Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. ^^ One coulden't be a tad bit too certain about both the certain Beleif and Pascals's whereabouts.
  2. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Johnny B: How big are the chances that Islam is theologically wrong ? If you don't believe, it's 50-50. Pascal's 50-50 wager works only on the Belief side?
  3. Ghee, KK started having "qardho" accent, as of late,and Tuujiye refuses my xamarawiness,( the man thinks anybody who don't say "warer badanaa" in every other sentence is "rer badiye". that is why. I just happen to have fogotten Nuune,.. eh,ama buy him Malaysian chicken at Kista ( ala ciyalka xafada )when he comes this Summer footie Games.
  4. Maaddeey, Aisha(words of respect) probably had not benifitted much from whatever that was told her( she had to be defeated at the cost of 2000+ men) , Neither could Ali(words of respect)skip an awful death by the Sword, despite his Faith. My question was why critical thinking , questioning , remaining skeptic and/or doubting are the enemy of Theism? Hassan_B, Have you decided having certain faith in certain Doctrine, without being somehow convinced? How big are the chances that Islam is theologically wrong ?
  5. True AT&T . Shabab are for nothing but the extended ill-wish of Ethiopia against the Republic of Somalia.
  6. This thread is what we need , you can only be in this "we" if you're born in Xamar,you maybe raised in Shanghai, can't fake this with our "real Xamarawi" committee( LST: ciyal faa cali, Castro :aka(hilaal), ciyal manapolio, Xiin: Ciyal Cambo amxaro, Juje : ciyal Siigale, MMA: ciyal bondere, and lastly Serenity: ciyaal Casa Populare. True that Somalia had few other cities & towns that had some sort of "ciyalka xafada" civilization , but "XAMAR" was Somalia and Somalia was "XAMAR". I represent Che´and all ciyal "Maxfalka" in Bilajo Carab or "Shibis".
  7. Originally posted by STOIC: Breathing fresh air today after a month of Exams and Practicals.Alhamdulilah they all went well.February of 2010 was a month I will NEEVER forget in my academic life.I haven't stepped out of my apartment for four consecutive weekends, but this weekend its time to take the wifey out and enjoy some FAMILY time...Time to catch some movies and relax and catch up with the world... STOIC, Admit it man, after 4 weeks of indoors you want to take certain woman in and NOT out , lest you were expelled to the couch 4 weeks ago.
  8. Not really!. Sharif's government is stronger than ever, both in Militarily and popularity, It's just that you terrorist supporters that are too eager to interpret this good-will getsture as weakness , since the term peace is inferior to a Terrorist whose motivation is beyond the Somali politics. The President wants peace with his fellow Somali Islamists , but not with Al-qaida. Now that is a difference, Maaddka.
  9. Though not oftenly highlited,Faith is a critical pillar in all religious Dogmas Plain or assumedly rational (belief-based) Faith encourages and/or calls for unapolgetic treating of Doubt and Skepticism as Faults. Instead of demystifying and explaining the bases of their religious faiths,Theists more than willingly, take every reasonable argument that offers reasons to doubt or be skeptical about their Faith, offensive, demanding more or less a special treatment regarding their claim of knowledges possessed through their particular Faith in their particual Religion. This hostile attitude towads Skepticism and all cautious doubting of immeterial realities is often forth-carried offspring from severe childhood indoctrination, hence is sometimes the only reason why a deeply religiousely faithful person finds both those who are less faithful in their eyes and those who lack Faith in that particular Religion altogether ,not to be only wrong, but to be a Threat. Idealy , one'd think that a Faith that is not verifiable against any reality would stand no chance against one that is verifiable aginst reality, but then that Idealism would be nothing but a photographic shot of Reality under certain circumstance , moment, i.e the relativity of Reality. If Skepticism and doubting were natural Faults,and having Faith in Truths as they were (told)or presented, was the robust way of gaining knowledge about our world, the concepts of knowledge and Truths would under no circumstance be subject to ascertainability, despite the Theist's claims of being certain about their knowledge of certain Truths through their Faith in their Religions, thier hostily seems to be aginst the possibility of being mistaken, namely,that their beliefs are more true as long as the probability of being wrong (by way of doubt and skepticism) is out of the question. This deep denigration of being naturally skeptic and doubtful, instead of being credulous, goes further and deeper to keep the uncomfortable truths,realities suppressed as much as possible, hence, the adherences to the flip-side of promoting falsehoods that are thought to bolster the Faith. Critically thinking, ascertaining Truths to the best of one's knowledge, being rationally unconvinced etc etc, despite the claim of being encouraged efforts, remain the very enemy of Faith. Every Individual's effort of ascertaing the Truths of his/her alloted Faith is watched over or guarded by a ready-made circular logics who in turn are guarded by the non-doubting, never skeptic mobs of the particular Faith, hence no room for cincere individual efforts and ascertainments whatsoever,as long they don't bloster or favor the Faith, that is. Why doubting, skepticism, questioning and critically thinking are the Enemy of Theism?
  10. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: are any of the admins with the baby face by any chance 30+ female who took liking to me - hence being a bit overprotective with me - making sure i don't make any saqajaan comments. if so i would like them to know that i value my life very very much. Sayid, you got to Copyright it. ©©©
  11. Originally posted by Member-sol-: pouring outside money into the pockets of one of the groups vying for power, is pouring a gasoline into a blazing fire. There are no groups in Somalia . There is an Islamic Government and Terrorists. Well Done to AU and the International Community for standing by the Somali people.
  12. Johnny B


    Khayr, You can continue sending those dried ovaries may way, right here. Why did you send all with dried ovaries my way, while I was trying to convince them marry your likes and become "minyaros"?. Stop worrying about a lynching Mafia-mob against the polygamous Mullahs.
  13. Dum Maro Dummmmmmmmmmmm Mit Jaye Ghammmmmmmmmmm ............ Hare Krishna Hare Raammmmm. Sheh may have thought that ONLY Ngone or the cynicla lady could sing her into nostalgia and take advantage of her.. All the kids of the 80s are nothing but part-time Bangalis.
  14. NGONGE, i did that(say hi to Juxa ONLY) on purpose, 1: She is the only person who should feel tribe-wise obliged to answer. 2:She is the only one who can vouch for me when Ibti tries to paint me red over their endless Coffe-Cake meetings. 3:I'm mad at you ever since you chased Sheikh Nur away by asking him to account for something as huge as killing other Muslim. 4: Serenity is taken , so both Ayada & that cute but crazy Val can kiss my semi-black behind . Sayid is like Mufasa in my world. Fair?
  15. Afternoon Juxa, Is Serenity going to read the Book for NGONGE or is the book written in Arabic with Somali(latin) letters?
  16. Originally posted by Geel_jire: ^ You have trouble with comprehension abti. Sure abti, i'm slightly retarded. Originally posted by Geel_jire: That sentence that you based your entire rant on is not something I came up with .. Not yours at all? , i may be colossally wrong about this , but i thought it was your own words under your futile attempt of depicting Layzie as a dense one,who got some basic Burka tottering from the blow of the Burka-friendly expert, namely Ibti,who had reasonably(here i waved for mullahically ) shown Lazie what? , yes, that " the burqa is not anti-islam" Originally posted by Geel_jire: .. if you scroll up a little more you will see this quote: Originally posted by LayZie G.: They are not threatenening to Kill the young Imam because he spoke ill of the quranic teachings or called the prophet names but simply telling the truth that 'NIQAB HAS NO PLACE IN THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT'.(nada)= death I failed to connect there. Originally posted by Geel_jire: put aside the fact that L.G still cannot tell the difference between the niqaab and the burga which further highlights the ignorance I was talking about she has been shown time and again that her claims i.e burqa being anti-islam are bogus. that is the meaning of your little red selection. Suddenly , it's Layzie's claim A terrorist is a terrorist , is a terrorist. The poor Imam is threatened to life for not having told the truth, is he? You'd be good for learning had you engaged Layzie on the subject matter , but meany personal attacks could only take you this far. Ibti, It's unfortunate that you've to resort to the " they're bashing Islam " rhetoric. Sad that you coulden't challenge Layzie on a higher level.
  17. Originally posted by Geel_jire: L.G if this is not some more of your typical drama queen posts and you are not just putting on a show for us .. you seriously need some help. you've beaten this issue to death and you refuse to listen to any reason. you have a minimal understanding of Islam just enough to be dangerous but not enough to know that you are digging yourself into a hole. many nomads have patiently (ibti gets most of the credit here) walked you through the reasoning of why the burqa is not anti-islam and the and held your hand every step of the way .. but you are either too dense to comprehend how ridiculous your stance is, or you know and are just addicted to the attention. you've started multiple threads on this same issue you were engaged in each one ... and when you were shown the weakness of your logic you run away and start a new thread. please tell me why anyone should engage in a serious debate with you ? if you are incapable or unwilling to coherently defend your position and as soon as your backed into a corner disappear for a few days only to return with more of this nonsense. All your blubber and personal menace is revealed by the "RED" statament in your Post. I must congartualate Layzie for her constant patience and unweavering upfront towards Islamists ( mostlty ignorantly extreme in their interpretations )who glue the Burka into Islam, while miserably failing to account for it's Islamicness except to the meek argument of the Burka being just another garment that fullfills the modesty Islam encourages Muslim women to maintain. There seem to be no position left for the Burka extremists except constantly moving the goal, Position 1: "burka is Islamic " to Position 2. "The Burka is islamically not forbidden " to today's further movement of the goal , namly "the Burka is not anti-islam ". Can you due her alleged ignorance in Islamic teachinsg substantatively engage her , without moving the goal even further and saying " Burka is Muslim-friendly ".?
  18. ^ Ibti, Who'd you suggest? The Government? It has always been the Wadads,women turn to in terms of piety and all that comes with! Che, ( and I use the word dictate cuz that would be the implication of any legislation banning burqa)what woman should do with her body Not exactly true. It's the religiousity of the "Burka/niqab" that is questioned,challenged, The grand-theme against which the ban is called for is ( "Burka/niqab" is Islamic attire, hence demand a devinely respect). the mundane affairs of clothing is a whole different ball-game.
  19. Che', Now that was kind of a bit too stretching , yeah . Adam, Capitalism redefined?! Why is everybody digressing ? My question was/is who else will educate the Somali "Niqab/ Burka" wearers of today in not the "Wadads"? Ibti, From your stance of " bruka/niqab" is Islamic in contrast to the "Azhar" Imam's stance, One'd be apologized for thinking that you'd make a great student.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Let the ladies wear what they want. Tight jeans or a Burka, the individual should know why they do these things. If one belive its hip, and the other an article of faith, why not let them? And if it is not?! Originally posted by General Duke: Also why not ban the Bikini, as well? It shows way too much and does not protect the skin sufficiantly, imagine all the skin cancer cases you could prevent by banning such clothing? Come on... Which Faith does the Bikini go under?.
  21. Sorry Abyan if you by any means got offended , but resorting to " wee ka soo deroosaa " or " wee u dhamtey mesha" rhetoric is something we can do without. The question is whose role is it to educate the Somali "Burka / niqaab " wearers of today, if not the " Wadaads"?
  22. Naden, I've long ago signed a Governmental request to be recycled through organ-implantations.. due to my hate of the idea of not existing at all. Eh, who'd want to wake up ( be defrozen ) in an age where kids drive super-sonic three-wheelers and spend the rest of his life catching-up?... not me.
  23. " none other than Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi, the leading religious figure of Al-Azhar, was, just the other day, “reportedly angered” when he toured a school in Cairo and saw a girl wearing “niqab” which means that her face was masked or possibly that she was wearing a full head, face, and body covering. “Sheikh Tantawi, regarded by many as Egypt’s Imam and Sunni Islam’s foremost spiritual authority, asked the teenage girl to remove her veil saying: “The niqab is a tradition, it has no connection with religion.” The imam instructed the girl, a pupil at a secondary school in Cairo’s Madinet Nasr suburb, never to wear the niqab again and promised to issue a fatwa, or religious edict, against its use in schools. The ruling will not affect use of the hijab, the Islamic headscarf worn by most Muslim women in Egypt. ......... BREAKING NEWS: A reader has informed me that the Muslim Canadian Congress has just urged that the burqa be banned in Canada. Given Sheikh Tantawi’s statement and the fact that the burqa is also forbidden at Mecca, the Congress argues that it should be forbidden in Canada too." Source I know , i know .. not another topic about the "Burka", but this time let us question the Somali Sheiks "wadaad" and their role in the birth of Today's Somali "Burka" phenomena, and their role in it's eventual decline and disappearance. Who else can persuade and tell those who insist and propagate for introducing the "Burka" to children as young as 8-9 (mini-tents), who else can tell them that "Burka " is not what they think, namely, Islamic?.