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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. CL,naah, i dant wanna get on the bad side of the FBIS( Feminist Bolice Investigation) on Sol. And none of the fellas, i mean fulayiin, would have my back as they didn't with A&T
  2. well they make manly handbags and manyly "tightrousers" as you call them, so might have a point. But of course we Somali Faraxz have different ideas as to what constitutes as masculinity.
  3. not gaalnimo as in you leave the fold of Islam. As in listening to people gossip, talk about their girlfriends, how they get drunk, iyo balayo kale does something to your iman. And then Christmas, birthdays, invitations to parties, etc. That is if you're an extremely conservative Soomaali, dad ba sida MO from Big Brother iskala qasda. neway, i wont hijack your topic, maybe office life is a topic for the Islamci section.
  4. what, were even gettin bumped for Adhi?
  5. remindz me of biggy when he said: i been robbin xxxxxxxxx since the slaveshipz p.s. what kind of father would let his daughter marry a pirate?
  6. how the hell do they do expect skinny negroes to find that no one earth has ever heard about, let alone eat it? waxa laye, tufu iyo ricotz iyo shanaglabata rice! war nagata!
  7. worka ninyow wa lagu gaaloba. You will see Gaal ku le xalay oo dhan wan sirqansana, and youll laugh/smile like a hypocrite!
  8. the problem with atheletics these days is that u dont know if their steroids...marion jones, gatlin, .........i think it is like 5 out of the finalists in 1990 or sumting were caught with some type drug: christie, johnson,carl lews, can't remember the rest. But still makes you wonder how ppl can run 9.70 in the 100 metres, seems ridiclous. good viewing p.s.this jamaykaaan can do something special, Usain Bolt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHMRuOXdN6I
  9. Originally posted by Urban: Welcome to SOL, Mr Gello With that avatar pic, I keep thinking you're Jacaylbaro (a member here) cuz he used it for a long time. - lol, i was write about, i was about to say that avatar should be copyrighted to jacaylbro. everytime i see it, isagi baan moda
  10. Originally posted by Brother Warsameh: The fact that there are modern day "Pharisees" in Israel does NOT negate this verse. You are implying that the meaning of Qur'anic verses change with circumstances on the ground! Yours is an interesting tasfeer! Which medressa did you go to?! quote: [/QB]Warsameh, I didn't give a tafseer, rather you tried to give a misleading tafseer on the QURAN, in order to make SOmalis/Muslims appreciate/love the Zionist State. Im not really qualified to give tafseers on the Quran or discern certain Surahs. Nevertheless,a simple historical analysis and basic Islamic teachings can easily refute what you're are saying. My simply question to you is that: do you think the Quran implies that because Allah favoured and bestowed favours upon the Bani Israel, therefore, this implies that modern Zionists are favoured by Allah and thus Muslims must love them? I'm afraid that the Quran nor history doesn't support such a fallacy. My reference to Pharisees should have given, you, as a Christian? a slight hint. Allah speaks highly of the Bani Israel in many instances in the Quran, for example, we find a group of Bani Israel were the helpers of Ciza calayhi salam. But there were some Bani Israel who rebelled against Ciza and other prophets. The Pharisees were the Roman Puppets who slaughtered the Bani Israel resistance and famously slaughtered them in temple( to the suprise of the Romans) , till this day they have inherited Judaism, although they worked against the true teachings of Bani Israel. The Bani Israel such as the Maccabes and Saddaces saw the Bani Israel who were puppets of the Roman State as sell-outs, in fact, some sectarian groups assasinated Bani-Israel (sellouts) who they saw as corrupting their religion with Roman-Greco religion-philosophy. Thus Allah doedn't favour Bani-Israel when they killed,rebelled against his Prophets, worshipped idols, change the religion to resemble the Greek - Roman religon/s. Allah doesn't favour them when they belittled him in their Talmud Books. Allah doesn't favour them when they insult Ishmael(cs), whom their own books refer to as a Blessed man. Allah doesn't favour them when they spread corruption in Palestine. The current Zionists are far from tawheed; their ideology is built upon racial superiority, semi Marxism and complete and utter arrogance for Christian and Muslim places of worship alike in the holy land. Whereas, the true Bani-Israel always fought to the death so that people of tawheed could worship freely in Palestine( without oppression). Their Rabbis curse Ciza (calayhi Salam) as a bastar and insult Maryam as a dirty whore. The mission of Ciza (Calayhi Salam) was to challenge the Roman Oppression and their Bani-Israel puppets,call people to tawheed and affirm the law of Musa . It was never to become an apologetic for the Romans(as the current Bible/s paints him to be), nor was it to become an apologetic for the Bani-Israel who were on Shirk( as the current Zionists are),as you want us to do. Rather his mission was to bring justice to the land of Palestine. How can you claim to follow him whilst you support Oppression from those that call him a bastar, in the very land that he sought to free a brutal Roman-occupation and cultural imperialism? That is not the true teachings of Ciza(calayhi salam). It seems as though you are claiming that the Quran implies blind love to the Bani-Israle, regardless of their oppression or crimes, which is far from the case.
  11. Brother, please don't misquote or twist the Quran for political propoganda, it is rather dishonest. The fact that Allah favoured and bestowed nimcah upon the Bani Israel doesn't mean that one should support the current day Pharisees( those who call Cisa a bastar and his mother a slut).
  12. Britain will sweep the medals in curling, pool, pol, bellyflops, darts and pool. Norf, Asafa Powel is a kind of fulay when it comes to the big races!
  13. You are not known for obfuscation and waffling in order to move the debate to somethign else. Adeer, you said you would never support an Ethio invasion, and you wouldn't agree with that action if the TFG took it. You said you understood the need for peacekeepers, but feared Ethiopians and couldn't understand why they should come to Somalia as a historical enemy. Moreover, you even denied their presence on Somalia Soil(when you probably they where there, despite many Somali eyewtinesses confirming their presence. Today you say: quote:Adeer my fear has not come true, thus they are nothing more than AU troops. but yesterday you said they weren't coming as peacekeepers(AU troop), hence you revoltion(false) at the ieea of them coming to Somalua, remember: quote:I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical, who will get them out? I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad.. If this happens the TFG is finished Those two quotes are not rational and totally contradictory to one another. There's no way you can get out of that one! p.s. indhacade isn't my clan leader and I dont belong to his clan. In any case, I'm rather suprised at your obession with the mans clan, for if there was a nobel award for clannist of the century, DUke wouldn't be far from top of the list. Have you ever seen what you paste/post on these pages?
  14. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: The man was anti-Xabashi occupation the last time I knew . Dee some people change political allegiance like Fashion. How many patriotic people switched to Xabashi side when the ICU was ousted.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: lool. Nune, adeer Ethiopia is nothing This is lol, what next? what the lad was saying yesterday: quote:I I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad And this what the lad was trying to convince us yesterday: quote:Has anyone seen any Ethiopians?, the answer is '"someone on the ground reported" ' any pictures? , of course not, what matters is that the BBC reports it over and over again, Horn Afrik repaets, Shabbele ads some spice, and we all go bananas. And finally a vow that he wouldn't support the an Ethiopian invasion: quote:This routine is getting boring, there is no evidance and no one has seen Ethiopian with their own eyes, we hear secondary accounts by people in certain villages Saxiib, do not put words in my mouth.I do not accept this invasion of Ethiopia... I take as part of the propoganda war.. Now I support the TFG, but not every action, its my choice to give my support and to take it back.. Nice attempt though.. lol, what next?
  16. Originally posted by Brother Warsameh: Walaal Hibo, Here is what the concept of “Trinity†is in Somali: Ilaah waa nool yahay (xayi). Ilaahaas xayiga ah Ruuxiisa lama abuurin oo ma ahan benu’aadam ileyn waa Ruuxii Eebbaha nool ee xayiga ahe. Ilaah wuxuu leeyahay Eray, KUN (faya kun) uu wax balba oo jira uu ku abuuray. Eraygaas isaga ah lama abuurin mana ahan benu’aadam ileyn waa Eraygii Eebbaha oo dhanne. “Trinity†waxaa weeye marka: Ilaah, Ruuxiisa iyo Eraygiisa. Warkaas ma cad yahay, walaal? . lol, what is this? the Somali Version of the Bible 2008? You say Ilah lama Abuurin(he's not bina Adam), but you believe in a man god(Cisa), and you believe god came down in a man form. The problem is that Christians couldn't ever reconcile two figures; the Father and Jesus. Hence all the theological debates, conferences, the Arian controversy, Athanisius, and the burning of certain manuscripts. The confusing post above is a testament to the inability for Christians to reconcile a Man God, a Higher God, and Gods Son. The above poster tried to simplify that ratio by using Quranic terminology, which is actually quite reckless, since it makes the trinity concept sound rather monotheistic, when it is far that from it and based on Roman/Greek Religions. For example, the poster said God says BE and he creates it, but HE believes believe Jesus is God, therefore; who created Jesus? God? but Jesus is God, right? That means God created himself in the womb of a women.Which means God came down in the form of a man, who was really his son, who was also really god, and he died so everybodies sins could be forgiven, but everybody is born with sin anway. Wala Xowla wala Quwta ila Billah.
  17. These Christian websites claim a Christian is killed almost every month. Waa beentood!
  18. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Emperor; Gormaad talo nawaydiin. Talo majirtee ha is dhex yaacdo'e daa!! Interstingly, a cynic might think markay Itoobiya Abdullahi Yusuf ka wareegtay inay wax qasan yihiin inaad dareentay! 18 Months ago, when the Ethios rolled into Muqdisho, it was the "return" of the Republic. You would have thought Somalia was gonna become the new Dubai( ala maxa meesha fan ka socday). Many who bombarded us with heroic tales about Ethio Army and how the galiant TFG have now officially gone into cyber hiding.
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Ah, I am not even a 'wadaad,' so the possiblity of considering me to be a Gardheere or Surwaalgaab is therefore closed.
  20. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: Easy there, mr Nuune, rag ba mooday in the messengers of the Jenday Frazer such as Cade and Ould Abdullah so wadaan honey and milk. Dont kill their dreams now. Dhul-q, how about we scrap the presidents office ? I will rather have hopeful messengers of honey and milk rather than the promise of ill-conceived jihaad. That is our difference and it could not have been more apparent than this morning when innocent 10 street cleaning women became victims of a remote contrlled land mine. Allah UU Naxaaristo inti dhimatey..amiin. Saxiib, dont tell me about innocent people, when your angel-like boy was stuck for words when his bosses slaughtered Somalis, in fact, he supported it. Moreover, you, as the johnny-come lately, Anti-Habashi Nationalist, tried tirelessly to `convince Somalis to throw their lot in with the marvellous, internationally recongnized, Somali government, aka the TFG. That was even after Ethios marched to Somalia's major cities. Now, you wish your newly found heroe, mr White, and the saviour Blue Helmets will defeat the Maxakim and their allies, or if not that, you dearly wish that your boy or your favourite collaborationist MPs will propel themselves to leadership jeegoyin and outsmart mr Yeey. Dont think we haven't figured it out. Your boy(mr White) looks likely to fail, as the time for mere smiles and empty promises from the Ethio embassy are over.
  21. i edited it to AM Have a good neway, n please go home early, reerka cawi
  22. Im playing kubad today and I usually dont sleep after 10.30/11am(not in my skinny genes).