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I think women should stay strong in eeman and away from shahwa and temptations of the world. Staying strong and on the right path which the book of Allah SWT has taught us as Muslims will prevent us from ending up like that girl and all others like her.
I pray that our sister Amna has found the right one and I ask Allah to give her peace and harmony for ever and ever.
Originally posted by Aaliyah416: Bad women are for bad men and bad men for bad women. Good women are for good men and good men for good women. such (good people) are innocent of (every) bad statement which they say; for them is forgiveness, and generous provision (i.e Paradise). (Surah AL-NUR verse 26) Always keep that in mind.. salaam If you are najasa then you will surely wake up in bed with najasa staring you back in the face
Originally posted by chocolate & honey: quote: ... so regarding religion she doesn't want to indoctrinate the children with a particular religion and that they should be exposed to both (and others) and in adulthood the decision is their to follow whichever Oh boy! This really bothers me because if he is Muslim, the kids should be raised as Muslims period! ... ameen!
Originally posted by Kulmiye: Waqti lumis maaha waalal. Maybe two years is little to much, but we need to invest little more time in the relationship before you make any moves- each person needs to lay down his/her expectations and learn each others personality. Giving the fact that we live in a modern culture- our parents need to adjust to the times. they need to give their girls a space with trust to see their male friends. core principles should be the trust key between parents and children. mashallah!! modern is not moral-less or modesty-less and its not about selling your children or letting them sell themselves.. and they dont need friends like that
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: And No, he is not a Muslim. :eek: So messed up, the whole thing. [/url] alhamdulillah! if he was muslim it would be like world news all over everywhere and everyone would be talking like 'muslim violence' and 'muslim marriage' and it would be in conversation for the next 20 years but hes not so itll be over in 20 minutes
Originally posted by UZTAAD: Visiting Graves and Shrines of Anbia (Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien) Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem Assalat-O-Wassalam-O-Alaika YARASOOL ALLAH We are living in a world of uncertainty and misconceptions. Man is beginning to question the very roots of his beliefs for Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, to create doubt in the minds of the simple and un suspecting Muslims. Here is proof from QUR'AN, Ahadith-e-Nabawi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam), Sayings of Sahab-e-Kiram and from the writings of great and authentic scholars of Islam and writings of those who declare this as SHIRK, BID'AT etc. which show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Visiting Graves and Shrines of Anbia (Alaihimus Salam) and Aulia ALLAH (Rehmatullah Alaihi Ajamaien) is Lawful. ^^ visit is not the same as worship.. worship is clearly shirk even if visiting is not.. but if you visit so you can worship then this is 100% xaraam..
Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: ^ Its a valid concern. Its doesn't matter if its in Chile or India. Its always important to know if your neck of the woods are safe. erm.. somalia is not near chile.. the puntland pirates are safe..
i tried this site and it didnt work and then i tried some of the links and it went to a marriage site
Originally posted by Malika: ^I agree on the dwelling. Abu,your cousin sounded like a man with good character/imaan so perhaps learning from his ways? May Allah grant him and other muslims jannah..amiin Your so hard Castro.. ,why not let the brother come to terms with the death of his cousin in his own terms,be it a thread on SOL or BBC news.. Leave Abu-Salman to mourn. ameen.. Allahu Aalim and its not for us to judge the character of this brother or what was in his heart or the signs that marked his death.. he was growing in eeman and he lived the proper life of a muslim and inshallah Allah will accept him as shaheed and grant him the highest levels of paradise..
^^inna lillah wa illeyi rajicuun.. may Allah accept the shahada of your cousin.. may these karimat incline these medics to true islam and draw them to the path of Allah Subxanahu wa Taala.. ameen
^^ lol.. may Allah Subhanahu wa Taala protect us from the real terrorists
Originally posted by guerilla: quote:Originally posted by GDwonder: Honestly, it was too long for me to read, but I believe the responsibilities can be summarized into one point as just be a man! It's gravely important that he squirts at the right moment. thats nasty and its not even related.. jazakAllah khayran sis Crystal_Clear.. its a great article and ****** comments just show why some people need to read it over and over and over..