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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. Kasha; firstly, you should provide the sources for the words you attribute to Ibnu Cumar. I say that becuase there are many political and deviant groups who attribute words to the companions and exaggerate claims in order to satisfy their hawa. I am not saying that you are guilty of that, however, one should be careful of these things, because it is a delicate issue, as xiin pointed out. Secondly, the fact that some companions did not take part in the fitna, which is what it was, according to the consensus of ahlul sunnah, is considered a virtous act by many Ulema and historians of Islam. Our position is that we do not take positions between them and glorify the striking of swords between muslims, let alone the companions, may allah be pleased with them all. Could you imagine if all the companions took part in the fitna, and everyone one them held deep,unmovable, ideological positions, similar to the ones you seem to be holding, ya? Imagine if Abu Huraira took part in the fitna, and his sword struck the neck of Aishah, umul mumineen. What would be the impact on this deen, if the greatest narrators of ahadith died killing each other? Consider the fact the some groups already curse aisha as a slut and a whore, whilst some refuse to take hadith from Abu Huraira, for various reasons. Do you know how many deviated groups have been led astray and took extreme aqeedah beliefs because of the fitna between the companions? With regards to your question concerning xaq: both groups( in Somalia) have their flaws as well as their good attributes. Personally, I don't like the manner in which the jibouti process came about and the way it incorprated the thugs of the tfg warlords. Yet, the costs of destroying that system annd replacing it with another one are, indeed, large and costly. It simply means the continuation of the somali civil war, only this time bringing in the icu faction and the shababs on the other side. For sure, we don't like animsom, but is it worth firing a mortar at two soldiers, whilst they kill a 100 Somalis in return. Is this xaq, sxb? Have the ulema, who you label as scholars for dollars, not said that amnisom stay is unjust? When did they become scholars for dollars for this?Where they not the same Ulema who gave the fatwa against the Xabashis and warlords? Yet, they do not see the purpose in attacking them African forces, when they will suffer minimum casualties and many Somalis will be forced to flee from their own homes, left to sleep in the trees and bleed to death without medical aid. They do not see the purpose of perpetual warfare against SHariff, a religous mean, who can no no doubt muster up support from other religous men. Should their opnion not be respected or at least disagreed with in a civil manner, ya? If Sheikh Umal is a scholar for dollar, there are scholars left. What worth is the xaq if it is enforced on the bodies and skulls of the innocents and other Somali Muslims? What worth is sharica if there are no inhabitants left in that forsaken city? What worth is it if there are religous wars all over the South and our ulema are pitted against each other? Did not the prophet Muhamd refuse to kill Abdullah ibn Salool because he feared it would be said that Muhamad kills his companions? Today, galadu waxay raban, to pit the wadads against each other, so that it is said sharica and Islam are violent and not capable of bringing solutions to the ummah.What is the worth of attempting to remove Somaliland and PL if it leads to thousands of Somali civilians fleeing major cities and foreign powers coming to the aid of these regimes? Have you thought about that. Or is the xaw enforced no matter what the consequences are and no matter the capabilities of the Muslims? A muslim general is said to have once uttered the great words, " the blood of one muslim is greater to me than any city captured from the disbelievers". Therefore, my point is that, as the people of the sunnah, if the actions of enforcing the "xaq" leads to a greater evil, then that action is postponed and alternatives are sort, however much the alternative may be against our desires and bravado.
  2. nuune, italians are gettin betta though.....they just need more players that can actually run and are not on the verge of 35... Barca looks good lakin.....if i am not mistake when they lost to manu last season messi was out......markan henry, eto, messi are all on form............. arsenal is gonna get liverpool in the quarters 3-1
  3. That question is: What was the position of Aboo Ayoub Al-Ansaari during the Fitnah that engulfed the Muslim Ummah in the aftermath of the assassination of Uthaman ? Mowqifkee boo istaagay ? How did he gauge the so-called 'complexity' ? When many high-ranking Companions decided to sit down and abandon the Xaq, what did Mainest Man Al-Ansaari do ? Just as his sword flashed across the faces of Kufaari Quraysh in Badr and Uxud, did not his famous sword fall upon the necks of fellow Muslims, many of them reputable Companions of the Prophet, in the battle of Jamal and Sifayn ? Questions, yaa Ustaad, that are begging for answers. Fahal min mujeeb ? where are you going with this one, kashow? I hope you're not likening the fitna between the companions to the wars between them and the Quraish mushrikeen, bro.
  4. And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: “We believe in Allah and the Last Day” while in fact they believe not. They (think to) deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not! In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allah has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies. And when it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “We are only peacemakers.” Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not. And when it is said to them (hypocrites): “Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him , Al-Ansar and Al-Muhajirun) have believed,” they say: “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?” Verily, they are the fools, but they know not. And when they meet those who believe, they say: “We believe,” but when they are alone with their Shayatin (devils - polytheists, hypocrites, etc.), they say: “Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking.” Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly. These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. And they were not guided. Their likeness is as the likeness of one who kindled a fire; then, when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darkness. (So) they could not see. They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path). Or like a rainstorm from the sky, wherein is darkness, thunder, and lightning. They thrust their fingers in their ears to keep out the stunning thunderclap for fear of death. But Allah ever encompasses the disbelievers (i.e. Allah will gather them all together). The lightning almost snatches away their sight, whenever it flashes for them, they walk therein, and when darkness covers them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Certainly, Allah has power over all things. ” [al-Baqarah : (2) : 20]. Therein he divided them into: · A believer both inwardly and outwardly · A disbeliever both inwardly and outwardly · A believer outwardly and a disbeliever inwardly- and they are the Munafiqun. Allah revealed three Ayat concerning the believers [3-5] and two Ayat with respect to the disbelievers (6-8). So, when Allah reached the Munafiqun, He mentioned about ten or so Ayat [8-20] condemning them therein with the strongest form of condemnation, unveiling their secrets, rebuking them and exposing them. He mentioned that they are: · The foolish ones · The ones who sow corruption upon the earth · Those who seek to deceive · Those who poke fun and belittle [the believers] · Those who were beguiled and duped by their purchase of misguidance for guidance · He mentioned them being blind, deaf, and dumb so they will not return [to the truth] · They are with diseased hearts and Allah increases sickness upon their sickness Allah did not leave any disparagement or defect except that He described them with it and this indicates how severe indeed His hatred, abhorrence, and enmity for them is and that [indicates] they are the most hated of His enemies to Him. His penetrating wisdom is made apparent by Him choosing for them this level of ‘ad- ‘Dark al- Asfal’ of the fire- we seek refuge with Allah from their condition and we ask Him for His pardon and mercy. Whoever contemplates what Allah has described the Munafiqun with in the Qur’an from the attributes of condemnation, he will know that they have more right to the ‘Dark al- Asfal’ for He has described them as: Those who seek to deceive Him and His servants Those whose hearts are sick- and it is the sickness of doubts and misconceptions Sowing corruption in the earth, belittling His Deen and His servants- transgressing the limits Purchasing misguidance for guidance Blindness, deafness, and dumbness and laziness in worshipping Him Fornication Lack of His remembrance Indecisiveness- and that is wavering between the believers and the Kuffar- they are not with these nor with those Swearing by Allah in falsehood and lying Possessing the peak of cowardliness A lack of understanding the religion and no knowledge Stinginess Absence of Iman in Allah and the last day That they are harmful to the believers. They obtain nothing from their (the believers) sincere advice save evil from hindrance and rushing to evil between them and spreading Fitnah Their hatred for the command [i.e. the victory] of Allah to become manifest Their pursuit in eradicating the truth That they become saddened by what happens to the believers from good and victory and they become delighted and joyous over what befalls them from trials and tribulations. They lie in ambush for the believers Their hatred of spending (wealth) for the pleasure of Allah and in His path. Their finding fault with the believers and accusing them of matters that they are free from- hence, they defame those who give Sadaqah and they find fault with their small amount [that they may give] and they accuse most of them of Riya’[showing off] and desiring the praise of the people. That they are slaves of the worldly life. If they are given a portion, they are pleased and if they are denied then they are unhappy. That they harm the Messenger of Allah [sallahu alayhi was salam] and they attribute to him that which Allah has declared him free of They find fault with him in what is from his virtue and completion [perfection] They intend the pleasure of the creation instead of the pleasure for the Lord of the worlds That they make fun of the believers That they become delighted if they are [able] to stay behind the Messenger of Allah [sallahu alayhi was sallam] That they hate Jihad in the cause of Allah That they make excuses for their abandonment of the obligations of Allah upon them with various forms of excuses That they are pleased to lag behind in the obedience to Allah and his Messenger That their hearts are sealed That they abandon that which Allah has made obligatory upon them while they have the ability to do it. That they swear by Allah more than anyone else- they have taken their oaths as a shield that protects them from the censure of the Muslims upon him. This is the affair of the Munafiq. He swears by Allah while lying and has taken his oath as a shield protecting himself by it from the censure of the Muslims upon him. He has described them with “Rijs”. The Rijs is the filthiest and disgusting thing found in a species. So they are the vilest and filthiest of the sons of Adam and the most despicable of them. That they are Fasiqun [criminals, corrupt] That they are a source of harm to the people of Iman- intending to divide them That they give aid and succor to those that wage war against Allah and His Messenger [sallahu alayhi was sallam]. That they imitate them [the believers] and resemble them in their actions so that by it they can harm them and split their word [i.e. unity] and this is always the case with the Munafiqun. That they have put themselves into trial by their disbelief in Allah and His Messenger and that they lie in ambush for them [the believers] and this is their manner and custom in every era. That they had doubt in the Deen, therefore they didn’t believe in it- and the false wishes and hopes beguiled them and deceived them and the Shaytan seduced them. That they are the best of people in bodies and physical build- for the person will be amazed when he sees their bodies and the one who listens to them will be amazed with their speech. However, if you went past their physical bodies and their words you would find them as propped up wood- with no Iman and no Fiqh [understanding of the religion] and no knowledge and no Sidq [truthfulness]. On the contrary, they are like wood that has donned clothing. It delights the on looker and yet behind it [the clothing] there is nothing. That if Tawbah [repentance] was offered to them they would refuse and claim that they have no need of it- either due to what is in them from heresy and compound ignorance of it and the acts of obedience in general- like many of the heretics- or out of beguilement and pronounced arrogance towards the one who called them to it. He, the Glorified, described them with mocking and jesting with Him, His Ayat and his Messenger. That they are Mujrimun [criminals] That they command the evil and forbid the good That they grasp [hold back] their hands from spending out in his pleasure That they forget his remembrance That they turn to the Kuffar and abandon the believers. That the Shaytan has gained mastery over them and overcame them so he caused them to forget the remembrance of Allah- therefore they do not remember Allah but very little. That they are the party of Shaytan That they ally themselves with those that oppose Allah and His Messenger That they have hope for and wish for that which will distress the believers and cause them hardship That their hatred has manifested in their mouths and from the slips of their tongues That they say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. And from the attributes that they have been described with by the Messenger of Allah [sallahu alayhi was sallam] is: Lying in speech Betraying the trust Breaching the contracts Licentiousness in argumentation Breaking the promise [al- Bukhari-1/33 al- Fath] Delaying the Salah to the end of its appointed time while performing it quickly and hastily. Leaving its attendance in the congregation- “and the heaviest of prayers upon them is the morning and ‘lsha’.” [al- Bukhari- al- Fath 2/608]
  5. Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzi (رحمه الله ) Tarīq al-Hijratain wa Bāb as-Sa’ādatain Brought by Sister Umm Umar -Abridged- “…Verily this level is for the most miserable of the wretched ones, so for this reason, they shall be belittled and mocked in the hereafter. A light shall be given to them thereby they will traverse with it upon the Sirat Then, Allah shall extinguish their light and it shall be said to them: “Go back to your rear and then seek a light. So a wall will be placed between them, with a gate therein.” [surah al-Hadid] and this is the most severe [form] of immense regret and affliction- namely, that the path of salvation and success is opened for the servant to the point where he thought that he was safe-seeing the dwellings and levels of the happy ones- however, suddenly, he is cut off from them and is struck with wretchedness, and we seek refuge with Allah from His anger and punishment. This level is in the lowest part of the fire due to the severity of their Kufr. That is because they mixed and intermingled with the Muslims and lived with them witnessing from the signs of the message [i.e. Islam] and signs of Iman that which the far off ones [i.e. the original open Kuffar] did not. There arrived to them from knowledge of it and its correctness that which did not reach to those who declare their enmity and animosity [towards Islam]. So, if they disbelieved with this knowledge and awareness, they are then more severe in Kufr and more vile of heart and stronger in enmity to Allah His Messenger and the believers than the far off ones from them [i.e. the open Kuffar]-even if the far off ones embark upon war against the Muslims. For this reason, the Most High said, “that is because they believed and then they disbelieved.” And the Most High said about them: “blind deaf and dumb so they will not return.” And Allah said about the Kuffar: “blind deaf and dumb so they do not use their intellect.” The Kafir did not understand, yet the Munafiq perceived and saw and was thereafter blinded. He knew, yet thereafter he feigned ignorance. He admitted yet then he denied. He believed yet then disbelieved. So, whoever is like this, then he is more severe in Kufr and filthier of heart and more haughty against Allah and his Messenger. So, they deserved the ‘Dark al-Asfal’ [the absolute lowest part of the hell-fire], and there is another meaning to that as well and that is: the motivating factor that carried them to Nifaq was the search for honor and rank between the two groups [the believers and the Kuffar], so they please the believers so as to obtain honor from them and they please the Kuffar so that they give them honor as well. It is from this [area] that the affliction struck them. They desired the two honors from the two groups. They had no purpose in Iman, Islam or obedience to Allah and His Messenger-rather their inclination, affection and direction was towards the Kuffar. As a result, they received the most tremendous humiliation and that is by them taking as their permanent abode the position of the lowest of the low under the Kuffar. Due to what the Munafiqun are described with of seeking to deceive Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, poking fun at the people of Iman, lying, playing with the Deen while manifesting themselves as if they are from the believers, concealing Kufr, Shirk and enmity towards Allah and His Messenger to an extant that surpasses the Kuffar, due to all of this their Kufr was severe and they deserved the ‘Dark al-Asfal’ of the fire. For this reason, Allah made mention of the types and divisions of the creation in the beginning of Surah al- Baqarah, “This is the Book (the Qur’an), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun [the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)]. Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat),and spend out of what we have provided for them [i.e. give Zakat , spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also in Allah's Cause - Jihad, etc.]. And who believe in (the Qur’an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.). They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful. Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah’s Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment.
  6. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali This is a treatise we have written concerning humility (Khushu') and the hearts meekness and breaking (inkisar) before the Lord. The basic meaning of Khushu', is the softness of the heart, its being gentle, still, submissive, broken, and yearning. When the heart is humble, so too is the hearing, seeing, heard, and face; indeed all the limbs and their actions are humbled, even speech. This is why the Prophet (saw) would say in his bowing (ruku), "My hearing, sight, bones, and marrow are humbled to You," another narration has, "and whatever my foot carries." One of the Salaf saw a man fidgeting in his prayer and remarked, 'If the heart of this person was humble, so too would his limbs be.' The source of the Khushu, that takes place in the heart is the gnosis of Allah's greatness, magnificence, and perfection. The more gnosis a person has of Allah, the more Khushu' he has. The greatest action of worship which manifests the Khushu, of the body to Allah is the prayer (Salaah). Allah has praised those who have Khushu' in the prayer. http://kalamullah.com/Books/khushu.pdf
  7. Ibn Al Qayyim explained in his book, the path to guidance: Facing the Qiblah This is turning your face away from all other directions to the direction of the House of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Know that it is also obligatory to turn the heart away from all other things towards Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Thus there occurs in one of the opening supplications of the prayer, "I have turned my face towards the One Who Created the heavens and the earth, sincerely." The purpose is the turning of the heart towards Allaah and its sincerity towards Him after the body has been made to face the House of Allaah. The Standing This is making the body and the heart stand erect, upright in front of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Bring to mind along with this the standing in front of Allaah on the Day of judgement for questioning and try to feel and sense the Might of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Prepare yourself to stand in front of Him (in prayer) in such a way that it will lead you to safety on the Day of Judgement. The Intentions Fill your intention with sincerity to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, hoping for His reward, fearing His punishment and loving His nearness. Train and nurture yourself to recall this sincere intention along with every speech and action and know that none will be saved on the Day of judgement except the sincere ones. Every action which has a desire for other than Allaah is adulterated and obscured. Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, said regarding this: And We shall turn to whatever actions they did and make them into scattered dust. [soorah al Furqaan (25):23]. The Takbeer When you declare the takbeer with your tongue it is desirable that your heart does not treat it as having lied. If there is something in your heart which is greater than Allaah, the Sublime, or if your whim and desire is greater to you than Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and you are more obedient to it than to Allaah, the Exalted-then you have taken it as a god and you will have declared its greatness. So your saying, "Allaah is Greater," will have been but a mere expression of the tongue and the heart will have refrained from supporting the tongue. If it had not been for repentance, seeking forgiveness and harbouring good thoughts about Allaah’s generosity and forgiveness, this would have been one of the greatest dangers. Seeking Refuge Know that this means seeking a sanctuary with Allaah, the Mighty, from Satan, the Rejected and Accursed-the one who lies in wait for you, jealous of your private conversation with your Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, and of your bowing and prostration to Him, together with the fact that Satan did not agree to or offer a single prostration to Him. He has made it his concern to prevent you and cut you off from conversing privately with your Lord by his whisperings about the concerns and affairs of the world and its engagements and occupations until he prevents you from the honour of secretly conversing with Allaah, its blessing and its reward. He also tries to cut you off from your Master, whose love and secret conversations make the hearts happy, and from gaining nobility in this life and the Hereafter by His remembrance and beautiful worship. The Basmalah When you pronounce this, intend to receive blessings by the name of Allaah along with which nothing in the heavens or the earth can cause harm, He is the All Hearing the All-Knowing. When you say Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, recall in your heart His various benevolences so that His Mercy becomes manifest to you and hope arises in your heart. The Takbeer When you declare the takbeer with your tongue it is desirable that your heart does not treat it as having lied. If there is something in your heart which is greater than Allaah, the Sublime, or if your whim and desire is greater to you than Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and you are more obedient to it than to Allaah, the Exalted-then you have taken it as a god and you will have declared its greatness. So your saying, "Allaah is Greater," will have been but a mere expression of the tongue and the heart will have refrained from supporting the tongue. If it had not been for repentance, seeking forgiveness and harbouring good thoughts about Allaah’s generosity and forgiveness, this would have been one of the greatest dangers. Seeking Refuge Know that this means seeking a sanctuary with Allaah, the Mighty, from Satan, the Rejected and Accursed-the one who lies in wait for you, jealous of your private conversation with your Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, and of your bowing and prostration to Him, together with the fact that Satan did not agree to or offer a single prostration to Him. He has made it his concern to prevent you and cut you off from conversing privately with your Lord by his whisperings about the concerns and affairs of the world and its engagements and occupations until he prevents you from the honour of secretly conversing with Allaah, its blessing and its reward. He also tries to cut you off from your Master, whose love and secret conversations make the hearts happy, and from gaining nobility in this life and the Hereafter by His remembrance and beautiful worship. The Basmalah When you pronounce this, intend to receive blessings by the name of Allaah along with which nothing in the heavens or the earth can cause harm, He is the All Hearing the All-Knowing. When you say Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem, recall in your heart His various benevolences so that His Mercy becomes manifest to you and hope arises in your heart. http://salafidawah.tripod.com/guide.pdf you can read the entire book from the above link.
  8. Bro, get a smooth haircut, buy some sunglasses, wear your best shirt, shiny SHOES; atore iska dig. Make sure when you move people see youR shiny watch and don't forget to rent a big, big, land cruiser. Remember, you are a king of there. As for your questions, it all depends where you go: burco, hargeysa, the countryside, stay in a hotel, relatives home, ETC. @siren, bir and sacudi riyal in SL?
  9. In pictures: Saudi sandstorm Tighten you khameesbelts, lads.
  10. Originally posted by Igaar Dhanah: Shari'a ? a total madness........Religion is a species of mental disease, it has always had a pathological reaction on mankind. Be ready for the dark force of the ignorance. bal ega kan first postkisi. do you sign up purely to say this? Naxar, when ever sharica is mentioned, you start to become all emotional and sad. Shaytanka iska nar.
  11. inshallah khair, sheikh, well said. ps. it's just the picture man: it looks like one of those times when your in a nikah and patiently waiting for the baris to come.
  12. Jue, any truth in the rumour that sheikuna touring African troops asking for more African troops?
  13. ^^ bro I just see the TFG and Sharica as a film. Sharica means honouring the property, deen, land, and blood of Muslims. They are the same men that gave all those cheaply to Tigrey Generals.
  14. sharica over dinner, eh? Funny how sharicatul Islam became used for political purposes.
  15. ^^ The article is very clear and plain brother: quote: But as for passing thoughts and one's talking to himself, if these thoughts do not remain established and continuous, then he is excused, according to the consensus of the scholars, because he has no choice in this happening, and he has no means of disassociation from them. This is the understanding of what has been estabilished in the authentic texts, as the Prophet said, "Indeed, Allaah has permitted for my Ummah that which their souls whisper to them, so long as they do not speak it out (audibly) or act upon it."
  16. lol@ all ismahan, was I suppose to look at the camel? looks pretty. Aaliyah, how dare you speak to me in such a manner. I shall send a pm to nephisa at once. lol. LST, whatever happened to my request for a health forum? bro.
  17. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Norf .. LooooooooooooL@Diaby...Leav e the man alone. You spent the same energy writing about neighbors. Melez did or that, warns this or that And so did you, brother. But that was xaq, jihad bu aha. Even the peace loving Xiin took part in the cyber war May Allah accept out efforts, ameen. The case of JB is different. He and other are resentful of PL state because they sees them as a barrier and threat to SL implementing the sacred border line, which was drawn by some colonial oday yar o bahal vodka cabi jiray. Is that Xaq or badil?
  18. Couldn't agree with you more: http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimateb b.cgi?/topic/9/16848 http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/t opic/9/17787#000000 http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/t opic/9/16944#000000
  19. This is a chapter from Al-Imaam An-Nawawi's book Al-Athkaar, on how the heart is just as accountable for evil thoughts about someone as the tongue is for evil speech. We ask Allaah for safety and deliverance The Backbiting of the Heart Know that having evil thoughts about someone is forbidden just as evil speech [is]. So just as it is forbidden for you to speak to others about the faults of someone, it is also forbidden for you to speak to yourself about that and to hold negative thoughts of him. Allah says: "O you who believe, avoid much (types) of suspicion. Verily some (forms) of suspicion is a sin." [al-Hujuraat : 12] And Abu Hurairah, radi Allahu 'anhu, reported that Allah's Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "Beware of suspicion, for indeed suspicion is the most untruthful form of speech." And the ahadeeth with the meaning of what I have mentioned are many. And the meaning of this [the backbiting of the heart] is the heart concluding and judging someone with negative thoughts. But as for passing thoughts and one's talking to himself, if these thoughts do not remain established and continuous, then he is excused, according to the consensus of the scholars, because he has no choice in this happening, and he has no means of disassociation from them. This is the understanding of what has been estabilished in the authentic texts, as the Prophet said, "Indeed, Allaah has permitted for my Ummah that which their souls whisper to them, so long as they do not speak it out (audibly) or act upon it." The scholars said, "This refers to the thoughts that do not establish themselves." And they said, "This is regardless of whether this thought consists of backbiting or kufr or otherwise. So if kufr crosses someone's mind, but it is only a thought, without the intent of acting upon it, and he then dismisses this thought immediately, he is not a kaafir, and there is no sin on him." We have stated in the chapter on Waswasa the authentic hadeeth in which the Companions said: "'O Messenger of Allaah! Some of us find things in our thoughts that are too tremendous to speak of .' So he, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, said, 'That is the confirmation of Faith.'", and others besides that we mentioned there that have the same meaning. And the reason what we previously mentioned is excused is the impossibility of averting [these kinds of thoughts]. Rather, it is possible to avoid having these thoughts continuously, and this is why the heart's persistence and fastening itself to these thoughts is forbidden [and not the thoughts themselves]. And whenever these thoughts of backbiting or other sins present themselves to you, it is obligatory on you to repel them by turning away from them and mentioning explanations that will distract from what seems apparent. Abu Haamid al-Ghazaalee said in al-Ihyaa', "Should evil thoughts affect your heart, then these are from the whisperings of Shaytaan, which he casts within you. So you must disavow them because Shaytaan is indeed the most evil of evildoers. And Allah has stated: 'If a wicked person (i.e. faasiq) comes to you with news, then verify it, lest you harm people without realizing it (i.e. out of ignorance) and afterwards you become regretful for what you've done .' [al-Hujuraat : 6]. Thus, it is not permissible for you to believe Iblees. And if there were an presumption that points to evil, and the opposite is possible, then holding negative thoughts is not permissible. And among the signs of evil thoughts about someone is that your heart changes towards him from the way it used to be, and that you flee from him and find him burdensome. And that you slacken in your consideration towards him, in your hospitality to him, and in your worry when he commits bad deeds. And indeed Shaytaan comes close the heart with the smallest trace of the faults of the people, and he makes you think that [these thoughts] occur due to your sharpness, intelligence and quick alertness, and that the believer sees with the light of Allah [i.e. Allah has led him to this and not Iblees]. But this person is, in actuality, speaking with the deceptions of Shaytaan and his injustice. And if a just person informs you of [negative things about another Muslim], then neither believe him nor disclaim him, in order that you will not have negative thoughts about either of them. Whenever some evil thoughts about another Muslim cross your mind, then increase in your consideration towards him and kindness to him, as this will enrage Shaytaan and repel him from you so that he will not cast within you such thoughts out of his fear that you will instead preoccupy yourself with supplication for that person. And whenever you come to know of a fault in a Muslim based on undoubtable proof, then advise him in secret and do not let Shaytaan deceive you and invite you to backbite about him. And if you admonish him, then do not admonish him while you are happy with your knowledge of his deficiency, so he looks at you with the eyes of esteem and you look at him with belittlement. Rather, intend to free him from sin while you are saddened, just as you are saddened over yourself if a deficiency enters into you. And it is necessary that his abandonment of that deficiency without your admonishment be more beloved to you than his abandoning it after your admonishment. "
  20. The Blindness of the Heart( BY Abdullah Azzam): "...you deal with Allah as if you are playing with small children...as Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani said: "They try to trick Allah as if they are tricking a young boy." I often stop at this verse: {"Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees will do so for his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself will do so to his own harm, and I am not a watcher over you."} [al-An'am; 104] and ask myself: 'How can these hypocrites - I seek refuge with Allah from them - have their hearts so blind from seeing, with the Messenger between them, and the light of the Qur'an between them? How can their eyes be so deluded from seeing while the Prophet - this Prophet who receives Revelation - is not given his proper due from them?' And this is for no reason except that the heart is blind, and I seek refuge with Allah. How can the heart be blind? How is it that the heart can be afflicted with blindness? Because of the abundance of sins. The sins start off small! He emboldens himself in front of Allah with a small sin, which leads him to become even more emboldened, and more emboldened, and Allah lets him be, as the Prophet said: "Verily, Allah leaves the wrongdoer, until He takes him and does not let him go." Regarding the Children of Israel, He Said: {"That was because they used to disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and killed the Prophets wrongfully. That was because they disobeyed and used to transgress the bounds."} [al-Baqarah; 61] It all began with sins and transgression, and ended with the killing of Prophets and disbelief in the signs of Allah. Because of this, the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah has cursed the thief whose hand is cut off for stealing an egg." And does one have his hand cut off for stealing an egg? The scholars are agreed that one is not to have his hand cut off for stealing less than three dirhams’ worth, is this not so? Yes! So, how can one have his hand cut off for stealing an egg? Because when he stole the egg, he then stole the chicken. And when he stole the chicken, he then stole a cow. This is how he ends up getting his hand cut off, and such are the sins. The heart is like glass - do you not see the lamp? The glass lamp, or the windshield of the car…the windshield of the car has wipers and wiper fluid installed for it. So, whenever it becomes dirty, you press the button, and the fluid comes out, and the wipers clean it: "Follow a bad deed with a good deed, and it will wipe it out." However, if you splash into a pit of mud, how can you clean your windshield? If a major sin is drowned out by another major sin, which is itself drowned out by another major sin, the heart will become murky. If the servant commits a sin, it will leave a black spot on his heart, followed by another spot, followed by another spot – until it becomes engulfed in blackness. When the heart becomes black, no light can emanate from it, and none is seen from it, and this is what is meant here: {"Nay! On their hearts is the covering of sins and evil deeds which they used to earn."} [al-Mutaffifin; 14] He ends up not being able to visualize things, and one can see nothing from him. He becomes like the lens of a camera: if it is not wiped clean, one can see no pictures from it. Sometimes, he will see things for other than what they are if the dirt and murkiness pile on. So, if they pile on, he will see the good as being bad, and the bad as being good. He has darkened his heart, and has now become unable to distinguish between anything. He has obscured his heart, making it now necessary for his windshield wipers to work continuously, and these wipers will leave the heart clean. However, if the windshield becomes muddy, these wipers will simply spread the mud around. Such a situation requires long term effort, as you would not be able to use the wipers while you are driving. Such a case would require a true and sincere repentance, and a strong return to Allah, and nothing is impossible for you to do. Many of the people were highway robbers. al-Fudayl bin 'Iyad was a highway robber, and one night, he came up to a house that he wanted to rob, only to find its owner standing up at night in prayer, reciting: {"Has not the time come for the hearts of those who to be affected by Allah's Reminder and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture before, and the term was prolonged for them, and their hearts were hardened? And many of them were sinners."} [al-Hadid; 16] He then said: "Yes, the time has come!" And he repented on the wall of the very house he was about to rob, and became al-Fudayl bin 'Iyad, the greatest of worshippers and ascetics, and from the greatest of scholars and Muhaddithin! …It is within the person’s capabilities to repent. However, he must make his repentance true and sincere! As for one disobeying Allah one day, followed by Allah making him taste the pain of his sin, followed by his repentance at the end of the day, and by morning, he returns to the way he was before repenting? No, no, no…it must be a true, sincere repentance, and the true and sincere repentance means that you a) completely detach yourself from the sin, and b) you make the most intense effort to never return to it again, and c) you truly regret what was done, and d) that you sooner or later patch up the rights of others that you violated. Only then will Allah take your repentance into consideration…" ['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 322-324]
  21. Getting distracted and all that, trying to do some essays , I logged onto SOL and noticed the change in the thingies at the top of the page, the new sections. Now I hope they get rid of of the ugly pic of the camel and put some features which actually look like they're not from the 1980s. Oh, and you're doing a great job, mr LST, LOL.
  22. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/gallery/2009/ma r/05/the-gallery-nicolas-anelka-chelsea?picture=34 4159126
  23. 'This front-line ain't big enough for the two of us.' "Things had come to a head in the wild West of London," yee-hahs Phil Seagrave