism has to do with knowledge, my Atheism has to do with Gods as defined by the Believers,where the referent of the positive claimant is of an uncommon or immaterial in nature. N:Isn't Atheism? the doctrine or the Belief that there is no God? J: Not at all, Atheism is simply the lack of Belief in Gods, Just the opposite of Theism ,namely,the Belief in Gods. N: What you're doing is saying I believe in X because Y can't be proven to me. J: I'm not sure if i quite follow the relationship of X and Y, could you be more specific? All Atheists are saying is we lack belief in X, because X ( and not Y ) is not insofar, neither coherently/cogently presented nor proven beyond reasonable doubt. N: You can't have your cake and eat it. J: What cake?, who made it? .. ( just kidding ). If i read you right and by this you mean 'You can't lack belief in Gods whose existence you can't disprove' then , you're just recasting the negative proof fallacy. There is no need to disprove all that doesen't really exist, some 'god(s)' are among them, that they don't exist is already the default position. Mr.somalia, You as a Muslim,don't believe in all the possible Gods out there,except one. Now, given that no god's existence can absolutely be disproved,how come you do not worship them all?. Give it another shot! I stand corrected if ceding legitimacy to such grotesque piece of reasoning, "Did we really evolve from monkeys as those textbooks tell " can as poetic as it may seem be an entry-point of a sincere scientific debate. Obviously the thread cries for positive contribution, preferably something about God.