bint hamid
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Everything posted by bint hamid
I think women should stay strong in eeman and away from shahwa and temptations of the world. Staying strong and on the right path which the book of Allah SWT has taught us as Muslims will prevent us from ending up like that girl and all others like her.
I pray that our sister Amna has found the right one and I ask Allah to give her peace and harmony for ever and ever.
Originally posted by Aaliyah416: Bad women are for bad men and bad men for bad women. Good women are for good men and good men for good women. such (good people) are innocent of (every) bad statement which they say; for them is forgiveness, and generous provision (i.e Paradise). (Surah AL-NUR verse 26) Always keep that in mind.. salaam If you are najasa then you will surely wake up in bed with najasa staring you back in the face
Originally posted by chocolate & honey: quote: ... so regarding religion she doesn't want to indoctrinate the children with a particular religion and that they should be exposed to both (and others) and in adulthood the decision is their to follow whichever Oh boy! This really bothers me because if he is Muslim, the kids should be raised as Muslims period! ... ameen!
Originally posted by Kulmiye: Waqti lumis maaha waalal. Maybe two years is little to much, but we need to invest little more time in the relationship before you make any moves- each person needs to lay down his/her expectations and learn each others personality. Giving the fact that we live in a modern culture- our parents need to adjust to the times. they need to give their girls a space with trust to see their male friends. core principles should be the trust key between parents and children. mashallah!! modern is not moral-less or modesty-less and its not about selling your children or letting them sell themselves.. and they dont need friends like that
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: And No, he is not a Muslim. :eek: So messed up, the whole thing. [/url] alhamdulillah! if he was muslim it would be like world news all over everywhere and everyone would be talking like 'muslim violence' and 'muslim marriage' and it would be in conversation for the next 20 years but hes not so itll be over in 20 minutes
Originally posted by UZTAAD: Visiting Graves and Shrines of Anbia (Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien) Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem Assalat-O-Wassalam-O-Alaika YARASOOL ALLAH We are living in a world of uncertainty and misconceptions. Man is beginning to question the very roots of his beliefs for Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, to create doubt in the minds of the simple and un suspecting Muslims. Here is proof from QUR'AN, Ahadith-e-Nabawi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam), Sayings of Sahab-e-Kiram and from the writings of great and authentic scholars of Islam and writings of those who declare this as SHIRK, BID'AT etc. which show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Visiting Graves and Shrines of Anbia (Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien) is Lawful. ^^ visit is not the same as worship.. worship is clearly shirk even if visiting is not.. but if you visit so you can worship then this is 100% xaraam..
Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: ^ Its a valid concern. Its doesn't matter if its in Chile or India. Its always important to know if your neck of the woods are safe. erm.. somalia is not near chile.. the puntland pirates are safe..
i tried this site and it didnt work and then i tried some of the links and it went to a marriage site
Originally posted by Malika: ^I agree on the dwelling. Abu,your cousin sounded like a man with good character/imaan so perhaps learning from his ways? May Allah grant him and other muslims jannah..amiin Your so hard Castro.. ,why not let the brother come to terms with the death of his cousin in his own terms,be it a thread on SOL or BBC news.. Leave Abu-Salman to mourn. ameen.. Allahu Aalim and its not for us to judge the character of this brother or what was in his heart or the signs that marked his death.. he was growing in eeman and he lived the proper life of a muslim and inshallah Allah will accept him as shaheed and grant him the highest levels of paradise..
^^inna lillah wa illeyi rajicuun.. may Allah accept the shahada of your cousin.. may these karimat incline these medics to true islam and draw them to the path of Allah Subxanahu wa Taala.. ameen
^^ lol.. may Allah Subhanahu wa Taala protect us from the real terrorists
Originally posted by guerilla: quote:Originally posted by GDwonder: Honestly, it was too long for me to read, but I believe the responsibilities can be summarized into one point as just be a man! It's gravely important that he squirts at the right moment. thats nasty and its not even related.. jazakAllah khayran sis Crystal_Clear.. its a great article and ****** comments just show why some people need to read it over and over and over..
Where is the mercy for the children of Somalia who are starving? Where is the mercy for the children of Ghazza who have no homes? Where is the mercy for the children of Afghanistan who get attacked by drones every day? Where is the mercy for the children of Iraq whose families live in fear? why is the suffering of these young brothers and sisters of the Ummah less than the suffering of thse haitians? why have these "true Muslims" abandoned their own people to help the kuffar spread shirk and sixir? there is no kindness in guiding the jahiliin towards the hellfire.. and there is no kindness in abandning the children of the ummah for this nefarious purpose.. if these "true muslims" want to suport shirk aned sixir in haiti then fine - but where are their priorities? dont the children of somal deserve their help too? dont the children of iraq and afghanistan and ghazza deserve their help too? but they are silent when it comes to these because they are quick to rail behind the kuffar and support their spread of shaytan but they are silent when they must go against the kuffar to support the children of the ummah who are starving and homeless and helpless.. why dont you ask them about their priorities?
Originally posted by Cawaale: Haiti is said to have very limited numbers of Masaajid. quote: he majority of the country's Muslims are indigenous Haitians, followed by the ethnic Moroccan. As a result of limited financial resources, they were unable to build a mosque or school until 1985, when a residence was converted into a mosque and a minaret was constructed. In 2000 Bin Hamid, what do you call this? [Allahu Aalim yes you could say theres a limited number of mulsims.. but theres a lot of muslims if you think about the history of haiti and the way they are famous for their voodoo worship and sixir.. if you look at the numbers then a lot of them are claiming to be christian but when ou look at how they live and what they do then they are really worshipping nothing but shaytan.. whn a community of brothers and sisters in islam grows in these adverse conditions then this is a miracle and a mercy from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala whos guiding these people out of the darkness of the jaahiliiya and into the light of Islam.. and if i may add sister Bint, i don't think Muslim Aid, Islamic relief and the several Muslim Countries who are helping the people of Haiti are bunch of ignorant who don't study Islam. :::...O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitânah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses) if you understand....::: {al-Imraan 118} Allah is the All-Knowing and He's the only One who can judge the actions and intentions of these so-called Islamic charities but ayat is clear.. and even if the beginning results seem to be good because the people are getting fed and they are getting some medical attention, the end results will not be good because they are sowing corruption among the people and they will reap these results on the Day of Judgement.. and anyway you cant claim to be muslim and ignornt.. the haitian people who are not of the Ummah are probably ignorant because their entire society is based on sixir and devil worship..the aid groups that are claiming to be muslim cannot use ignorance as an excuse.. they are taking millions of dollars in deception.. they are telling muslims to give their zakaat but the money is not really zakaat.. zakaat must be given to the poor and the needy according to sharia.. zakaat is not money taken from muslims and given to kuffar.. in this case the kuffar dont even need to steal from the muslim peoples because the so-called muslim agencies are handing it to them as gifts.. and you can say ~so what?~ but where is your mercy? where is your charity? where is your justness and kindness? there are starving children in somal because the so-called agencies could not give food without spreading their corruption among the people.. there are starving children in all of black africa and these so-called aid agencies forget about them and only come around when there is something for them to gain.. there are starving children in ghazza and they are of the ummah but these aid agencies are tired of them since people are us to their suffering and tired of hearing about their hardship.. there are starving children in afghanistan and pakistan and iraq but the peopel tere are on guard against the corruption so these agencies dont want to go where they cant spread their najasat and fithnah.. so the so-called muslims ally with those outside hte religion to help thos outside the religion and support them in thier shirk and sixir while the children of the ummah starve.. and no these agencies are not ignorant.. they know just what theyre doing.. walykum assalaam
@General Duke.. theres not just one picture that shows the masajid standing and theres ot just one article but you have to look in the ummah news and not on the tv.. on the tv you will see tragedy because the west does not want to admit that there was a miracle for the muslims during this disaster.. and why would the muslims all over the world give money to muslim charities working in haiti if they knew their charity was going straight into the pockets of people doing shirk and sixir? Caawaale gave one proof and here is another one- and another one- http://cnobbi.com/4631.html
@ Cawaale.. Allahu Aaalim im not trying to add to the misery of the haitian peoples.. and im not trying to curse them or bring evil down on them.. but you have to ask yourself - why are all the masjids standing when all the rest is rubble?how is it that people are taking refuge in the masajids for food and shelter when all the other buildings are fallen down? subxanallah! there is no way to deny that this is the mercy of Allah is its not just a mercy for the muslim brothers and sisters.. its a mercy that reaches all the way to the jahilin who are getting food there and medicine there and have their tents posted near there.. wafaq Allah these peoples will see the kindness of hte muslims and be inclined towards islam and away from their sixir and devil-worship.. Al Qoran al Kareem is a mercy and a healing from Allah to all hte peoples of the world no matter what they were doing while they were in a state of ignorance.. may Allah ease the suffering of the haitian peoples and speed their recovery from this disaster and use this hardship to bring them closer to His path.. but theres many so-called charities that are not bringing the haitian peoples closer to Allah.. maybe they are giving them food and shelter and clothing but if theyre leading them to sixir or cross-worship at teh same time then they are just feeding the body in the dunya so that it can be consumed by the hellfire in the hereafter.. and no we cant say that they are definitely going to the hellfire because Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is the only One who knows the contents of the soul for surety but we can say that someone is good when tehy do good deeds and evil when tehy do evil deeds and sixir is evil.. and stealing organs is evil.. and pretendng to give out food and medicines but really just hoarding them in warehouses for news cameras is evil.. so if being merciful means that you take part in this deception and you support this evil then Allahu Aalim i am not merciful.. and i hope that i will never have a part in this sort of mercy.. and you need to ask yorselves if this is the mercy of islam.. and ask yourselves what you are doing for the peopel in haiti and how you are helping them.. if your duaas are not sincere then you are not helpng them.. if youre texting money to some of these agencies taht are working under principles contrary to the word of Allah then you are not helping them.. if ou are using your zakaat accord to al Qoran al Kareem and the Sunnah and the money is being used to help the people according to Shariat Allah then this is the sort of help they need.. this is my opinion and istighfarnee Allah for any errors that are in it.. Allahu Hasibna wa naam al wakeel walaykum assalaam
^^ there is no shaytan in my heart.. Allah Aalim the purity of my intentions.. from Him we come and to Him we return and it is only from Him that i seek forgiveness.. before you accuse me of dealing with Shaytan look in the news and see what is really happening in haiti.. the mosques are standing and they are providing shelter for the muslims of which there are only 3500 and they are prviding shelter for hundreds and thousands of the jahiliin who do not know islam and inshallah they see this charity and kindness of islam and it inclines them towards the deen.. this is the truth but you dont see this truth on the tv or the news.. and there is another truth you dont see.. http://www.youtube.com/magicforhaiti.. what is magic for haiti? they write magic but the truth is its sixir.. and what are these hospitals? http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2010/01/22/11286.shtml.. they say hospital but the truth is its not a place for healing - its a place for harvesting and death.. so tell me who is blind to the truth and who has shaytan in their hearts?
this is pure najasata
la ilaha illa Allah and He is hte only one who decides who lives and who dies, and He is the only one who decides who deserves to live and who deserves to die and He is the only judge and He has no partners in this.. Allah is hte source of all reward and the source of all suffering and He chooses for His mercy whom He wills.. so even if everybody in the entire world gets together they cant buy mercy for hte mushrikeen because the will of Allah is not something you buy and sell like goods at the market.. but if you're talking about mercy then what about mercy for the children of the Ummah? What about mercy for the children of Gaza who have no houses and no food and no families? What about mercy for the children of iraq who died because they wouldnt even let them have medicines? what about the children of afghanistan who live in daily fear from the bombings? where are the cries of mercy for them? lets just forget about them and their suffering.. lets turn our eyes from them since they endured then they can keep enduring.. if this is mercy then its the mercy of the munafiqeen.. its not the mercy of muslims who are patient with the trials of Allah and steadfast on His path
@Gheelle.. firstly somalis are not the same as the haitians and the other africans and only the kuffar and the mushrikeen think that everything on the cntinent of africa is the same and all the people are the same.. secondly since the times of the Prophet (PBUH) there was a struggle between the faithful believers and the mushrikeen and the murtadeen and this is the struggle that continues today.. Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is the best guide for the Muslim people and he leads them to victory but the path to this victory is full of hardship and obstacles to test their faith and build taqwa and eeman.. somal is a muslim country and soon Allah will grant victory to the Muslim brotehrs and the entire country will be under the rule of the Sharia of Allah.. sixir is not sharia and the haitians are not getting punished.. tey are getting destroyed.. Allah did not punish the people of Ad for their wickedness and he did ot punish the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness.. he destroyed them completely and wiped them from the face of the earth.. there is still a somalia but when the judgement is finished there is no more haiti.. and all te kuffar money thats going to haiti can go to the black africans since the kuffar are the ones who caused most of the problems for the cabduun so nows their chance to start fixing them..
Originally posted by chubacka: Masakeen. May Allah grant them ease after this hardship. We can never imagine what these ppl are going through. mashAllah! how can we not imagine what these people are going through.. somal is at war for tens of years and nobody in the world cares about the widows and the orphans and the poor and the starving.. and nobody cares about all the africans dyings of the AIDS or all teh little children with no food and no clothes ad no shelter and no families to take care of them.. the haitians follow the voodoo and they do sixir and they dont try to hide it and its not some secret.. Allahu Hasibna wa naam al wakeel.. and it is Allah Subhanahu wa Taala who makes laughter for some while He makes others weep.. and it is Allah Subhanahu wa Taala who makes life and Allah Subhanahu wa Taala who gives death.. and Allah az Wajal destroyed the mushrikee before for their evil deeds and theres no millions of dollars or billions of dollars that can save them when Allah Subhanahu wa Tala has written the judgement against them
hehehehehe .. ma inqalaba yinqalab.. ameen walaykum assalaam