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Everything posted by Prinz

  1. The first one is the one I'm talking about, the guineafowl, with the spots. No precise words I know of, but we call any wild fowls dooro duureed, though they might vary or have different names. Ever heard of Digiiran?
  2. R'dinho is out of track now, odayga markaan waa ka dhamaatay.
  3. More like a guineafowl or something, I guess.
  4. I've seen what they call Biciid and sagaaro, iyo dooro duureed.
  5. War ani shiirkeedaaba i dhibo geeddaas.
  6. *BBO* adinka maa lacag la idin ka qaadi jiray na? sheekaaba keentee. I've been around sneaking through the forum posts for ages, laakin wax ma thoo cori jirin nooh they've opened doors now to refugees.
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Sug, Nuunka, anaa u jawaabaayee. Nimanka habeenkii "donation" bixiyaan nooh, markee iskala warto iyada siiba. Ahaha...maxaa waaye jabshaha la isla dhacaaya ne? unukaa balaayo aragnay
  8. Thanks Pujah, seems like home here. Aqal somali camal
  9. Those cockroaches would be sprayed away soon, there's nothing new they'd bring.