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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. Conspiracy theorists would say that the pirates got smoked. I mean, was there a storm that close to the coast?mmmmmmmmm.
  2. catching a Sudani lady from falling. ha ha.
  3. ^^High levels of khat use could be to blame for that. I saw a clip of a highly drugged Somali man on Aljazeera right after the Ethiopians tanks rolled on. He was happy and nothing in the world mattered him, except that he could chew his khat again. That was his goal in life.
  4. qaccccccccccccc qaaaaaaccccccccccccc kklolllllllllllllllllll naxar and Somaliland.........
  5. We have cade muse Junior on this forum( Somalipride) or maybe it is him.
  6. call it a friday present. what about for the rest of us?
  7. Lately I have noticed that it has become fashionable to say that, " I hate Arabs". So, my question: why do you hate Arabs? According to brother me and some others Arabs are waging a cultural genocide against Somali culture, camouflaged under the Islamic; they are worser than the Xabashi state. Some others say they hate Arabs simply based upon the notion that Arabs are supposedly racist to people of African origin. I think it is brainwashing due to Nationalism, al cilmaniyah, and the jahiliyah of pride in ones ethnicity. ( back in a couple of days)
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I think we're in for another Duke masterpiece here. Grab your front seats while you can. It will begin something like this; Adeer, stop the nonsense. The President was democratically elected. Thus, Puntland is a democracy.
  9. Walal, I have not forgotten that 6 million people died. However, millions of people were killed in the American, millions were killed in Africa and all across the world. Yet, that does mean that all the people who were oppressed in the world can go back to the land of their " ancestors" expel millions of people, take their land and massacre them for 60 years. Therefore, they do not have the right to make themselves secure on peoples land and territory. Imagine if someone said 20 African Americans will go back to West Africa and settle in Sierra Leone, in the process expelling the citizens of the land telling every African American last every American to migrate? Why should someone from Sweden or Russia have the right to " feel secure" in a Jerusalem land, whilst the young palestinian children live in refugee camps? Are you telling me the holocaust can justify all that? Security built on other peoples graves will come back to haunt you, one day.
  10. Am getting you guys. ma odayal ba tihin? Norf is on the lampard part of his career. And Ngonge is reaching the Teddy Sherringham phase. or perhaps Scholesy? Am I right?
  11. Adam, Zionists had to leave Gaza and South Lebanon; a retreat from the grand vision of creating a biblical state from the Euphrate to the Nile. Today, they have to a erect barrier to secure themselves from meager Palestinians, who already live in the worldest largest prison. And they have to destroy the whole of Gaza to make their people feel secure. So, I think their power and myth of invincibility is declining. The current operation is part of the process( to bring back that sense of invincibility ).
  12. MR Tzipora Liron can go to Israehell.
  13. Good one, Marx. Well, in that case, if you become converted to the Somlailand cause and ditched the doomed SOmaliweyn, then, I think it warrants a new youtube video dedicated to Somaliland.
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: wax waalan We’ll never abandon the notion of reconciling divided Somalis. We are convinced that it’s the division among Somalis that’s causing this mayhem and giving the enemy the advantage it has. What you fail to realise( from day one) is that your "peace deal" was designed to divide Somalis, particularly the resistance groups; something which has been achieved to a considerable degree.
  15. I though you would be into more gentlemanly sports such as polo, golF and abracadberyburbery. ( tHE MASTER OF FOOTBALL:ZIDNAE)
  16. ^^Somalilandgate shall be revealed : Marx, whats with the dodging questions?
  17. http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=34 403
  18. farax shiisha is joining a local warlord alliance. He said Alshabab burned his sheesha stash.
  19. change the title and call it, " ahlul xabash wal warlord expanding". It is more fitting. who is garso? another warlord, eh?