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Everything posted by Fabregas

  1. Salam thanks for the responses, @Haneefah thanks for the clarification i am glad you answered it before one of the boys didlol.@Ameen aqasa nice name neva heard it b4...
  2. Empire comes to Somalia Just as the gallows were being readied in Baghdad for the hanging of Saddam Hussein, Ethiopia invaded Somalia, in a thinly veiled proxy war launched by the U.S., and drove out the ruling coalition of the Somali Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC), whose forces surrendered the capital, Mogadishu, quickly, some of them retreating into their strongholds in southern Somalia and others just shaving off their beards and disappearing into the city's burgeoning population. The orderliness of the quick retreat was reminiscent of the way the Taliban in Afghanistan and the bulk of Iraq's Baathist army had retreated into the interiors and among the general populace when their respective countries were attacked by the overwhelmingly superior forces of the U.S. The Ethiopians re-installed a government of warlords that had been ousted some six months earlier, and when the U.S. AC130 warplanes - military cargo aircraft turned into huge gunships fitted with the most modern gadgetry - flew out of the U.S. airbase in Djibouti to start attacking Somali territory some two weeks later, the President of this puppet regime, Abdullahi Yusuf, was at hand to tell the journalists that the U.S. "has a right to bombard suspects who attacked its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania". The US has been attacking from the air ever since and has moved the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower to join three other warships off the Somali coast, on the pretext that Somalia is studded with Al Qaeda base camps. Meanwhile, the internecine warfare among the warlord factions, which had plagued Mogadishu for 15 years before the SCIC captured the capital in 2006, is once again the order of the day. Even as I draft these lines, the news is that one such gang fight under the new occupation has cost six human lives. The making of another Baghdad, as it were! Like the hanging of Saddam Hussein, the invasion of Somalia has also been awaited for some time. That the invasion plans were being given the final touches was indicated in November 2006 when Gen John Abizaid, the then commander of the U.S. Central Command that is responsible for the whole region, flew into Addis Ababa for talks with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zanawi to draw up the detailed plans. Then, on December 6, the U.S. set aside the intensive Arab and European mediation efforts for an agreement between the contenders for power in Somalia and pushed through the U.N. Security Council its Resolution 1725, which recognised the makeshift government for Somalia that had been organised in Kenya by U.S. allies in the region and was essentially an alliance of warlords. The resolution also called for the creation of an international peacekeeping force to ensure the return of that freshly minted "government" to power in the capital and, in an apparent insurance against Ethiopian invasion, explicitly called upon all neighbouring states to desist from interfering in Somalia's internal affairs. With the resolution in its pocket, the U.S. immediately launched preparations for the final push, and when the Ethiopian invasion actually came, Bush declared his support by saying that he fully understood Ethiopia's security concerns. That is the immediate background. The invasion has been awaited for years, though, and as I dust up my old files I find that in the months following the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S. and all through the invasion of Afghanistan, Somalia was the country that got described in the media as the next likely target, before all attention shifted to Iraq. Thus, on November 25, 2001, The Sunday Times blandly reported that "the United States and Britain are planning to extend the war on terrorism in Somalia, Sudan and Yemen as soon as the campaign in Afghanistan is over" and that "the British and their CIA counterparts have been assembling evidence to be used as the basis for attacks on bin Laden's associates and terrorist training camps". A report in Financial Times Online, on December 11, 2001, reads as if it was drafted exactly five years later, at the end of 2006: Nine Americans reportedly met representatives of a clan-based group called the Rahanwein Resistance Army (RRA) and a warlord known as General Morgan, in the central town of Baidoa. Both form part of a wider Ethiopian-backed anti-government alliance called the Somali Restoration and Reconciliation Council (SRRC). The SRRC and its Ethiopian backers have long accused Somalia's new transitional government (TNG) - established last year in Djibouti - of having Islamist sympathies. It talks of training camps linked to Al Qaeda. Ethiopia says it is reacting to evidence that the TNG is in the pocket of Islamic terrorists but others, including the government, suggest that is a smokescreen for a more imperialistic agenda. Le Monde Diplomatique of the same month five years ago had this to say: After 11 September, there are two potential winners in the new order, Sudan and Ethiopia, and two probable losers, Somalia and Eritrea. In Sudan, now an oil-producing country, President Omar al-Bashir seems set to emulate the success of his Pakistani counterpart. Over a year ago he agreed to the opening of an American anti-terrorist bureau in Khartoum... . The Ethiopian government immediately offered to mount its own campaign against al-Ittihaad... . A war against the Somalis would be popular and not entail any great military risks... . It would also reinforce Ethiopia's policy over the last 10 years of keeping Somalia broken up into four or five clan-based micro-states. On 8 January 2002, Christian Science Monitor was to inform its readers: British, French, and U.S. military reconnaissance flights have become more frequent in recent days, with U.S. Navy P-3 planes doubling their missions over the country to four or five a week. The Pentagon will soon have three Marine Expeditionary Units (with 1,200 troops each) patrolling the Somali coastline, ensuring Al Qaeda members escaping Afghanistan cannot find shelter on these lawless shores. Germany sent a fleet of six ships to the Horn of Africa Wednesday. The US is continuing discussions with the Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC), a loose grouping of warlords backed by Ethiopia who oppose the government in Mogadishu and have pledged to fight terrorism. Ethiopia reportedly sent 70 officers to Baidoa last week to train members of SRRC for fighting, though Addis Ababa denies it. This is just as a small sample. Heaps of such stuff got published five years ago, and the basic contours of the war to secure the Horn of Africa for long-term imperial dominance, which is unfolding now, are already there. Not just the U.S. and Britain but also Germany (which now has troops in Afghanistan) have been at it since then; which explains why the U.S. was able to secure the Security Council Resolution on Somalia last month so easily and why there was not even a whimper of protest in that same Security Council when the U.S. immediately proceeded to prepare Ethiopia to invade, in direct violation of a key clause in that very resolution. But the real significance of that more recent resolution was there for all to see. As the International Herald Tribune of December 26, 2006, four days before Saddam's execution, was to point out: The U.N. Security Council, however, did take up the issue, and in another craven act which will further cement its reputation as an anti-Muslim body, bowed to American and British pressure to authorise a regional peacekeeping force to enter Somalia to protect the transitional government, which is fighting the Islamic Courts. As we see in those old reports, the basic alliance between the U.S., Ethiopia and the warlords was being put in place, with active collusion from Sudan and Djibouti, five years before the Islamic Courts emerged victorious, for some months, in 2006 - which has now become the excuse for an invasion that has been in the making all this time. And that same talk of "Al Qaeda", an all-purpose spectral phantom that can be invoked at will, to occupy any country, commit any atrocity, violate any international law, back any grouping of thugs - all in the name of a "war on terror". Ethiopia is a natural ally of the United States. Like Israel, Ethiopia is yet to declare its final borders - because it covets the territories of its principal neighbours, Somalia and Eritrea - just as Israel is hell-bent on capturing more and more territory, Syrian and Lebanese as well as much more of the historic Palestine as possible. Israel does have a long coastline but covets the water resources of the Palestinian Territories it occupies as well as those of Lebanon which it has invaded again and again; the landlocked Ethiopia does not even have a coastline and covets territory from both Eritrea and Somalia so as to gain its own sovereign access to the high seas. Israel must remain a "Jewish state" on the historic land of Palestine, even though if one were to take into account all the Palestinians - inside Israel, in the Occupied Territories, and driven into the rest of the world as refugees - the Jewish population in historic Palestine would still be a minority. Similarly, Ethiopia flaunts itself as an ancient "Christian country" even though even the CIA handbook on the country would tell you that Muslims are the most numerous religious community there: not a part of the ruling elite but the largest religious collectivity on the historic land of Ethiopia! And, thanks to its phantasmagoric claims to be only a "Christian country" it must be permanently at war with its Muslim neighbours because its own Muslim majority has much in common with those neighbours; indeed, some 6 per cent of its population is specifically Somali in its ethnic makeup. The Ethiopian elite has the same difficulty that Israel has in becoming a multi-religious and multi-cultural, truly secular society; those who do not belong to the politically and economically dominant religious group must forever be second-class citizens. http://www.hinduonnet.com/fline/stories/20070126006100400.htm
  3. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: But the Jihaad issue on a muslim land being invaded, who gave the authority to the UIC, which was lead by one clan because it originated from one clan to declare a defensive Jihaad on territories they don't even rule! Because Ethiopia had declared war on them as admitted by their P.M and as voted by their parliament.Logically this means the matter was out of the hands of any somali clans or the government. You see that's the madness I'm talking about. The sister however will not understand the peculiar issue of here, the UIC recognising the authority of the government TFG but on the same time opposing them! They recognised them, but told to me remove the thousands of ethio troops, whom the government had said where only advisors but we know they where planning war all along.Where does is say in Islam you can lie on the negotiating table to your opponent, when a kafir entity is plannning to wage war on other muslims The ICU didn't rule Baidoa nor did they rule Puntland or Gedo for that instance so what is the defensive Jihaad you talking about? Defensive Jihad against the Ethiopians who where planning to attack them sooner or later. They were invited by other enteties who were not under the control of the Islamic courts! What these people don't get is that they think the ICU was in control of the whole country and all Somalis were in agreement with them there laid their error! Invited? Thousands of troops for what?To drink tea and khat, look after sheep and camels?Or "train" the government?Where does it say that when an entity had legally declared war on you cannot go and meet them face to face on the frontline? Hassan Dahir Aweys a well-known khawaarij is known only to know how to spill blood without having a clue or plan! He failed as he always did because he's doing was not a 'Jihaad' nor defensive Jihaad. He is a khawariij and wasn't following the right quran and sunna right?All you are trying to do is the excuse the warlords and the invasion of somalia by Ethiopia.Furthermore the warlords who where regrouping and fought the i.c.u had a proven history of kidnapping ulema and even using mosques as rubbish sites.You'r telling us that these people where following the quran and sunnah? This is nothing to with islam rather cheering for the entity you support. Your boys in Badioa had no say in the matter. When general Abizaid came and met Zenawi in adiss, the money, intelligence and logistics was prepared.The top boys at the neo con and zionist heaquarters had given the go ahead for Ethiopia and America to strike, invade and dismantle the islamic courts union.Zenawi is not the leader of somalia nor are Neo cons. Put your hand on your heart and tell me that, the islamic courts union did not have legitimacy to fight the ethiopian troops on somalia soil who had declared war on them?And don't tell me they had to get consent from the other clans.Tell me that the warlords had a legitimate cause as opposed to the i.c.u?.I actually agree with most of what you say but your total support for the actions of t.f.g make your views rather biased.Look at the title of the thread "thread on rebelling against muslims rulers" where the ethiopian parliament the rulers of Somalia?
  4. Only one somali the one with the bold head...Who fled in a niqab.
  5. The capture of Aweys would be well publicized for George Bush propoganda and the image of abysnia as a strong ally in the war on terror.
  6. Mystic i know full well the reality on the ground lakin a government and peace in southern somalia is better than wishing for somalia to be turned into iraq dont ya think?Why do you think left muqdisho for?Because they people or they didn't want battles to be fought inside muqdisho. Throw a rock and a grenade against a convention army and hiding in ubran areas will only mean the occupying army shoots or detains several people for that single act. The fact of the matter is somalis are divided, unloyal, tribalistic and most importantly tired of war. Who will finance, organise, direct, give spiritual teaching, and militarily lead an insurgency? I would rather the ethiopian leave and than some sort of peacekeepers brought in or somalis forgive each other.Then adovocate for Somalia to turn into iraq or afghanistan.Call me a wishful thinker.....
  7. I have a feeling they might forgive sheikh sharif if he is captured or give him a short sentence/house arrest.But if Aweys is captured kas waxa lagaynaya Guantanamo or a court in Kenya to be tried for the nairobi bombings.........
  8. Fabregas

    MKA Yoonis

    War waamaxay raabka iyo hib hopta sheikhow
  9. Originally posted by mystic: Abu You think these barbaric scavengers should walk into Somali soil, kill thousands of innocent people and walk out without being held accountable for their odious acts? Firstly, they haven't killed thousands or even hundreds of our people.We somalis have killed more of our brothers and sisters in the last sixteen years.Who and how exactly would hold them accountable?This is all well and easy to say from our relative safety in the west.What exactly do you advocate? Somalia is ten times worse than Iraq. Iraq wasn’t as poor and malnourished as Somalia is, yet that didn’t stop the Ethiopians and US from attacking and causing more destruction. Exactly if somalia would become like Iraq has than we will strarve in our millions and no one would do a thing for us.The islamic courts declared an ill prepared Jihad which they lost. Know they are longer there, who will lead any resistance? Where will they get support and logistics from?What if the large majority of somalis in the south do not want further war?Why not when or if the ethiopian leave somalis come together and forgive each other?Would this not be a better solution than throwing grenades in the middle of Muqdisho and then as a result of this innoncent people dying, refugees getting detained and killed, and overall anarchy returning to somalia. I would rather have a government that functions, even though i may disagree with their policies and acts.This is better than hundreds and thousands of somalis being killed for the death of a few peasant soldiers from Tigray province.@Peacenow you are not thinking rationally mate just ask the people of Iraq,Afghanistan, Palestine and Chechnya what a prolonged occupation does!
  10. As people move around the world, in this global village of ours.They become exposed to new ideas, cultures and ways of living.As Somalis call it "ilbaxnimo", the closest word i can think of in the english language is to become more "modernised".One such concept of "ilbaxnimo" is the practice of Dating or "Shukansi" and Girlfriend iyo Boyfriend, if you are "politically correct "extra maritial relations" and if you are a christian fundamentalist or an Islamic Fundamentalist like me fornification/Zina.What would the Greatest Woman to have ever lived thought of the suggestion of such an act of ilbaxnimo?The Quran has the answer. B]And Zakariyya became her guardian. Every time Zakariyya visited her in the sanctuary, he found food with her. He asked: "Maryam, how did you come by this?" She said: "It is from Allah. Allah provides for whoever He wills without any reckoning." (Surah Al 'Imran: 37)[/b] And when the angels said: "Maryam, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over all other women. Maryam, obey your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow." (Surah Al 'Imran: 42-43) And Maryam, the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity-We breathed Our Spirit into her. She confirmed the Words of her Lord and His Book, and was one of the obedient. (Surat at-Tahrim: 12) … and she who guarded her chastity. We breathed into her some of Our Spirit and made her and her son a Sign for all the worlds. (Surat al-Anbiya': 91) How can I have a boy when no man has touched me and I am not an unchaste woman?" (Surah Maryam: 20) The pains of labor drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She exclaimed: " Oh, if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!" A voice called out to her from under her: "Do not grieve. Your Lord has placed a small stream at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm toward you, and fresh, ripe dates will drop down to you. Eat and drink, and delight your eyes. If you should see anyone at all, just say: 'I have made a vow of abstinence to the All-Merciful, and [so] today I will not speak to any human being.'" (Surah Maryam: 23-26) Her reaction was this: Oh, if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!" In the pain of labour, one of the most difficult times in a woman's lfe.The only thought on her mind, was if her family would think that she had disobeyed Allah swt and become unchaste thus she wished she would rather die than that. Subxanallah.
  11. Why on earth would you want another iraq on a poor, war ravaged and tired people?Iraq is a fitna.....
  12. Quote:With regard to the current air strike of the United States against Islamists in southern Somalia, Meles said it was a target of opportunity, and there were no civilians killed in the operation. Niinkan Zenawi wa beenale.........@Juje hope the for the best mate inshallah peace will come.
  13. rubbish eriteria was never really involved in the war......
  14. Read the article again and show me where it said sheikh shariff and his son in law have been arrested?All it says a high ranking official has been arrested. Quote:Top movement leaders Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed have pledged to carry on a guerrilla war as long as Ethiopian troops remain in Somalia. The suspect meaning 1 suspect Quote:Top movement leaders Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed have pledged to carry on a guerrilla war as long as Ethiopian troops remain in Somalia. Again nothing about sheikh shariff and Awyes being captured!
  15. Wiil ba Ingriska, marku arkay mucjisadan ashahadada qatay subxanallah.
  16. I haven't opposed or supported because i do not have the neccesary knowledge to give fatwas on the net .Rebelling against a muslim government and fighting an invading army of kufar is two different things.As i said before you may say that the where was no jihad against the Ethiopian invaders on somali soil.But a scholar or a sheikh on the ground at that time in somalia might say differently.Note that i am not refering to the incidents of throwing hand grenades but the initial conflict with the ethiopians and their American allies.Your opinion is that there was no struggle against them. Others may differ but it doesn't prove in any way shape or form you are right.
  17. Author: Muhammad al-Abdah In 492 A.H. (1099 C.E), the Western Crusaders had arrived at the city of Jerusalem. Tens of thousands of Muslims were killed, including children and women. They were slaughtered at the hands of these Crusaders in an ugly massacre. In 493 A.H., these same invaders annihilated the residents of both Haifa and Beirut. The following cities were also evacuated: Ramlah, Beisan and Tayariyyah. As a consequence, the people ran away to the interior regions of ash-Sham. The news of this tradegy arrived at the Islamic captial, Baghdad, but the response was weak. The leaders of the kingdoms in ash-Sham were busy with their own personal affairs and feared for their own individual small kingdoms. The Ismaeli State and the Fatimids in Cairo did not care very much, but rather they cooperated with these invaders later on. The journey to return to the land and free it from the invaders was slow. It was similar to streams of water that flow from different places, gathering to form springs whcih gather to form a stormy river. In an effort to stand up to these invaders, Muslim scholars worked to spread a spirit of resistance among the people. They worked on bringing the people back to the Sunnah after the serious attempts of the Fatamid's State to spread their corrupt Ismaeli ideas. Among these scholars was Ali ibn Tahir as-Sulami (431-500 A.H.), a Shafi'ee jurist. He stood up against the Crusader-led annihilation, and used al-Masjid al-Umawi in Damascus as a centre for teaching and for the efforts of the uprising and revival. When Sultan Nuruddeen Mahmoud came to power and took Damascus as his capital, the spirit of Jihad was well established in the hearts of the people. There was another scholar located in Alexandria, Egypt-Imam at-Tartoushi (451-520 A.H.). He was a scholar of the Maliki madh-hab who called the people to the Sunnah. Ibn Awf Az-Zuhri, who was one of his students, played a leading role in spreading the spirit of Jihad and later provided Salahuddeen al-Ayyoubi with the necessary money and men to fight the minister of the Fatamid's State, Shawur, who had conspired against the Muslims with the Crusaders. Alexandria then belonged to the Fatamid's State and Salatul Jumuah had not yet been established there. Apologizing for his stay in Alexandria, because of the evil influences there, Imam at-Tartoushi said, "Should Allah ask me about my stay in Alexandria, I would say to Him, 'I found misguided people there and I hoped to be a means of guiding them'." Another great "Sunni Revival" leader was Ahmad ibn Muhammad as-Salafi (475-576 A.H.). The Sunni leader, Ibn as-Salar, built al-Adiliyyah School for him which was a great centre for teaching the Shafi'ee Madh-hab. Among those who revived the Sunnah in ash-Sham and Egypt was a man who had an effective leading role in assisting Salahuddeen in his plans for Jihad. He also assisted in Salahuddeen's plans to unite the regions that were struggling with the Crusaders. His experience came from the office of government and administration in Cairo. He was a Palestinian clerk from the city of Asqalan and belinged to a learned family. His name was Abdur-Raheem al-Beisani, better known as al-Qadhi al-Fadhil or "The Eminent Judge." Abdur-Raheem was born in Asqalan in 526 A.H. The Crusaders repeatedly attacked the city of Asqalan by land and sea. In 543 A.H. his father sent him to Cairo to receive training in management and clerical studies. Adur-Raheem worked in the Correspodence Cabinet and was very succesful in his work. Egypt, during the years between 558 A.H. and 564 A.H., was badly stumbling in its political instability. There were conspiracies everywhere: betweem the ministers and the ruling place, and amongst the ministers themselves. They sometimes sought assistance from the Crusaders, fearing that the state might be run by Nuruddeen in Damascus. There were a lot of internal struggles and fights. Because the government had sought assistance from the Crusaders, King Ammuri imposed high taxes, which exhausted Egypt financially. Adur-Raheem lived in this corrupt political environment and amongst these conspiracies against the religion and the ummah. He met with the armies of ash-Sham, led by Asaduddeen Shirakoa, the uncle of Salahuddeen. Abdur-Raheem was delighted with the position of Nuruddeen in Damascus - the pivotal point of his life. He later became the political and administrative advisor for Salahuddeen, after the latter had taken a ministry position folliwing his uncle Asaduddeen. The first step in the Jihad plan was to eliminate the Fatamid's State with the help of al-Qadhi al-Fadhil. Then Salahuddeen officially announced his loyalty to al-Abbasi Khilafah in Baghdad. In a letter sent to the Abbas Khilafah, al-Qadhi al-Fadhil wrote: "We will fight both enemies, the covert and the overt. We will also endure the suffering from both evils, the hypocrites and the disbelievers. We will do so until Allah brings about His Decree and bestows on us His Victory." The hidden enemy was the Fatamid leaders in Egypt, and the open enemy was the Crusaders. In another letter to the Khilafah, he wrote: "The religion became one after the there were many religions. Al-Jumu'ah salah is now established." The concern for Islamic unity was always present with al-Qadhi al-Fadhil. The second step, after the death of Nuruddeen Mahmoud, was to unite ash-Sham and Egypt. Al-Qadhi al-Fadhil continued to send letters to the leaders in Damascus, calling upon them to join the battle for unity. Al-Qadhi was not only a political clerk and minister, he knew that the strength of the state was in justice and knowledge. He advised Salahuddeen to make contaces with the public and to concern himself with the affairs and problems of the people. He used to tell him, "Our leader! Relieving the people's distress and lifting injustice are the most important acts of obedience to Allah." After these steps were succesful, there had to be a call for Jihad to liberate the sacred land, escpecially the city of Jerusalem. Al-Qadhi al-Fadhil himself supervised the preparation of the armies (what is presently known as logisitics), and fighting the enemy became his only concern. He advised Salahudden not to concern himself with the annexation of the city of Mousel, but to instead focus his attention on ending the Crusaders occupations. Salahuddeen became ill before he surrounded Mousel. Al-Qadhi the said to him, "You must not fight any Muslim after Allah has cured you. You should now direct you attentions to fighting the Crusaders." Salahuddeen knew the significance of al-Qadhi's opinion. He knew that al-Qadhi had an understanding of the strategies that would lead to victory. As a resuly, he used to consult al-Qadhi in every matter, small and large. As a result of this close relationship between the military, administrative and scholarly leadership, the Sunni revival and the unity between ash-Sham and Egypt were the greatest victories achieved. These victories began with the Battle of Hitteen in 583 A.H. (1187 CE). Salahuddeen stepped down from his horse and prostrated in gratitude to Allah. He cried out with happiness over the victory. The victory was followed by the conquest of Akka and Asqalan. Finally, Jerusalem returned to the Islamic State and that was one of the Days of Allah. Al-Qadhi al-Fadhil continued to concern himself with Jihad and took lessons from the initial victories. When Salahuddeen intended to go to Makkah and perform Hajj, al-Qadhi wrote to him: "The Crusaders have not left ash-Sham or forgotten Jerusalem. They should not be trusted in peace treaties." He then advised him to delay his Hajj trip. Despite all of these victories, Salahuddeen remained humble, filled with kindness and fairness. He was grateful to those who shared these victories with him. He used to say to his friends and leaders, "Do not think that I conquered these places with soldiers. I conquered them with Al-Qadhi al-Fadhil."
  18. The alleged individuals whoever they are, where arrested at a refugee camp not captured.....
  19. Sheikh you haven't dismantled anyone, all you have said thus far is that there was no jihad against abysnia because there was, no imam, lack of unity ie aqeedah,etc....You also said, when you where hypothetically speaking if sheikh shariff would have done this and that, dahir should have done this and that.....This is all assuming things with hindesight. Of course naturally you will tell us that there was no jihad against the abysnians on somalia soil.But a scholar of islam might easily disagree with you.Like those scholars who where present on the ground in somalia. The everyday dude should not declare fatwas........
  20. I don't know how anyone can go day in and day out to listen to lectures from Abu Osama, who preaches jihad and that muslims should not associate with non muslims from "Birmingham, U.K".You'l not find any of these sheikhs on the streets giving dawa or teaching youth how to stay away from crime because they are busy declaring how the "uk" will become a khalifa and that they will take over the world.
  21. A Dispatches reporter attends mosques run by organisations whose public faces are presented as moderate and finds preachers condemning integration into British society, condemning democracy and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers. Prime Minister Tony Blair recently described tolerance as 'what makes Britain Britain' but in this extensive investigation Dispatches reveals how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK and examines how it is influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia. Dispatches has investigated a number of mosques run by high profile national organisations that claim to be dedicated to moderation and dialogue with other faiths. But an undercover reporter joined worshippers to find a message of religious bigotry and extremism being preached. He captures chilling sermons in which Saudi-trained preachers proclaim the supremacy of Islam, preach hatred for non-Muslims and for Muslims who do not follow their extreme beliefs - and predict a coming jihad. "An army of Muslims will arise," announces one preacher. Another preacher said British Muslims must "dismantle" British democracy - they must "live like a state within a state" until they are "strong enough to take over." The investigation reveals Saudi Arabian universities are recruiting young Western Muslims to train them in their extreme theology, then sending them back to the West to spread the word. And the Dispatches reporter discovers that British Muslims can ask for fatwas, religious rulings, direct from the top religious leader in Saudi Arabia, the Grand Mufti. Saudi-trained preachers are also promoted in DVDs and books on sale at religious centres and sermons broadcast on websites. These publications and webcasts disseminate beliefs about women such as: "Allah has created the woman deficient, her intellect is incomplete", and girls: "By the age of 10 if she doesn't wear hijab, we hit her," and there's an extreme hostility towards homosexuals. The investigation reveals that the influence of Saudi Arabian Islam, Wahabism, extends beyond the walls of some mosques to influential organisations that advise the British government on inter-community relations and prevention of terrorism. The Dispatches reporter attends talks at mosques run by key organisations whose public faces are presented as moderate and mainstream - and finds preachers condemning the idea of integration into British society, condemning British democracy as un-Islamic and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers. Undercover Mosque features interviews with moderate British Muslim figures who are speaking out against the influence of Saudi Arabia's extreme brand of Islam, which is seeking to overturn Islamic traditions of diversity and peaceful co-existence: "We are losing our children to extremists," says Haras Rafiq of the Sufi Muslim Council. Dr Al Alawi of the Islamic Heritage Foundation also warns: "If this continues, you will have extremist mosques in every corner of the UK. You will not have moderate Muslims walking on our streets anymore." Join the Dispatches Forum to discuss this Dispatches investigation or leave your comments below.