Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Chocko, You're right, Men patently failed training woman to serve them, and the thought of women starting to train men to serve them, and succeding is killing us. Yep, i've xmass lightening and will have a tree too , but its more of a family re-union tradition here in Scandanavia, as i'll have a "Ka'ba" painting and "Allah-mohammed" and " Ayatul-kuris" lightening as well. Lily, Ayaanle, sounds like someone born with severe handicap.
  2. Cawaale ( doesen't it sound like someone oo nasib badan ? ), Adiga nassib ma lihid, ee aan Cawke iskaga kaa waco. ma maqlin miyaa , kuwi ruun nirgood ka yimid ee yiri. " Bilaajo Arab iyo bur-saliid .....iigu dar inta kale" . Chocho, Woman was made for only one reason, to serve and obey man. Shaqadodi, wey gabeen.
  3. ^Waraa Che, role-model iga fican maa meel ku ogtahay?! You must at some point admit, that there is a correlation between being a brilliant-family guy and being born at "bilaajo". Cawke, No soul spoils kids like Johnny .. seriously. Sister tells me .. he naggs about vissiting Abtiyo every year.
  4. ÿeah... thanks to my Sujui girl friend , i've clean bed-sheets too . yep , Xmass candles, but no tree, NOT YET ,no plastic tree at my place, i've always waited till 21 or 22nd since i turned 18 to get a REAL xmass tree).. I've mom, sis & co comming over ( 27th ) this year again, so a redecoration is a must.. bringing up the "allah-Mohammed" wall-watch , " Ayatulkursi"-lights and the huge "Ka'ba" painting. best of everything .. mini Johnny ( my neice) from UAE is comming , its been 2½ years since last last time, by then it was fast cars and physics, wonder what it is gonna be this year. he turned 14 so chick-hunting is sure of intrest
  5. Look through my Window. ...
  6. No Somali,individual or group, political or otherwise, has ever sucide-bombed other Somalis but Shabab( the one and only somali terrorist organization ), period.
  7. "Adam was deceived by Eve, not Eve by Adam... it is right that he whom that woman induced to sin should assume the role of guide lest he fall again through feminine instability." Ambrose
  8. Originally posted by Raamsade: ^Yaa Zack, Yaa ikhwaani, ....... Now, fear Allah and grant me that. superbly facetious !! Since, as non-Muslims , whatever we think won't count , we might as well discuss it among ourselves. Now, my dear non-Moslim Raamsade , i think the Dilemma for our fellow Muslims is not that they lack willingness to submit, following whatever priscribed in the " Quran" ( thought it's all about interperation ), things ARE muddier regarding the so called 'Sunnah' ( mores n norms allegedly set by the very link to 'Allah', namely Muhammed ), It's there where our Muslim brothers&sisters have few un-tameable cruxes. It's there where one can pick & choose , Its there where Islamic sharia leaves much to be desired, as some take some and leave some, contradicting positions arise and that is exactly the case here. The literalists,( my freind geel_jire, The_Zack & co belong here ) prefer to defend the barbaric act, not necessarily as a just, correct and most suitable verdict in this particular case, but as an indomitable practice that is a genuine part of Islam, with un-touchable reference to Muhammad's own judgement regarding adultery, passed on two occasions. And it's under this attempt of over-highlighting the "muqadasnimo" of the practice per se , they keep coming across as dull and defensive. Now , given that Muslims must immitate thier prophet as much as they can, in an attempt to secure a salvation in an afterlife, i think holding to the prophets actions( deeds ) if they contradict with his theory ( read: the quran )is at a striking distance when one is confronted with more reliable 'hadiths' that give the Quran indisputable precedence over the 'Ahadith'. Facing such paradox , namely validating the prophets alleged words against his alleged words obfuscates the task of being a Muslim , a good Muslim ,which we can savely assume is the goal of our brothers & sisters here. Now, tell me that we're lucky bastar*s , who skip that kind of Dilemma.
  9. ^You guys got it all wrong. I happen to consider all chicks younger than 30 = 'qaydhiin'. MP and JB , I've spent a day at 'jamalaaye' in Berbera, Where the youngest of the youngest hang out.
  10. FB, True indeed, centuries old Cultural-Practices are not easy to shake off. Serenity, Oh, Wish i could turn back time to few years back, bal inaad sidan dhihi lahayd, iyo inkale.
  11. ^It's unfortunate that one (despite his/her knowledge of what childhood is) apologetically chooses to delete (obliterate if you like ) the physiological,psychological and social bounderies between childhood and adulthood,displaying such combustion and coarse willingness to just consider every menstruating baby-girl of 9,10,.....15 years old an adult. Marriage is a Social contract between two equally mutually interested individuals. No?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: Sharif Hotel is the biggest failure in Somali history and will be noted for that. Very intresting note there!, but truning the pages of failure-presidents of Somalias nth TFG, we find the legend, the father of short-commings, the undisputed Tigre-Tank champion, his excellence Mr Abdullahi Yousuf Ahmed ( YEY ).
  13. I'm not surprised,as everybody has their own " Sharia " interpretation. Though presented as a clear-cut and straight forward law , it's a delusion. It'd be fun seeing all Muslims gathered under "Sharia" law, What a scene !!
  14. Hi Che, Not exactly, Just having a Homer-day. Not contributing?!
  15. Khayr, The virgins are so yummy, Allah promises them, those who kill/die for his sake... don't you get the importance of the virgins for Men?!
  16. Islam and Muslims are having difficulties moving forward significantly regarding their child marriage morality,it goes without saying that least helps Islamic communities garner much sympathy from non-Moslims around the world. Today almost all muslim communities TOLERATE or more or less CONDONE child marriages, How can one justify that?! Although the despicable child marriage culture can not be soley attributed to Islam, one has to be dishonest to overlook the Islamic role in it. Those (many) Muslims who defend this barbaric practice do so with Islam at heart,and consider themselves sincere believers. The practice is readily defended by referencing the 'Sunnah' of Muhammad. The prophet himself married a little girl ( Aisha ) when she was just nine and "consummated" the marriage a couple of years later, and that fact alone seems to trouble many Muslims to be able to look critically at it, and there we've the birth of a tacit tolerance of a despicable practice in Muslim communities. Today , most Muslims are unable to state unambiguously that child marriage is immoral,without facing 'Takfeeri' assults from the Community or having their inner morale-compass twisted. Your take !!
  17. ^How about if i add. " Ali Baba rules" ?!
  18. ^How about if i add "The Amount of blood from Virgin-penetration decreased last two decades." ?
  19. Jacphar, Your irritation is noted , but lest you help us pinpoint your case , we'll have difficulties understanding your 'Nusuus' .
  20. Choco, That was pretty much All the list. You seem to have had a bad experience with people that you class ( categorize ) as 'Progressive Muslims'. Can you name one that could be internationally recognized so we can evaluate your judgement of them? Do you abide by Sharia-Law or Constitutional-Law ? Can assimilation to a host Community be gauged by the number of religious cermonies you can intract with ? If your neighbour's ( a host community native ) husband picks your husband from the Mosque on their way to the Golf-club or he joins your Husband on an Eid-feast at your place, would you consider it full assimilation into your community? Norf, how about if you get ONLY 69 virgins? Would that matter?!
  21. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Progressive Muslims.I hate, absolutely abhor this phrase. Why ? Islam encourages progress,improvement , change etc etc ... NO? How about "Moderate Muslims" ?
  22. Sell-outs ? fine .. Self-hating people ?.. fine .. Johnny B ?.. why?! PS.. Is it a matter of Where our forefathers came from and what they were Vs Where their forefathers came from and what hey were? Them , being 'The West'? Did i read you right? if yes .. Sheikh Bum Bum is back .
  23. ^Many Somali parents commit the " It wasen't so at my time " fallacy against thier Heirs, NGONGE seems to have avoided it with a little help from his smart kid , as he mentioned the magic thing of somalis, " THE CAMEL" . He is not YOU .. get that IN
  24. 1. "The Clash of Civilizations" 2. "Secular" 3. "Assimilation" 4. "Reformation" 5. "Jihadi" 6. "Moderate" 7. "Interfaith" 8. "Freedom" 9. "Religious Freedom" 10. "Tolerance" Phrases you'd remove or Add?