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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. ^^ Either you haven't even watched or understood the very video which you have posted on at least three different occasions in this section or I am spreading misnformation. I think the former is accurate since your boy states in that Alshabab has a policy of shooting anyone that protests against Israel and that they are controlled by jews. The guy even states that the Shuyukh in Saudi are really Jews who are pretending to be Muslims. lollllllllll
  2. ^^ do you agree with him that Jews paid Shababs/qacida to carryout 9.11 . And that they work with jews who pretend to be Arab Sheikhs in the Arabian Peninsula. Or that shababs kill anyone that protests against Israel in the towns they control. The guy made some points against them, but his whole talk is ruined by the jewish conspiracy theories and wild accusations which he say is " known history"- but provides no evidence for. interesting video though........
  3. Originally posted by -MARX-: Mog tahey dadka Ingriiska waxaa kuu maahmaan xiliga qabow geedaha qaawan, xiliga xagaagana gabdhaa qaawan... its that time of the year!!!Its officially began and the sun is out! This year the weather is gonna be great... we gonna party like it was 1969!!! so dis is wat de new generation of SOmali men do?
  4. ^^ Well I wouldn't really describe myself as staunch of supporter of Alshabab, but that is another issue for another day. As for the issue at hand, sxb, not everything in life requires philosophical and cadan-like rhetorical analysis. One does not need grand political philosphies to work out what happened. Alshabab recruits from Somalia, a war torn country, wherein many of the youth could be ex militia members or have become accustomed to looting and other types of related violence. So their youths went to a city and slightly got out of hand. What's the big deal? This happens even in the armies of the most civilized and advanced countries. What matters is that is this a policy or action which is given from above? Is Alshabab a group which tolerates these activies and encourages it like their rival warlords?Does the fact that some youths looted UN equipment mean that Alshabab is suddenly not a religous movement? You probably know the answer= NO, as you say this does not happen in the other cities which they control. But, perhaps,You just like analysing little issues. :confused: ps. ok, now, can you explain to us why they did it one city and not the others? Come one, ya professor, i thought you had all the answers.
  5. ^^ why don't you tell us. I mean why do you think they did it and in the other cities?
  6. aryey, Meiji de iminka I am not a seccessionist. and I'm not from(clanwise) Zeylac. don't be fooled by the name. As for this topic: this is SOmalia.
  7. ^^ So will Adeer Xashi and SHariff be bad like Abdullahi Yusuf if they call Ethiopians to defeat the "anarchists"? Or will this be entirely different. lAZie, good one. If only the others were more straightforward and honest.
  8. I'm surprised no mps haven't claimed this.
  9. Recovering, Ethiopian generals recently crossed the border and reportedly handed over weapons to some warlords. They are crossing into Somalia just as we speak. I would hardly call that disengaging......So much for Sheikh Shariff's power of persuasion.........
  10. Ok, Meiji if it is proved they are indeed supported by foreigners such as Ethiopia will they still be good and proper Somalis?
  11. So if the Ethiopian soldiers crossed back into border and happen to rape, say your cousin or female relative, would it be sensible? Would it be the lesser of the two evil? Would you look check if sheih Machiavelli, and sheikh Edmund Burke, and sheikh Emmanuel Kant permit such things? How low are you willing to go( to achieve your aims) for what is considered to be the lesser of the two evil? ps. this is only one evidence, and there are other evidences for which I cant be bothered to find the links to
  12. Originally posted by Raamsade: quote:Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: but the " sufi" forces are supported by Melese Zenawi and his government. So you support a group which is supported by foreigners.he he but the "alshabaab/Xisbul Islam" forces are supported by Isias Afwerki and his government AND by foreign Jihadis. The enemy of my enemy is my friend! Explain that to Meiji who thinks his Ethiopian supported "Sufis" saints are not backed by foreigners.
  13. but the " sufi" forces are supported by Melese Zenawi and his government. So you support a group which is supported by foreigners.he he
  14. but you are the one that is contradicting yourself. You hate Xizbul Islam who have no foreigners because they are supported by Eritrea. And you praise your local clan warlords who are also supported by foreigners. And now you are saying that a group which Meles Zenawi publicly admitted supporting does not have the support of foreigners. Be consistent sxb, this group has the support of foreigners too. Meiji supports a group which is supported and backed by foreigners, everyone
  15. I know you love them, meiji timoweyne, , but they are supported by Ethiopia and possibly western governments. It makes sense that they would support them too................
  16. lol, the so " called Ahlul Sunnah" is supported by Ethiopia. There was a leaked document from Ethiopian officials showing this and Zenawi admitted this. And I am completely sure they will be supported by Western donors in Nairobi. There is no group in Somalia which will not supported by foreigners, sxb.
  17. ^^ reports say they only have a few hundred foreign fighters. And these are rag tag militia members, remember, not bloody mlitary generals. Anyway, you are missing the point, I am saying it would be interesting to see how strong this group would be if Alshabab and Xizbul Islam concentrated all their power in that region.............. .
  18. Originally posted by Meiji: It seems that the fierce nomads from the arid Central regions of Somalia are ruthless in defeating the religious warlords. http://ahlusunna.org / yes but shababs are fighting on multiple fronts and holding a far larger territory. Whereas these guys are not holding out one front. A clear military advantage. Anyway, are these your new heroes>? ;)ps. your pics are mashing up this page.
  19. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: This is the generation we need to grow and spread like a tornado ........ WOW ,, i like the song. Waar hablaha telephone kooda ii soo qor bal ,, you would have to dress like a true African gangster though if you want to meet them: ps. Marx you act like this is something new.........
  20. This professor gives me enough jokes
  21. Meiji, I have seen you defending the warlord with the white eyes on one occasion. I have seen you claiming that Fuad Shangol has no rights to fight in Muqdisho- as he is from another region clanwise. I have seen you this week claiming that one section of Muqdisho was liberated.Liberated exactly by whom? I suspect you are rooting for the local warlords, AMnisom and Shariff to defeat the "foreigners". And your post in this topic affirms that. So why don't just say I am rooting for Muqdisho society, aka my local warlords to liberate Muqdisho for me from the "foreigners" and their alliance, instead of this constant bombardment of relgious warlords iyo wax an la gareynin.
  22. So Fuad Shangol is a foreigners who shouldn't be allowed to fight in Muqdisho, but the lovely local natives, I mean warlords are more welcome? SXB, you always claimt hat you are against all warlords( relgious or secular), yet you sometimes drop your nationalistic scarf and you start rooting for your local Muqdisho warlords? WHy is that? ps. only a confused and unjust person would compare the rule of the Islamists in Kismayo, Marka and various others places to the previous rule of warlords. Even Duke and Emperor will tell ya the difference.
  23. Originally posted by Emperor: ^No matter what he does or inta danbi ama khalad uu wadanka kagalo, it seems Shariif supporters and the likes of my kin Xiin will never change their mind... Adeer it is utter contempt and failure to see that today Shariif Ahmed have invited and is fighting alongside shoulder-to-shoulder the 7 Anti-terror alliance warlords of Mogadishu that made him enter Somali politics five years ago by fighting against them... Xiinow if your caravan leader had a popular support among the Islamic movement in Somalia, why has he lost the mojority of this support today and instead start using the clan card and ally himself with the cruel warlords... Failure upon failure. Qofku markuu dagaayo khaatumo xumuu dib ugu noqdaa! Good one. Everything is halal for them these days if the Sheikh blesses it with bismillah and wasalatu wasalamu waba'ad. Meiji, FYI, Arabs and others have always settled and lived in Muqdisho and Somalia. Islam says they( your native warlord) can get banished, exiled and removed from their land if they crimes. Of course, I wouldn't expect people who see Puntlander and Somaliland Islamist leaders as hailing from "foreign regions" and " wanting to continue bloodshed" to understand such a concept . Anyway, your repetitive point is irrelevant in this thread since Xizbul Islam doesn't have non-Somali fighters. And Alshabab only has a few non-Somali fighters at best. So you might as well be truthful and say I am rooting for my clan "natives", aka Muqdisho society, aka warlords. Don't use shan yar o Pakistan as an excuse to support the most brutal warlords in Somali history. Wax kale bad ku tagarsantahey.