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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. Men die in battle all the time and some pray everyday to Allah that he grants that wish. While some pray and boast that dirty-crusader( that occupy Muqdisho Masjids) soldiers from Axum will kill their rivals for them. ps. maxa Duke logu didaya in u ku farxo Xabashida xinanyahooda? That has become a profession for some, lately!
  2. lol, beryahan every one is trying to prove something...on SOL...the funny thing is that you can almost predict what every one is gonna say!
  3. You're not planning a trip to Puntland, are you saxiib?
  4. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: Why are you denying the facts. IT'S TRUE MOST THAT SUPPORT THE TFG ARE FROM MUDUG/BOSAASO? What is so secretive about that. Mise been inaan sheego ayaad rabtaa. Am not denying any facts; I just can't see any! firstly, you said that most of the Somali folks with the exception of those from the areas you mentioned are with " the Somalia People". Then you said: Most TFG supporters are from that area. The first suggestion is just purely- poorly constructed tribal hearsay and not fact. I wouldn't have expected a man like as you to swoop to such a level of argument. The second might be true, but then it again it could be coincidental or not greatly important in the bigger scheme of things.
  5. Adeer, ICU as an armed liberation movement still exists, though there are divisions amongst the political wing of the alliance in the Asmara. Thus, Sheikh Shariff's real mission is more a case of convincing the ICU and Dahir Aweys's wing to sign up their process deal,as opposed to the Youthful movement. Alshabaab can't really be convinced of anything at this moment, at least not at this conjecture...they want to create a Khilafah...from scratch..with the AK47.So the question I'm asking is that: weligood ma iyaga la sugi( suppose the entire ICU and Asmara Alliance signs up to A FUTURE peace deal), in order for their to be any peace process? I don't think such a methodology is reasonable given that other peace processes(Northern Ireland) have happened when some groups sat out and labelled it as treachery!
  6. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: Castro, Between the TFG/Ethiopians vs. The Al shabaab/the People, most of somali folks with exception of few from Mudug and Bosaaso are with the Somali people. Tolow, did you a census or a finger count?
  7. Originally posted by AYOUB: Duke Who is the liar? lol@ the qarxis, liar liar Hot Ethiopian Canjeero on fire ,miya: quote General Duke: The TFG is led by Geedi and Jurile who truly piss me of, what on earth do we need to fear from ourselfs that we need Ethiopia to come to our rescue? I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical, who will get them out? I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad.. Dhubad, I think Geedi spoke the same line as the Ethiopians.. Its tragic the TFG is openly courting the Ethiopians, not in my name..
  8. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: ^well the problem is sh. Shariif or sh. Dahir Aweys have had no physical contacts with the Al shabaab fighters. So if the good sheekh wants to act as the leader in this, he needs to communicate directly with Al shabaab fighers and work out a deal with them FIRST, get their consent to represent them. They good sheekh has been out of the country for long, so is DAhir Aweys, whilst the Al shabaab military leaders such as the martyr sh. Ceyrow May Allah bless his soul, Sh. Mukhtar roobow Mansuur, and others have been on the forefront of this fight. NOw it's only fair to have their say in this as well since they have been handling most of 'dirty work' here. Sorry to but in again, Mr Ceyrow, but one has to point that Alshabaab isn't the only( as many believe) resistance group in Somalia. Some would say the ICU has far more influence and men, although these organisation still work and fight side by side as they did Gurci-ceel! Having said that, I don't understand why Sheikh Shariff or Dahir Aweys would spend their efforts on a group that has sworn that they have nothing to do with them. Wouldn't be a waste time? I agree with Xiin that any future peace deal isn't and shouldn't dependant on Alshabaab signing up(although it would help)!. It's like saying that Gerry Adams and Martin Mcguiness couldn't sign up to the peace process in NI because some of the ultra-millitant-republican groups, those who wanted a seperate Irish-State wouldn't be persuaded to do a deal with the devil Unionists.
  9. ^^u gonna blame Riyaale if the map is wrong
  10. Originally posted by Sophist: ....The same transformation is occurring in Somalia, particularly in the south. A large number of refugee Somalis are living in Britain and it is feared that instead of going to Pakistan to find suitable wives, they are travelling to Somalia. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4251551.ece
  11. I though in ad na odhan laheyd: that's my new office dawada
  12. July the 1ka la shegayo ragaas iyo wilasha masakiinta we should have remembered them in our duas! WHat men they are, confronting the filthy ay-yaasha who are purposely occupying masjiids ! Allah says in the Qur'an: "Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward; Degrees of (higher) grades from Him, and Forgiveness and Mercy. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (4:95-96)
  13. No, I don't have a problem with my tolka! They always seem to invite me to free baris and hilib gatherings! And if I break my leg, the Toolka will raise from the TSA(Toolka Savings Accounts), in order to send me to private hosbital in Germany. And I can't find a nice wife, then toolka my hook that up to me! As Tupac said: you're nothing witout your homeboyz! what were you saying, again?
  14. what was there to celebrate in the past 20 years? I suppose its all a nonsense and excuse for people in the Diaspora to have party and tomorow they will wake up to get for work/school!
  15. An alternative take! ANy arguments against? Ma sOMAliba Almuntarigu?
  16. http://www.hiiraan.com/op2/2008/july/somaliland_s_26th_june_1960_86_years_of_protectorate_comes_to_e nd.aspx
  17. ^^He could have easily said: we have nothing whatsover to do with the Somali talks. Our country is fully independent. However,we hopethat our brother/neighbours Somalia sort out their problems and create a government, which will respect the territorial integrity of Somaliland and onw wishes to live happily ever after as Neighbours! It seems rather odd to say that the peace-talks have nothing to with Somaliland given that there are thousands of Somalis that sought refuge to Hargeysa and there other political interests such as the war on "terror".
  18. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: ^why the shocked face, only doing dishes ...they should be doing that n more. You reminded me of a mother that was making a duca 'ilaahayo wiilkeyga ha u guurin nagaa tiraahdo diaperska ka bixi caruurta' :eek: Waa Hoyo fican and she made a good dua!
  19. Originally posted by STOIC: Ngonge, I know you speak Arabic. I was chatting with a Sudanese friend over the weekend about Islamic history. From his perspective my version of history was tinted with western bias. He refused to accept my version. He kept telling me to watch Egyptian Islamic movies. Is there a guy by the name Aaantaar (SP?) (Caantaar) in Islamic history? Who was he? Was he like Salahudiin? lol, your friend must be an extreme Afrocentric. Waxbu ku dar-daraya... Antara ibn Shadad was pre-Islam and no He wasn't on the calibre of Salhudiin, lol. Antara sounds more like our SOmali-Desert poets..who rhyme about women and camels He was a black poet..and -tribal warrior...who wrote some lovely poems to a lady...and there are better Afro-Islamic wariors your mate could have used...... lol, thread kan waxu lagu hayo baan garanwayey
  20. Back home, in the nomadic scene, plenty of Children were needed to help look after the camels, support the family and whatnot.Another important reasons was to have extend the numbers of the clan. The West is slightly different. A farax can have plenty of kids, but still get them fed, clothed and free schooling;tanag you income support. A farax can spend most of his time socializing away from home (makhayada)...coming only after maghrib or Cisha! Now, the above is a way to raise children, but I know some many Faraxz that live like that in the UK. Though I suspect those tendencies will change and it wouldn't be a surpise to see Somali Men doing the dishes... :eek:
  21. Reality = Perception + Misperception + No Perception sOME wisdom from the logical and reasonable, " expectant group".
  22. Jenaza Farayd Lol @ the people can't afford it, so we'll make them stand outside for a couple of hours to thank Jenday! ? In another news Meles Zenawis father passed away. Qaar ba waxan soo qoray: quote:Adwa, Ethiopia - The father of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Ato Zenawi Asres, passed away on Thursday, June 27, 2008.Ato Zenawi was an administrator of the Adwa woreda (district) during his life. He also served as a freedom fighter during the Ethiopian civil war against the Government of Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam.As the father of 14 children, including Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Zenawi Asres lived a life under monarchy, military and social democracy, thus, embodying the true meaning of an Ethiopian elder -- a living encyclopedia.Ato Zenawi's funeral will be held today, Friday, June 27, 2008 in the City of Adwa, his hometown. Family, relatives and friends will be in attendance. samir iyo eeman ale ha idinka siiyo. nagala soo xiriir Terror Free Somalia Foundation at http://terrorfreesomalia