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  1. Shariif: “ Shabaab way cunqabateeyeen dadka ay heystaan abaaraha” Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ku baaqay in si deg deg ah wax looga qabto abaaraha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo Al Shabaab ku eedeeyay inay cunaqabateynayaan dadka ay saameeyeen abaaraha. Shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay maanta Magaalada Muqdisho Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa waxaa uu uga hadlay abaaraha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana uu tilmaamay in dadka Soomaalida qaarkood ay isaga carareen dalka abaarahaasi tarteed halka kuwa kalana uu timaamay in ay ku dhibaateysanyihiin dagaalada Magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ku eedeeyay Xarakada Al Shabaab in ay ciqaabayaan dadka rayidka ah maadaama ay dalka Soomaaliya ka mamnuuceen hay’adihii caawin jiray dadka ay saameeyaan xiliyadaani oo kale abaaraha iyo colaadaha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya. “Sida aad wada ogsiintihiinba sanadkaan waxaa soo daahay roobkii la wada sugayay, waxaana dalka ka dilaacay abaaro xoogan oo saameyn ku yeeshay dadka iyo duunyada, xoolihii iyo dadkii waxaa ay bilaabeen inay dhintaan markii ay isugu darsameen colaad iyo abaar” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. “Waxaad la socotaa meelo badan oo kooxaha argagixisada ay joogaan in aan loo ogoleyn inay hay’adaha gargaarku gaaraan, dadkiina maheystaan wixii ay ku noolaan lahaayeen, taas waxaa ay sababeysaa in dad badan ay qaxooti sii ahaadaan kuwa kalana ay halkooda macluul ugu dhintaan” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Shariif. Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa ugu baaqay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed iyo dadka kale ee hantiilayaasha ah inay gargaaraan dadka ay abaaruhu saameeyeen si la mid ah sidii dadka Soomaalidu ay u caawiyeen dadkii ay baaruhu halakeeyeen inta u dhaxeysay sanadihii 2005 ilaa 2006 xiligaasi oo shacabka Soomaalida ay Barnaamij deeq aruurin ah u sameysay Shabakadda Warbaahinta Shabelle kaasi oo la magacbaxay (Soo tabinta Abaaraha Soomaaliya) Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale ugu baaqay beesha Caalamka iyo hay’adaha samafalka inay caawiyaan qoysaska dhibanayaasha ah ee ku nool deegaanada ay tagi karaan ee aysan maamulin Xarakada Al Shabaab. “Ganacsatada xoolaha loo dhiibay waa ku amaano, marka waxaa laga doonayaa in walaalahooda ay ku badbaadiyaan sadaqadana ay bixiyaan, aduunkana sidoo kale waxaa laga doonayaa inay ka qeyb qaataan badbaadada dadka Soomaaliyeed ee dhibaateysan” ayuu yiri Madxaweynaha dowladda KMG. Ugu dambeyntii ayaa Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya waxa uu ku baaqay in la sameeyo gudi gaar ah oo qiimeeya abaaraha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya isagoo arintaasi go’aan ka gaarideedana sheegay in looga fadhiyo xukuumada KMG Soomaaliya.
  2. Cleaning day SAACID organization carries out sanitary activities in Mogadishu MOGADIAHU (Sh. M. Network) - SAACID, non-governmental organization, started hygienic and sanitary activities in more than 10 districts in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Shabelle stringer reported on Saturday. Commencing on November 7th, 2010, some 1,100 SAACID employees are extensively operating in Mogadishu in an effort to collect all rubbish and trash from roads and neighborhoods of Benadir region, the stringer added. It is actively carrying its hygienic and sanitary task in the districts of Darkenly, Wadajir, Waberi, Hodan, Howlwadag, Hamar Jab-jab, Shangani, Bondhere and other districts where garbage, trash, rubbish and little trees are full of and that can hamper the health of the society. Most of the employees engaged in the hygienic mission are women who paid by SAACID with $US 4 per a day each person which means every employee gets $ US 120 per a month. The organization uses two rented big trucks for removing wastage and garbage from the Mogadishu public places. SAACID, so far, successfully cleaned Beerta Market, Bo’ le Market, Hamar-weyne and Hamar Jab-jab, where some of its roads blocked by hills that is formed by rubbish. The organization had also provided 5 nurses intended to cure the employees if they face any health problem during the sanitary services.
  3. Madaxweynaha DKMG, Sh Shariif Sh Axmed, oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay VOA. Waraysigan oo dhinacyo badan taabaanaya waa la yeeshay Madaxaweyne Sh Shariif Sh Axmed, Madaxa laanta af Soomaaliga ee VOA, Cabdiraxmaan Yabarow. Madaxweynaha ayaa ka hadlaya arrimo ay ka midyihiin waxqabdka xukuumadda labadii sano ee u dambeeyay, hawlgalka AMISOM, heshiiska Saracen iyo arrimo kale. Barnaamijka oo dhamaystiran ka dhegayso qaybta hoose ee boggan.
  4. A few, relatively stable clan and national enclaves think it is mission accomplished for them, not knowing that for centuries the fate of all Somalis has been as intertwined as a Persian carpet. I am talking here not just of “Somaliland”, “Puntland”, Galmudug and all the self-styled regional governments that are forming by the day. This also includes the myopic leadership of the Somali community in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. It is in everyone interest to have a stable, peaceful and prosperous Somalia. Such a Somali mother country is the only guarantee of stability in the wider region. It is only if Somalia is a functioning state that there can be meaningful development in Wardheer and Wajeer. Therefore, it is in no one’s interest to point fingers at anyone. It is in our collective interest in fact, to put our money where our mouths are and work towards the same goal. While our homeland bleeds, its best minds can not blubber from the towns and cities of Europe and North America. They need to pack their bags and move closer home and fight the good fight. Somalia more than ever, needs its people now. By Samatar Yuusuf
  5. The condition of our brethren remaining in Somalia is equally dreadful and dire. In addition to braving bullets and bombs on a daily basis, common Somalis are subject to other grave risks, including frequent and often severe shortages of food, water, health care and other vital needs, too familiar trends that often culminate into recurrent catastrophes and horrendous humanitarian crises. The ongoing warfare, stirred by contests for control of the country, perpetuate the very wickedness, carnage, mass destruction and displacements that never-endingly and disproportionately victimize innocent civilians, bringing those living therein to their knees and holding their hopes and dreams hostage. For as long as we remain oblivious to their plight and uphold the custom of fading root causes of problems into oblivion, the status quo is predestined to prevail. By Ikar Mohamed Ikar
  6. Read the whole article here
  7. Don’t ever be discouraged by the grim reality of our people. Grimness of any nation stays only as long as its youth allows it to stay. You have good examples in history. There are countries that are advanced and prosperous today that have seen worst days than we have in our region. The resilience of the human spirit knows no bounders and once you hit the gutter, the only option you have is to climb up to the top. And this is what you should do to wipe out the tears of your mothers and prove to them that their dreams in you, the dream of any mother for her sons and daughter, will be realized. You should reassure them that the long night would soon end, sing to them with me: “Dalkaygow wallaahiye Warwarkiyo waxyeeladu Cidna lama walaaloo Qofna weerka dhiilada Wehel looma siiyoo Kuma waaro ciilkee; Waxad wayda haysaba Waagii dhawaayoo Walaacani ku haystiyo Walbahaarku wuu tegi; Wallee maalin dhow waqal Weelka loo dareershiyo War caloosha deeqoo Gaajada badh wiiqoo Wadnaha ii qaboojiyo Weedh aan ku diirsado Waayeelka hirarkiyo Ababshaha wardoonkiyo BBCiidu way werin…” (My poem Walbahaarku wuu tegi, 1999) Youth of my people; you have the tools of enlightenment to fight the darkness of tribalism. You have the pen, the football, the music and the technology in your possession. Create your own sports and cultural clubs. When the nomads and farmers start their fratricide games, you reply to them by playing games together, reading books together, singing together, dancing together and meeting on Facebook and twitter to reach out to each other. When they battle with guns, clash on the pitch in peaceful, bloodless and friendly games. Prove to them that you would better play, dance, sing and embrace the beauty of life with your maternal cousins and uncles than kill them. Reject the vulture politicians who live on the nation’s carcass, fossilized academicians with retired ideas who trade in intellectual prostitution and extremist mullahs whose mission in life is to kill everything beautiful so they could thrive on the rotting flesh of their mothers, sisters and daughters whom they killed for nothing more than selling vegetables in the market, breast feeding a child, laughing with a neighboring boy, singing in a wedding or wearing a bra. Youth of my country, you can start your enlightenment revolution by proclaiming 2011 as the year of the Somali Youth Renaissance; a year that you walk out from the cloak of tribalism to the light of civility and modernization; a year that you see your fellow Somalis as your family members and not your enemies and other people everywhere as your brothers in humanity that you share with them one endangered earth and not as infidels that deserve to burn in hell. You should start your renaissance from yourself. Only when you liberate yourself from the clutches of the petrified medieval ideologies and tribalism and you forge ahead with your future shoulder to shoulder with the youth of the world, only then you can look yourself in the mirror and say: “Yes, I am free, I am my own man or woman”, and only then you can help others to stand up as well. Shining moments By: Bashir Goth
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;684603 wrote: since when did posting news became Xaaji Supporting Alshabaab., all i said was they have more credibility then the TFG on the ground. You can no longer hide your afduub red cimaamad awoowe. Keep praising inadeerkaa jecel inuu indha kuusha The fact that you are calling a terrorist cross dresser "Amiir" ayaa cadeyneysa meesha aad u sacbiso. Even your son Saalax can tell you Teeda kale, muxuu isku qarqariyaa oo loo arki la'yahay? what is he afraid of? Yaa ka jawaabi kara su'aalahan laakiin ayaa ka horeysa...
  9. I love Garowe as much as I love Jalalaqsi, Zeylac or Jilib. Qof diidan maanta malaha in Garowe ay peaceful tahay, and I applaude maamulka (minus for accepting in ciyaarahan Soomaliyeed lagu qabto Garowe. To answer your question walaal, Garowe haddii capital laga dhigo waxba kama qabo, laakiin su'aasho waxay tahay maxay taraysaa haddii sidaa la sameeyo? Waad la socotaa in Soomaliya ay 2 dhibaato waaweyn haysato; argagaxiso iyo burcadbadeed. Marka, Soomali waxay wax qabsan kartaa, markii AS meel la isaga soo xiro sheekadooda, oo Mansur, Aweys, Shangole, iyo the cross dresser=ka gudoomiyaha u ah ee Godane gacanta lagu dhigo. Markaas ka dibna burcad badeedka laga sifeeyo PL iyo meelaha kale ay degan yihiin oo xaaraanta ku haystaan. Taas ayaa nabad iyo sumcada Soomaliyeed soo celin karta not some conference or caasimad la wareejiyey ma garatey. You really don't want to jeopardize nabada taala waqooyi bari now, do you? it will be a grave mistake for PL to mess with AS (plse don't mention familka Galgala). Inta kale waa hadal maalayacni ah, sida ii muuqata.
  10. Beware of the dog house yaa rijaal!
  11. Walaalkiis waad mahadsantahay for the correction. Waa adigii "Bari this, Bari that" ku jirey ee xaa haysaa maanta maandhoow? (i hope my reer abti dont read this, ooops lol)... One more time aan kuugu dhufano yaa Bari fan. We are the champions- my friend :D:D Sidii dryer-ka dharka u qalajiyo ayaan victorigaan u qalajinaa...loooool Tell GD, it is 1-1-11 and the capital of Somaliya is still Mogadishu. Why? because we are the undisputed CHAMPIONS of Somalia my friend!
  12. In the countdown to her inauguration on Jan. 1, Brazilian President-elect Dilma Rousseff has completed her cabinet, which points to a government of continuity whose most novel aspect will be a greater female presence. It was not easy for the president-elect to choose the 37 ministers in her cabinet while at the same time satisfying all of the allied political forces, confirming her loyalty to her left-wing Workers' Party (PT) -- which will be the governing party for a third consecutive term -- and giving continuity to the policies of an eight-year administration that is coming to an end with 80 percent support. But true to her reputation as a pragmatic seasoned administrator, which she proved herself to be as chief of staff to her predecessor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Rousseff found a way to strengthen her relationship with her party, avert a crisis with her allies, and tackle the pending tasks. The result: a cabinet that includes nine women, several of whom were put in key positions, such as planning, social development and the environment. Although that number may seem small in other parts of the world, and is far from the one-third that was initially promised, it is three times the total number of women ministers in the Lula administration. Thirteen of the ministers she appointed already formed part of Lula's cabinet, such as Guido Mantega in the all-important finance ministry, and Antonio Palocci, a former finance minister who will now be Rousseff's chief of staff -- a powerful strategic decision-making position. "Apparently continuity will be the name of the game," Fernando Lattman-Weltman, a political analyst with the Getulio Vargas Foundation's contemporary history research centre (CPDOC), told IPS. "There are no important changes in sight. "Dilma's stamp can be seen in the appointment of women to her cabinet. But from a political point of view, there are no major modifications," he added. Mauricio Santoro, a political analyst at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, partially concurred with that analysis. He agreed that the biggest change is the greater female presence in the cabinet of Rousseff, the first woman to be elected president in South America's giant. But he also stressed the importance of a change in role for some ministries, like the planning ministry. Santoro told IPS that the planning ministry will now have control of large public works projects in Brazil, which were previously in the hands of the office of the chief of staff. The strengthened planning ministry will be headed by a woman, Miriam Belchior, who has held different positions in Lula's government. Belchior, like Rousseff before her, will be responsible for key strategies like Lula's Accelerated Growth Programme (PAC), involving infrastructure and social investments, which some analysts say is largely responsible for the high levels of popularity of the outgoing president. The results of a survey published Wednesday by the Datafolha polling company reflect enthusiasm for the incoming president and her cabinet. A full 83 percent of respondents said Rousseff would do as good or better a job as Lula, while 73 percent said her government would be "good or excellent." "Why change the players when the game is won?" Lula has stated, using one of his frequent football metaphors. His successor would seem to agree, as shown by her decisions in the area of foreign policy: although she is replacing Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, the man she appointed is his own deputy minister, Antonio Patriota. In addition, she is keeping the president's special adviser on international affairs, Marco Aurelio García, who has been present in all negotiations with neighbouring countries during the Lula administration. Santoro only anticipates one change in the new government's foreign policy: "Dilma has already referred to the need to modify Brazil's international human rights policy, to take critical positions with respect to the question of women in Iran, for example," he said. Differences with the outgoing government will come from the context, say analysts and economists. In an international economic climate less favourable than the one enjoyed during most of Lula's two four-year terms, it will be more difficult to maintain the same levels of economic growth, which averaged 7.5 percent a year, and to continue to reduce unemployment and combat social inequality. Under Lula, 30 million people, in this country of 198 million, were pulled out of poverty.
  13. We are the champions my friends! The best goalie- Banaadir The best manager- Banaadir We are the CHAMPIONS! p.s. I'm gonna milk this until I get sick of it! lol
  14. Stop hating! Sharif will be lifting that cup at Aden Adde International Airport very soon. He sent Tarzan to represent him, very diplomatic and mature president. Stop hating ok. Faroole buun buuni, waxba kuma oranaayo. Laakiinse Sharif ha ku soo ooynin. He is the man! his team are the CHAMPIONS! I think you need to read your script, I dont have one waayo never needed one, improv is my middle name odeyahow. Go read your script again. Better yet huddle up with your little skinnies to come up with a better response. lol... Happy New Year GD. Let us continue our battle tomorrow. Maanta waa maalin weyn for reer Banadir, and all of Somalia. :D:D
  15. We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting - till the end - We are the champions - We are the champions
  16. General Duke;684572 wrote: Great photo! I will save this and add it to my collection. Good work Sheik Sharif for ending the year with a BANG! Tarzan looks good!
  17. General Duke;684428 wrote: They should have just asked if they were in desperate need of uniforms.. :D:D
  18. Congrats to Banadir! Bari were the highest scoring team in the tournament and should've came out the victor in today's match against B. Great match though. Thank you Garowe for hosting this great tournament, and much thanks to SFF for making it all possible. p.s. also, thanks to all the players and coaches that participated in the ciyaaraha K/C ee Garowe 2010.
  19. It doesn't matter kii raayo, waa la isla qosli doonaa at the end. Shababis and qowdhans ma fahmi karaan arrintaas. lol
  20. :D:D Goooooooo Banaadir!! . Show them geeljire Bari boyz how to play football. Kii raayo reerka ha u haro... Make them proud yaa Banaadir! bring that cup to Mogadishu! p.s. Abdi Bile is also watching you...get your penalties early in the
  21. Haji Hanjab wiilkiisa cares as you can see it. Haji waa inuu talaabo ka qaadaa wiilkiisa, at this rate, awoowe inuu u adkeysan karo uma maleeynaayo. Washamsi ku aqri wiilkaaga, xooga wuu jah
  22. loooool@5 KM u jirta Garowe... Taa la idinkama aqbalaayo waad ogtahayee, ww4 aa dhacaayo markaas. What is this story oo is diyaariska ah?