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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: [QB] NG, Namely that the only probable outcome of this mad project in the minds of the elites of that region is to perhaps be a better position next time around in terms of getting a favorable deal in the future federal arrangement.
  2. ^^That's something that was uttered by some dead white men. Your task is to convince the Muslim that it "should be".
  3. I think they just told her, " Na Soo qabo Naagta madow".
  4. I think seperation of qabilism and high level politics is important. It is ironic the most hardcore champions of secularism and the beauty of the seperation of state and relation are also the biggest tribalists. There is certainly a place for Islam in Somalia Politics. What isn't certain is how much tolerance people will have for laws on everyday social activities such as going to the cinema, etc, as the ICU and Alshabaab are doing. Then again, most people in Somalia just want to live in peace, send their kids to school and avoid the bullets. They gave little time to the semantics of the philosophical thoughts of Kant or Locke.
  5. This group is officially in hiding( or they're enjoying their summer holidays, ha, ha).
  6. What do you think ba dhacaya?
  7. Not neccesarily( Somalia isn't Iraq). Let's just they want to create as much `confusion(amongst Somali Groups) before the Ethiopians leave.
  8. ^^ileen odayashi hore bad aheyd
  9. Ngonge, u wuld only wear a macawis if had the Union Jack on it
  10. Word is Ethios rearming the warlords again( after the government stunt failed)...So I guess it's a case of back to square one. Also, it appears the powers that be are looking for a way to create a Sahwtul-Soomaali-like the so called uprising in Anbar.
  11. And who is "Lord Sheikh", baalayo idin Lordisaye?
  12. ^^You don't know, Rudy? I beginning to fink you never came across all these Xalimoz u say in YOUR posts! Lazie, lol, that's not me in the pic, not that there's anything wrong with those brothers. If you want to see my pic, I am nin Wadaad, so it will have to go through the correct process and Sheikh Nur baa arimaha kale isku daba-ridaya, sorry Marx! ps. I think I think i'll have 2 go and find my macawis Ms DD, a men section? we already have one in the Sports Secion and the Politics section. if you mean girly men section, where you talk about ur problems, naaaah....Somali guyz are too macho for that, must be our big muscles
  13. ^^star-lady, u sheeg qundur, it's Geeljire not Geeljira, which sounds rather feminine! p.s. ppl normally make wlc post in the general section nice u choose a different section of the forum
  14. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: sland militia run back when they heard jaat kii baa so dacay. then pland militia run east cuz they heard that there was an indian ship sailing down the coast. baad ka deyside nimanka, ha ha, lol, rudy!
  15. I wore one during a visit to to the miyi and I hated the damn thing; couldn't figure out how to tie the bloody thing. My cousin had to even get lessons froma female relative, sida macawista loo adkeysto. I brought it back to the UK and I mite wear it once in a blue moon! Long live Somali culture
  16. ^^You shall amend the above? ma buug baad qoray sa?,saxiib? very interesting consitution though........
  17. 25 dollars is a heck of a alot of money. I know some farax relatives who live in Scandanavia; summerka they just come to the UK. Personally, I wouldn't recommend anyone to use the green stuff.
  18. and how much does this ina karabash charge for a majin, ya stoic?
  19. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: see!What would you choose for your core values? What would you prioritize? What would your mission statement look like?No takers...I Probably cuz there has been many other threads posing the similar question as you posed.Most recently Bokeros thread and many others before that! Still though I shant destory the party: go ahead people give us your dreams........
  20. http://www.tayyibun.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=58&Itemid=81