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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk /iplayer/episode/b00 mk78t/The_Frankincen se_Trail_Saudi_Arabi a/ fascinating stuff for armchair historians and nerds. ps.video doesn't work if your not from the endz( uk)
  2. The Mauritanians, particularly those from the Sheenqeeti stock, who are of noble African and Arabian origins, are well known for their love of knowledge and their powerful memories in perserving the sacred sciences. They are also known for their perservation of the Quran in the various Qiraats, according to the correct Tajweed. In addition, they have some similarities with Somalis such as similar facial features and not forgetting some beautiful females, of course only in the halal manner. However, this particular individual, Mr Ould Abdullah, is trying to become famous, lofty and gain a noble peace prize on top of the bones of the Somali mothers and children. As the article shows, the individual actively calls for a Baghdad style Muqdisho green zone, wherein the Somalis are kept as prisoners in their own city; plus he condemned the Somali media for reporting attrocities commited by his AMISOM mecenaries. It is as if he is the defacto ruler of Somalia.The man has also taken part in the now infamous selling of the Somali sea shells at the sea side deal with the UN and Kenya, which even the SOmali warlord parliament has rejected. Although he later denied this, his signature was on the dotted line. Therefore, no thoroughbred Islamic, SOmali tribesman or woman of noble cushitic and Arabian origins can remain silent about such political crimes against an already suffering nation. I humbly call upon Mr Abdullah to fear Allah, stop his deceit and his collusion with various entities who are profitting from Somali misery and to work for the true peace and stability of his muslim brethren, the thoroughbred Islamic, SOmali tribesman and woman of noble cushitic and Arabian origin. This way he will earn a true place in the hearts of SOmali people. And Allah(SWT) will, BY his mercy, reward him both in the Dunya and Akhira. Jumah Mubarak and Ramadan is already half.
  3. Test Your Heart: "...How heavy is the Qur'an upon the immoral fasiq, and how heavy is worship and prayer upon the immoral fasiq hypocrite! The prayer is so heavy upon these hypocrites! You see him sitting and writing in a diary for one, two, or three hours, or standing and talking for one, two, or three hours, and if he stands behind the imam for five minutes, it is as if a mountain has been placed on his chest and heart. The diseases of the hearts, we seek refuge with Allah from them... Because of this, if you want to test your heart, inspect it and test it out when the Qur'an is being recited - is it heavy upon your heart or not? Test your heart out during worship. Test your heart out when you see the salihin. Test your heart out when you are making your adhkar during the morning hours. Test your heart out when you stand up to pray - do you love to pray? Or is it heavy upon you? If it is heavy upon you, and if worship is heavy upon you, then ask Allah to remove the hardness from your heart and replace it with softness, because this is proof that the jahiliyyah is still entrenched in your heart and soul. The hardness of the heart...we seek refuge with Allah from the hardness of the hearts. The hardness of the hearts is increased by satisfying the desires - sexual desires, even if by permissible means, and the desire for food, even if by permissible means. This is why they say that the softness of the heart is achieved in six occasions: • Praying at night • Reciting the Qur'an • Keeping the stomach empty from food • Befriending the salihin • Dhikr • Istighfar during the morning hours This is why if they felt that their hearts were becoming hard, they would say: "Lead us to those who will lead us to Allah," and the best people are those who, when you see them, remind you of Allah...he whose condition and mannerisms remind you of Allah and whose words cause you to increase in your obedience to Allah, and when you see him you remember Allah. I used to sometimes lead the people in prayer. So, some youth were behind me, as well as an old man who was over 90 and from the Caucasus, a Chechen. After the prayer was over - I love to recite the Qur'an, firstly because I am in prayer, and by Allah, it is too hard on me to only recite two or three verses - and I know that the people behind me of course do not like too much recitation of the Qur'an. Anyway, after I would finish, the youth would sometimes complain to each other, and I would overhear their complaints. However, this man who was over 90 years old would say: "Increase as much as you can from the Qur'an," and he was over 90! So, the issue is one of the soul. Once, one of al-Banna's students prayed behind me in Ramadan. So, I used to recite one juz' every night. After the prayer, he would ask: "How much did you recite?" I would reply: "A juz'." He said: "Ya Salam! It went by as if it were a minute," and in the prayer, you are not allowed to sit down. Regardless, this man was deriving enjoyment from the Qur'an! If he had spent the entire night like this, he would not become bored or exhausted. On the other hand you have a man who - subhan Allah - his heart is hard, so the Qur'an affects his heart by making him more exhausted, and it therefore is not softened by the Qur'an, and no matter how much Qur'an you recite to such a person, he will find it very heavy and hard upon him. Because of this, from the blessings of Allah upon a person is that He makes faith beloved to him and beautifies it in his heart: {"And know that, among you there is the Messenger of Allah. If he were to obey you in much of the matter, you would surely be in trouble. But, Allah has endeared faith to you and has beautified it in your hearts, and has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience hateful to you. These! They are the rightly guided ones."} [al-Hujurat; 7] This is a blessing from Allah...with this, the person derives pleasure from this hardship and this roughness. Why? For Allah. He tastes its sweetness...the torture is sweetness when it is for Allah...exhaustion is beloved to his heart if it is for the Knower of the Unseen... Someone once told me - a journalist, Jabir Rizq, he wrote a book - there is a book he gave to Muhammad Yusuf Hawwash, who was executed with Sayyid Qutb. This man had an amazing understand of Islam. He stayed in prison for ten years before they executed him. He was imprisoned from 1954 to 1964, and he was executed in 1966. They had released him for health reasons, and then they brought him back. Jabir Rizq told me that whenever the torture became too much for him, this man would look to the sky and say: "All of this is nothing when it comes to Your love...all of this is nothing when it comes to Your love," meaning that all of this torture is nothing when it is for the love of Allah." ['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 485-487]
  4. The Blindness of the Heart: "...you deal with Allah as if you are playing with small children...as Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani said: "They try to trick Allah as if they are tricking a young boy." I often stop at this verse: {"Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees will do so for his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself will do so to his own harm, and I am not a watcher over you."} [al-An'am; 104] and ask myself: 'How can these hypocrites - I seek refuge with Allah from them - have their hearts so blind from seeing, with the Messenger between them, and the light of the Qur'an between them? How can their eyes be so deluded from seeing while the Prophet - this Prophet who receives Revelation - is not given his proper due from them?' And this is for no reason except that the heart is blind, and I seek refuge with Allah. How can the heart be blind? How is it that the heart can be afflicted with blindness? Because of the abundance of sins. The sins start off small! He emboldens himself in front of Allah with a small sin, which leads him to become even more emboldened, and more emboldened, and Allah lets him be, as the Prophet said: "Verily, Allah leaves the wrongdoer, until He takes him and does not let him go." Regarding the Children of Israel, He Said: {"That was because they used to disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and killed the Prophets wrongfully. That was because they disobeyed and used to transgress the bounds."} [al-Baqarah; 61] It all began with sins and transgression, and ended with the killing of Prophets and disbelief in the signs of Allah. Because of this, the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah has cursed the thief whose hand is cut off for stealing an egg." And does one have his hand cut off for stealing an egg? The scholars are agreed that one is not to have his hand cut off for stealing less than three dirhams’ worth, is this not so? Yes! So, how can one have his hand cut off for stealing an egg? Because when he stole the egg, he then stole the chicken. And when he stole the chicken, he then stole a cow. This is how he ends up getting his hand cut off, and such are the sins. The heart is like glass - do you not see the lamp? The glass lamp, or the windshield of the car…the windshield of the car has wipers and wiper fluid installed for it. So, whenever it becomes dirty, you press the button, and the fluid comes out, and the wipers clean it: "Follow a bad deed with a good deed, and it will wipe it out." However, if you splash into a pit of mud, how can you clean your windshield? If a major sin is drowned out by another major sin, which is itself drowned out by another major sin, the heart will become murky. If the servant commits a sin, it will leave a black spot on his heart, followed by another spot, followed by another spot – until it becomes engulfed in blackness. When the heart becomes black, no light can emanate from it, and none is seen from it, and this is what is meant here: {"Nay! On their hearts is the covering of sins and evil deeds which they used to earn."} [al-Mutaffifin; 14] He ends up not being able to visualize things, and one can see nothing from him. He becomes like the lens of a camera: if it is not wiped clean, one can see no pictures from it. Sometimes, he will see things for other than what they are if the dirt and murkiness pile on. So, if they pile on, he will see the good as being bad, and the bad as being good. He has darkened his heart, and has now become unable to distinguish between anything. He has obscured his heart, making it now necessary for his windshield wipers to work continuously, and these wipers will leave the heart clean. However, if the windshield becomes muddy, these wipers will simply spread the mud around. Such a situation requires long term effort, as you would not be able to use the wipers while you are driving. Such a case would require a true and sincere repentance, and a strong return to Allah, and nothing is impossible for you to do. Many of the people were highway robbers. al-Fudayl bin 'Iyad was a highway robber, and one night, he came up to a house that he wanted to rob, only to find its owner standing up at night in prayer, reciting: {"Has not the time come for the hearts of those who to be affected by Allah's Reminder and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture before, and the term was prolonged for them, and their hearts were hardened? And many of them were sinners."} [al-Hadid; 16] He then said: "Yes, the time has come!" And he repented on the wall of the very house he was about to rob, and became al-Fudayl bin 'Iyad, the greatest of worshippers and ascetics, and from the greatest of scholars and Muhaddithin! …It is within the person’s capabilities to repent. However, he must make his repentance true and sincere! As for one disobeying Allah one day, followed by Allah making him taste the pain of his sin, followed by his repentance at the end of the day, and by morning, he returns to the way he was before repenting? No, no, no…it must be a true, sincere repentance, and the true and sincere repentance means that you a) completely detach yourself from the sin, and b) you make the most intense effort to never return to it again, and c) you truly regret what was done, and d) that you sooner or later patch up the rights of others that you violated. Only then will Allah take your repentance into consideration…" ['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 322-324- Abdullah Azzam]
  5. Arsenal 4 Somalia bro; wlc to the club that all true thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesman and women of noble o cushitic and Arabian origins, and all true Africa-Black people in London/UK support.
  6. Breaking news: Chelsea to be investigated by the nspcc for child abuse. lolllllllllllll. Am so happy Fifa handed the law down to chelskov moskaw. Serves them right. Don't they know that you can just go to Ivory Coast or Nigeria and jack young players from there? But you have to verify their age, lest desmond the 16 year old talent actually turns out to be a thirty five year old osmanou abu djourou.lol ps. international qualifiers are so rubbish. james milenr or walcot will give the run around to azerbaijan or kazakhtan who have borat as a goalie, and they will be touted as the next pele...
  7. Somali models are opportunistic disgraces to all thoroughbred Islamic, Somali tribesmen and women of noble cushitic and Arabian origins. For that reason, I am out and shall not watching this movie.
  8. The Prophet(saw) said that All the sons of Adam sin, but the best amongst them are the repenters. It is also reported in the hadith that Allah(swt) descends to the lower heavens every latter period of night, asking, " Is there no one asking forgiveness that I may forgive him"?. So, as you can see from these examples and the post above, Allah wants his creation, even those who who have trangressed their souls and disobeyed Allah to return to him and regain forgiveness. The problem is not ALlah; it is us. Then what is wrong with us? Many of us( And I say this to myself first and foremost)want to play games with Allah swt, we portray an outer, Islamic self to the outside; yet, when we are all alone, isolated with our evil nafs and souls, our desires kick in and we obey them like there is no tommorow. We become like Dr Hyde and Jeykll. First it is a sin. Then it becomes a habit. Finally, it becomes an addiction. There are also occasional bouts of remorse and repent, but they are completely overwhelmed by the stronger urge to sin. The more we sin, the further we become from the grace, mercy and forgiveness of ALlah. And the worst state is when sinning becomes pleasurable and joyful . Like Ibn Al Qayyim said, we become like someone who has been captured by the enemy, shaytan, beholden in his grips, unable to escape. Now, escaping from the grip of the enemies is no easy task. It will take some time, effort and resources to become liberated. The first necessary step to freedom is for all of us to stop playing with Allah, and truly have the sincerity to return and repent to Allah from the bottom of our hearts. THat includes cutting off everything and everyone that leads to sinning in the first instance. If you take chances, Shaytan will lie in ambush, from the right, the left and center. But if you truly make a concious decision from the heart to return to Allah,then Allah will start showing some results. Al Fudayl Ibn Iyad, was the lowest of humans, a highway robber in the holy lands; but, one day, as he was about to rob a victim, he heard a recitation of the following Ayat: 16. Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) to be affected by Allah's Reminder (this Qur'an), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah). Upon hearing this reminder, Fudayl stopped what he was doing and he decided that that the time had come indeed, for his heart had become hardended and it was far from Iman. Fudayl Ibn Iyad became a great Scholar of Islam. So the morale of the story is: the more sincerity and action you show for the sake of Allah, the more guidance, mercy and forgiveness ALlah will bestow upon you. Fabregas. (I think sHEIKH Nur will add plenty more.)
  9. Originally posted by Malika: Is this not the same question you asked last year's ramadan? Yeah, wa part 2 of the sequel de.
  10. NO. Djibouti is dancing with the demons and the devils of the dollars which are designed to create chaos and confusion. These days, the devils of the dollars are valued above the human lifes, mothers and children, a sad reckoning for the human race, this is indeed. I urge the Djibouti president to take into account the shared history and brotherhood of the throughbred Islamic, Somali and Djiboutian tribesmen and women of noble cushitic and Arabian origins, and not send mecenaries to Somalia. I also humbly urge them to send doctors, nurses and aid workers to ease the suffering of their fellow Islamic Somali tribesman and women of noble Cushitic and Arabian origins. Djibouti should also work to create peace in Somalia and not attempt to divide and disunite their brethren throughbred Islamic, Somali tribesmen and women of noble cushitic and Arabian origin, as they have been doing for the past year under the false trojan cheese caravan. Fabregas.
  11. ^^ I don't think you appreciate the deep thoughts and poetic journeys at play here. Marvellous stuff.
  12. These are beautiful landmarks showcasing the heritage of the thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesmen and women of noble cushitic and Arabian origin. Thanks Ina G.
  13. Cooking is an essential part of the culture of the thoroughbred Islamic, Somali tribeswomen of noble cushitic and Arabian origin. Other than that, it is also a likeskill in the west. I have also been told that diehard, westernised Somali feminists make the best food. Come out of the closet, yo.
  14. Originally posted by Raamsade: quote:Originally posted by GAAROODI: al andalus....if you only new its history. Yes, we do. It was former Christian land that was conquered by Muslim armies in a Jihad against unbelievers who eventually used it (al andalusia) as launching pad for the invasion of the rest of Europe (which they failed at the Battle of Tours). After subjugating and oppressing the natives for centuries, they ultimately rose up and expelled their Muslim overlords. There is more to it of course but that's the history of al andalusia in a nutshell. It's funny how you speak(occasionally) to the Somalis on this forum: as if you're some atheist missionary who has come to civilize and teach them all the things they were not taught in your charles darwin boarding School. Of course, sometimes, logic fails you, and you sound like a complete and utter bafoon. Examples include; your pseudo rationalisation in trying to deny Xabashis crossed into Beledweyn. According to the enlightened and liberal, Raamsade, "damn it vas a ze clan militia Alshabab who took Beledweyn and terrorised ze civilians I swear on my beloved Charles Darwin it wasn't them(xabashis)". And then there was you pseudo intellectual celebration of the Tabliq scholars murder with the other athesit nutjob peacenow. "Zey were brobabably terrorist is becuz ze are baakistan and ze having is beardis". Now comes your historical revisionism in summing u the entire history of Andalus and the subsequent inquisiton to a mere liberation of natives from Islamic Jihadism. Khasaro, Qashin.com, recyled neocon thoughts, indeed.
  15. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: The garowe boys want to see exactly what? Remove Riyaale and insert another Seperatist for a President? . What are you guys moaning about really? A dictator? You guys are giving Riyaale too much credit..His not a one man show And you seem more paranoid and worried about cyber Garowe Boys.
  16. All thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesman and women of noble cushitic and Arabian origins peacefully reject all Lalala and teletubbie so called lands as they are divide and conquer strategy used by the Ethiopians and Israelis.
  17. Sayid Muhamad Abdullah and his dervishes were true thoroughbred Islamic Somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and Arabian origins. I think you should apologise for degrading them in the other thread. Oh, and the current militis calling themselves Dervishes are just false pretenders.
  18. The thoroughbred Islamic, Somali tribesmen of noble Cushitic and Arabian origins should introduce this measure in Hargeysa.
  19. Umar Bin Khattab's letter shows how the sahaba understood the importance of taqwa and the precautions they took to refrain from the shins.Allah swt prescribed Ramadan so that we may become mutaqeen or people of taqwa, those that fear Allah, are constantly concious of the lord of the worlds and submissive in awe. After a third of Ramadan, I think all of us should measure our Taqwa levels, and if it is the same as 10 days ago, we are not fulfilling the purpose of Ramadan. Fabregas
  20. ^^ for sure, Arsenal will do better than last season. But I'm not even tipping them to win the league. In the predictions thread, I tipped Chelsea to win. I said this because this is the first time they have their entire squad fit and ready from the go, for a couple of seasons. Most of their top players( even Anelka) are back 2 their best and all of them are happy/settled with a new manager too. I just see them churning out results every week even if they play rubbish. Manutd look like like they will lose a couple more games. Not really sure what they will do if rooney loses form or picks up injury? Liverpool look promising, but they look like doing what they did last season: losing points where they should gain them.This is what seperates champions from the silver medalists. As for Arsenal: no plan B as usual. And too many midgets. Although, still in my irrational heart, I think Arsenal will win. Anyway, it will be close.