How could it be?
Happy days of enjoying life in the horn of the mother land.
All were brothers and hate never came between me and the other man.
All was good in our blue and white uniform heading for school.
Neighbors smiling and sharing stories with humour, as laughter filled the air.
Sheep and hens ran freely through the roads as the call to prayer echoed through the land.
The markets were crowded as transactions were made with a smile.
Suddenly the laughter turned into tears,
complete chaos and utter fear.
Deafening blasts echoed through the land,
killing ran rampant as kids turned wide eyed
asking mama what happened.
All was shattered and gun play became the one way to get respect.
What happened to negotiating and dealing using our intellect.
We dream of the day when the home of the nomad
will have unity and raise the blue and white flag with pride.
Until then, we'll pray to the almighty Allah to improve our condition.
Somalia hanolato!!!!