Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. Juxa, Adoo ina hebel hebel ah oo reerki geela kuruska kaliya ka cuni jiray ku dhaleen, ******* xun oo ilko ku raqas leh oo Buroa ku dhalate kahuu faanto,oo harag tolayaashii & smithy hakula metesho waa ska dhimo. Nga tag,ina atheerteyna ma tihid, Xaradheere dambena yaanan kaa maqal.
  2. ^This is really interesting , not because some Somali clans ( including mine, Clan A to be exact ) strictly adopt it , but how it'd work for those who genuinely would give a hoot, despite the " look-i'm-descending-to-your-level-so-be-thankful" double-standard it coveys. I find it easier to not bother in the first place, as the accompanying double-standard is bad enough for both parties to NOT intermix in the first place. Who'd like to be in a relationship with Cara ( from Clan Z ) where she contsnatly reminds one, how she'd to descend a level or two in the noble ladder of Somaliness to make this thing work ?! Not me. Seriously,I've yet to meet a living person that belongs to those "minority" clans.... i know i know .. i don't see Somalis at all, but, it'd be fun for the heck of it .. Somebody suggested NGONGE belonged to a minority Clan, ( and i thought Boy oh Boy ),but that turned out to be wrong, as he carries a well-engraved Buroa 'Budh'.
  3. NORF, Sad that you've to demand a ban for any stance that doesen't offer special treatment for your stance. There're people who openly support and encourage TERROR among the SOL users and you can't stand PeaceNow's self-criticism as a noble Somali man. way to go ....
  4. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: I don't like what this brother did, because he failed his mission. Would have been nice reading news headlines "Danish Cartoonist knifed to death by Somalian" . A true Muslim is what you are Mr Red-sea !!. It is just sad that the "Islam is about peace and love " brigade will claim that Islam is so lovely and peacful that this sick, low-breed Somali-retard wanted to only deliever some flowers with Islamic love.
  5. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ^^Lool I happen to live with others and I can count the amount of times I cook or clean- you just meet strange women JB ^I said girls not a "Jinn" hootchykootchy.
  6. Cl, I even imagined to the point where Ibti being a leb , but hished the thought-could straight away. Locking my girl with you-are-too-fast-for-your -own-good-self-cooking-and-cleaning-for-some-man ploy is OUT of the question, i can picture her raising an eye-borrow and going " cook & clean gani ? cole " . Cara, You're beyond repairable, you put 1 infront of the price?, don't you ever dare send me a gift. Ibti, all girls that don't live alone are someone's resident slave women, why just my girl?! CL, Waa run , NGONGE is right, i was on rehab back to my full somaliness, Iyada hawadaba ega sartey. **Happy hollidays y'all.**
  7. NGONGE, Depends on how you look on Sujuis . As for me i expect more from them ... i could be wrong. CL, What can Ibti possibilly teach her? How to busybody?! Cara, you cheat with your presents ?.. can't help feeling pity for those who recieve them . Cara = ugly gifts ( glued ribbon, vissible price-tags ) , in short a gift that say " ku dhimo" Che´ Yes sir ... i too do search in the dark .
  8. ^Little one , its not a matter of asking for more , It's a matter of un-bearable disability. Now think , how many times in a year do i ( you ) have to give away presents ... at least 18 Xmass gifts, at least 15 b-days, and two or three special occations , and 2-5 presents for the special one ( her in this case )in my life. I need help, and she is not of help in this particualr regard. Ps.. i own dishwasher, and i do the cooking, not that it should be mentioned but she gained few kilos since we met ( thanks to my meatballs & Crème fraîche & ginger sauce ) .
  9. ^true disgrace indeed !! Given that growing up among other people Christians and what have you, gift-wrapping should be mastered at childhood, but those from Buroa or Bosaso are forgiven. Sujui community != Somali community?
  10. Our shopping-mania is over. got all the presents,it's just that this sujui girl is not good at wrapping gifts ( wonder how they did back in east africa ), so i've to wrap them all by myself. Her appology being: most Somali men can't tie a nectie and most Somali women can't wrap gifts.
  11. Originally posted by 2+2=5: I'm not going to bother with you. How about bothering us with "THE TRUTH" , namely explaining the creation theory for us? Mind, if i remind you where you started? the truth is that Allah Almighty created us, everything around us, everything that existed prior to our existence and everything that will exists after us. We did not evolve from an organism, or an ape, nor will we ever evolve into another species. The above statements are well atriculated and very clear, so all we ask for is just a little attempt of sharing as to why the creation theory( "God" + a piece of "mud" + "blowing" ( driving a current of air upon the mud) = first Human being, namely Adam) , unlike the evolution theory, is absolutely "the truth". Aren't you interested? if not we call it a day and move on ?!
  12. CL, Only a manly man could have such effect on you. See,you started seeing invisible things,let's just hope Caddow is taking notes. Caddow, don't listen to the not-so-cool Cat, for her sheeko, No insurance that i know of covers dental damage caused by a 'isku tuur' kiss. It'd be interesting if you could instead talk to the very one who " iyada lafteeda " kala wareejiyay. ,namely, her nr1 main squeeze .. We could tell from her scenario that she was not the kissing type, despite her being late many nights, claiming to have been at the " deris" , while only heaven and we (manly men )knew where she was. By now , i think you've learned something .. you've to have your kiss,but with your hands up & running , and stay away from bras, neither are bras good for your hair nor are you a child. I once partcipated on a bra-removing contest on TV , and i can tell that i still have nightmares.
  13. Originally posted by Cara.: Johnny, it's "nuts everywhere" you dunderhead. The only thing worse than a pun is ruining it Oh , yeah ... She Wants me. It's dunderpate you ... eh.. skip it .... You name nuts near a "hijabi" and see if your mascara stays intact. CL, How dare you question my reputation as a manly man? *** Johnny rips his shirt off and throws it at CL... go and iron it *** you've to visualize the above to enjoy it That should make you feel like a real woman.
  14. Originally posted by Laba-X: Funny how many people speak about the affairs of religion by simply resorting to their own opinions and understanding. I coulden't read beyond this. Bashi's " kaligii Muslim " came to mind.
  15. ^ "Waali" is according to me " insanity " but can be ( or is ) guardian or frogman according to Ibti. As for cascading some wisedom (and probably on the way revealing few lethatl moves ), am afraid you'll have to wait a little longer , as neither Ibtisam's attempt of pacifying some wild hormones and Caddow's passion for a kiss with hands down are not easy to put up against. I might start with Shaggy, and "it wasen't me" kind of basics if and when you can keep Ibtisam and her deadly rationality off his balls, so to speak. You know , manly men are like squirrels.. balls everywhere.
  16. ^^ And i was taught that "Waali" means "Insanity". Am i out hiking or is 'xalalification' way too funnier than "Waali " as in family. Caddow ... take notes. *** Johnny looks both ways for NGONGE-sign before handing the above to CL.
  17. ^Keep that rate and you'll run out of virgins.
  18. ^ And i cuncur, I almost forgot about that . Now i can imagine the third fourth and nth question. I almost exposed ourselves to the might following question of ... How to french with an 'ilka digir' chick? once again i cuncur !
  19. ^Stuff ? you pet .. nonsens ? nope, and i'll have to jug your memory to get you onboard. I know naturally-privilaged manly-men like us are busy doing what we do with women-folk, instead of developing the theoris of hows & whens, but we need to inform our less-privilaged fellow men about the decisive factor to ease their pain. If you're naturally born manly-man, by the time you turn 14-15 , you already have atleast 2 girls of your age who'll do just about anything to be at your company and that older girl who is more than willing to teach you the stuff. Now, can you feel sorry for our fellow men who've to do all the worrying of with-who and when to do it.
  20. ^Heck to what they might say .. Johnny supports Mudug too... only if atleast one of the Mudug players is from 'Harardheere' !!
  21. She made to my List of Somali heroes of these troublesome times. Much respect and luv for the "shaah" she wears under the camouflage, a genuine Somali woman, unlike the probably equally Somali but much younger and brain-washed TENTS of these days, who could of instead place the explosives there.
  22. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: isku shuban FB, to have come from "isku shuban", S*S must cosntantly carry a mobile john. Cara, Learning swedish through that Documentary, you'll end up speaking like a jamaican in NY. , but then shoveling yourself in and out because of the snow, buying extra carrots to join the cutest "Snö Gubbe" contest at the neighbourhood, having winter tires already in October, Owning an original or copy of "Fjällräven" winter-jacket my qualify you despite that dialect.
  23. Sheh, We know that you've a heart , and its huge, but what we question is how you carry it. Ciil weynaa ! CL iyo Che wa part-time Bangalis, Sheh speaks Vietnameese, Juxa & lily can communicate in "af jinni" ( bakward-read Somali ) .. Fu-fu speaks french ala "Ali sabeeh", Cara is the only Soul aan waxba aqoonin. I wish she spoke little "Svenska", ( she'd win my Noble prize. )so we could pretend having secret affair.
  24. Che`, Heck no, why would i? .. frankly speaking i adore the pure Somali names like " Cawaale, Ayaan, Roble " etc etc, that doesen't mean i dislike names like Mohammed, Aisha or Abdi-nasser etc etc,but, the former is more me, more Somali. Abu-bla bla al bla bla is both un-attractive and un-somali, totally inferior. Sheh, firstly i take your soft "waano" from kashkaga iyo laabtaad, but i take issue with your denaial of my last minute call. Sheh's problem has never been that she is "xasid", its been that she doesen't know she is. Of all the good thing & joy i look forward to, waaba taas aqalki iga gubtay. Somali girl, waa taa ..or should i go to NGONGE and go ... " habar jeclaay Sheh wa taa". Lily, I mean it. Ask anybody you want ... "Ayaanle", sounds like someone who is born with severe handicap but somehow survived it.