Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Somali women need a -how-to-enjoy-a-healthy-life courses. I maybe wrong , but food , specially sweets and more sweets seems to be their top of claimax. Not that Somali men are any better ( some can't think of eating but 'baris&hilib' ), but Somali women are far overwieght. Can't you girls enjoy eating and stay fit?
  2. ^Having experience only in the 'Greener postures'' i'd say the 'huh?' it generates was more hostile among my mother's corners than my better half's mother's. It's the Halimo-Farax or Farax-Halimo Aura that needs revival, and i must admit, role models are rare. CL, very true indeed, why settle for less, given that you won't be compromissing more than those who breed in homogeny.
  3. David is not just 'cadan' , he's rich & famouse, unlike the husbands of the Somali ukhtis that marry a convert( read: cadan ), or those don't count?! Juxa, you're made for farax.
  4. Just meet the most loveliest/interesting cadaan man ever. David is the ONLY 'cadan' married to a halimo?!
  5. NGONGE, Join me in my hide-out at North Second Street Central Milton Keynes. A place you risk no un-expected 'ska waran'.
  6. NGONGE, I told you Alle-Ubaahne is after all the liberals on SOL. Seriously , one'd be hard pressed to believe MI% is not intrested in the old man.
  7. It is true , it really is .. this world produces more nuttheads than it can take care of. This week , i'm among the hosts at the lounge. meaning that i among others see to it that ppl get what they want when there. according to the name list,We're 5 guys and one girl ( never saw her ) . both Monday & tuesday i filled the coffe/soda michines , filled & emptied the dishwasher, today i came late and thought my co-hosts will take care of things ... heck they did, i'd a meeting at 10 so i just grapped a glass and had coffe in it. After lunch everybody is giving me that look. I'm this close to tell everybody ...' hooyadaa .... ' Afternoon trolls!1
  8. Thanks alot brother Zafir , as ever, i really appreciate it. Che, If you don't date 'hijabis' but support & campaign for a 'hijabi' life for somali girls(women) , then i'm entitled to assume that something is so unreal about you . Now , tell me how can you date a non-hijabi secular girl with a goaty and semi-short trousers, owning no TV? Admit it brother .. in your circles .. the mosque only takes care of the introductions, and you're on your own .
  9. Evening Lily !! Wait a minute .. why is everybody a Senior Nomad? and not me? and Cara? ... ok ok .. cara is young but ME?! What can one DO as a senior and not otherwise?!
  10. Serenity .. I love this .. ' cool, Waryaa c'mon '. Che`, Get off CL's back horta , as you admit Lily's assumption is not true , cause that is exactly CL's point of contention. Teeda kale, Why can we discuss my to-be girlfriend and can not discuss your 'hijabi'? Let's stop pretending here.... One tends to believe that premature baby claims and pre-mariage vissits are the 'norm' and not what ideally should be the norm.
  11. Cara, It's enough that you crossed my heart , despite being ONLY 10 years younger than me,horta, why do you've to insist that i'm an old man?! I own none of the things ( ok maybe one or two , but absolutely no Womack&womack album) you mentioned above. It's colorine and no She diden't ask , as that would mean , we ARE couple. Che`, for once in this terrorist life of yours , be frank and tell the world about that 'hijabi' who vissited you. and tell me with straight face that she diden't put a foot on the wrong side of the gate. Abu , I maybe a male-wh*re if that brushes your suit,but you can't make 'Marriage' more than than what it actually is, namely, an official couplehood.
  12. Lily, Hypocricy redefined. The VAST majority of Somali ladies would not be visiting a guy at his house before marriage. and then I should have said the ‘vast majority of God-fearing’ ones. Fact: a great number of Somali girls DO vissit their bf ( to be husbands if you like ) before making it official. There you have it. why? cause vast majority of Somali girls ( be they born-in-somali or in another country)consider themselves god-fearing.
  13. ^Firstly Ibti , If i don't marry her ( i hope she accepts my purposal ) it won't be because of her vissit to my kitchen , neither would it be of the contrary, i mean there is more to this girl than a kitchen-vissit can reveal , but , the point was if this was a Somali-female known-move ( a custom if u like ) , a patren that charectrizes Somali girl(woman). That you either posture phony feminism or happen to have had a bad-farax-experience is not good reason to find dealy mixs appealing, so convince me more. Nuune, i protested , but to no vail. It was a combination of "shiix, sheex" and respect ... i diden't know what to do .. getting openly upset or protesting wildly was not an option. Ironik: You rather see me talk of men?! CL, The old man is safe and sound , not bacuse of a fat insurance, but happens to be a manly man, hence my envy. Juxa, You can call me names , my gender is of littel if any intrest , regarding looseness. If you're thick enough you risk exploadig, no?!... simply .. there is more in life , than eccelerating it's complexity.
  14. ^No she doesen't like your idea. If CL did like your idea, NGONGE would have been dead by now. . I've seen a thread on SOL regarding Sujui girls & 'sixir' that hanged at the back of my mind. BTW... what is so likeable about leaving some deadly mix in some guy's cupboard ? Lily , My theory of Somali women dashing to the kitchen can be traced back in experience . Whenever i vissit a Somali family .. women-folk dash to the kitchen and male-folk in the (sittin)living room. prove me wrong.
  15. ^Ibti, Who do you think i am? one of your typical farax who runs around believing in 'sixir' and what not?! the ploy that Suiji girls do 'sixir' is way too surreptitious in Johnny's world. besides, sujui girls are more cultured than many Somalia-born halimos, and i'm speaking of experience.. love the idea kulahaa.. waad waalantahay adigu.
  16. ^You're just pushing the kitchen-period a little further into the future,and being married shoulden't mean doing kitchen. Actually , in some theories , it's more fun doing kicthen things pre-marriage or pre-couplehood , but what i'm intrested is , if my observation is correct, namely, Somali girls dash to the kitchen, which in turn means according to you " I'm intrested of marriage" ? If that is the case .. I'm getting married and soon. i just love sujui girls.
  17. ^exactly my initial thought ... but then i remembered those Somali homes i sometimes vissit. But .. compared to my none-somali dates .. this is weird. You don't do kitchen things in your ehem ehem .. early dates. no?!
  18. ^As if that was the case ! I actually happen to have loads of clean stuff, though few things were in the dishwasher. It seemed as if she enjoyed conversing while doing what?! guess twice. Despite my protests , she just had to be in the kitchen and converse while doing if nothing polishing wine glasses. Now tell me why?!
  19. ^looking to the weekend ?! To do what? more of the same?..... Horta , i just discovered gabdhaha Somalida , weekend = cleaning & catering. May latest date ,despite the weekend and the time for each other, she coulden't let my place alone.
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^what needs to be gotten rid off is this silly mentality one liberating #4 from Boston which actually more mama xaawas to flee to the Water Wells where UN, the sponsor of AMISOM, feeds them and creates more jobs for its staff. Indeed! The situation of Somalia has became a self-serving distruction. A situation where every nation-building attempt is rejected as often as every oportunity of opposing one is seized.
  21. ^Unless you equivocate on the Federal Government's juridistic power over the country,including the states, and to be states, Puntland is not Somalia, and the president is the country's president , not a state governor. Puntland's attempt to blackmail the federal government as the sole state of the Fedeal,backfired just as handing over Somalis did. Puntland must not overrate it's state role for the revival of the Republic at these critical times. It's a delicate situation , but we think Farole's administration specefically Col lka jiidh can pull it off. This transitional Islamic federal government is the one to revive the republic, as neither al-shabab nor it's foriegn fighters recognize the state of Puntland. The Zack , your futile attempt to portray Sheikh Sharif & Faroole as stoges hits the rocks, as Ethiopia's influence on Somali politics from Hargeisa to Kismayo is obvious. This time their military presence is less. your Shabab or HI terrorists are not an alternative, an Ethiopian stoge Somali-government is far better than those terrorist groups for the republic of Somalia at these troublesome times.
  22. ^Today is my chance. I'm in stockholm, a relative is marrying in here , and i'm invited, Atheer hassan Adan Samatar is here too, that'd increase my chances of a
  23. ^waa runtaa .. its a 'maro' indeed. But then taking another poorly stiched together flag that symbolizes far less than the blue one, is violation of basic standards for both ethics and intellect.
  24. "The Army is basically paying the Taliban not to shoot at them. It is Department of Defense money." That is something everyone seems to agree on. . Such rubbish sells well in the minds of hate-haunted Muslims. Taliban on steroid, anybody.
  25. ^ A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. So , it's the 'beeing cooped up in the Villa' that emphasizes the terrorist policies?!