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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. few months ago I was approached by students of Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury to teach some courses at al Kauthar institute. Since this was the first time I have heard of the institute or Shaykh Chowdhury I did some research on both. Yesterday someone posted on my blog an accusation that Shaykh Tawfique was a hypocrite which I promptly deleted. I then read the article that was linked to the post and was amazed by what I have read. Not knowing Shaykh Chowdhury personally, I find it shocking to hear such a statement coming from a person who is considered to be a man of knowledge. Because Shaykh Chowdhury is considered as such and is running an institute that is imparting knowledge to hundreds of students I deem it necessary to respond to his article as an advise to him and a warning to all those who consider themselves to be his students. There is also another reason. Since 9-11 and the active involvement of the US in defining what Islam means today there has been a gradual decline in the standard of walaa’ and baraa’, with many scholars and daees in the West lowering the bar further and further. But this letter represents one of the most blatant manifestations of this phenomenon. I will comment on parts of the article but you can read it in its entirety here: Muslim Scholars-West’s Natural Allies in Fighting Scourge of Terrorism The article is problematic from its title all the way to the end. The title is: “Muslim Scholars are the West’s natural allies in fighting terrorism”. He then opens as follows (with added emphasis): As the Director-General of Mercy Mission and AlKauthar Institute, which now has over 14 instructors and over 50 courses running in 10 countries in 5 continents, the safety and travel convenience of the Institute’s instructors are serious considerations for me. We can prepare proficiently for the classes, market them, fill the class with hundreds of registered students, but a simple visa or entry issue into a country for an instructor can destroy all this good, and can destroy dawah organizations in the eyes of the unforgiving Muslim communities. Recently a couple of extremely well known speakers, very popular in the dawah scene around the world, were not allowed to come to Australia because they were accused of being ‘wahhabi’! I am sure everyone realizes the systematic attempt by a variety of lobby groups these days to discredit Muslim speakers, daees and mashaikh in an attempt to close avenues of dawah by these people of knowledge. Scholars and speakers alike are being harmed and negatively portrayed in the media, wherein the underlying argument seems to be that Islam is the problem and so those who preach Islam are the main un-indicted co-conspirators in extremism and terrorism. Based on this, some categories of Muslims speakers and preachers are supported by anti-extremism programs and shown to be the more tolerant and acceptable versions of Islam and everyone else is portrayed as an aberrant wahhabi! This dangerous escalation needs to be challenged. An alternative argument that is the more logical and the more in conformity with reality must be presented, which is that Muslim scholars are natural allies of the West, specifically in fighting extremism and terrorism. Islam and its knowledge and education must be allowed to flourish if extremism is to be curtailed and removed. Along these lines, I gave a talk at a dinner organized by the Muslim Council of Wales, which was attended by some of the nation’s top anti-terrorism chiefs and prevention of extremism experts. It was delivered in early December 2008 in the city of Cardiff, UK. My goal was to present the intellectual side of the argument that Muslim scholars should not be harmed in their work.” What Shaykh Tawfique has done is protect dawa in exchange of tawhid. The institute and its instructors, and the spread of dawah have become more important than walaa’ and baraa’. This has become a serious and widespread problem. Scholars and daees giving direction to the ummah based on what they deem as maslaha (benefit) and not based on what Quran and sunnah state on the matter. So when you present a person with evidence from Quran and sunnah they simply brush it off and say that the maslaha determines otherwise. If maslaha has become such an important source of sharia that it has the power to abrogate textual evidence from Quran and Sunnah, why not appoint a council of shuyukh and have them tell us what to do and what not to do based on their infinite wisdom and understanding of “maslaha” and just forget about Quran and Sunnah altogether? Ibn Masud (ra) says: The ones before you have perished because they followed what their scholars told them and left the Torah and the Gospel. Hundreds of verses and hadith on Jihad are swept away because the maslaha determines that I protect my institute or my organization, and hundreds of verses and hadith on walaa’ and baraa’ are swept away because the maslaha of dawa determines that we engage and integrate with the kuffar. This is the same maslaha of dawa that Sayid Qutb referred to as being an idol that is worshiped besides Allah. In every age since the dawn of history there has been a battle between truth and falsehood. The leaders of truth were the prophets and their followers and the leaders of falsehood were some of the kings and rulers along with their armies. Today the leaders of this war against the truth are the very same people Shaykh Tawfique has chosen to sit with. Not only that but he has the audacity to claim that Muslim scholars should be their allies! Let’s assume for a moment that he is correct in his assessment that there are Muslim extremists and terrorists. Since when in our fourteen-hundred year history did Rasulullah, any Sahabi, or any scholar justify siding with the disbelievers against Muslims? That is if we assume that he is correct in saying that there is extremism and terrorism amongst Muslims. Well, as a matter of fact there are extremists among us but they are not the same people his audience, and probably he himself, have in mind. The Khawarij who are extremists are classified as such because Rasulullah said about them “they kill the Muslims and spare the disbelievers.” The audience you are speaking to care less about Muslims who kill Muslims. All what interests them is protecting Westerners and Western imperial interests. To them the mujahideen who are fighting against the invading soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are terrorists, as well as the mujahideen fighting in Palestine against the Israelis, in Kashmir against India and in Chechnya against Russia. I am speaking the obvious here but unfortunately even the obvious needs to be clarified to the writer of such an article. I do not think anyone can argue that these anti-terrorism chiefs do consider the mujahideen as terrorists and I do not think any Muslim can argue that killing the occupying US and British soldiers along with their coalition is not an extremist act. But they also have some others in mind too: The ones who are behind bombings in the West that kill civilians. This is an issue that cannot go beyond the boundaries of fiqh. Whether the author agrees with such operations or doesn’t this issue can never be an issue of aqeedah. So even if he believes that the perpetrators of such acts are wrong and have no basis in sharia, the most he can say about them is that they have followed an invalid ijtihad. But under no circumstances is he allowed to side with the disbelievers against these Muslims. If a Muslim kills each and every civilian disbeliever on the face of the earth he is still a Muslim and we cannot side with the disbelievers against him. On the other hand the issue that the author of the article is guilty of is not a matter of fiqh or ijtihad but a matter of kufr and emaan. Choosing to ally one’s self with the enemies of Allah and His Messenger is nothing less than hypocrisy. Umar(ra) accused Hatib of being a hypocrite for something much smaller than what Tawfique has expressed and unless Tawfique himself has attended the battle of Badr then what he said is inexcusable. Allah (swt) says: “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.” [al Maidah 51] But because there are some who were weak and had fear that the Christians and the Jews might bring harm on them they went to them and became their allies. Allah says about them: “So you see those in whose hearts is disease [i.e. hypocrisy] hastening into [association with] them, saying, “We are afraid a misfortune may strike us.” But perhaps Allah will bring a conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful.”[al Maidah 52] They run towards America today because they fear them but when Allah brings His conquest and punishment on America these hypocrites will regret the position they took. He then states: And before some self-righteous individual paints my actions as being done in fear, know this: I did not deliver this lecture with nifaq and hypocrisy in my heart, rather with absolute izzah and honour and passion and conviction and arguing for our right to preach our pristine and pure religion. He claims that he did not deliver this lecture with hypocrisy in his heart. If that is true then he should recant this article because it states otherwise. We do not judge by what is in the hearts. We judge by what is apparent. When al Abbass(ra), the uncle of Rasulullah(saaws), was taken as a POW at Badr he claimed that he was a Muslim. Rasulullah(saaws) said: “What is apparent to us is that you were against us.” So we go by what is apparent and not by what is hidden in the hearts. Hypocrisy may not be in Shaykh Tawfique’s heart but this article is awash with it. He then says that he did this with absolute izzah and honour. Seeking an alliance with an enemy that openly expresses interest in changing our religion, is guilty of massacres of Muslims, and violations of basic human rights in treating our prisoners, in order to protect dawa and to run an institute without hindering the visas of his instructors is an act of izza?! In fact there can be no honor in meeting with such people unless it is in one of either two settings: either to declare to them that they are a misguided lot of disbelievers whose actions would lead them to Hellfire or to meet them in the battlefield and send them to Hellfire. But to meet them in order to advise them on how to win the “war on terror” and to request to be their ally and not to be mistaken as an “enemy” is the ultimate level of humiliation and disgrace especially when coming from a person who is honored with Islamic knowledge. Sacred Islamic knowledge needs to be honored and respected by the ones who carry it and should never be put to “use” in the service of these enemies of Islam. When the scholar of Bani Israel went to advise the “ant-terrorist chiefs” of his day against the terrorists of the day, Allah said about him: And recite to them, the news of him to whom We gave [knowledge of] Our signs, but he detached himself from them; So Satan pursued him, and he became of the deviators. And if We had willed, We could have elevated him thereby, but he adhered [instead] to the earth and followed his own desire. So his example is like that of the dog; if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he [still] pants. That is the example of the people who denied Our signs. So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought. [al-Araaf 175-176] Allah has honored the scholars and raised them to a high status when they live by the word of Allah, but when they use the knowledge of Allah against what pleases Allah He humiliates them. The ultimate level of disgrace is to be likened to a dog. That is the analogy of the scholar who has used his knowledge in the service of the disbelievers. “And he whom Allah humiliates - for him there is no bestower of honor.” [al-Hajj 18] There is no honor in speaking to these “top” leaders and there is no honor in asking to be their ally. Allah (swt) says: Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment. Those who take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely. [al-Nisa 138-139] Shaykh Tawfique says: Why not use these Muslim scholars that are credible in the eyes of the Muslim masses to achieve the common goal of prevention? “Why not use?” Who is he talking to? Doesn’t he say this event “was attended by some of the nation’s top anti-terrorism chiefs and prevention of extremism experts”? So is he asking that these top anti-terrorism chiefs use scholars and use their credibility to fight against Muslims? Is this how cheap Islamic scholarship has become? Does he know who he is talking to? In case he doesn’t then let me explain it. He is talking to the ideological, and even genealogical, descendants of the Romans who were at war with the ummah since the time of Rasulullah(saaws) up until this very moment. He is talking to the ones who will be the ancestors of the ones who will march against us under eighty banners and fight al Mahdi and the Messenger of Allah Isa (as) at the end of time. Who is the great battle of al Malhama going to be fought against? Doesn’t the hadith state that it is the Romans? How can he propose an alliance with the very people who are a continuation of a relentless battle against Islam that has been waged for fourteen-hundred years and will carry on until the last of them join the Dajjal? What adds insult to injury is that this message is not directed at the common Joe among the masses of the Romans but to the nations top anti-terrorism chiefs, the Imams of Kufr of our modern times! He goes on further to argue that we are not the enemy but we are the greatest ally: By equating these Muslim scholars representing orthodox Islam with religious extremism, the war on terror will lose its greatest ally in this long drawn saga. Shaykh Tawfique says that the West should use “independent” scholars for its war on terror. When asked what does he mean by “independent” he responded by mentioning a few criteria, one of which is that they should not be “paid or financially compensated in any way.” But why is that? If these scholars are being “used” for the war on terror why not charge for their services? Why do it for free? The corrupt kings and presidents of the Muslim world realize that what they are doing for the West is a betrayal of their trust as leaders of the ummah so they are at least charging a price for it. Take the Yemeni government as an example. They have raked millions of dollars from the West and millions of petro-dollars from the gulf and used a fraction of it to built projects for the people with the rest of it going into building palaces for themselves, establishing a “bright” future for their children and stashing the rest into international bank accounts. Can’t the Green Zone Scholars savvy up and do the same? There is a Yemeni saying that goes: “Don’t be like the poor Jew who has no dunya and no Akhira” If one is bent on selling his religion then he should charge as much as he can for it. Shaykh Tawfique says: For America, 7 years of fighting terror around the world and conflating orthodox Islam with fundamentalism and terrorism – with little progress – truly demonstrates that alienation of key allies in the ideological battle ground is a costly mistake. It is imperative that we avoid this mistake as we look for a fresh strategy to tackling terrorism and its challenges into the future. There should be an active attempt to identify scholars from the broad spectrum of Muslim groups that support the cause. Shaykh Tawfique seems to be unhappy that America after 7 hears of fighting the war on terror is seeing little progress. I can only say that alhamdulillah that is the case! In fact I pray that America sees no progress at all. I pray that Allah destroys America and all its allies and the day that happens, and I assure you it will and sooner than you think, I will be very pleased. Pleased as every true believer should be pleased and as Sarah (as) was pleased when she heard that the angels will destroy the towns of the people of Lut. Allah says: “And his wife was standing and she smiled.” [Hud 71] We will smile insha Allah when we see the destruction of the modern people of Lut. But Shaykh Tawfique fails to recognize the reason why America is loosing in its war on terror. It is not because it has failed to identify scholars who will be their allies as he suggests, but it is because America is fighting against the Awliyaa of Allah and whoever fights against the Awliyaa of Allah is doomed. Rasulullah(saaws) says in the hadith qudusi: “Whoever fights my Awliyaa I will declare war against him.” Rasulullah(saaws) also says: “There will be a group of my ummah fighting for the truth and they will not be harmed by those who oppose them”. That is why America is loosing. And even if America would hire all the Green Zone Scholars it can and follow your “fresh” strategies it will still lose. It is the promise of Allah and His Messenger. Whoever is betting today on America is betting on the wrong horse. Scholars need to proclaim the truth. Rasulullah(saaws) says that the scholar who withholds knowledge will have his mouth masked with fire on the Day of Judgment. It is enough of a sin to withhold knowledge, but it is even worse to speak what is false. Knowledge honors its carrier but it comes with a price. If a person cannot pay that price of sacrifice and hardship then it is better for him to take off the cloak of scholarship and live as a laymen. That is better for him on the Day of Judgment. Allah says: Indeed, they who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book and exchange it for a small price - those consume not into their bellies except the Fire. And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. And they will have a painful punishment. [al-Baqarah 174] In the end I pray that Shaykh Tawfique would retract this statement and come back to the truth and be the man he once was. Anwar al Awlaki Yemen
  2. As the Director-General of Mercy Mission and AlKauthar Institute, which now has over 14 instructors and over 50 courses running in 10 countries in 5 continents, the safety and travel convenience of the Institute’s instructors are serious considerations for me. We can prepare proficiently for the classes, market them, fill the class with hundreds of registered students, but a simple visa or entry issue into a country for an instructor can destroy all this good, and can destroy dawah organizations in the eyes of the unforgiving Muslim communities. Recently a couple of extremely well known speakers, very popular in the dawah scene around the world, were not allowed to come to Australia because they were accused of being ‘wahhabi’! I am sure everyone realizes the systematic attempt by a variety of lobby groups these days to discredit Muslim speakers, daees and mashaikh in an attempt to close avenues of dawah by these people of knowledge. Scholars and speakers alike are being harmed and negatively portrayed in the media, wherein the underlying argument seems to be that Islam is the problem and so those who preach Islam are the main un-indicted co-conspirators in extremism and terrorism. Based on this, some categories of Muslims speakers and preachers are supported by anti-extremism programs and shown to be the more tolerant and acceptable versions of Islam and everyone else is portrayed as an aberrant wahhabi! This dangerous escalation needs to be challenged. An alternative argument that is the more logical and the more in conformity with reality must be presented, which is that Muslim scholars are natural allies of the West, specifically in fighting extremism and terrorism. Islam and its knowledge and education must be allowed to flourish if extremism is to be curtailed and removed. Along these lines, I gave a talk at a dinner organized by the Muslim Council of Wales, which was attended by some of the nation’s top anti-terrorism chiefs and prevention of extremism experts. It was delivered in early December 2008 in the city of Cardiff, UK. My goal was to present the intellectual side of the argument that Muslim scholars should not be harmed in their work. Note that the lecture was delivered after the 26/11/08 incidents in Mumbai and before the recent Gaza events - so reference is only drawn to the Mumbai events. As the Gaza events and decades of horror in Muslim lands have shown, terrorism is not an Islamic monopoly. However, what should be of concern to Muslims - is not that ‘islamic terrorism’ is a contradiction in terms, but rather that the term is and has been coined and is being used widely. So rather than use this opportunity to correct people’s understanding as to how broad based terrorism really is, I chose to focus on an achievable outcome that was more important given the limited opportunity and time. So before you read the below, remember the audience, the desired outcome, and the gravity of the problem and the danger that lies ahead for Islamic speakers and instructors. And before some self-righteous individual paints my actions as being done in fear, know this: I did not deliver this lecture with nifaq and hypocrisy in my heart, rather with absolute izzah and honour and passion and conviction and arguing for our right to preach our pristine and pure religion. I acknowledge the help of my friends Amir Butler, Dr Salman Qureshi and a couple of other unnamed close friends from UK, who gave me invaluable advice in preparing for this lecture: __________________ [Opening: for 2 minutes, speak in Bengali or another language that the audience doesn’t understand] Ladies and Gentlemen,Did you understand that? No? Now you can understand the ineffectiveness of our prevention strategies if we do not speak the language of extremism and use the right people and the right vehicles to address its perverted ideology. Ladies and Gentlemen, the recent incidents in Mumbai only a few days ago, are a testament to the fact that we have not been successful in our war on terror. We cannot with any degree of certainty say that we are safer today than we were yesterday. Terrorism continues to draw fresh recruits, more determined and well trained than before and unleashing a wave of fear and uncertainty in the hearts of all humanity. However, the greatest tragedy from this is not the loss of human life, but to the reality to which I wish to draw your attention to today. It is, that the war on terror has feathered the arrows of terrorists around the around, just like the eagle in Aesop’s Fables. Aesop, the slave and story teller of ancient Greece writes: An Eagle was soaring through the air when suddenly it heard the whiz of an Arrow, and felt itself wounded to death. Slowly it fluttered down to the earth, with its life-blood pouring out of it. Looking down upon the Arrow with which it had been pierced, it found that the shaft of the Arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. “Alas!” it cried, as it died, “We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.” Ladies and Gentlemen, this is certainly true about the manner in which the west has waged its war on Terror. In the mistaken equation of terrorism with mainstream Islam and denigrating it with labels of radical or fundamental, the war on terror has sidelined and marginalized one of its greatest allies – Independent Islamic Scholarship. Worse still, the war on terror has failed to recognize that those that we have come to call fundamental Muslim scholars are precisely those that have long been fighting the war on terror - long before September 11 and long before the Gulf War. For example, the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia was of the opinion that hijacking airplanes was “an extremely great crime” and that it was obligatory on governments and scholars alike “to exert themselves as much as possible in ending this evil.” The Grand Mufti also condemned the ‘Jamaa’atul-Jihaad’, a terrorist group, saying “they are to be cut off from, and the people are to be warned against their evil since they are a tribulation and are harmful to the Muslims, and they are the brothers of Satan.” The present Grand Mufti was quoted to have said about the September 11 incidents: “It is nothing but oppression and tyranny.” There are also numerous such quotes from the Grand Muftis of various countries. These are not sophisticated PR campaigns – rather, they are verdicts spoken in the language that the people would understand, in those media channels that the right group would tune into and understand. I ask you the question: Why alienate the message of such people? Why not use these Muslim scholars that are credible in the eyes of the Muslim masses to achieve the common goal of prevention? Ladies and Gentlemen, hundreds of years before the anti-terrorism policies of the West, approximately 1400 years ago, Muslims were fighting the intellectual battles that terrorism presented in the battle between the Khawarij of the past and companions of the Prophet. This continued throughout the ages – where independent Muslim scholars presented the best defense against distorted terrorist ideologies. Today, this is also seen in the manner in which Saudi Arabia has tackled their terrorism problems by putting independent credible Muslim scholars at the forefront in the intellectual battle for disproving terrorism. By equating these Muslim scholars representing orthodox Islam with religious extremism, the war on terror will lose its greatest ally in this long drawn saga. If we make a search for the causes of extremism and terrorism, some suggestions come to light, such as social injustice or terrorist ideation or political disenfranchisement. But not all people who suffer from these disillusionments become terrorists. The stronger argument is that these conditions are merely the fertile plain, but the common pathway or the motivating context for raising terrorists is through ideological persuasion. It is this ideological distortion that is the cause of extremism and violence perpetrated in the name of Islam, and it is best tackled by those who are the most qualified to deal with it. The best strategy for prevention is to dismantle terrorist ideologies using the same Quran and the same narrations of the prophet that are misunderstood by them. This is a task that can only be accomplished by established independent credible Muslim scholars. The war on terror therefore is as much a war on ignorance and misguidance, as much as it is a war against the terrorists themselves. Modern anti terrorism strategies need to do more to tackle the greatest draw card for extremism – that of the terrorist ideology. This is an intellectual academic war before it is a battle with bullets and bombs. Who better to fight the war than Muslim scholars who: Speak the language and refer to the same evidences and jurisprudential sources Those who understand the textual distortions that led to extremist ideology Those who can dismantle the misunderstanding and the deviated logic Who are themselves pinnacles of goodness and mercy to all men and women – whether Muslim or not. Those who uphold the common shared values that both the Islamic and Western civilizations agree to. Those who appreciate that we can all live together with understanding and tolerance. To illustrate my point, allow me to share with you the example of 2 simple arguments frequently used by terrorists to justify their deviation: For example, how would you respond to a young man who says – how can I be a good citizen of a country that is one of the very nations committing acts of violence in Muslim lands? They continue: Rather, their participation in the wars on Muslim lands is a testament to the fact that we are in a situation of war with them. So how could we address this? What could we do to refute this mistaken argument? Who better to argue this than Muslim scholars who can tackle this on the same grounds? Another example, how would you respond to an extremist that says – you want us to integrate, but how can I integrate with a society that has so many social ills? Rather, the people of vices were destroyed by God, so should those of today. So who better to address this argument than through Muslim scholars? Who better to clarify the correct way to view this matter? So who are these independent Muslim scholars? They are scholars from the broad spectrum of Muslims possessing authentic religious credentials that support the prevention of terror and extremism. They are not adherents to one specific brand of Islam, belonging to this or that group – rather any scholar and every scholar that supports the prevention of terror and is working towards defusing any such tension. For America, 7 years of fighting terror around the world and conflating orthodox Islam with fundamentalism and terrorism – with little progress – truly demonstrates that alienation of key allies in the ideological battle ground is a costly mistake. It is imperative that we avoid this mistake as we look for a fresh strategy to tackling terrorism and its challenges into the future. There should be an active attempt to identify scholars from the broad spectrum of Muslim groups that support the cause. The US Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr in his address to the Pacific Council on International Diplomacy to the American Academy of Diplomacy on Oct 4, 2007 remarks in his speech entitled: “Diplomacy in the Age of Terror” says: We must stop inadvertently undermining the efforts of mainstream Muslims to oppose our common enemies and to expose these enemies as the deranged and immoral fanatics they are. Our ignorant and blundering equation of terrorism with Islam has overshadowed and impeded their efforts to regain control of their own moral space. To help them do so, we must restore respectful relationships with Muslim scholars and the governments they advise. Only then can we work with them to discredit Al Qaeda’s aberrant doctrines. In our natural preoccupation with American suffering on 9/11 or on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, we often forget that Al Qaeda’s aim is the overthrow of what it calls “the near enemy” – the Saudi monarchy and the Egyptian government – and that its attacks on us – “the far enemy” – are merely a means to that end. The successful vilification of Saudi Arabia and newly disparaging attitudes toward Egypt as well as the rise of “Islamophobia” in our politics represent major victories for Al Qaeda. They are defeats for our natural allies against the novel and perverted interpretations of Islam that Al Qaeda purveys. They are therefore setbacks for us. We need to rebuild key alliances in the Arab and Muslim worlds that the diplomatic reductionism of “either with us or against us” has destroyed. Fourth, we need to work with these allies to intercept and rehabilitate those tempted onto the road to terrorism and to help them to return to the straight path of Islam. Saudi Arabia has created a very successful program to do this; it is now helping the United Kingdom apply its program of religious rectification in British prisons. Enabling the misguided to reject the perverted and immoral religious interpretations they have mistakenly accepted is the key to preventing would-be recruits to terrorism from actually engaging in it. Islam is not the problem. In this context, it is the answer. If this is clear, then I propose a more proactive, collaborative strategy for dealing with extremist ideology. Firstly: I propose that Muslim scholars that are credible in the eyes of mainstream Muslim populations – and not only those scholars who come from a particular viewpoint – be used to educate the masses. Our anti terrorism strategy should be to build – theological resilience within the Muslim youth. Such a clear focused program would develop the necessary firmness in susceptible sections of the community towards distorted ideology. There is therefore a deep need for establishing a concerted medium for education that aims to build this inner resilience in our people. My own attempts at educating young Muslims worldwide in 5 continents, has been through an organization that I started called: AlKauthar Institute. AlKauthar provides tertiary level weekend courses in 5 countries and 10 cities with a combined base of over 6500 students. We provide professional intensive courses on a wide variety of Islamic topics. My main aim is to educate and enrich people’s lives through knowledge. Such a comprehensive application of Islamic knowledge will build resilience in these students, inoculating them and achieving natural herd immunity against extremism and terrorism. Secondly: I suggest the countering of media hostilities against mainstream Muslim organizations, since it plays directly into the hands of extremists and makes the moral position of these same organizations that are proactive in fighting terrorism – all the more difficult. I suggest the formation of a concerted marketing campaign to help push out the key messages of independent Muslim scholars to the vulnerable sections of society. Since the war on terror has been a very visual and digitally laid campaign, the best way to counter this is with a profile based marketing campaign that gets the right message to the right person at the right time. A mass media campaign to general Muslim public would not be very successful since 99% of the Muslim population is not interested in terrorism and not directly drawn to it. It should be targeted at the most vulnerable sections of society. With modern technology at our disposal these days, we can ensure that proactive positive messages can reach the right people. Thirdly: I suggest that a strategy be developed to engage the average Muslim towards becoming proactive participants in their community. This can be achieved through an emphasis on knowledge followed by a focus on engaging them in their local problems. A person that has ownership of their society and community will never act in contravention of that trust. I call for the support of grass roots Muslim organizations that are proactively working to build ownership of community issues. My own attempts at establishing such a program is through a grass roots community development organization which I founded in Australia, UK and now in Canada and is hoping to open elsewhere. This organization is called Mercy Mission. The vision is to achieve a world whereby Muslims can live faithfully to their religion and where by their beautiful example, humanity appreciates the beauty of Islam. Our intention is to create Muslims that are pious, confident, self sufficient and self less back to their greater community. The strategy is to channel the thousands of students of AlKauthar worldwide, into a proactive program of helping develop their community. Our central projects are “MyNeighbours” project which aim to achieve social cohesion by energizing the average Muslim, Water conservation projects, Energy efficient Mosques projects, Health awareness projects, Islamic awareness programs for training police and security personnel in Muslim sensitivity training, Muslim scouts, Muslim community financial cooperatives – the aim being to engage Muslims in all walks of life into those projects that build ownership of their community – the aim being to defuse any attempts at disturbing the peace and harmony that such projects will create and turn the average Muslim into a contributing citizen of their religious fraternity as well as country. Fourthly: Muslims have a long history in Wales and Cardiff where Muslim migrants settled in previously. Utilizing the principles that we have put forward tonight, this is yet another opportunity to make Cardiff the centre of excellence in addressing the problems of extremism. Both London and Glasgow have experienced terrorist incidents – let us use every avenue and every opportunity to reduce any possibility of violent extremism in Cardiff. Ladies and Gentlemen, Islam is a religion of peace and enough is history – world history over the past 1000 years a proof of this fact. Terrorism and extremism is not a result of attachment to Islam, rather it is entirely due to a long seated detachment from it! The earlier that we realize this point, the better we can all prepare to cooperate and collaborate in making this world a safer place for us and our children. I thank God for this opportunity to share these words with you and my deepest regrets for any inconveniences for the delay in my arrival. Tawfique Chowdhury Director General AlKauthar Institute and Mercy Mission 3rd December 2008 http://muslimmatters.org/2009/02/09/muslim-scholar s%e2%80%94west%e2%80%99s-natural-allies-in-fightin g-scourge-of-terrorism/
  3. ^^ so you gave up on lascanodi brothers? shakes head.
  4. http://muslimmatters.org/2009/02/02/george-gallowa y-whats-your-right-to-someone-elses-country/
  5. WASHINGTON: Questions emerged Friday about whether the U.S. Navy can continue to hold a group of suspected pirates captured on the high seas and kept for now in floating jail cells ringed with barbed wire. At issue are nine men, probably Somalis, seized off a small skiff in the Gulf of Aden on Thursday. A Navy ship fired warnings shots and sailors boarded the skiff and arrested the men after a distress call from an Indian-flagged merchant ship. Although defense officials would not be specific, several acknowledged that there may not be enough evidence to hold the men for trial and that some or all might be returned to Somalia. If a case can be brought, it will be among the first under a new arrangement with Kenya to take on prosecution of suspected Somali pirates. Somalia has no effective government or recognized court system, and until now foreign navies have been reluctant to detain suspects because of legal uncertainties over where they would face trial. "They obviously had some strong suspicions about these individuals and are right now mulling through the evidence they have to determine whether or not they can be prosecuted," Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Friday. "If there is insufficient evidence to do so, they'll have to make another determination, and that could well be repatriating them." Morrell said the men would not be allowed to keep weapons including a rocket-propelled grenade launcher seized from their boat. For now the group is being held aboard the Lewis and Clark, a U.S. Navy ship equipped with bare-bones holding cells. Pentagon video footage showed thin black pallets and pillows spread on the floor and surrounded by coils of barbed wire. The nine suspected pirates are the second of two groups seized by the Navy this week off the pirate-infested coast of Somalia. Those seizures were part of a high-profile international crackdown on Somali pirate bands that have grown increasingly bold and efficient in hostaging merchant ships. Defense officials said there are not the same concerns about the strength of evidence against the first group seized by the United States. Those seven suspected pirates were detained Wednesday after they allegedly tried to board a merchant ship flagged in the Marshall Islands. The Pentagon said there is no deadline by which a new U.S.-led anti-piracy consortium must decide what to do with the men, who in the meantime were being treated "humanely." Separately, the Russian navy said Friday it detained 10 suspected pirates closing in on an Iranian-flagged fishing trawler. Russian military prosecutors were questioning the men, who were caught on Thursday with rifles, grenade-launchers, illegal narcotics and a large sum of money, the navy said. Piracy off Somalia, which has not had a functioning government since 1991, reached record levels last year. Somali pirates, seeking multimillion-dollar ransoms, launched 111 attacks and seized 42 vessels last year, mostly in the Gulf of Aden, with attacks peaking between September and November. Somali piracy accounted for the bulk of the 49 vessels hijacked and 889 crewmembers taken hostage around the world in 2008 — the highest worldwide figures since the London-based International Maritime Bureau began keeping records in 1991.
  6. bro i never heard of this invidual. adeer JUJE has an A-Z of Somali politicians and professors.
  7. Jacalybro, Asalamucalaykum akhi. wa bacad; I just got a pm( from kashafa and red sea) nominating me as imam al mujahidina wa fi somalionline politics section. Of course, like a true Somalia, I accepted the position, after seeking consulation from general, sheikh, mujahid Indhacade. ps. Abwan odayashi dintodi bad gashayba. we were talking about titles.
  8. how about military titles? Yours sincerly; Sheikh, General, Mujahid, Abu Diaby. ps. giving doctor titles to someone with a masters degree in politics is taking the mic.
  9. May Allah curse and debase valentines day. Ameen.
  10. ^^ yeah the ones who are accusing of being tribalist and hypocritical are worser tribalists than him, if indeed he is. When their clan was fighting against tfg warlords led by yusuf, the tfg were evil and abu was a hero. But, now they think the clan has A stake in THE tfg, they say ABU is evil tribalist who wants to shed blood in MOG.
  11. Alahuma-cazil mujahidina wa fi kuli makan. say ameen.
  12. Fabregas

    The heart?

    I was listening to a lecture about the heart by brother Tawfiq choudry about the heart. One of the things he said that was that ulema of Islam such as Ibn Taymiyah have said that the heart truly refers to the mind of a Muslim( and not the muscle in our body which pumps blood). IF someone could clarify this for me and provide sources/evidences. jzk ps. he is the lecture: http://kalamullah.com/hearts.html
  13. ^^Well you have to ask the lawyers, but I suppose the strong will always find a rule to support aggression, or perhaps make a new law. I am against it becauase it is hypocritical. recently there was a report showing how "tuna-fishinG" had declined due to piracy. This shows that there are some illegal activities going in Somali waters. Of course, the question then would be: what should be done to pirates who are captured as there is no central authority in Southern Somalia? Hand them over to Djibouti perhaps?
  14. ^^ nur, check this explanation of israels involvement: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sjLJLqE4Sy8C&pg =PA228&lpg=PA228&dq=israel+******&source=web&ots=8 tDZw9Sa0t&sig=2R0RFQYDiR_c7r3-RgzTNUr5yI4&hl=en&ei =-F2USbqLPKSLjAfH9fSzCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum =4&ct=result#PPA228,M1
  15. You can't compare apples with oranges. Somali groups were resisting a poor African army, whilst Arab factions resisted a zealous army with the most advanced military apparatus in the world. Palestinians have to smuggle in their food and weapons, no electricity, and most of the neighbouring countries are openly or secretly support Israel. Despite that, Zionists are as frightened of them as they have ever. Think about that. ps. Hamas believe Palestinians are not ready for sharica.
  16. yeah, if there are any qualified lawyers and other educated somali brothers and sisters should give the brothers some support and legal help.
  17. Marx, how can integration stop Ibtisam from getting stopped at Kings cross or any other station? ibtisam, how about one of those?
  18. ^^ what were they asking you sxb? I've never been stopped on the tub, i think they must stop asians and arabs a lot.........
  19. My sources say that he has african heritage, due colonial Portuguese links and his grandfather used to live in Muqdisho. After managing all the top teams in the world, he now wants to follow his passion and do something different in Africa, I am told from sahih farax sources. Remember the Sheikh said that he wants Sport to unite Somalis. Scolari also fulfils the criterea of not wearing shorts which reveal the thighs. Put 2 and 2 together people: Scolari for minster of Sport. Back with a live feed soon.
  20. Originally posted by -Serenity-: Belated B'day greetings JB! Horta yaa weyn? Adiga mise North? he was smoking cigarettes and chatting up girls in refugee camps, while Norf was watching tom and jerry in England. go figure.
  21. is it read sea, i mean, the other red sea? it's not unknown for sure, cus his conversation would go something like this: jb: hellow, hellow, unknown, how are you adeer? Unknown: Itaqallaha rabakum, fear allah. Say Asalamucalaykum.why are you imitating the kufar? Didn't you listen to Abu Mansurs lecture? JB. okay, okay salamucalakyum ninyow, lets meet at the Obama Restraunt, maybe we can get something to eat. Unknown. Did you say Obama? Inalilah. Don't you know he is an enemy of Allah? How can you eat at his place, is not even halal. JB: Dee ader, qaylada nakada. maxad no so waceysey marki hore. I am busy, I have a photo gathering with Riyaale TODAY.so if you want me to show you around........ Uknown: Istaqfurallah, Riyaale, don't know they are ruling by what other than what Allah revealed? He is an enemy offffffffffffffff: jb: war wad edabdaran tahey inenyahow yar. (slams phone). somaliland nolow.
  22. "Somali race" are the same as Southern Greeks?
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7883493.st m
  24. ^^one time they asked where in Somalia he is. He replied, "I am under a tree". But he is not pm material though. From what you guys are saying alot of Somali politicians are knowing for taking a liking to balwad business. If the sheikh caught them in his building, there would real karabash then.