Johnny B

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Everything posted by Johnny B

  1. The Muslim world stands at a unique moment in its relation to evolutionary theory, according to the co-author of a major survey into attitudes towards evolution among Muslims around the world. Acceptance of evolution varies widely across the Islamic world, demonstrating that stereotypical ideas about Islam and evolution are wrong, said Salman Hameed, director of the Centre for the Study of Science in Muslim Societies (SSiMS) at Hampshire College, United Sates. But ideas are being moulded now, he said, because of new phenomena such as mass education, migration and access to the Internet. "This is a unique moment," Hameed told the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists (27–29 June) in Qatar this week. He presented initial results from a survey that examines the attempts of educated Muslims to reconcile their religion with the evolutionary science. The survey is being conducted among doctors and medical students in five Muslim countries — Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey — and also in three countries hosting Muslim diaspora — Turkish doctors in Germany; Pakistani doctors in the United Kingdom; and Arab, Pakistani and Turkish doctors in the United States. Hameed told SciDev.Net they picked doctors as they would be scientifically literate and share similar educational and social backgrounds. The questions included whether the respondents accepted or rejected the general theory of evolution and, more specifically, whether microbial, animal and human forms of evolution are possible. He presented the results of just two groups — Pakistanis in the United States and Malaysians in their home country. More than 80 per cent of Pakistani doctors in the United States accepted the theory of evolution, including microbial, animal and human evolution. The majority also believed that one could accept the theory of evolution and hold religious beliefs at the same time. But most Malaysian doctors (in Malaysia) rejected the theory of evolution, especially with regard to humans. So while Hameed is believes that the basic principles of evolution will eventually become accepted, he said that Muslim countries are still "negotiating modernity" and many replies demonstrated the resulting confusion. For example, a Turkish doctor said: "It is complicated … I accept evolution scientifically, but reject it religiously". And a Pakistani medical student said: "I accept it when I am in a hospital and reject it when I go home". Young earth creationism, which holds that Earth was created around 6,000 years ago literally as described in the Bible, and is held by some, mainly US Christian groups, who reject evolution, was absent, demonstrating that media coverage of evolutionary debate needed to be more nuanced. "Muslim contexts are different from the battles in the United States," Hameed warned. Presenting Muslim attitudes as a controversy was premature and could be damaging, as the "dominant narrative is yet to emerge in the Muslim world", where religion plays an important role in forming people's worldviews. "If evolution gets conflated with atheism, then a vast rejection, even of the basic principles, is quite possible," he said. Human evolution, though, will likely continue to be a controversial subject — and perhaps be rejected by the majority of Muslims. __________________________________________________________ A cognitive dissonance or just Human nature, what is your take ?
  2. Good to see my Guru deserves his name, I'm happy that you haven't tried defending XX's sementic grabs for the reality-ridden "political day" of our Somaliland, as that would have dissappoint the few of us who respect our Guru. As for taking the form for the substance, one might say it's exactly what the everage die-hard Somalilander might think could be the case in here, given that there is no defiency in neither one's clanish sentiments nor in one's loyalty to kinmen, but my Guru knows better. Even by going by the flawy analogy of the form and substance , one'd be hadrly pressed to account for 20+ years of repetitive attempts of breaking away, given that one is inclined to have developed a child's respect for reality , as it were, instead of rejoicing the very bleeding of the very entity that one belongs to ,namely Somalia, which really speaking happens to be your own country. lest the number of attemps towards breaking away has gone over the heads of some. True that i myself can be suffering from some sort of insanity , but call me any name if there is more to the number of attemps as far as Somaliland and reality are concerned. my Guru.
  3. ^And the answer to the topic question is a simple No.
  4. TFG and Militia are contradiction in terms. A government , be it transitional or not, that is internationally recognized,has an Army, but for you , it's the non-existent "Somaliland" Army and the TFG militia. As Albert said, insanity is doing the samething over and over again,while expecting a different result. Just intensify the claims .. recognition for NW Somalia aka "Somaliland" is at sight.
  5. Johnny B


    Besides the meek Point of having the individual freedom in the west, Aliyah might not find neither rational nor religious reasons to pormote her wish to be Niqabi sister. Lazy G has helped the sister vetnture à responsible idea to stay Human and not become à Hermit. The choice as it were is yours Aliyah, and that the choice is only avaialable here in the filthy west goes without saying.
  6. ^ All of a sudden the terrorist supporters among us abide by the international laws and respect the UN, and blame the TFG for not being UN representative's-friendly. Indeed, the AL-Shabab terror group are defeated.
  7. ^Annelka & co, next time the refree blows for offside, ask the Refree if he is Muslim, if he's not , tell him it's a legitimate goal according to Islamic-Sharia. juste badinant !!
  8. ^ The Al- Shabab terror group leaders seem to rather want to negociate with Somaliland enclave leaders than with the TFG. Wonder why.
  9. NGONGE;704202 wrote: ^^ What's the difference between an "aalkoliiste" and a "khamarji"? LST, what sort of lobbying is this firm hired for? Is it only the US or worldwide? So Somaliland can hire it too?! Seriously though, i see nothin wrong in hiring this firm , It, s its services not the charecter of it,s ceo the tfg needs. I find What it can Do for Somalia's tfg far more intresting than it's ceo's gambling / drinking habbits. The service of this firm is what our poor tfg can afford. I woulden't surprised if our PM had chosen them because of that. Remember the man insydds of flying withown Surinams had chipsen to fly With regular Somali passengers to Djibouti.
  10. yaa tahay;703029 wrote: waa cadaab eey istaahilaan waa ku fiicantahay less mushrikien in the earth Both you and your angry God "Allah", fall short in respect of what your Religion claims to host, namely kindness. On the other side, after all ,for your "Allah" , they're good and necessary fuel for his hell, so you guys can get busy in his paradise with the houris, hence, they're atleast good for something.
  11. ^So those Muslims who obey the verdict and judgement of any un-islamic court, worship the "kufar" ?
  12. You can't be a Hidu,Budhist,Jewish,Mormon,Muslim,Xtian...... Nth Religion, unless you believe you're on the one and only rigtht path, following the orders of the one and only true God. so?!
  13. Those who are not "Good people" are bad people. Some muslims are bad people?
  14. Not to disrespect the faith spirit, but if "Pride" is the operative Word here, In another line , in another beauty of religious morality, "Pride" is à sin, in another words something undesireable, specifically for the holy book itself.
  15. ^^ No one here is being lured by the terrorist ploy. Amisom is not here to shell Markets, but the blame is on the terrorists who hijacked the Market and made it their base. All shelling towards the presidential place are launched from the Bakara market. It's sad that the civilians who suffer.
  16. Om det betyder så mycket för dig, men att hava det i sig är ingen dygd heller.
  17. ^Cheese and Chalk , senior ElPunto?! And dishonesty in it's worst form comes in an Honesty-Tuxedo.
  18. ^ Hell is waiting the Somali government troops and the peace keeping troops of the AU aka Amisom, for bombarding the poor shababMilitia of Mogadishu who go about their everyday buisiness and never suicide-bomb anybody, be they Somalis "munaafiqs" or the "Gaalo" Amisom. Tongue deep in cheek, shame on you, how can you possibly support a government that the world community (read gaalada) helps us stablish,while it's only been 20 years of butchering each other?. Tongue deeper in cheek, All we need is 400 more years of "real Sharia" , so we, or those who somehow remain of us, can take over Alaska, inshalah. :cool:
  19. Ibti, that commiting crimes against humanity but daying " Muslim " is worthier life than daying agnostic or atheist is questionable assertion, but that is à discussion for another day. And yes , it is about sympathy and if possible forgiveness. I stand corrected given that is not the case. Ps.... I dont give à hoot if the whole sol agrees disagrees With you, My beef Will always remain Ngonge's beef.
  20. Ibti, you'd have much more difficulties defending the respect of Godane's dead body than you've asking for respect to the dead-body of this ruthless terrorist. The families of those he killed and the nation he terrorized may have little sympathy left, if that could ever struck you .
  21. ^ or the allegedly privilaged voice. :cool:
  22. Libaax-Sankataabte;700007 wrote: Hayaay. Johhnyoow, ma sidaanaad dooni inaad reer tolkaa ku taageerto oo qabiillo soomaaliyeed aflagaadeyntooda ayaad hadda door bidday? Awoowe sida isu dhaan, waad kala daadsan tahaye. Awoowe waa runtaa, it really came out severer than intended. my bad, my apology to anybody concerned.
  23. Somalina;700445 wrote: I don't think he knows what he is saying half of the time. And that is really an understatement. :cool: